Let's discuss why the world media does not relentlessly attack China for THE global WARMING.

Why do we suppose that is. Come on libs. Give us your very best guess.

All of them have broken out their laminated race cards.....jaws tightened. Teeth gnashing.....


Now, let's discuss why the world media does not attack China or India for THE global WARMING.

Why China Still Isn't Winning its War on Pollution

Seems that TRRRUUUUUMP was right (again) about China and that "Paris Accord" that was obviously designed as yet another globalist policy to take down western free markets (specifically the United States.)

China's rising emissions prove Trump right on Paris Agreement

Liberals are so fucking pathetic. As much as they collectively hate Trump and his supporters, trust this.

I despise them that much more.
Well Trump is an idiot, but he is certainly right about one thing. China is our real enemy. Anything and every thing should be on the table when dealing with China. It is to bad the American consumer does not help deal with China and stop buying it's prducts. I wish Trump would stop with his immigration scare and point the fear where it should be which is containing China, they are the real threat to globe.What ever wins elections I guess. We as Americans like to point blame any where but our selves but we are greatly responsible for Chinas rise. OUr thirst for cheap peice of shit Chinese goods has allowed the economy to boom and robbed us of quality products and jobs. In a free market system the governemnet can not completely control this, the consumer does. If Americans would some how remember that quality products and the jobs that come with them are better for us in the long term we would all be better off. We could also greatly reduce pollution by buying products that last instead of the cheap shit we buy now that are junk inside of six months. It would be nice if real consevative values would return like saving for a rainy day, pride in building quality products, supporting your neighbors jobs instead of jobs over sees and punishing buisnesses that locate over seas. When these values existed in the Americans minds we did not need to add laws to protect our interest a sense of community did it for us. Our so called leaders have divided us against each other so they can keep doing what ever it takes to keep their jobs and enrich themselves, it is about time we quit letting them do that and remember we are all Americans and work together.
Why do we suppose that is. Come on libs. Give us your very best guess.
Um, that's a tough one all right.

The countries with the largest cumulative CO2 emissions since 1750

Ranking as of the start of 2019:

1) US – 397GtCO2
2) CN – 214Gt
3) fmr USSR – 180
4) DE – 90
5) UK – 77
6) JP – 58
7) IN – 51
8) FR – 37
9) CA – 32
10) PL – 27

Interesting graphic here that you'll want to ignore...
Nice deceptive chart,,,no info on current emissions,,,,,
List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions - Wikipedia
Driving China's CO2 emissions is the nation's massive coal production. China's generation of electricity from coal has dropped slightly from 75% in 1992 to 70% in 2015. Still, overall coal production has tripled since 2000 to nearly 4,000 million metric tons – approximately half of all global coal production. These countries produce the most CO2 emissions
India is also a major coal user. Coal is over 40% of world energy use, holding steady for a couple of decades now, despite big increases in energy production. But since Red China is not only a left wing police state, and largely Asian, which make's it 'racist n stuff' to criticize them for anything, and also Wall Street's new Best Friend Forever, and a country the 'Globalists' want to replace the U.S. as the world hegemon with, its labor racketeering is too lucrative to risk losing for corporations, both the scumbag Left and the 'free market' Right love the place, so they shill for the vermin no end.
So, the answer is no you can't. We already knew that.
So do you deny black holes because no experiments have been done on them? Because if you don't you're talking denier bullshit.
So, the answer is no you can't. We already knew that.
So do you deny black holes because no experiments have been done on them? Because if you don't you're talking denier bullshit.

Yes, we know you can't produce a shred of credible evidence. Like I said we know that already. You don't know squat about science, so quit pretending you do.
Dodges the question about selectively accepting scientific consensus not based on lab experiments. What a surprise. Probably Texan.
Dodges the question about selectively accepting scientific consensus not based on lab experiments. What a surprise. Probably Texan.

So you're saying you caan't come up with any credible science? We already agreed on that. You're probably a dumbass parrot.

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