Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

Mysterious to you, you mean, yet you seem to know exactly what He's done and why.

This would've been easier to answer in the Genesis 1:9 thread, but seven days of creation could be considered mysterious. I mean all of our civilizations have figured out what he has done to an extent. When I say all, I don't mean just people descended from Noah's family.

It's mysterious that I have a hard time convincing you of ancient peoples who died in Noah's Flood knew about the universe et al. So, it would be mysterious to both you and me. They weren't any cave people or cretins. Humans knew how to create tools and use tools. They knew about fire and how to cook and utilize it. Thus, the most advanced of them were able to figure it out and make equipment to do it. They had some knowledge of science and may have known a few things we didn't know. In some ways, they were physically superior such as longevity. Huge size.
Curious that when Europeans first began to explore the world, just about every culture they encountered believed in many gods. Did the family of Noah forget what they'd learned?

What time period are you referring to?
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.
You think you know Christ, I know that Christ knows me

What a silly thing to say to me.

Nothing I've said could've given you the slightest impression that I think I know Christ...
I might know that too if I gave a hoot

So hoot hoot

You know nothing...
I know that I do not have to take you seriously

Like I could give a shit if some internet pinhead takes me seriously.

Get over yourself...
You think you know Christ, I know that Christ knows me

What a silly thing to say to me.

Nothing I've said could've given you the slightest impression that I think I know Christ...
I might know that too if I gave a hoot

So hoot hoot

You know nothing...
I know that I do not have to take you seriously

Like I could give a shit if some internet pinhead takes me seriously.

Get over yourself...

Curious that when Europeans first began to explore the world, just about every culture they encountered believed in many gods. Did the family of Noah forget what they'd learned?
What time period are you referring to?
Probably any time period but I was thinking of the Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the Americas. Where the Native Americans descendants of Noah?
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.
It's rare that anyone starts a religion from scratch. It may have happened but I don't know of any. Every religion begins as a cult of a parent religion. If the cult survives the death of the founder it becomes a church or sect within the parent religion. Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Paul are likely such examples but a more modern example would be Joseph Smith.
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

OK let’s do that
There is no historical evidence proving anything in the Bible. There is even no corroborating evidence that Jesus existed.
Best that can be assumed is that it is all a fairy tale fabricated to mislead the masses.

An old school example of L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

OK let’s do that
There is no historical evidence proving anything in the Bible. There is even no corroborating evidence that Jesus existed.
Best that can be assumed is that it is all a fairy tale fabricated to mislead the masses.

An old school example of L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics
Did you notice I stated "Reverse Engineer"?
Do it.
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

OK let’s do that
There is no historical evidence proving anything in the Bible. There is even no corroborating evidence that Jesus existed.
Best that can be assumed is that it is all a fairy tale fabricated to mislead the masses.

An old school example of L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics
You mean besides the universe being created from nothing, unfolding in steps, man arising from that creation, global flooding events, great migration from Mesopotamia, the hairs on our head being numbered and man knowing right from wrong and when he violates it rather than abandoning the concept rationalizing he didn’t violate it?
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

OK let’s do that
There is no historical evidence proving anything in the Bible. There is even no corroborating evidence that Jesus existed.
Best that can be assumed is that it is all a fairy tale fabricated to mislead the masses.

An old school example of L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics
Did you notice I stated "Reverse Engineer"?
Do it.
How does one reverse engineer a fabricated history?

How about I just reverse engineer Game of Thrones for you?
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

OK let’s do that
There is no historical evidence proving anything in the Bible. There is even no corroborating evidence that Jesus existed.
Best that can be assumed is that it is all a fairy tale fabricated to mislead the masses.

An old school example of L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics
You mean besides the universe being created from nothing, unfolding in steps, man arising from that creation, global flooding events, great migration from Mesopotamia, the hairs on our head being numbered and man knowing right from wrong and when he violates it rather than abandoning the concept rationalizing he didn’t violate it?
Got any proof?
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

OK let’s do that
There is no historical evidence proving anything in the Bible. There is even no corroborating evidence that Jesus existed.
Best that can be assumed is that it is all a fairy tale fabricated to mislead the masses.

An old school example of L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics
Did you notice I stated "Reverse Engineer"?
Do it.
How does one reverse engineer a fabricated history?

How about I just reverse engineer Game of Thrones for you?
You analyzed equipment on my tax dollars and you just asked a completely asinine question.

Starting from 2020, go back in time and tell me when a bunch of people scattered all over the world throughout the last millennium all decided at the same time to adopt the same exact religion.

You can't do it because there's no "logical" explanation.
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

OK let’s do that
There is no historical evidence proving anything in the Bible. There is even no corroborating evidence that Jesus existed.
Best that can be assumed is that it is all a fairy tale fabricated to mislead the masses.

An old school example of L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics
You mean besides the universe being created from nothing, unfolding in steps, man arising from that creation, global flooding events, great migration from Mesopotamia, the hairs on our head being numbered and man knowing right from wrong and when he violates it rather than abandoning the concept rationalizing he didn’t violate it?
Got any proof?
Absolutely what proof you looking for? Don’t tell me you are denying science you backwoods hick.
Curious that when Europeans first began to explore the world, just about every culture they encountered believed in many gods. Did the family of Noah forget what they'd learned?
What time period are you referring to?
Probably any time period but I was thinking of the Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the Americas. Where the Native Americans descendants of Noah?

History isn't my strongest area. They forgot or it wasn't passed down after the Tower of Babel circa 2900 BC.

What happened to these people before they came to the Americas? We have Columbus who found the New World.
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

OK let’s do that
There is no historical evidence proving anything in the Bible. There is even no corroborating evidence that Jesus existed.
Best that can be assumed is that it is all a fairy tale fabricated to mislead the masses.

An old school example of L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics
Did you notice I stated "Reverse Engineer"?
Do it.
How does one reverse engineer a fabricated history?

How about I just reverse engineer Game of Thrones for you?
You analyzed equipment on my tax dollars and you just asked a completely asinine question.

Starting from 2020,

You can't do it because there's no "logical" explanation.

“ go back in time and tell me when a bunch of people scattered all over the world throughout the last millennium all decided at the same time to adopt the same exact religion.”

They didn’t

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