Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.


The homosexual community certainly believes people can be converted, otherwise they would send people into the Normative community to look for recruits. I'm not worried at all about it, I am willing and able to fight for my manhood.

Just like your organizations that thought they could reform the poor misguide gays that they abused for so many years without any success.

Ignore that your own filthy faith failed to switch them, which is your great fear for you being switched.

Stop looking at other men's crotches. Pervert.

You just ignored my questions, so I'll skip yours. For someone interested in providing history, you should be giving us what happened.

You should be the one providing the dates as you're the one who knows history.

However, you're the one with questions and the one with no answers. I figured as much. History backs up the Bible just like science backs up the Bible. First, we have a lot of worldwide myths similar to what happened at Babel. The Tower of Babel explains how people built a huge city instead of making their way to different lands. It explains why we speak different languages when Hebrew was the dominant language of the period.

Can you explain why we speak different languages?
Not sure which questions were rhetorical. As for biblical dates, you know those better than I do.

As for the different languages that is a fascinating story all by itself. The short answer is evolution. Almost everything evolves or goes extinct and that applies to language too. Try reading Beowulf and you see what just a few centuries will do to language. We've seen it in my lifetime, e.g., what does it mean to be 'gay'?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid to build smart phones when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?

They were just as smart as we are but there is no evidence they possessed the technology for either. Do you have evidence to the contrary?

Yours is non sequitur logic. You are looking very bad when presented with the facts. Aren't you the one who read up on ancient history with Bart Ehrman? You should be explaining things to us about the period. Just what did Ehrman write anyway. He probably is a blasphemer, so derides the Bible. Can't you explain what he says?

Basically, we learned from the Bible that Noah was able to build a huge ark as the measurements were provided and it works. There is a museum in Kentucky to explain it.
You want to know about Ehrman I suggest Google.

Does the museum explain how people got to the Americas or why kangaroos got to Australia but rabbits didn't?
I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.

A person's sexuality is the least interesting thing about them followed closely by what they worship.

I agree with your first but not your last my friend.

I find what Christians and Muslims worship quite interesting and puzzling. They adore a genocidal god while saying that he is good. This ass backwards thinking causes them to discriminate against women and gays, who are good, while them thinking they are evil.

That kind of satanic thinking is interesting and quite immoral and stupid.

All women, gays and moral men should really want to know how that works so that we might heal those poor sick Christian and Muslim minds.

I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.


The homosexual community certainly believes people can be converted, otherwise they would send people into the Normative community to look for recruits. I'm not worried at all about it, I am willing and able to fight for my manhood.
Being secure in your manhood means there is nothing to fight for. I've been around gay men often in my profession. I can't remember any of them trying to "recruit" me.
I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.

A person's sexuality is the least interesting thing about them followed closely by what they worship.

I agree with your first but not your last my friend.

I find what Christians and Muslims worship quite interesting and puzzling. They adore a genocidal god while saying that he is good. This ass backwards thinking causes them to discriminate against women and gays, who are good, while them thinking they are evil.

That kind of satanic thinking is interesting and quite immoral and stupid.

All women, gays and moral men should really want to know how that works so that we might heal those poor sick Christian and Muslim minds.


Actually, Christians worship Almighty God, the muslims believe in a false, pagan god they call "allah".

I suppose that you can make the argument that Almighty God, Allah, Baal, Ganeesh, etc., are all the same, but you'd just be offending everyone there.
Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

Believers in the mainstream god religions often denigrate and discriminate against atheists, non-believers and rival religions on moral grounds. Godless mean without a moral sense to them.

I seek a solution to this problem, as the godless, statistically speaking, seem more moral, law abiding and peaceful than traditional mainstream religious believers who, ironically, claim a superior moral position, while having an inferior one. Statistics are quite clear on this.

As a Gnostic Christian, I get it from both sides. From believers who see me as an atheist and from atheists who see me as a believer. Both sides are wrong, given that Gnostic Christians are esoteric ecumenist and free-thinking naturalist, --- who hold no supernatural beliefs, --- regardless of the lies put into history by the inquisitors who decimated us, --- but never annihilated us. We are a religion of perpetual seekers of knowledge and wisdom, who raise the bar of excellence whenever we think we have the best ideological position.

This prevents the idol worshiping of the immoral gods, that the mainstream religions are prone to follow. This makes Gnostic Christianity a superior ideology. Perhaps this open-mindedness explains the hate towards us from god believers, as well as towards atheists and other non-believers that believers target.

Solutions to this endless denigration and discrimination are hard to come by, given that governments are not promoting any kind of dialog between the various religions and non-believers and allow religions to continue promoting vile homophobic and misogynous teachings.

To my way of thinking, be you following a theology and named god, a philosophy of a named philosopher, a religion that puts man above god and focuses on knowledge and wisdom like mine, a political tribe like Democrats and Republican, statism or any other thinking system, --- all groups named are following an ideology, --- and can thus be seem and described as a religion.

It is thus proper English to call atheism a religion. In fact, given the stats, atheism is a more moral religion than most. I am thinking that if all atheist proudly took on the religion label, --- as their atheist churches are doing, --- more god believing religionist would likely opt for atheism as their religion so as to improve their moral sense.

Take your deserved bow my atheist friends. You are now second only to my own Gnostic Christianity. We Gnostic Christian did what I advise here before the inquisitors got to us and that may be why we were known as the only good Christians.


Last I heard atheism isn't a religion but freedom from religion.

That is a part of their religious ideology, yes.

I know you do not like my KIS definition. The following is why I am not going to waste time with the definition of words. I will show the olgic trail and then a link to a survey.

Since following an ideology is a prerequisite of religion, atheism can be considered a religion, since atheists draws on philosophical ideologies to guide ideas, behaviors, and actions, like that of any religion. That is why atheist churches are called atheist churches.


Atheists Are Sometimes More Religious Than Christians
A new study shows how poorly we understand the beliefs of people who identify as atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular.

Americans are deeply religious people—and atheists are no exception. Western Europeans are deeply secular people—and Christians are no exception.

These twin statements are generalizations, but they capture the essence of a fascinating finding in a new study about Christian identity in Western Europe. By surveying almost 25,000 people in 15 countries in the region, and comparing the results with data previously gathered in the U.S., the Pew Research Center discovered three things.

First, researchers confirmed the widely known fact that, overall, Americans are much more religious than Western Europeans. They gauged religious commitment using standard questions, including “Do you believe in God with absolute certainty?” and “Do you pray daily?”

Second, the researchers found that American “nones”—those who identify as atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular—are more religious than European nones. The notion that religiously unaffiliated people can be religious at all may seem contradictory, but if you disaffiliate from organized religion it does not necessarily mean you’ve sworn off belief in God, say, or prayer.

The third finding reported in the study is by far the most striking. As it turns out, “American ‘nones’ are as religious as—or even more religious than—Christians in several European countries, including France, Germany, and the U.K.”

“That was a surprise,” Neha Sahgal, the lead researcher on the study, told me. “That’s the comparison that’s fascinating to me.” She highlighted the fact that whereas only 23 percent of European Christians say they believe in God with absolute certainty, 27 percent of American nones say this.

America is a country so suffused with faith that religious attributes abound even among the secular. Consider the rise of “atheist churches,” which cater to Americans who have lost faith in supernatural deities but still crave community, enjoy singing with others, and want to think deeply about morality. It’s religion, minus all the God stuff. This is a phenomenon spreading across the country, from the Seattle Atheist Church to the North Texas Church of Freethought. The Oasis Network, which brings together non-believers to sing and learn every Sunday morning, has affiliates in nine U.S. cities.

Last month, almost 1,000 people streamed into a [Atheist] church in San Francisco for an unprecedented event billed as “Beyoncé Mass.” Most were people of color and members of the LGBTQ community. Many were secular. They used Queen Bey’s songs, which are replete with religious symbolism, as the basis for a communal celebration—one that had all the trappings of a religious service. That seemed completely fitting to some, including one reverend who said, “Beyoncé is a better theologian than many of the pastors and priests in our church today.”
I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.
Do they offer prizes?
I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.


The homosexual community certainly believes people can be converted, otherwise they would send people into the Normative community to look for recruits. I'm not worried at all about it, I am willing and able to fight for my manhood.
Being secure in your manhood means there is nothing to fight for. I've been around gay men often in my profession. I can't remember any of them trying to "recruit" me.

A homosexual tried to recruit Clint Eastwood in San Francisco, and he fought successfully for his Manhood.

I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.

A person's sexuality is the least interesting thing about them followed closely by what they worship.

I agree with your first but not your last my friend.

I find what Christians and Muslims worship quite interesting and puzzling. They adore a genocidal god while saying that he is good. This ass backwards thinking causes them to discriminate against women and gays, who are good, while them thinking they are evil.

That kind of satanic thinking is interesting and quite immoral and stupid.

All women, gays and moral men should really want to know how that works so that we might heal those poor sick Christian and Muslim minds.


Actually, Christians worship Almighty God, the muslims believe in a false, pagan god they call "allah".

I suppose that you can make the argument that Almighty God, Allah, Baal, Ganeesh, etc., are all the same, but you'd just be offending everyone there.
Allah is the same God in the Old Testament
How's he doing that or is it time for another flood?

Another faux pas. God promised with a rainbow never to global flood us again. The next and final time will be by global fire.

This is true and I have promoted the esoteric view of that.

Fools think it means real fire, while ignoring ---

John 6 ; 63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Luke 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.

Mark 7:13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

The bible is clear that the burning bush is in our head where our spirit is.

Learn how to read your bible, lawyer.

I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.

A person's sexuality is the least interesting thing about them followed closely by what they worship.

I agree with your first but not your last my friend.

I find what Christians and Muslims worship quite interesting and puzzling. They adore a genocidal god while saying that he is good. This ass backwards thinking causes them to discriminate against women and gays, who are good, while them thinking they are evil.

That kind of satanic thinking is interesting and quite immoral and stupid.

All women, gays and moral men should really want to know how that works so that we might heal those poor sick Christian and Muslim minds.


Actually, Christians worship Almighty God, the muslims believe in a false, pagan god they call "allah".

I suppose that you can make the argument that Almighty God, Allah, Baal, Ganeesh, etc., are all the same, but you'd just be offending everyone there.
Allah is the same God in the Old Testament

Why would you think that? Do you really think that pagan gods are the same as the one true God?
I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.

A person's sexuality is the least interesting thing about them followed closely by what they worship.

I agree with your first but not your last my friend.

I find what Christians and Muslims worship quite interesting and puzzling. They adore a genocidal god while saying that he is good. This ass backwards thinking causes them to discriminate against women and gays, who are good, while them thinking they are evil.

That kind of satanic thinking is interesting and quite immoral and stupid.

All women, gays and moral men should really want to know how that works so that we might heal those poor sick Christian and Muslim minds.

The last step in truly rejecting religion is to reject being holier-than-thou judgemental of others. I never directly attack a person's personal faith. For many it is only thing that helps them cope with the certainty of death. Not sure if you ever had faith but the hardest thing to accept was that death was certain and final. Ridicule what religions say and do but leave belief itself alone. You will never change minds with mockery. Beliefs have a lot of inertia, they are better moved with gentle prolonged pressure than a bunch of bashing.
Yawn you still can't prove that God is not real

Is it not to the one making the claim to prove he is not lying?

Demonstrate how dna writes itself from nothing

Idiots like you have been trying since DNA was discovered

All have failed
I've asked you to prove there is a god--you have provided:
NOTHING----except insults

Sure beats inquisitions and jihads.

Mind you, if face to face, they would likely resort to violence, given that they cannot do apologetics for their Hitler type of genocidal god. That is what the S.S. did for Hitler.

Hitler was allah reincarnated you know

Yahweh, Allah and most fantasy gods are fascist. Why the religious choose to adore such vile gods has never been explained to me by the moral cowards in those religions.

I ask, they run away, after a gratuitous insult of course.

God is unnamed, he is the science that created life

Unnamed and unknowable. No argument.

I would not name god science that created life unless I preceded that with man being god.

We created all the scientific terms, language and knowledge of all concepts.

I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.

A person's sexuality is the least interesting thing about them followed closely by what they worship.

I agree with your first but not your last my friend.

I find what Christians and Muslims worship quite interesting and puzzling. They adore a genocidal god while saying that he is good. This ass backwards thinking causes them to discriminate against women and gays, who are good, while them thinking they are evil.

That kind of satanic thinking is interesting and quite immoral and stupid.

All women, gays and moral men should really want to know how that works so that we might heal those poor sick Christian and Muslim minds.

The last step in truly rejecting religion is to reject being holier-than-thou judgemental of others. I never directly attack a person's personal faith. For many it is only thing that helps them cope with the certainty of death. Not sure if you ever had faith but the hardest thing to accept was that death was certain and final. Ridicule what religions say and do but leave belief itself alone. You will never change minds with mockery. Beliefs have a lot of inertia, they are better moved with gentle prolonged pressure than a bunch of bashing.

You show a really poor moral sense. You are not living by the golden rule nor the few bits of wisdom that the bible speaks.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
Gen3;22 Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil;
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.

Do some testing with what follows as to good or evil advice.

Insert gays and women harmed by homophobic and misogynous religions to this quote. You should get an idea of what you should be doing with the homophobic and misogynous mainstream religions if you live by the golden rule.

Please get back to me with your conclusion.

Martin Niemöller
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Don't lose the respect I afforded you now buddy.

I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.

A person's sexuality is the least interesting thing about them followed closely by what they worship.

I agree with your first but not your last my friend.

I find what Christians and Muslims worship quite interesting and puzzling. They adore a genocidal god while saying that he is good. This ass backwards thinking causes them to discriminate against women and gays, who are good, while them thinking they are evil.

That kind of satanic thinking is interesting and quite immoral and stupid.

All women, gays and moral men should really want to know how that works so that we might heal those poor sick Christian and Muslim minds.


Actually, Christians worship Almighty God, the muslims believe in a false, pagan god they call "allah".

I suppose that you can make the argument that Almighty God, Allah, Baal, Ganeesh, etc., are all the same, but you'd just be offending everyone there.
Allah is the same God in the Old Testament

Why would you think that? Do you really think that pagan gods are the same as the one true God?

Who do you see as the one true god?

Surely not the genocidal prick, Yahweh? If so, let's check that prick's morals.

Most Christians are moral cowards and run from such discussions, but perhaps you haver the balls to do so.

We might even start a new O.P. instead of derailing here. Start one up if you are not a moral coward.

Insert this link for talking points if you are not a moral coward.

I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.

A person's sexuality is the least interesting thing about them followed closely by what they worship.

I agree with your first but not your last my friend.

I find what Christians and Muslims worship quite interesting and puzzling. They adore a genocidal god while saying that he is good. This ass backwards thinking causes them to discriminate against women and gays, who are good, while them thinking they are evil.

That kind of satanic thinking is interesting and quite immoral and stupid.

All women, gays and moral men should really want to know how that works so that we might heal those poor sick Christian and Muslim minds.


Actually, Christians worship Almighty God, the muslims believe in a false, pagan god they call "allah".

I suppose that you can make the argument that Almighty God, Allah, Baal, Ganeesh, etc., are all the same, but you'd just be offending everyone there.
Allah is the same God in the Old Testament

I agree.

I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.


The homosexual community certainly believes people can be converted, otherwise they would send people into the Normative community to look for recruits. I'm not worried at all about it, I am willing and able to fight for my manhood.
Being secure in your manhood means there is nothing to fight for. I've been around gay men often in my profession. I can't remember any of them trying to "recruit" me.

A homosexual tried to recruit Clint Eastwood in San Francisco, and he fought successfully for his Manhood.

Literalists are the only ones foolish enough that fantasy is reality.

Are you educatable?

If so, I hope you can see how intelligent the ancients were as compared to the mental efforts that modern preachers and theists are using with the literal reading of myths.

What is God?

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. And everything else is only commentary. Now, go and study it."

Please listen as to what is said about the literal reading of myths.

"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."

Matt 7;12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

This is how early Gnostic Christians view the transition from reading myths properly to destructive literal reading and idol worship.

I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.

A person's sexuality is the least interesting thing about them followed closely by what they worship.

I agree with your first but not your last my friend.

I find what Christians and Muslims worship quite interesting and puzzling. They adore a genocidal god while saying that he is good. This ass backwards thinking causes them to discriminate against women and gays, who are good, while them thinking they are evil.

That kind of satanic thinking is interesting and quite immoral and stupid.

All women, gays and moral men should really want to know how that works so that we might heal those poor sick Christian and Muslim minds.


Actually, Christians worship Almighty God, the muslims believe in a false, pagan god they call "allah".

I suppose that you can make the argument that Almighty God, Allah, Baal, Ganeesh, etc., are all the same, but you'd just be offending everyone there.

Actually, Christians worship Almighty God, who is a genocidal and infanticidal moral monster that they can somehow see as good.

Christians call evil good.

So do you it seems. Care to argue morals? Or are you a moral coward?

This is the second time I ask you that. I await your reply.


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