Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

There is no need for a Satan as long as there are humans who want something they cannot have.

Satan tempts, God warns. I wish there was no Satan and his followers, but they exist and tempt and play tricks on humans. God warns us, but a lot of times it falls on deaf ears.
Reading the Bible, God has done more horrible things than Satan

Imagine if it was Satan who flooded the earth killing all the creatures?
Imagine if Satan had killed the first born of Egypt and sent plagues?

All Satan does is “tempt”
Did you ever think that all GOD needs to do is step aside and withdraw HIS protection?
Did you ever think that all GOD needs to do is step aside and withdraw HIS protection?
No. Because if the yahweh character is real, he is clearly an evil being and i would be pleased to see him go away.
GOD isn't evil, HE simply cannot abide with your evil. So, HE gives to you the opportunity to hand your evil over to HIM and assume the penalty for it in your place. If you're unwilling to do that then YOU and not GOD is entirely to blame.
I can't approve of JamesBond's ultra-narrow view of religion. He sees Christianity as truer or the only true religion. But he doesn't even examine what it is about Christianity that he likes, that makes it unique.

I think the world needs a wider sensibility that gets beyond superstition and silly unscientific worship of authority. To my mind, religion and morality, even prayer and worship, can also grow from Deist or "natural religion," pagan religions, and any of the monotheistic religions/cults. These are not all the same of course. Atheism too, though objecting to theistic religion, allows for philosophy, tradition, also morality and civic consciousness based in the family, education and society.

Christianity needs to be appreciated for what it is, or could be, from a moral and cultural perspective. It is not enough to call yourself a Christian and emulate a cynical macho "007" view of the world. Anyway, here is an interesting article from the Catholic Magazine The Crisis, asking if "The James Bond Cult" is itself a kind of religion.

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bond is drunk on disinformation as a pleasurable way to pass time ...
You probably know him better than I do. I can't imagine being a friend of his. But this isn't personal. I just want to explore the issue of the OP, and hope maybe to get people to do some thinking.
I can't approve of James Bond's ultra-narrow view of religion. He sees Christianity as truer or the only true religion. But he doesn't even examine what it is about Christianity that he likes, that makes it unique.

I think the world needs a wider sensibility that gets beyond superstition and silly unscientific worship of authority. To my mind, religion and morality, even prayer and worship, can also grow from Deist or "natural religion," pagan religions, and any of the monotheistic religions/cults. These are not all the same of course. Atheism too, though objecting to theistic religion, allows for philosophy, tradition, also morality and civic consciousness based in the family, education and society.

Christianity needs to be appreciated for what it is, or could be, from a moral and cultural perspective. It is not enough to call yourself a Christian and emulate a cynical macho "007" view of the world. Anyway, here is an interesting article, entitled "Is the James Bond Cult a Religion?"

I'm obviously a fundamentalist, but how do I know that Christianity is the one true religion? Instead of religion, I rather use absolute truth because other religions have some truth to them, as well. Thus, why Christianity over the Abrahamic religions, Buddhism, Indian religions, and others? However, not atheism. The one religion that doesn't have any truth is atheism, but so many people have been misled. Atheists won't admit that it's a religion.

The Bible and Christianity is the absolute truth because it uses a systematic methodology that is designed to separate truth from error by using various tests for truth, with the end result being a set of right conclusions. It has been tested for logical consistency. It passes empirical testing and adequacy. It is relevant to our lives or has existential relevancy.
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid too build ships when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid to build smart phones when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?

They were just as smart as we are but there is no evidence they possessed the technology for either. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
They lived near rivers and coasts, right?
And if they did?
They did. There’s no if.

So it shouldn’t be a shock that they navigated and took advantage of that resource.
That was never in dispute. The ancients didn't even cross a sea if they could avoid it, they generally sailed within sight of land. Are you trying to say they had the ships to cross the Atlantic?
I guess that's why more than 10,000 ships have sunk in the Atlantic in the last 1,000 years or so.
People risk all for new found wealth.
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid too build ships when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid to build smart phones when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?

They were just as smart as we are but there is no evidence they possessed the technology for either. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
How many people survive hurricanes because of Smart Devices?
I guess we should have Puerto Rico buy Smart Devices.
Not to mention all the nations around the world that have had thousands of casualties due to mother nature.
Do you ever read the news?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid too build ships when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid to build smart phones when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?

They were just as smart as we are but there is no evidence they possessed the technology for either. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
They were smarter than us; they had to be and that's why were're here.
What you're doing now is betraying how arrogant technology makes some people.
I have great admiration for those who lived in the past and built structures over 1,000 years ago that we still can't build today.
You probably know him better than I do. I can't imagine being a friend of his. But this isn't personal. I just want to explore the issue of the OP, and hope maybe to get people to do some thinking.

If you want to talk about the topic, first, atheism has no evidence for no God even if they claim it. OTOH, Christianity has the Earth, universe, all that is in it as reality and evidence.
bond is drunk on disinformation as a pleasurable way to pass time ...

How can one who is wrong all the time know about information? You're even wrong about what evolution states.
Too many people look at evolution all wrong. They limit evolution to biological processes when in reality evolution has been going on since the beginning of time. Evolution is when anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state; a less complex state to a more complex state. There are five distinct phases or stages of evolution. Each stage built upon the previous stage. The five stages are cosmic evolution, stellar evolution, chemical evolution, biological evolution and the evolution of consciousness.

When one properly views evolution and studies the evolution of the creation of space and time from subatomic particles to beings that know and create, he cannot help but see God’s hand in creation.
But if one wanted to focus on biological evolution he would have to acknowledge that consciousness is a new phase or stage of biological evolution and that consciousness itself was also evolving. Seen in this light he would have to acknowledge that faith in God offers function advantages that atheism does not. According to natural selection there are two components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. So according to Darwin belief in God must offer functional advantages over atheism, otherwise according to Darwin belief in God would have died out long ago.

So if one studies history he will see that belief in God has indeed dominated every society and civilization since the beginning of man and that there are real reasons why these beliefs have enriched mankind and provided man a functional advantage.

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