Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

I can't approve of JamesBond's ultra-narrow view of religion. He sees Christianity as truer or the only true religion. But he doesn't even examine what it is about Christianity that he likes, that makes it unique.

I think the world needs a wider sensibility that gets beyond superstition and silly unscientific worship of authority. To my mind, religion and morality, even prayer and worship, can also grow from Deist or "natural religion," pagan religions, and any of the monotheistic religions/cults. These are not all the same of course. Atheism too, though objecting to theistic religion, allows for philosophy, tradition, also morality and civic consciousness based in the family, education and society.

Christianity needs to be appreciated for what it is, or could be, from a moral and cultural perspective. It is not enough to call yourself a Christian and emulate a cynical macho "007" view of the world. Anyway, here is an interesting article from the Catholic Magazine The Crisis, asking if "The James Bond Cult" is itself a kind of religion.

Christianity is the only religion with a SAVIOR and who is in fact GOD HIMSELF. Perfection dying for imperfection. All other religions are based on merit --- weighing one's good works against the bad.
Merit based religions are rather common. Christianity is a version of that with an additional “hook” that requiresj belief in the Jesus character.

By implication, Christianity even goes as far as to retroactively punish that part of humanity which has culturally different gods.
Yeah, those losers who came and went before xtianity or all of humanity which existed prior to xtianity are screwed -- it doesn't matter if you knew about Jesus or not because it's pretty straightforward:

John 3:3 - Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

John 3:7 - Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

1 Peter 1:23 - Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

John 6:35 - And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

John 8:12 - Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

John 9:5 - As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

John 10:7 - Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.

And finally:

Mark 16:16 - He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Mark 16:16 - He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
they are madmen that wrote that book - bond

there is nothing proving the person that died on the cross ever said anything attributed to them from their bible -

you give credence to the crucifiers.
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Whatever our religious or philosophical views, we all live on the same planet, in a world where MONEY is God, more or less. But that’s another whole story...
One of the wisdoms in Genesis is that we are free to worship created things or the creator.

We are free to pursue pride, pleasure, fame, fortune or power but in the end none of those things will satisfy us because we were made for more.
More what? Enlightenment? Wisdom? We are built to seek security and gratification. Self denial leading to a better world in the afterlife is a myth meant to keep the flock meek in a world that rewards ruthlessness. It's not how it ought to be but it's how it is. Enlightenment is a luxury afforded those who no longer have to worry about their next meal and have leisure time to consider the world. Most people would be happy with a simple uncomplicated life where basic needs are met. It's the ones who can never have enough that give materialism a bad name.
Actually it is faith that provides peace through the storm for people who are forced into impositions and sacrifices. As it is faith that good will eventually come from suffering that gives them hope. Faith thus makes it easier and felicitous what is in any case necessary. It’s vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. So again, it’s not about the after life. It is about this life.
You're not wrong but the faithful often seem to lack the ability to know when their faith is being used to keep them the willing victims of the massive con job that is organized religion. Enlightenment often comes in the form of leaving the mystical dog and pony show behind. It's mighty handy for religious leaders that practically every faith makes questioning them and their edicts a damnable affront to God. That is the only problem I have with faith. Is it somehow not possible to have faith and yet be skeptical of those who claim to know the mind of God?
how so - greek mythology, et al is making a come back - anything is better than christianity - I would say there might be hope for you afterall though I am not a sinner so let's just leave it at that ...

You just lied which is a sin. Being wrong about God is a sin. You probably sin every day in your wrongful posts about God. Let's just leave it at that.
Whatever our religious or philosophical views, we all live on the same planet, in a world where MONEY is God, more or less. But that’s another whole story...
One of the wisdoms in Genesis is that we are free to worship created things or the creator.

We are free to pursue pride, pleasure, fame, fortune or power but in the end none of those things will satisfy us because we were made for more.
More what? Enlightenment? Wisdom? We are built to seek security and gratification. Self denial leading to a better world in the afterlife is a myth meant to keep the flock meek in a world that rewards ruthlessness. It's not how it ought to be but it's how it is. Enlightenment is a luxury afforded those who no longer have to worry about their next meal and have leisure time to consider the world. Most people would be happy with a simple uncomplicated life where basic needs are met. It's the ones who can never have enough that give materialism a bad name.
Actually it is faith that provides peace through the storm for people who are forced into impositions and sacrifices. As it is faith that good will eventually come from suffering that gives them hope. Faith thus makes it easier and felicitous what is in any case necessary. It’s vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. So again, it’s not about the after life. It is about this life.
You're not wrong but the faithful often seem to lack the ability to know when their faith is being used to keep them the willing victims of the massive con job that is organized religion. Enlightenment often comes in the form of leaving the mystical dog and pony show behind. It's mighty handy for religious leaders that practically every faith makes questioning them and their edicts a damnable affront to God. That is the only problem I have with faith. Is it somehow not possible to have faith and yet be skeptical of those who claim to know the mind of God?
There’s a distribution and it’s not as bad as people make it out to be. It’s the tendency to believe one bad apple spoils the whole barrel which is misleading. People aren’t very balanced. Which in the long run only hurts them because that failed behavior is a bad habit which tends to spread to every aspect of their life.
You're not wrong but the faithful often seem to lack the ability to know when their faith is being used to keep them the willing victims of the massive con job that is organized religion.

Atheism is a religion and imho the worst one. It puts no God in the foreground and communism in the background as their fake god. The people who have faith in it are led like lambs to the slaughter by Satan. There is no God, the Abrahmic one, unless they are angry and looking for blame. If things are good, then there is no God. They never talk about Satan, their "god of the world and prince of the power of the air" who leads them to lies which they believe as truth. It's Satan's Antibible of evolution as it contradicts everything that God wrote in the Bible. This could not be coincidence. Furthermore, the atheists reward for all this is hell, which means separation from God. Can you imagine what the world would be like if there was no good? That is hell.
how so - greek mythology, et al is making a come back - anything is better than christianity - I would say there might be hope for you afterall though I am not a sinner so let's just leave it at that ...

You just lied which is a sin. Being wrong about God is a sin. You probably sin every day in your wrongful posts about God. Let's just leave it at that.
You just lied which is a sin. Being wrong about God is a sin. You probably sin every day in your wrongful posts about God. Let's just leave it at that.
what was there a lie about bond - mythology has a purpose a tornado does not as being transitional over time, bing is nothing but muddy water at least with you there is some clarity.

where are the etchings in stone carved at the time of an instance recorded in your book - anything at all - why is your book greater than the spoken religion of antiquity, that is certainly where the religious itinerant left matters at the closing scene of the 1st century.
Why is it that the gods are such poor communicators?
Have you asked a rabbi that question yet?

Or Indeependent or RoccoR or rylah or irosie91 or Mindful ?

I wonder why not?

I wonder why you’re wondering.
Really? You shouldn’t. You know Hollie as a rabid pro-Israeli poster from all of the Israel threads, right?

What’s rabid about being pro-Israel?
Not sure how you made that leap in logic.
Why is it that the gods are such poor communicators?
Have you asked a rabbi that question yet?

Or Indeependent or RoccoR or rylah or irosie91 or Mindful ?

I wonder why not?

I wonder why you’re wondering.
Really? You shouldn’t. You know Hollie as a rabid pro-Israeli poster from all of the Israel threads, right?

What’s rabid about being pro-Israel?
Not sure how you made that leap in logic.

You and logic? Together?
Why is it that the gods are such poor communicators?
Have you asked a rabbi that question yet?

Or Indeependent or RoccoR or rylah or irosie91 or Mindful ?

I wonder why not?

I wonder why you’re wondering.
Really? You shouldn’t. You know Hollie as a rabid pro-Israeli poster from all of the Israel threads, right?

What’s rabid about being pro-Israel?
Not sure how you made that leap in logic.

You and logic? Together?
Why is it that the gods are such poor communicators?
Have you asked a rabbi that question yet?

Or Indeependent or RoccoR or rylah or irosie91 or Mindful ?

I wonder why not?

I wonder why you’re wondering.
Really? You shouldn’t. You know Hollie as a rabid pro-Israeli poster from all of the Israel threads, right?

What’s rabid about being pro-Israel?
Not sure how you made that leap in logic.

You and logic? Together?

Such conceit.
Why is it that the gods are such poor communicators?
Have you asked a rabbi that question yet?

Or Indeependent or RoccoR or rylah or irosie91 or Mindful ?

I wonder why not?

I wonder why you’re wondering.
Really? You shouldn’t. You know Hollie as a rabid pro-Israeli poster from all of the Israel threads, right?

What’s rabid about being pro-Israel?
Not sure how you made that leap in logic.

You and logic? Together?

Such conceit.
That’s how you need to see it.
what was there a lie about bond - mythology has a purpose a tornado does not as being transitional over time, bing is nothing but muddy water at least with you there is some clarity.

where are the etchings in stone carved at the time of an instance recorded in your book - anything at all - why is your book greater than the spoken religion of antiquity, that is certainly where the religious itinerant left matters at the closing scene of the 1st century.

You can knock yourself out enjoying mythology, but it's a lie and sin to state anything is better than Christianity. I agree ding is a wacko deist who enjoys making himself like God with his pontifications. He brings weird science into his religion and weird religion into his science. He's so mixed up he is discussing science in R&E forum and discussing religion in S&T forum now.

In regards to etchings in stone, we have the first writing of the Bible by Moses:

I agree @ding is a wacko deist who enjoys making himself like God with his pontifications.
I’m happy enough for you to spend your time attacking me while I continue to spend my time glorifying God.

Some people prefer to glorify a book instead of glorifying God. I prefer to glorify God.

Some people worship created things instead of the Creator. I prefer to worship God.

Some people confuse religion for God. I never confuse religion for God or place religion above God.

Some people can’t understand how bad things can happen to good people and how good things can happen to bad people if there is a God who loves us. God has perfect knowledge and understands how all things work for good. We don’t.

Some people think that believing in God is about heaven and hell instead of about living life and becoming the best version of yourself that you can be. I believe if you think you are good you probably aren’t.

Some people believe that prayer is about what God can do for us instead of about what we can do for God. I believe I am his servant and not the other way around.

Some people believe they are saved but act like they aren’t.

most people don’t have a clue what worship means.

most people say they believe in God but few act like they do.
Why is it that the gods are such poor communicators?
Have you asked a rabbi that question yet?

Or Indeependent or RoccoR or rylah or irosie91 or Mindful ?

I wonder why not?

I wonder why you’re wondering.
Really? You shouldn’t. You know Hollie as a rabid pro-Israeli poster from all of the Israel threads, right?

What’s rabid about being pro-Israel?
Not sure how you made that leap in logic.

You and logic? Together?

Such conceit.
That’s how you need to see it.

Need doesn’t come into it.
You're not wrong but the faithful often seem to lack the ability to know when their faith is being used to keep them the willing victims of the massive con job that is organized religion.

Atheism is a religion and imho the worst one. It puts no God in the foreground and communism in the background as their fake god. The people who have faith in it are led like lambs to the slaughter by Satan. There is no God, the Abrahmic one, unless they are angry and looking for blame. If things are good, then there is no God. They never talk about Satan, their "god of the world and prince of the power of the air" who leads them to lies which they believe as truth. It's Satan's Antibible of evolution as it contradicts everything that God wrote in the Bible. This could not be coincidence. Furthermore, the atheists reward for all this is hell, which means separation from God. Can you imagine what the world would be like if there was no good? That is hell.
A lot of people are atheists because religion failed them. They got preached at and told to be obedient and judged and molested and emotionally beat down to point it looked like a big sadistic joke. You're preaching at me right now without giving two shits why I came to believe as I do. Religion had nothing useful to say when my crisis of faith arrived so I walked away. I'll have no regrets even if I burn in Hell.

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