Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

And yet, Germans willingly pay a significant percentage of their income - by payroll deduction - to support their Church. To a man, they are humanist-agnostic, simply not caring about the issues that clutter the minds of Believers. They look on their Churches as monuments to a glorious past of art and architecture, worthy of maintenance as quasi-museums. The God-thing? Not so much.

These are some photos I took in Europe last year which illustrate my point. Some, like St. Peter's, certainly have a museum quality to them. But these churches are all houses of worship first.

This church was in Rome, Italy:


This church was in Amalfi, Italy:


This is Rosslyn Chapel (seen in "The DaVinci Code") in Roslin, Scotland (looks much bigger than it actually is):


This church is in Dublin, Ireland:


But, of course, nothing beats St. Peter's Basilica in The Vatican for over-the-top ornateness:


What I found was that churches in the UK tended to be less ornate than those in Italy, where even a church in a small village could be a feast for the eyes:

How many people are starving while the vatican holds billions in funds and art?

Jesus would wreck the vatican just as he did the temple. Then the pope would crucify him

Nothing has changed
How many people are starving while the vatican holds billions in funds and art?

Jesus would wreck the vatican just as he did the temple. Then the pope would crucify him

Nothing has changed

Respectfully, the amount in art held by the Vatican is utterly meaningless. If they sold it, the money would be coming from somone else who hasn't and isn't using it to help people. Criticizing the Vatican for it is a bit off point, I think...
My sole experiences with atheists is that they are they most arrogant people in the room.
My experience is most keep their mouths shut and don’t discuss religious beliefs

I do not think that that is a good trait.

Atheists have a better ideology and are more moral and trying to have the less moral religious become more moral is the best ideology.

For the evil of religions to grow, all atheists and other moral people need do is not discuss vile religious beliefs with the immoral religionists.

I have rarely seen an atheist bring up religious beliefs in public.
They only respond when others are pushing their religious beliefs on them
They bring it up a reunions in front of a bunch of people to show how smart they are.
I will elaborate later on how I make fools of them.
I’ve never seen an atheist do anything like that.
I am an atheist and most people just assume I am Christian.

I have been at many public gatherings where Christians insert their beliefs into the proceedings. Never Jews, never Muslims......Christians
Fear tactics in debate is for pitiable people who have been abused by fear tactics from religions.

Time to heal yourself.


You should rebuke harmonica. He's the one who keeps insisting on proof. There is no proof in this life. So, it's not a fear tactic. It's intuition.
How many people are starving while the vatican holds billions in funds and art?

Jesus would wreck the vatican just as he did the temple. Then the pope would crucify him

Nothing has changed

Respectfully, the amount in art held by the Vatican is utterly meaningless. If they sold it, the money would be coming from somone else who hasn't and isn't using it to help people. Criticizing the Vatican for it is a bit off point, I think...
The vatican has billions in the bank while people starve. Mother Teresa would bitch slap the pope
So would jesus
How many people are starving while the vatican holds billions in funds and art?

Jesus would wreck the vatican just as he did the temple. Then the pope would crucify him

Nothing has changed

Respectfully, the amount in art held by the Vatican is utterly meaningless. If they sold it, the money would be coming from somone else who hasn't and isn't using it to help people. Criticizing the Vatican for it is a bit off point, I think...
The vatican has billions in the bank while people starve. Mother Teresa would bitch slap the pope
So would jesus
Pope Francis agrees with you
How many people are starving while the vatican holds billions in funds and art?

Jesus would wreck the vatican just as he did the temple. Then the pope would crucify him

Nothing has changed

Respectfully, the amount in art held by the Vatican is utterly meaningless. If they sold it, the money would be coming from somone else who hasn't and isn't using it to help people. Criticizing the Vatican for it is a bit off point, I think...
The vatican has billions in the bank while people starve. Mother Teresa would bitch slap the pope
So would jesus

There are billions held all over the world by countless entities.

Why is it the responsibility of the Catholic Church to address it?
My sole experiences with atheists is that they are they most arrogant people in the room.
My experience is most keep their mouths shut and don’t discuss religious beliefs

I do not think that that is a good trait.

Atheists have a better ideology and are more moral and trying to have the less moral religious become more moral is the best ideology.

For the evil of religions to grow, all atheists and other moral people need do is not discuss vile religious beliefs with the immoral religionists.

I have rarely seen an atheist bring up religious beliefs in public.
They only respond when others are pushing their religious beliefs on them
They bring it up a reunions in front of a bunch of people to show how smart they are.
I will elaborate later on how I make fools of them.
I’ve never seen an atheist do anything like that.
I am an atheist and most people just assume I am Christian.

I have been at many public gatherings where Christians insert their beliefs into the proceedings. Never Jews, never Muslims......Christians
Atheists don't insult Christians because the RCC took 1,000 to form and it's formation was based on murder.
How many people are starving while the vatican holds billions in funds and art?

Jesus would wreck the vatican just as he did the temple. Then the pope would crucify him

Nothing has changed

Respectfully, the amount in art held by the Vatican is utterly meaningless. If they sold it, the money would be coming from somone else who hasn't and isn't using it to help people. Criticizing the Vatican for it is a bit off point, I think...
The vatican has billions in the bank while people starve. Mother Teresa would bitch slap the pope
So would jesus
Pope Francis agrees with you
Not until he bitch slaps himself, or at least gets an altar boy to help
My sole experiences with atheists is that they are they most arrogant people in the room.
My experience is most keep their mouths shut and don’t discuss religious beliefs

I do not think that that is a good trait.

Atheists have a better ideology and are more moral and trying to have the less moral religious become more moral is the best ideology.

For the evil of religions to grow, all atheists and other moral people need do is not discuss vile religious beliefs with the immoral religionists.

I have rarely seen an atheist bring up religious beliefs in public.
They only respond when others are pushing their religious beliefs on them
They bring it up a reunions in front of a bunch of people to show how smart they are.
I will elaborate later on how I make fools of them.
I’ve never seen an atheist do anything like that.
I am an atheist and most people just assume I am Christian.

I have been at many public gatherings where Christians insert their beliefs into the proceedings. Never Jews, never Muslims......Christians
Atheists don't insult Christians because the RCC took 1,000 to form and it's formation was based on murder.
Has nothing to do with either Catholicism or Christianity.
We think all religions are kind of goofy
My sole experiences with atheists is that they are they most arrogant people in the room.
But they are honest at least as they admit that they are pond scum
At least they are not 'holier than thou'.
Yes they are.
Atheism is the religion of ego.
on the contrary, it is not the atheist that looks at the world and believes God made it just for him. To own the world! Now that is ego.
How many people are starving while the vatican holds billions in funds and art?

Jesus would wreck the vatican just as he did the temple. Then the pope would crucify him

Nothing has changed

Respectfully, the amount in art held by the Vatican is utterly meaningless. If they sold it, the money would be coming from somone else who hasn't and isn't using it to help people. Criticizing the Vatican for it is a bit off point, I think...
The vatican has billions in the bank while people starve. Mother Teresa would bitch slap the pope
So would jesus

There are billions held all over the world by countless entities.

Why is it the responsibility of the Catholic Church to address it?
Because they say that the words and actions of Christ should be obeyed.

Mother Theresa was given hundreds of millions of dollars, she died owning only the clothes on her back after feeding the poor and caring for the sick with all that money. You think you know Christ, I know that Christ knows me
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
My sole experiences with atheists is that they are they most arrogant people in the room.
But they are honest at least as they admit that they are pond scum
At least they are not 'holier than thou'.
Yes they are.
Atheism is the religion of ego.
on the contrary, it is not the atheist that looks at the world and believes God made it just for him. To own the world! Now that is ego.
Wow! I guess it would be an honor to meet you.
100% of the atheists I have encountered are assholes; but you don't wear a yalmulka.
Mysterious to you, you mean, yet you seem to know exactly what He's done and why.

This would've been easier to answer in the Genesis 1:9 thread, but seven days of creation could be considered mysterious. I mean all of our civilizations have figured out what he has done to an extent. When I say all, I don't mean just people descended from Noah's family.

It's mysterious that I have a hard time convincing you of ancient peoples who died in Noah's Flood knew about the universe et al. So, it would be mysterious to both you and me. They weren't any cave people or cretins. Humans knew how to create tools and use tools. They knew about fire and how to cook and utilize it. Thus, the most advanced of them were able to figure it out and make equipment to do it. They had some knowledge of science and may have known a few things we didn't know. In some ways, they were physically superior such as longevity. Huge size.
Mysterious to you, you mean, yet you seem to know exactly what He's done and why.

This would've been easier to answer in the Genesis 1:9 thread, but seven days of creation could be considered mysterious. I mean all of our civilizations have figured out what he has done to an extent. When I say all, I don't mean just people descended from Noah's family.

It's mysterious that I have a hard time convincing you of ancient peoples who died in Noah's Flood knew about the universe et al. So, it would be mysterious to both you and me. They weren't any cave people or cretins. Humans knew how to create tools and use tools. They knew about fire and how to cook and utilize it. Thus, the most advanced of them were able to figure it out and make equipment to do it. They had some knowledge of science and may have known a few things we didn't know. In some ways, they were physically superior such as longevity. Huge size.
Curious that when Europeans first began to explore the world, just about every culture they encountered believed in many gods. Did the family of Noah forget what they'd learned?

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