Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.

A person's sexuality is the least interesting thing about them followed closely by what they worship.

I agree with your first but not your last my friend.

I find what Christians and Muslims worship quite interesting and puzzling. They adore a genocidal god while saying that he is good. This ass backwards thinking causes them to discriminate against women and gays, who are good, while them thinking they are evil.

That kind of satanic thinking is interesting and quite immoral and stupid.

All women, gays and moral men should really want to know how that works so that we might heal those poor sick Christian and Muslim minds.

The last step in truly rejecting religion is to reject being holier-than-thou judgemental of others. I never directly attack a person's personal faith. For many it is only thing that helps them cope with the certainty of death. Not sure if you ever had faith but the hardest thing to accept was that death was certain and final. Ridicule what religions say and do but leave belief itself alone. You will never change minds with mockery. Beliefs have a lot of inertia, they are better moved with gentle prolonged pressure than a bunch of bashing.

You show a really poor moral sense. You are not living by the golden rule nor the few bits of wisdom that the bible speaks.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
Gen3;22 Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil;
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.

Do some testing with what follows as to good or evil advice.

Insert gays and women harmed by homophobic and misogynous religions to this quote. You should get an idea of what you should be doing with the homophobic and misogynous mainstream religions if you live by the golden rule.

Please get back to me with your conclusion.

Martin Niemöller
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Don't lose the respect I afforded you now buddy.


I once had a real axe to grind with God. I was a real dick about it. My almost saintly mom died a cruel prolonged death. How could any loving God do that to her? I vowed if I ever saw the face of God I would punch it. That went on until I slowly realized that it was the last of my faith that was making me rage. Had to let it go. Understand that there is a difference between faith and religion. You can have faith all by yourself but for religion you need money, power, rules and clergy. That's where the trouble is, attack that shit because it deserves it.
Christianity is a fascist ideology.

How can it be fascist if our Lord was crucified? That is cruel and unusual punishment. It's death by torture.

It's not ideology because Jesus rose again on the third day. If he didn't, then it would be ideology.

Thus, all you have is opinion.
I once had a real axe to grind with God. I was a real dick about it. My almost saintly mom died a cruel prolonged death.

That is one of the hardest issues to deal with -- the death of innocent people. I still have problems with what happened to Job and his family, but understand Job more today. God has a more grandiose plan. What people forget is Satan is the one who does the evil stuff because he has dominion over the world. It's easy to blame God for all the ills in the world.
I once had a real axe to grind with God. I was a real dick about it. My almost saintly mom died a cruel prolonged death.

That is one of the hardest issues to deal with -- the death of innocent people. I still have problems with what happened to Job and his family, but understand Job more today. God has a more grandiose plan. What people forget is Satan is the one who does the evil stuff because he has dominion over the world. It's easy to blame God for all the ills in the world.
It's easy to blame God because he is supposedly omnipotent and omnipresent existing everywhere simultaneously in the past, present and future. I don't really care about a plan that looks exactly like naturally occurring entropy in a slowly dying universe.
I once had a real axe to grind with God. I was a real dick about it. My almost saintly mom died a cruel prolonged death.

That is one of the hardest issues to deal with -- the death of innocent people. I still have problems with what happened to Job and his family, but understand Job more today. God has a more grandiose plan. What people forget is Satan is the one who does the evil stuff because he has dominion over the world. It's easy to blame God for all the ills in the world.
Why claim the gods have some grandiose plan? Their behavior shows it isn’t true. Are we to believe that floods, tornadoes, disease, etc., are a part of some grand plan? That’s ridiculous.

We simply don't need the gods slaughtering humanity to show us a “plan”. Human history has shown we invent gods and get into circular feedback loops that really make no sense except they calm our emotional requirement to have something to hang the blame on. Humans create versions of "perfect gods", claim these gods are responsible for creation, endow these gods with human emotions and frailties but then cringe when these human inventions bring death and destruction on the people who created them, so, we just revise these gods over time.
And if they did?

lolwut, you can't figure it out?

I'm still waiting for the history of Sumerians and Egyptians. If your history backs up whatever you are claiming, then there is no reason to hide it.
No I can't figure it out, what does if they lived near rivers and coasts matter?


Wall plaque showing libations by devotees and a naked priest, to a seated god and a temple. Ur, 2500 BCE

The Flood is dated at 2348 BCE. There were Sumarians before the flood and Sumarians after the flood but it never gets any mention. And they continue to worship their pagan gods. Curious wouldn't you agree?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid too build ships when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid to build smart phones when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?

They were just as smart as we are but there is no evidence they possessed the technology for either. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
They lived near rivers and coasts, right?
And if they did?
They did. There’s no if.

So it shouldn’t be a shock that they navigated and took advantage of that resource.
I once had a real axe to grind with God. I was a real dick about it. My almost saintly mom died a cruel prolonged death.

That is one of the hardest issues to deal with -- the death of innocent people. I still have problems with what happened to Job and his family, but understand Job more today. God has a more grandiose plan. What people forget is Satan is the one who does the evil stuff because he has dominion over the world. It's easy to blame God for all the ills in the world.
It's easy to blame God because he is supposedly omnipotent and omnipresent existing everywhere simultaneously in the past, present and future. I don't really care about a plan that looks exactly like naturally occurring entropy in a slowly dying universe.
It’s all cyclical. I have a completely different view on existence. It’s good.
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid too build ships when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid to build smart phones when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?

They were just as smart as we are but there is no evidence they possessed the technology for either. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
They lived near rivers and coasts, right?
And if they did?
They did. There’s no if.

So it shouldn’t be a shock that they navigated and took advantage of that resource.
How do you know life isn’t a test?
I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.

What do you think about the Religious Left that tries to use their religion to bludgeon conservatives, just because conservatives don't affirm their crazy doctrines like Gay Marriage and the idea that Almighty God put Adam and Even into the Garden?
God created homosexuals

Almighty God explained it a little different. Yes, He created the people who made the decision to "come out", but that was their choice. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"

At least this is the belief of those who aren't brainwashed by the Religious Left.

Believe of course, whatever you want. But your religious belief that a man taking it in the Caboose is "normal" shouldn't be the law of the land and that violates the wall of separation.
Nothing indicates people make a choice of sexuality.
God made them.
My dog humps my leg. Is that normal?

If people didn't have Free Will , the Gay Community wouldn't make such efforts to recruit new members. They would stay among themselves, instead of aggressively seeking young men in the prisons and among hitchhikers that they can pressure to switch.

I don't know about your dog, and if you are involved with Rover, that's your own affair. But if I owned a Christian bakery, I wouldn't bake you two a wedding cake.

Only fools think ones sexual orientation can be flipped from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

Your fear of being flipped is duly noted. Stop looking at men's dicks. Such a fixation is not healthy.

A person's sexuality is the least interesting thing about them followed closely by what they worship.

I agree with your first but not your last my friend.

I find what Christians and Muslims worship quite interesting and puzzling. They adore a genocidal god while saying that he is good. This ass backwards thinking causes them to discriminate against women and gays, who are good, while them thinking they are evil.

That kind of satanic thinking is interesting and quite immoral and stupid.

All women, gays and moral men should really want to know how that works so that we might heal those poor sick Christian and Muslim minds.

The last step in truly rejecting religion is to reject being holier-than-thou judgemental of others. I never directly attack a person's personal faith. For many it is only thing that helps them cope with the certainty of death. Not sure if you ever had faith but the hardest thing to accept was that death was certain and final. Ridicule what religions say and do but leave belief itself alone. You will never change minds with mockery. Beliefs have a lot of inertia, they are better moved with gentle prolonged pressure than a bunch of bashing.

You show a really poor moral sense. You are not living by the golden rule nor the few bits of wisdom that the bible speaks.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
Gen3;22 Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil;
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.

Do some testing with what follows as to good or evil advice.

Insert gays and women harmed by homophobic and misogynous religions to this quote. You should get an idea of what you should be doing with the homophobic and misogynous mainstream religions if you live by the golden rule.

Please get back to me with your conclusion.

Martin Niemöller
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Don't lose the respect I afforded you now buddy.


I once had a real axe to grind with God. I was a real dick about it. My almost saintly mom died a cruel prolonged death. How could any loving God do that to her? I vowed if I ever saw the face of God I would punch it. That went on until I slowly realized that it was the last of my faith that was making me rage. Had to let it go. Understand that there is a difference between faith and religion. You can have faith all by yourself but for religion you need money, power, rules and clergy. That's where the trouble is, attack that shit because it deserves it.
Everything is choice.
I once had a real axe to grind with God. I was a real dick about it. My almost saintly mom died a cruel prolonged death.

That is one of the hardest issues to deal with -- the death of innocent people. I still have problems with what happened to Job and his family, but understand Job more today. God has a more grandiose plan. What people forget is Satan is the one who does the evil stuff because he has dominion over the world. It's easy to blame God for all the ills in the world.
It's easy to blame God because he is supposedly omnipotent and omnipresent existing everywhere simultaneously in the past, present and future. I don't really care about a plan that looks exactly like naturally occurring entropy in a slowly dying universe.

Yes, it's easy to blame God but that's taking the easy way out. Not to blame him and blame Satan is harder; Satan is good at hiding. I also agree that entropy is increasing due to Adam's sin. The part I disagree with is slowly dying. It's happening rapidly.
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid too build ships when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid to build smart phones when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?

They were just as smart as we are but there is no evidence they possessed the technology for either. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
They lived near rivers and coasts, right?
And if they did?
They did. There’s no if.

So it shouldn’t be a shock that they navigated and took advantage of that resource.
That was never in dispute. The ancients didn't even cross a sea if they could avoid it, they generally sailed within sight of land. Are you trying to say they had the ships to cross the Atlantic?
And if they did?

lolwut, you can't figure it out?

I'm still waiting for the history of Sumerians and Egyptians. If your history backs up whatever you are claiming, then there is no reason to hide it.
No I can't figure it out, what does if they lived near rivers and coasts matter?


Wall plaque showing libations by devotees and a naked priest, to a seated god and a temple. Ur, 2500 BCE

The Flood is dated at 2348 BCE. There were Sumarians before the flood and Sumarians after the flood but it never gets any mention. And they continue to worship their pagan gods. Curious wouldn't you agree?

Are you sure that's a priest in your figure? Usually the humiliated were stripped naked during those times. I would think he is offering libations to the fake god. Perhaps he is to be sacrificed himself. The one on the right is probably the fake god icon they are making offerings to. See how the people are bringing babies and things to offer. The book of Isaiah tells of priests who would take the best offerings for themselves and replace it behind the scenes with lesser ones. How does pagan rituals relate to a global flood? Are you agreeing that this is cause for God to be upset?

Is BCE the equivalent of BC? I am more familiar with BC and AD regarding calendar dates. If they are the same, then I'll accept the 2348 BCE date. It would make sense there were Sumerians before the flood. I found there were written records of civilizations after the flood by Chinese, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Sumerians, and Peruvians. I'm not positive, but taking it from Quora. They all supposedly had large or global flood stories. Again, history isn't my strong suit. Biblical dating is probably not easy, but would think Noah's Flood and Tower of Babel would be fairly accurate since they are major events.

ETA: The Bible states God wanted Noah's descendants to spread out and multiply. He wanted them to go to the newly formed seven continents. However, they decided to stay nearby and build a city in a tower.

That was never in dispute. The ancients didn't even cross a sea if they could avoid it, they generally sailed within sight of land. Are you trying to say they had the ships to cross the Atlantic?

If they were descendants of Noah, then they should be able to build ships and sail. What does your history tell you?

ETA: Again, the Bible states God wanted Noah's descendants to spread out and multiply. He wanted them to go to the newly formed seven continents. However, they decided to stay nearby and build a city in a tower.

I confess I am nervous that I said history backs up the Bible. Not worried that it doesn't, but I don't have ready access to historical documents from that time nor have knowledge of what other events happened around that time.
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Any evidence that people back then were too stupid too build ships when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid to build smart phones when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?

They were just as smart as we are but there is no evidence they possessed the technology for either. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
They lived near rivers and coasts, right?
And if they did?
They did. There’s no if.

So it shouldn’t be a shock that they navigated and took advantage of that resource.
That was never in dispute. The ancients didn't even cross a sea if they could avoid it, they generally sailed within sight of land. Are you trying to say they had the ships to cross the Atlantic?
They surfed on boats that didn't exist across the ocean on 1500 gt of water vapor that also did not exist.


I once had a real axe to grind with God. I was a real dick about it. My almost saintly mom died a cruel prolonged death.

That is one of the hardest issues to deal with -- the death of innocent people. I still have problems with what happened to Job and his family, but understand Job more today. God has a more grandiose plan. What people forget is Satan is the one who does the evil stuff because he has dominion over the world. It's easy to blame God for all the ills in the world.
It's easy to blame God because he is supposedly omnipotent and omnipresent existing everywhere simultaneously in the past, present and future. I don't really care about a plan that looks exactly like naturally occurring entropy in a slowly dying universe.

Yes, it's easy to blame God but that's taking the easy way out. Not to blame him and blame Satan is harder; Satan is good at hiding. I also agree that entropy is increasing due to Adam's sin. The part I disagree with is slowly dying. It's happening rapidly.
There is no need for a Satan as long as there are humans who want something they cannot have.
There is no need for a Satan as long as there are humans who want something they cannot have.

Satan tempts, God warns. I wish there was no Satan and his followers, but they exist and tempt and play tricks on humans. God warns us, but a lot of times it falls on deaf ears.

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