Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

Curious that when Europeans first began to explore the world, just about every culture they encountered believed in many gods. Did the family of Noah forget what they'd learned?
What time period are you referring to?
Probably any time period but I was thinking of the Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the Americas. Where the Native Americans descendants of Noah?
Most probably from .Cham whose descendants traveled to North East Africa, Gaza and South East Europe.
Refer to Genesis 10:1

Shem and Yefes settled in what is today called Israel while Cham went on to conquer everything West until Cham returned just before Avraham to conquer what we today call Israel.
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

OK let’s do that
There is no historical evidence proving anything in the Bible. There is even no corroborating evidence that Jesus existed.
Best that can be assumed is that it is all a fairy tale fabricated to mislead the masses.

An old school example of L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics
Did you notice I stated "Reverse Engineer"?
Do it.
How does one reverse engineer a fabricated history?

How about I just reverse engineer Game of Thrones for you?
You analyzed equipment on my tax dollars and you just asked a completely asinine question.

Starting from 2020,

You can't do it because there's no "logical" explanation.

“ go back in time and tell me when a bunch of people scattered all over the world throughout the last millennium all decided at the same time to adopt the same exact religion.”

They didn’t
Just for the heck of it, described Jews 1850-1860.
Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

Believers in the mainstream god religions often denigrate and discriminate against atheists, non-believers and rival religions on moral grounds. Godless mean without a moral sense to them.

I seek a solution to this problem, as the godless, statistically speaking, seem more moral, law abiding and peaceful than traditional mainstream religious believers who, ironically, claim a superior moral position, while having an inferior one. Statistics are quite clear on this.

As a Gnostic Christian, I get it from both sides. From believers who see me as an atheist and from atheists who see me as a believer. Both sides are wrong, given that Gnostic Christians are esoteric ecumenist and free-thinking naturalist, --- who hold no supernatural beliefs, --- regardless of the lies put into history by the inquisitors who decimated us, --- but never annihilated us. We are a religion of perpetual seekers of knowledge and wisdom, who raise the bar of excellence whenever we think we have the best ideological position.

This prevents the idol worshiping of the immoral gods, that the mainstream religions are prone to follow. This makes Gnostic Christianity a superior ideology. Perhaps this open-mindedness explains the hate towards us from god believers, as well as towards atheists and other non-believers that believers target.

Solutions to this endless denigration and discrimination are hard to come by, given that governments are not promoting any kind of dialog between the various religions and non-believers and allow religions to continue promoting vile homophobic and misogynous teachings.

To my way of thinking, be you following a theology and named god, a philosophy of a named philosopher, a religion that puts man above god and focuses on knowledge and wisdom like mine, a political tribe like Democrats and Republican, statism or any other thinking system, --- all groups named are following an ideology, --- and can thus be seem and described as a religion.

It is thus proper English to call atheism a religion. In fact, given the stats, atheism is a more moral religion than most. I am thinking that if all atheist proudly took on the religion label, --- as their atheist churches are doing, --- more god believing religionist would likely opt for atheism as their religion so as to improve their moral sense.

Take your deserved bow my atheist friends. You are now second only to my own Gnostic Christianity. We Gnostic Christian did what I advise here before the inquisitors got to us and that may be why we were known as the only good Christians.


Last I heard atheism isn't a religion but freedom from religion.
It's rare that anyone starts a religion from scratch. It may have happened but I don't know of any. Every religion begins as a cult of a parent religion. If the cult survives the death of the founder it becomes a church or sect within the parent religion. Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Paul are likely such examples but a more modern example would be Joseph Smith.

You're comparing small sects with a main religion like the Abrahamic religions. We can include the India religions as it has a major one. Let's skip if Moses, Paul, or other apostles could've started a religion. We had the atheist religion start with a pygmy tribe in Africa IIRC. Then what happened? We also had Buddhism which doesn't teach a God or gods, but seems to be spiritually based. I don't know if spiritual is the right word, but it is about consciousness and exploring the different levels of the mind and different levels of reality. Who's Joseph Smith?
I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.
So people of faith shouldn’t vote or participate in secular society?
People of faith should leave others alone to find heaven or hell on their own terms and mind their own damned business. Religion plus politics equals authoritarianism, every time.
So that’s a yes?
It's a mind your own business. We have religious freedom here but it does not mean the secular world has no defense against theocracy. It's a trade-off for everyone. You get to keep your crooked TV evangelists, pious adulterers and ordained pedophiles and the secular world gets to tell you to shove your fake morals up your ass.
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

OK let’s do that
There is no historical evidence proving anything in the Bible. There is even no corroborating evidence that Jesus existed.
Best that can be assumed is that it is all a fairy tale fabricated to mislead the masses.

An old school example of L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics
Did you notice I stated "Reverse Engineer"?
Do it.
How does one reverse engineer a fabricated history?

How about I just reverse engineer Game of Thrones for you?
You analyzed equipment on my tax dollars and you just asked a completely asinine question.

Starting from 2020,

You can't do it because there's no "logical" explanation.

“ go back in time and tell me when a bunch of people scattered all over the world throughout the last millennium all decided at the same time to adopt the same exact religion.”

They didn’t
Just for the heck of it, described Jews 1850-1860.
You got it pal...

From 1850-1860 there were lots of Jews. They lived in lots of places.

Anything else you need to know?
History isn't my strongest area. They forgot or it wasn't passed down after the Tower of Babel circa 2900 BC.

What happened to these people before they came to the Americas? We have Columbus who found the New World.
We have records of Sumer and Egypt that are older than 2900 BC so your date for the tower must be off since they already spoke different languages. Those records also show that the knowledge there was just one god was lost by then and wouldn't be relearned until Zoroastria, 2,300 years later.
Curious that when Europeans first began to explore the world, just about every culture they encountered believed in many gods. Did the family of Noah forget what they'd learned?
What time period are you referring to?
Probably any time period but I was thinking of the Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the Americas. Where the Native Americans descendants of Noah?
Most probably from .Cham whose descendants traveled to North East Africa, Gaza and South East Europe.
Refer to Genesis 10:1

Shem and Yefes settled in what is today called Israel while Cham went on to conquer everything West until Cham returned just before Avraham to conquer what we today call Israel.
Interesting they had the technology back then to cross the Atlantic and it completely disappeared from both East and West. Curious...
It's rare that anyone starts a religion from scratch. It may have happened but I don't know of any. Every religion begins as a cult of a parent religion. If the cult survives the death of the founder it becomes a church or sect within the parent religion. Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Paul are likely such examples but a more modern example would be Joseph Smith.

You're comparing small sects with a main religion like the Abrahamic religions. We can include the India religions as it has a major one. Let's skip if Moses, Paul, or other apostles could've started a religion. We had the atheist religion start with a pygmy tribe in Africa IIRC. Then what happened? We also had Buddhism which doesn't teach a God or gods, but seems to be spiritually based. I don't know if spiritual is the right word, but it is about consciousness and exploring the different levels of the mind and different levels of reality. Who's Joseph Smith?
All cults start small. Most die out but some continue to grow and can get very large, e.g., the Mormons.
I'm not familiar with pygmy tribes, Buddhism, or Hinduism but I do know Mormonism and that it was founded by Joseph Smith.
History isn't my strongest area. They forgot or it wasn't passed down after the Tower of Babel circa 2900 BC.

What happened to these people before they came to the Americas? We have Columbus who found the New World.
We have records of Sumer and Egypt that are older than 2900 BC so your date for the tower must be off since they already spoke different languages. Those records also show that the knowledge there was just one god was lost by then and wouldn't be relearned until Zoroastria, 2,300 years later.

You didn't answer my question above since you were discussing Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the Americas in your previous post. Columbus found the New World. What was that supposed to show in regards to Noah?

Now, you've changed the discussion to Sumer and Egypt. Do you have a timeline for these ancient periods? And a link discussing their languages?

ETA: It seems they both spoke Hebrew before the Tower of Babel incident -- Did the Ancient Egyptians Speak Hebrew?.
Last edited:
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

OK let’s do that
There is no historical evidence proving anything in the Bible. There is even no corroborating evidence that Jesus existed.
Best that can be assumed is that it is all a fairy tale fabricated to mislead the masses.

An old school example of L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics
Did you notice I stated "Reverse Engineer"?
Do it.
How does one reverse engineer a fabricated history?

How about I just reverse engineer Game of Thrones for you?
You analyzed equipment on my tax dollars and you just asked a completely asinine question.

Starting from 2020,

You can't do it because there's no "logical" explanation.

“ go back in time and tell me when a bunch of people scattered all over the world throughout the last millennium all decided at the same time to adopt the same exact religion.”

They didn’t
Just for the heck of it, described Jews 1850-1860.
You got it pal...

From 1850-1860 there were lots of Jews. They lived in lots of places.

Anything else you need to know?
Just for the heck of it, describe Jews 0001-1000.
Curious that when Europeans first began to explore the world, just about every culture they encountered believed in many gods. Did the family of Noah forget what they'd learned?
What time period are you referring to?
Probably any time period but I was thinking of the Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the Americas. Where the Native Americans descendants of Noah?
Most probably from .Cham whose descendants traveled to North East Africa, Gaza and South East Europe.
Refer to Genesis 10:1

Shem and Yefes settled in what is today called Israel while Cham went on to conquer everything West until Cham returned just before Avraham to conquer what we today call Israel.
Interesting they had the technology back then to cross the Atlantic and it completely disappeared from both East and West. Curious...
You're joking...people started crossing lots of seas in the East and West back then.
Atheist says..."You're such a smart guy."
He motions to my yalmulke..."How can you believe in this nonsense?"

I reply, "You know, you're a really smart guy also and you may be right.
All of us here need you to enlighten us.
By the way, today is {Weekday}, {Month}, {Day of Month}, {Time} and I hope you'll remember this conversation."

Atheist...No problem; I remember everything.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

Atheist (see a trap and starts to giggle)...What on earth are to talking about?

Start from today and go back in time one generation at a time and find the generations where someone pulled the wool over the heads of millions of people all over the world and decided to start a religion of 613 phony Commandments and a Holy Book that ended with a false prophet talking for a few pages about how their descendants would be slaves, denigrated and murdered until they realized that the only style of government to accept is that dictated by the Torah,
I appreciate that you are going to do this so I will realize that someone along the line my ancestors were mentally ill masochists.
But at least I and our friends here will be enlightened.
I'm not joking; I'm being sincere.

Atheist (stepping away while showing signed of bubbling anger)...Yeah...I'll get back to you.

Same group about 5 years later...
Me...Did you do the research I asked you to do?

Atheist...What are you talking? (Of course remember and hoping I wouldn't)
Walks away from group for rest of the day.
Pompous nonsense

Any atheist would just laugh at your book of fairy tales
Use the Internet and meet my criteria.
No ad hominems.

What I would like for you to do is use all the historical information available and reverse engineer history.

OK let’s do that
There is no historical evidence proving anything in the Bible. There is even no corroborating evidence that Jesus existed.
Best that can be assumed is that it is all a fairy tale fabricated to mislead the masses.

An old school example of L Ron Hubbard and Dianetics
Did you notice I stated "Reverse Engineer"?
Do it.
How does one reverse engineer a fabricated history?

How about I just reverse engineer Game of Thrones for you?
You analyzed equipment on my tax dollars and you just asked a completely asinine question.

Starting from 2020,

You can't do it because there's no "logical" explanation.

“ go back in time and tell me when a bunch of people scattered all over the world throughout the last millennium all decided at the same time to adopt the same exact religion.”

They didn’t
Just for the heck of it, described Jews 1850-1860.
You got it pal...

From 1850-1860 there were lots of Jews. They lived in lots of places.

Anything else you need to know?
Just for the heck of it, describe Jews 0001-1000.
Jews in 0001-1000 were a lot like the Jews in 1850-1860 except they didn’t have things like trains and telegraphs
History isn't my strongest area. They forgot or it wasn't passed down after the Tower of Babel circa 2900 BC.

What happened to these people before they came to the Americas? We have Columbus who found the New World.
We have records of Sumer and Egypt that are older than 2900 BC so your date for the tower must be off since they already spoke different languages. Those records also show that the knowledge there was just one god was lost by then and wouldn't be relearned until Zoroastria, 2,300 years later.

You didn't answer my question above since you were discussing Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the Americas in your previous post. Columbus found the New World. What was that supposed to show in regards to Noah?

Now, you've changed the discussion to Sumer and Egypt. Do you have a timeline for these ancient periods? And a link discussing their languages?

ETA: It seems they both spoke Hebrew before the Tower of Babel incident -- Did the Ancient Egyptians Speak Hebrew?.
According to a literal reading of the Bible, only Noah's family survived the Flood and, I think it reasonable to assume, they all spoke the same language and worshiped the one God. Is that correct? What was the date of the Flood? Then you date the Tower of Babel to 2,900 BC.

So I have 2 questions,
  • why did ALL of Noah's descendants turn from one God to many?
  • why do we have records of Egyptians and Sumarians speaking different languages before 2,900 BC?
I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.
So people of faith shouldn’t vote or participate in secular society?
People of faith should leave others alone to find heaven or hell on their own terms and mind their own damned business. Religion plus politics equals authoritarianism, every time.
So that’s a yes?
It's a mind your own business. We have religious freedom here but it does not mean the secular world has no defense against theocracy. It's a trade-off for everyone. You get to keep your crooked TV evangelists, pious adulterers and ordained pedophiles and the secular world gets to tell you to shove your fake morals up your ass.
You are pretty emotional if you think people exercising their right to vote is a theocracy.

actually you seem pretty emotional about this regardless
Interesting they had the technology back then to cross the Atlantic and it completely disappeared from both East and West. Curious...
You're joking...people started crossing lots of seas in the East and West back then.
Seas as in Mediterranean or oceans as in Atlantic? Any evidence of ocean crossings you'd like to share?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid too build ships when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid too build ships when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid to build smart phones when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?

They were just as smart as we are but there is no evidence they possessed the technology for either. Do you have evidence to the contrary?

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