Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

That was never in dispute. The ancients didn't even cross a sea if they could avoid it, they generally sailed within sight of land. Are you trying to say they had the ships to cross the Atlantic?

Still no explanation of how Sumerians and Egyptians ended up in different places?

Here is one:
" The Pre-Flood home of Noah and his family was in the area of Babylonia which was some 500 miles east from Mount Ararat, in what is today modern Turkey. After the flood they migrated back to their homeland and built cities. God then caused the confusion of languages which caused them to disperse into the world."

These people could sail across the seas. Thus, you are wrong. You have the history and still wrong. Otherwise, you would've been all over me like a rash.

I can give you the details if you want.
Noah had two sons
One was Sumerian and one was Egyptian
While on the ark, he dropped them off at different places
The Egyptian one was dropped off in a place called “Palestine”, subsequently invented “Palestinians” as a national identity in the late 1960’s and made himself a billionaire by stealing from the people he invented.
I can't approve of JamesBond's ultra-narrow view of religion. He sees Christianity as truer or the only true religion. But he doesn't even examine what it is about Christianity that he likes, that makes it unique.

I think the world needs a wider sensibility that gets beyond superstition and silly unscientific worship of authority. To my mind, religion and morality, even prayer and worship, can also grow from Deist or "natural religion," pagan religions, and any of the monotheistic religions/cults. These are not all the same of course. Atheism too, though objecting to theistic religion, allows for philosophy, tradition, also morality and civic consciousness based in the family, education and society.

Christianity needs to be appreciated for what it is, or could be, from a moral and cultural perspective. It is not enough to call yourself a Christian and emulate a cynical macho "007" view of the world. Anyway, here is an interesting article from the Catholic Magazine The Crisis, asking if "The James Bond Cult" is itself a kind of religion.

Christianity is the only religion with a SAVIOR and who is in fact GOD HIMSELF. Perfection dying for imperfection. All other religions are based on merit --- weighing one's good works against the bad.

It is a comforting thought to you, no doubt...

Do you think that your belief that Jesus was “GOD HIMSELF” makes you a better person than others who believe differently?

Do you believe that non-Christians who equally strive to live a good and moral life will ... “burn in hell,” or somehow be punished simply for rejecting “Jesus was GOD HIMSELF” Christianity?

What about somebody raised Christian, but whose reason and understanding led him to reject the belief that Jesus was “GOD HIMSELF”?

I ask not out of interest in your religious belief, but only because — on this Sunday when you probably are not in Church — I’m curious what sort of person you are...
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I can't approve of JamesBond's ultra-narrow view of religion. He sees Christianity as truer or the only true religion. But he doesn't even examine what it is about Christianity that he likes, that makes it unique.

I think the world needs a wider sensibility that gets beyond superstition and silly unscientific worship of authority. To my mind, religion and morality, even prayer and worship, can also grow from Deist or "natural religion," pagan religions, and any of the monotheistic religions/cults. These are not all the same of course. Atheism too, though objecting to theistic religion, allows for philosophy, tradition, also morality and civic consciousness based in the family, education and society.

Christianity needs to be appreciated for what it is, or could be, from a moral and cultural perspective. It is not enough to call yourself a Christian and emulate a cynical macho "007" view of the world. Anyway, here is an interesting article from the Catholic Magazine The Crisis, asking if "The James Bond Cult" is itself a kind of religion.

Christianity is the only religion with a SAVIOR and who is in fact GOD HIMSELF. Perfection dying for imperfection. All other religions are based on merit --- weighing one's good works against the bad.

It is a comforting thought to you, no doubt...

Do you think that your belief that Jesus was “GOD HIMSELF” makes you a better person than others who believe differently?

Do you believe that non-Christians who equally strive to live a good and moral life will ... “burn in hell,” or somehow be punished simply for rejecting “Jesus was GOD HIMSELF” Christianity?

What about somebody raised Christian, but whose reason and understanding led him to reject the belief that Jesus was “GOD HIMSELF”?

I ask not out of interest in your religious belief, but only because — on this Sunday when you probably are not in Church — I’m curious what sort of person you are...
The New Testament has much to say about the divine nature of Christ. Jesus claimed to be the Messiah (Mark 14:62; John 4:25-26), Whom Isaiah prophesied would be “Mighty God” and “Jehovah” (Isaiah 9:6; 40:3). Jesus accepted worship while in the form of a man (John 9:38)—implying that He, too, was Deity (Matthew 4:10; cf. Acts 12:21-23; 14:14-15). Jesus forgave sins, which only God can do (Mark 2:5-10). The apostle John said that Jesus “was God” (John 1:1 and not "a" god). Jesus claimed to be “one” with God (John 10:30), leading His hearers to believe that He made Himself “God” (10:33). And, after the apostle Thomas called Jesus “Lord” and “God” (John 20:28), Jesus immediately acknowledged Thomas’ faith, rather than deny the deity that Thomas had just professed. In his letter to the Philippians Paul wrote that Christ Jesus “being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God” (Philippians 2:6). In fact, “in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form” (Colossians 2:9).

In light of the fact that the Bible claims repeatedly that Jesus was both “good” and “God,” some contend that in Mark 10:18 (and Matthew 19:17) Jesus said just the opposite. In an article titled “New Testament Contradictions,” Paul Carlson stated that Mark 10:18 (among other passages) is “an embarrassment to the church,” as it indicates “Jesus did not consider himself sinless” (1995) by saying, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God” (Mark 10:18). However, the simple truth is that Jesus was giving the young rich ruler food for thought. Did he (this young man) actually believe Jesus to be "good" and fully realize the implications/ramifications of his seemingly candid remark?
I can't approve of JamesBond's ultra-narrow view of religion. He sees Christianity as truer or the only true religion. But he doesn't even examine what it is about Christianity that he likes, that makes it unique.

I think the world needs a wider sensibility that gets beyond superstition and silly unscientific worship of authority. To my mind, religion and morality, even prayer and worship, can also grow from Deist or "natural religion," pagan religions, and any of the monotheistic religions/cults. These are not all the same of course. Atheism too, though objecting to theistic religion, allows for philosophy, tradition, also morality and civic consciousness based in the family, education and society.

Christianity needs to be appreciated for what it is, or could be, from a moral and cultural perspective. It is not enough to call yourself a Christian and emulate a cynical macho "007" view of the world. Anyway, here is an interesting article from the Catholic Magazine The Crisis, asking if "The James Bond Cult" is itself a kind of religion.

Christianity is the only religion with a SAVIOR and who is in fact GOD HIMSELF. Perfection dying for imperfection. All other religions are based on merit --- weighing one's good works against the bad.

It is a comforting thought to you, no doubt...

Do you think that your belief that Jesus was “GOD HIMSELF” makes you a better person than others who believe differently?

Do you believe that non-Christians who equally strive to live a good and moral life will ... “burn in hell,” or somehow be punished simply for rejecting “Jesus was GOD HIMSELF” Christianity?

What about somebody raised Christian, but whose reason and understanding led him to reject the belief that Jesus was “GOD HIMSELF”?

I ask not out of interest in your religious belief, but only because — on this Sunday when you probably are not in Church — I’m curious what sort of person you are...
The New Testament has much to say about the divine nature of Christ. Jesus claimed to be the Messiah (Mark 14:62; John 4:25-26), Whom Isaiah prophesied would be “Mighty God” and “Jehovah” (Isaiah 9:6; 40:3). Jesus accepted worship while in the form of a man (John 9:38)—implying that He, too, was Deity (Matthew 4:10; cf. Acts 12:21-23; 14:14-15). Jesus forgave sins, which only God can do (Mark 2:5-10). The apostle John said that Jesus “was God” (John 1:1 and not "a" god). Jesus claimed to be “one” with God (John 10:30), leading His hearers to believe that He made Himself “God” (10:33). And, after the apostle Thomas called Jesus “Lord” and “God” (John 20:28), Jesus immediately acknowledged Thomas’ faith, rather than deny the deity that Thomas had just professed. In his letter to the Philippians Paul wrote that Christ Jesus “being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God” (Philippians 2:6). In fact, “in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form” (Colossians 2:9).

In light of the fact that the Bible claims repeatedly that Jesus was both “good” and “God,” some contend that in Mark 10:18 (and Matthew 19:17) Jesus said just the opposite. In an article titled “New Testament Contradictions,” Paul Carlson stated that Mark 10:18 (among other passages) is “an embarrassment to the church,” as it indicates “Jesus did not consider himself sinless” (1995) by saying, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God” (Mark 10:18). However, the simple truth is that Jesus was giving the young rich ruler food for thought. Did he (this young man) actually believe Jesus to be "good" and fully realize the implications/ramifications of his seemingly candid remark?
Thomas Paine has a point. Is a notional belief that God loved man so much that he chose to be born into this world to testify to the truth and suffer death to reconcile justice with mercy enough? Or does that belief have to manifest itself to transform the fabric of the individual to the point that he lives the notional belief. I say it has to be the latter because the Bible s full of cautionary tales of paying lip service to God which is exactly what someone who has a notional belief that Jesus is God but doesn't actually change or transform himself into a better person is doing.
Do you believe that non-Christians who equally strive to live a good and moral life will ... “burn in hell,” or somehow be punished simply for rejecting “Jesus was GOD HIMSELF” Christianity?
I think this is an important question. But first I would like to share my beliefs on heaven and hell because I think too many people get caught up in that. It is not about the destination. It has never been about the destination. It has always been about the journey. Specifically, to end the journey as a better person than when one started. A relationship with the Creator or Jesus or the Holy Spirit or whatever perception one wants to use for God is meant to inform our journey. No one really knows what happens after we die. The closest I can come to heaven is being eternally united with God on some level. The closest I can come to hell is being eternally separated from God. In effect he grants us our wish which is to be left alone and he withdraws his spirit from us. Only then will people realize what they lost and never knew what they had because they failed to seek it out even though the evidence was all around them. So getting back to your question, if someone offers you a gift and you reject it, was the gift received? Because that is what Christ was offering, a gift. I don't have a good answer, but I believe we will all be offered a chance to accept it when we die. The ones who embraced the spirit of God and transformed themselves will experience God at a different level. The ones who didn't but accepted the final offer will be united but won't experience God at the same level. The ones who reject the final offer will be granted their wish which is to be left alone.

But regardless of all of that, the ones who embraced God's spirit while alive will lead richer and fuller lives along their journey than if they had never embraced God's spirit and will be able to see how God was pruning them, will learn more lessons and will find more peace through the storms.
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I once had a real axe to grind with God. I was a real dick about it. My almost saintly mom died a cruel prolonged death.

That is one of the hardest issues to deal with -- the death of innocent people. I still have problems with what happened to Job and his family, but understand Job more today. God has a more grandiose plan. What people forget is Satan is the one who does the evil stuff because he has dominion over the world. It's easy to blame God for all the ills in the world.
It's easy to blame God because he is supposedly omnipotent and omnipresent existing everywhere simultaneously in the past, present and future. I don't really care about a plan that looks exactly like naturally occurring entropy in a slowly dying universe.

Yes, it's easy to blame God but that's taking the easy way out. Not to blame him and blame Satan is harder; Satan is good at hiding. I also agree that entropy is increasing due to Adam's sin. The part I disagree with is slowly dying. It's happening rapidly.

Who do we blame for Satan?

Who do you blame for your mistakes? God?

So, you answer a question that you can not answer, by asking another question. Got it. I used to be married to someone who got away with that for years.
I guess that was lost on you. FYI, it’s not God’s fault when any of his creatures fail to do good.

now do you understand?

I understand that god created Satan, and that I get punished by god if Satan leads me astray.
Do you believe that non-Christians who equally strive to live a good and moral life will ... “burn in hell,” or somehow be punished simply for rejecting “Jesus was GOD HIMSELF” Christianity?
I think this is an important question. But first I would like to share my beliefs on heaven and hell because I think too many people get caught up in that. It is not about the destination. It has never been about the destination. It has always been about the journey. Specifically, to end the journey as a better person than when one started. A relationship with the Creator or Jesus or the Holy Spirit or whatever perception one wants to use for God is meant to inform our journey. No one really knows what happens after we die. The closest I can come to heaven is being eternally united with God on some level. The closest I can come to hell is being eternally separated from God. In effect he grants us our wish which is to be left alone and he withdraws his spirit from us. Only then will people realize what they lost and never knew what they had because they failed to seek it out even though the evidence was all around them. So getting back to your question, if someone offers you a gift and you reject it, was the gift received? Because that is what Christ was offering, a gift. I don't have a good answer, but I believe we will all be offered a chance to accept it when we die. The ones who embraced the spirit of God and transformed themselves will experience God at a different level. The ones who didn't but accepted the final offer will be united but won't experience God at the same level. The ones who reject the final offer will be granted their wish which is to be left alone.

But regardless of all of that, the ones who embraced God's spirit while alive will lead richer and fuller lives along their journey than if they had never embraced God's spirit and will be able to see how God was pruning them, will learn more lessons and will find more peace through the storms.
I think your comment about the “gift” of belief is fair — an honest presentation of a view of what a “connection to God” can bring. I really like that you speak of its potential “transforming” influence on believers. Also I like that you made your points only once directly referring to your own spiritual connection to Christ. Of course mere belief that “Jesus was GOD HIMSELF” guarantees no such transformation. To me, when such belief is dogmatically maintained it can actually narrow one’s humanity. It can be just another false ideology.

Whatever our religious or philosophical views, we all live on the same planet, in a world where MONEY is God, more or less. But that’s another whole story...
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I once had a real axe to grind with God. I was a real dick about it. My almost saintly mom died a cruel prolonged death.

That is one of the hardest issues to deal with -- the death of innocent people. I still have problems with what happened to Job and his family, but understand Job more today. God has a more grandiose plan. What people forget is Satan is the one who does the evil stuff because he has dominion over the world. It's easy to blame God for all the ills in the world.
It's easy to blame God because he is supposedly omnipotent and omnipresent existing everywhere simultaneously in the past, present and future. I don't really care about a plan that looks exactly like naturally occurring entropy in a slowly dying universe.

Yes, it's easy to blame God but that's taking the easy way out. Not to blame him and blame Satan is harder; Satan is good at hiding. I also agree that entropy is increasing due to Adam's sin. The part I disagree with is slowly dying. It's happening rapidly.

Who do we blame for Satan?

Who do you blame for your mistakes? God?

So, you answer a question that you can not answer, by asking another question. Got it. I used to be married to someone who got away with that for years.
I guess that was lost on you. FYI, it’s not God’s fault when any of his creatures fail to do good.

now do you understand?

I understand that god created Satan, and that I get punished by god if Satan leads me astray.
You understood wrong. What you just said was a textbook example of an extent locus of control where you just transferred your control and power to an external source, in this case Satan. You are so set on finding reasons to not believe in God that you have abandoned all logic and reason. No one can lead you anywhere. It is totally up to you to decide what you will or won’t do. Everything is choice. At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. We don’t always make good choices. When we don’t, it is incumbent upon us to acknowledge our mistakes, learn from them and move forward armed with new knowledge.
Whatever our religious or philosophical views, we all live on the same planet, in a world where MONEY is God, more or less. But that’s another whole story...
One of the wisdoms in Genesis is that we are free to worship created things or the creator.

We are free to pursue pride, pleasure, fame, fortune or power but in the end none of those things will satisfy us because we were made for more.
That was never in dispute. The ancients didn't even cross a sea if they could avoid it, they generally sailed within sight of land. Are you trying to say they had the ships to cross the Atlantic?

Still no explanation of how Sumerians and Egyptians ended up in different places?

Here is one:
" The Pre-Flood home of Noah and his family was in the area of Babylonia which was some 500 miles east from Mount Ararat, in what is today modern Turkey. After the flood they migrated back to their homeland and built cities. God then caused the confusion of languages which caused them to disperse into the world."

These people could sail across the seas. Thus, you are wrong. You have the history and still wrong. Otherwise, you would've been all over me like a rash.

I can give you the details if you want.
Noah had two sons
One was Sumerian and one was Egyptian
While on the ark, he dropped them off at different places

Atheists are usually wrong. We're not even talking about the Ark and global flood.

We're talking about the Tower of Babel and the aftermath. He has the historical dates while I have to figure out mine. Um... how does 2200BC for the Tower sound? I would like around 250 yrs after the Ark found a home. 2458 BC for Noah's Flood would be okay.
I once had a real axe to grind with God. I was a real dick about it. My almost saintly mom died a cruel prolonged death.

That is one of the hardest issues to deal with -- the death of innocent people. I still have problems with what happened to Job and his family, but understand Job more today. God has a more grandiose plan. What people forget is Satan is the one who does the evil stuff because he has dominion over the world. It's easy to blame God for all the ills in the world.
It's easy to blame God because he is supposedly omnipotent and omnipresent existing everywhere simultaneously in the past, present and future. I don't really care about a plan that looks exactly like naturally occurring entropy in a slowly dying universe.

Yes, it's easy to blame God but that's taking the easy way out. Not to blame him and blame Satan is harder; Satan is good at hiding. I also agree that entropy is increasing due to Adam's sin. The part I disagree with is slowly dying. It's happening rapidly.

Who do we blame for Satan?

Who do you blame for your mistakes? God?

So, you answer a question that you can not answer, by asking another question. Got it. I used to be married to someone who got away with that for years.
I guess that was lost on you. FYI, it’s not God’s fault when any of his creatures fail to do good.

now do you understand?

I understand that god created Satan, and that I get punished by god if Satan leads me astray.
That’s one of the many underlying contradictions in Christianity. Another centers on the very foundation of the belief structure where in the Genesis fable, the gods lie to A&E about fruit theft and it is the talking serpent that tells the truth.

Religions are definitely man-made creations. What I find vastly more destructive and dangerous are religionists who play god(s). The sheiks, ayatollahs, Priests, Reverends, etc., all claim to be learned about their gods yet they clash constantly over doctrine and dogma. All religionists claim to be truly tuned in to what their gods really mean and really want. Why is it that the gods are such poor communicators?
That was never in dispute. The ancients didn't even cross a sea if they could avoid it, they generally sailed within sight of land. Are you trying to say they had the ships to cross the Atlantic?

Still no explanation of how Sumerians and Egyptians ended up in different places?

Here is one:
" The Pre-Flood home of Noah and his family was in the area of Babylonia which was some 500 miles east from Mount Ararat, in what is today modern Turkey. After the flood they migrated back to their homeland and built cities. God then caused the confusion of languages which caused them to disperse into the world."

These people could sail across the seas. Thus, you are wrong. You have the history and still wrong. Otherwise, you would've been all over me like a rash.

I can give you the details if you want.
Noah had two sons
One was Sumerian and one was Egyptian
While on the ark, he dropped them off at different places

Atheists are usually wrong. We're not even talking about the Ark and global flood.

We're talking about the Tower of Babel and the aftermath. He has the historical dates while I have to figure out mine. Um... how does 2200BC for the Tower sound? I would like around 250 yrs after the Ark found a home. 2458 BC for Noah's Flood would be okay.
Show us the ruins of the Tower of Babel
Something that big would have left some trace
That was never in dispute. The ancients didn't even cross a sea if they could avoid it, they generally sailed within sight of land. Are you trying to say they had the ships to cross the Atlantic?

Still no explanation of how Sumerians and Egyptians ended up in different places?

Here is one:
" The Pre-Flood home of Noah and his family was in the area of Babylonia which was some 500 miles east from Mount Ararat, in what is today modern Turkey. After the flood they migrated back to their homeland and built cities. God then caused the confusion of languages which caused them to disperse into the world."

These people could sail across the seas. Thus, you are wrong. You have the history and still wrong. Otherwise, you would've been all over me like a rash.

I can give you the details if you want.
Noah had two sons
One was Sumerian and one was Egyptian
While on the ark, he dropped them off at different places

Atheists are usually wrong. We're not even talking about the Ark and global flood.

We're talking about the Tower of Babel and the aftermath. He has the historical dates while I have to figure out mine. Um... how does 2200BC for the Tower sound? I would like around 250 yrs after the Ark found a home. 2458 BC for Noah's Flood would be okay.
Rsther, it seems the extremists are wrong, as there is no supportable evidence for a global flood inundating a 6,000 year old planet.
Whatever our religious or philosophical views, we all live on the same planet, in a world where MONEY is God, more or less. But that’s another whole story...
One of the wisdoms in Genesis is that we are free to worship created things or the creator.

We are free to pursue pride, pleasure, fame, fortune or power but in the end none of those things will satisfy us because we were made for more.
More what? Enlightenment? Wisdom? We are built to seek security and gratification. Self denial leading to a better world in the afterlife is a myth meant to keep the flock meek in a world that rewards ruthlessness. It's not how it ought to be but it's how it is. Enlightenment is a luxury afforded those who no longer have to worry about their next meal and have leisure time to consider the world. Most people would be happy with a simple uncomplicated life where basic needs are met. It's the ones who can never have enough that give materialism a bad name.
Do you think that your belief that Jesus was “GOD HIMSELF” makes you a better person than others who believe differently?

Do you believe that non-Christians who equally strive to live a good and moral life will ... “burn in hell,” or somehow be punished simply for rejecting “Jesus was GOD HIMSELF” Christianity?

What about somebody raised Christian, but whose reason and understanding led him to reject the belief that Jesus was “GOD HIMSELF”?

Of course, Jesus was "GOD HIMSELF?" Who else could he be? As for being a better person, Jesus helps us to be a better person. However, it's strange that you compare it to others who believe differently. Aren't they responsible for their own beliefs?

I don't know as Jesus is the final judge for everyone. I do know that we are all sinners. No one, I mean no one is free from sin. That said, are you one who lives a good and moral life and non-Christian? Are you the judge? In that case, I think only you can judge yourself.

Someone raised Christian, but rejects Jesus belongs to a cult. The only way to salvation is through Jesus.
bond is drunk on disinformation as a pleasurable way to pass time ...

How can one who is wrong all the time know about information? You're even wrong about what evolution states.
Too many people look at evolution all wrong. They limit evolution to biological processes when in reality evolution has been going on since the beginning of time. Evolution is when anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state; a less complex state to a more complex state. There are five distinct phases or stages of evolution. Each stage built upon the previous stage. The five stages are cosmic evolution, stellar evolution, chemical evolution, biological evolution and the evolution of consciousness.

When one properly views evolution and studies the evolution of the creation of space and time from subatomic particles to beings that know and create, he cannot help but see God’s hand in creation.
Too many people look at evolution all wrong.
you are one of them ...

no, a tornado does not deliberately aim for the farm house. evolution is processing information from parent to sibling that is reproduced through succeeding generations ... the metaphysical. as proven by the existence of physiology and its inseparable spiritual content.
Nope. Space and time have been evolving since day one and will continue to do so. To argue that means tornadoes aim for farmhouses is silly. Biological evolution is one small part of the evolution of energy and matter.

Do you see God’s hand in creation?
Nope. Space and time have been evolving since day one and will continue to do so.
how so - greek mythology, et al is making a come back - anything is better than christianity - I would say there might be hope for you afterall though I am not a sinner so let's just leave it at that ...
Whatever our religious or philosophical views, we all live on the same planet, in a world where MONEY is God, more or less. But that’s another whole story...
One of the wisdoms in Genesis is that we are free to worship created things or the creator.

We are free to pursue pride, pleasure, fame, fortune or power but in the end none of those things will satisfy us because we were made for more.
More what? Enlightenment? Wisdom? We are built to seek security and gratification. Self denial leading to a better world in the afterlife is a myth meant to keep the flock meek in a world that rewards ruthlessness. It's not how it ought to be but it's how it is. Enlightenment is a luxury afforded those who no longer have to worry about their next meal and have leisure time to consider the world. Most people would be happy with a simple uncomplicated life where basic needs are met. It's the ones who can never have enough that give materialism a bad name.
Actually it is faith that provides peace through the storm for people who are forced into impositions and sacrifices. As it is faith that good will eventually come from suffering that gives them hope. Faith thus makes it easier and felicitous what is in any case necessary. It’s vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. So again, it’s not about the after life. It is about this life.
I can't approve of JamesBond's ultra-narrow view of religion. He sees Christianity as truer or the only true religion. But he doesn't even examine what it is about Christianity that he likes, that makes it unique.

I think the world needs a wider sensibility that gets beyond superstition and silly unscientific worship of authority. To my mind, religion and morality, even prayer and worship, can also grow from Deist or "natural religion," pagan religions, and any of the monotheistic religions/cults. These are not all the same of course. Atheism too, though objecting to theistic religion, allows for philosophy, tradition, also morality and civic consciousness based in the family, education and society.

Christianity needs to be appreciated for what it is, or could be, from a moral and cultural perspective. It is not enough to call yourself a Christian and emulate a cynical macho "007" view of the world. Anyway, here is an interesting article from the Catholic Magazine The Crisis, asking if "The James Bond Cult" is itself a kind of religion.

Christianity is the only religion with a SAVIOR and who is in fact GOD HIMSELF. Perfection dying for imperfection. All other religions are based on merit --- weighing one's good works against the bad.
Christianity is the only religion with a SAVIOR and who is in fact GOD HIMSELF. Perfection dying for imperfection. All other religions are based on merit --- weighing one's good works against the bad.
wake up nipper - the cross for the religious itinerant was for principle they died for and made their own ticket and most likely got past, go ... you on the otherhand rely on a book that abandoned the religion the above died for - triumph over evil - their own work's, good luck.
bond is drunk on disinformation as a pleasurable way to pass time ...

How can one who is wrong all the time know about information? You're even wrong about what evolution states.
Too many people look at evolution all wrong. They limit evolution to biological processes when in reality evolution has been going on since the beginning of time. Evolution is when anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state; a less complex state to a more complex state. There are five distinct phases or stages of evolution. Each stage built upon the previous stage. The five stages are cosmic evolution, stellar evolution, chemical evolution, biological evolution and the evolution of consciousness.

When one properly views evolution and studies the evolution of the creation of space and time from subatomic particles to beings that know and create, he cannot help but see God’s hand in creation.
Too many people look at evolution all wrong.
you are one of them ...

no, a tornado does not deliberately aim for the farm house. evolution is processing information from parent to sibling that is reproduced through succeeding generations ... the metaphysical. as proven by the existence of physiology and its inseparable spiritual content.
Nope. Space and time have been evolving since day one and will continue to do so. To argue that means tornadoes aim for farmhouses is silly. Biological evolution is one small part of the evolution of energy and matter.

Do you see God’s hand in creation?
Nope. Space and time have been evolving since day one and will continue to do so.
how so - greek mythology, et al is making a come back - anything is better than christianity - I would say there might be hope for you afterall though I am not a sinner so let's just leave it at that ...
The only thing I will leave it at is what I have already said about your behaviors. Your only purpose here is to subordinate faith in God for the express purpose of replacing loyalty to family, country and God with loyalty to state. As such you attack the dominant religion of the land which is Christianity which is what socialism has always done. You do so from a position of deceit and subversion by pretending to be a rival religion attacking another religion. The problem is no one knows what your religion is which is why you won’t answer the question do you see God’s hand in creation. I know you don’t because your religion is socialism and you are a secular humanist no different than GreatestIam
I once had a real axe to grind with God. I was a real dick about it. My almost saintly mom died a cruel prolonged death.

That is one of the hardest issues to deal with -- the death of innocent people. I still have problems with what happened to Job and his family, but understand Job more today. God has a more grandiose plan. What people forget is Satan is the one who does the evil stuff because he has dominion over the world. It's easy to blame God for all the ills in the world.
It's easy to blame God because he is supposedly omnipotent and omnipresent existing everywhere simultaneously in the past, present and future. I don't really care about a plan that looks exactly like naturally occurring entropy in a slowly dying universe.

Yes, it's easy to blame God but that's taking the easy way out. Not to blame him and blame Satan is harder; Satan is good at hiding. I also agree that entropy is increasing due to Adam's sin. The part I disagree with is slowly dying. It's happening rapidly.

Who do we blame for Satan?

Who do you blame for your mistakes? God?

So, you answer a question that you can not answer, by asking another question. Got it. I used to be married to someone who got away with that for years.
I guess that was lost on you. FYI, it’s not God’s fault when any of his creatures fail to do good.

now do you understand?

I understand that god created Satan, and that I get punished by god if Satan leads me astray.
That’s one of the many underlying contradictions in Christianity. Another centers on the very foundation of the belief structure where in the Genesis fable, the gods lie to A&E about fruit theft and it is the talking serpent that tells the truth.

Religions are definitely man-made creations. What I find vastly more destructive and dangerous are religionists who play god(s). The sheiks, ayatollahs, Priests, Reverends, etc., all claim to be learned about their gods yet they clash constantly over doctrine and dogma. All religionists claim to be truly tuned in to what their gods really mean and really want. Why is it that the gods are such poor communicators?
I noticed you omitted rabbi’s from your list.

I am wondering why I am the only one to notice that.

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