Let's examine Trump's reaction to NYC incident and Las Vegas massacre

Trump was able to quickly see the difference while democrats (once again) are left scratching their empty heads.
Trump was able to quickly see the difference while democrats (once again) are left scratching their empty heads.

What difference? Are the Las Vegas victims less dead than the New York victims because their murderer didn’t express and ideology? Are the people who attended that concert less terrorized because they were shot up by an insane American as opposed to an insane Muslim?

This is the part right wingers don’t get: there’s not one iota of difference between Islamic terrorism and and crazy white American terrorists. Dead is dead. Except that right wingers only go bat shit crazy about terrorism when a Muslim is involved. When it’s a crazy white guy terrorist well that’s just the price you pay for your second amendment rights.
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Trump was able to quickly see the difference while democrats (once again) are left scratching their empty heads.

What difference? Are the Las Vegas victims less dead than the New York victims because their murderer didn’t express and ideology? Are the people who attended that concert less terrorized because they were shot up by an insane American as opposed to an insane Muslim?

This is the part right wingers don’t get: there’s not one iota of difference between Islamic terrorism and and crazy white American terrorists. Dead is dead. Except that right wingers only go bat shit crazy about terrorism when a Muslim is involved. When it’s a crazy white guy terrorist well that’s just the price you pay for your second amendment rights.
There is another difference, left wingers a. Go directly to gun control, and b. Jump to Islam’s defense. Like clockwork. Oh and c. Cry racism.
I'll never understand why the left cannot get this.
I'll try again.

The incident in Las Vegas that killed 58 = No identifiable, unifying ideology driving the killers actions.

The incident in New York City that killed 8 = An identifiable, unifying ideology driving the killers actions.

This is precisely why the semantics between "terror attack" and "random attack" exists and matters.

This is why what happened in New York City is much more serious and much more worrisome, and why action to lessen the chances of repeated attacks needs to be put in place as soon as possible.

Here is where you argument falls apart.

The terrorist attack in New York is the deadliest terror attack since 9/11 - 16 years ago. The shooting in Las Vegas is the deadliest gun spree attack since the Pulse Night Club shooting a little over a year ago.

There have been over 300 school shootings since Sandy Hook in 2012. That doesn’t include all of the other mass shootings like the Aurora movie theatre shooting either.

The greatest danger facing Americans isn’t foreign born Islamic terrorists. It’s American white guys with guns. Pretending otherwise is being willfully blind to the danger your own brand of home grown white terrorists represent.

How many white guys are there here, versus Muslim extremists ?

You walk past hundreds of white guys every day, yet you're still here. These white guys you're afraid of, do not have a central belief system that puts you, who are outside of that system at risk. Yes you have a certain amount of risk from one of these guys going off the rails and shooting people, but they do not have that central ideology that is bent on destroying the culture that you live in.

I know your media constantly bashes you over the head with the stories of the white devil that is more likely to kill you than anyone else, but please take the time to look around, and note that white men make up 31% of the American population, so naturally they are going to be involved with a large portion of both good and bad going on in this nation. While you're at it, please take the time to drop to your knees and thank your god, if you're a believer, that 31% of the population is NOT made up of Muslim males from other countries.
Let's examine Liberal's reaction to Trump's reaction to NYC incident and Las Vegas massacre:


This has become the “go to” response to any reasonable criticism of Trump’s behaviour. I guess because you’ve got nothing cogent to say about the orange faced baboon you elected, you fall back on “butt hurt”. Oh yes and a meme.

Try to think before you respond.

The libs go to response is "Trump is a racist".
I'll never understand why the left cannot get this.
I'll try again.

The incident in Las Vegas that killed 58 = No identifiable, unifying ideology driving the killers actions.

The incident in New York City that killed 8 = An identifiable, unifying ideology driving the killers actions.

This is precisely why the semantics between "terror attack" and "random attack" exists and matters.

This is why what happened in New York City is much more serious and much more worrisome, and why action to lessen the chances of repeated attacks needs to be put in place as soon as possible.

Here is where you argument falls apart.

The terrorist attack in New York is the deadliest terror attack since 9/11 - 16 years ago. The shooting in Las Vegas is the deadliest gun spree attack since the Pulse Night Club shooting a little over a year ago.

There have been over 300 school shootings since Sandy Hook in 2012. That doesn’t include all of the other mass shootings like the Aurora movie theatre shooting either.

The greatest danger facing Americans isn’t foreign born Islamic terrorists. It’s American white guys with guns. Pretending otherwise is being willfully blind to the danger your own brand of home grown white terrorists represent.

300 school shootings? Or 300 shootings near a school? LInk to your data.

Until white guys get up to about 3000 dead, I think 9/11 beats all of your whining!
Trump was able to quickly see the difference while democrats (once again) are left scratching their empty heads.

What difference? Are the Las Vegas victims less dead than the New York victims because their murderer didn’t express and ideology? Are the people who attended that concert less terrorized because they were shot up by an insane American as opposed to an insane Muslim?

This is the part right wingers don’t get: there’s not one iota of difference between Islamic terrorism and and crazy white American terrorists. Dead is dead. Except that right wingers only go bat shit crazy about terrorism when a Muslim is involved. When it’s a crazy white guy terrorist well that’s just the price you pay for your second amendment rights.

Everything in that post that you attribute to your enemies, was strawmen of your own creation.

Trump was able to quickly see the difference while democrats (once again) are left scratching their empty heads.

What difference? Are the Las Vegas victims less dead than the New York victims because their murderer didn’t express and ideology? Are the people who attended that concert less terrorized because they were shot up by an insane American as opposed to an insane Muslim?

This is the part right wingers don’t get: there’s not one iota of difference between Islamic terrorism and and crazy white American terrorists. Dead is dead. Except that right wingers only go bat shit crazy about terrorism when a Muslim is involved. When it’s a crazy white guy terrorist well that’s just the price you pay for your second amendment rights.
Let us know when you’re able to understand what’s going on.
Ha ha, you say “believe what I say or you are stoooopid” and you expect is to care?

Hmmm - You made a fair point earlier - Now it is you exercising intellectual and linguistic incompetence?

U Go Boy! :D

That's because earlier, someone made a fair point. Now what you posted is ridiculous and deserves scorn.
I'll never understand why the left cannot get this.
I'll try again.

The incident in Las Vegas that killed 58 = No identifiable, unifying ideology driving the killers actions.

The incident in New York City that killed 8 = An identifiable, unifying ideology driving the killers actions.

This is precisely why the semantics between "terror attack" and "random attack" exists and matters.

This is why what happened in New York City is much more serious and much more worrisome, and why action to lessen the chances of repeated attacks needs to be put in place as soon as possible.

Here is where you argument falls apart.

The terrorist attack in New York is the deadliest terror attack since 9/11 - 16 years ago. The shooting in Las Vegas is the deadliest gun spree attack since the Pulse Night Club shooting a little over a year ago.

There have been over 300 school shootings since Sandy Hook in 2012. That doesn’t include all of the other mass shootings like the Aurora movie theatre shooting either.

The greatest danger facing Americans isn’t foreign born Islamic terrorists. It’s American white guys with guns. Pretending otherwise is being willfully blind to the danger your own brand of home grown white terrorists represent.

300 school shootings? Or 300 shootings near a school? LInk to your data.

Until white guys get up to about 3000 dead, I think 9/11 beats all of your whining!

There’s more than 3000 people shot and killed in a single year. Over 9000 people are murdered using guns in a given year. Most of them are white. 35,000 people per year die of gunshot wounds. Since 9/11 that’s more than 500,000.

You passed 3000 dead after 9/11 and before Christmas 2001.
I'll never understand why the left cannot get this.
I'll try again.

The incident in Las Vegas that killed 58 = No identifiable, unifying ideology driving the killers actions.

The incident in New York City that killed 8 = An identifiable, unifying ideology driving the killers actions.

This is precisely why the semantics between "terror attack" and "random attack" exists and matters.

This is why what happened in New York City is much more serious and much more worrisome, and why action to lessen the chances of repeated attacks needs to be put in place as soon as possible.

Here is where you argument falls apart.

The terrorist attack in New York is the deadliest terror attack since 9/11 - 16 years ago. The shooting in Las Vegas is the deadliest gun spree attack since the Pulse Night Club shooting a little over a year ago.

There have been over 300 school shootings since Sandy Hook in 2012. That doesn’t include all of the other mass shootings like the Aurora movie theatre shooting either.

The greatest danger facing Americans isn’t foreign born Islamic terrorists. It’s American white guys with guns. Pretending otherwise is being willfully blind to the danger your own brand of home grown white terrorists represent.

300 school shootings? Or 300 shootings near a school? LInk to your data.

Until white guys get up to about 3000 dead, I think 9/11 beats all of your whining!

There’s more than 3000 people shot and killed in a single year. Over 9000 people are murdered using guns in a given year. Most of them are white. 35,000 people per year die of gunshot wounds. Since 9/11 that’s more than 500,000.

You passed 3000 dead after 9/11 and before Christmas 2001.

Take out the suicides and gang violence, then we will compare numbers.

Why do you care? You are a Canadian anyway!
Chris Cillizza pretty much nails it. Donald said very little about Stephen Paddock .. you know, "maybe at some point we can look at bump stocks" and of course the usual "thoughts and prayers .. SAD!" But he hasn't stopped talking about Sayfullo Saipov. Why? It's catnip for the base.


About the Las Vegas shooter, Trump said this: "The wires were crossed pretty badly in his brain. Extremely badly in his brain. And it's a very sad event."

Of the man alleged to have committed the attack in NYC? "This animal who did the attacking."

Notice any difference between the two responses? If you don't, you may want to confirm that your spine is connected to your brain stem and/or your eyes are working properly.

The disparity in Trump's responses is striking -- and telling.

The broader point here: Trump is more than willing to seize on tragic events when they confirm his previous political and policy beliefs. He will effectively ignore them when they don't.

It's that simple.​


The stunning difference between Trump's reaction to the Las Vegas shooting and the NYC attack - CNNPolitics
Well maybe Trump knew you loonies would go crazy after Vegas, so you could politicize it to get more gun control passed. With the terrorist attack in new York, you loonies would sympathize with Islam. Just look how different the media coverage is. That's a question you loonies should answer.
I'll never understand why the left cannot get this.
I'll try again.

The incident in Las Vegas that killed 58 = No identifiable, unifying ideology driving the killers actions.

The incident in New York City that killed 8 = An identifiable, unifying ideology driving the killers actions.

This is precisely why the semantics between "terror attack" and "random attack" exists and matters.

This is why what happened in New York City is much more serious and much more worrisome, and why action to lessen the chances of repeated attacks needs to be put in place as soon as possible.

Here is where you argument falls apart.

The terrorist attack in New York is the deadliest terror attack since 9/11 - 16 years ago. The shooting in Las Vegas is the deadliest gun spree attack since the Pulse Night Club shooting a little over a year ago.

There have been over 300 school shootings since Sandy Hook in 2012. That doesn’t include all of the other mass shootings like the Aurora movie theatre shooting either.

The greatest danger facing Americans isn’t foreign born Islamic terrorists. It’s American white guys with guns. Pretending otherwise is being willfully blind to the danger your own brand of home grown white terrorists represent.

300 school shootings? Or 300 shootings near a school? LInk to your data.

Until white guys get up to about 3000 dead, I think 9/11 beats all of your whining!

There’s more than 3000 people shot and killed in a single year. Over 9000 people are murdered using guns in a given year. Most of them are white. 35,000 people per year die of gunshot wounds. Since 9/11 that’s more than 500,000.

You passed 3000 dead after 9/11 and before Christmas 2001.

Your numbers on murder victims is wrong. More blacks are murder victims than whites.

Murder in the U.S.: victims by race/ethnicity and gender 2016 | Statistic

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