Let's face it: America kind of sucks

This bigrebnc1775 guy is truly obsessed with me LOL -- it almost seems like he's stalking me. If he's such a lover of the United States, I wonder why he doesn't replace the Latin mottos in his signature with English ones. 🤷
maybe he's trying to show he's not racist
No doubt about it, America would be a much better place if all democrats were exterminated.
Oh, the great old Republican democratic view of the world! You know who else had the same political view? You guessed...

Joe Biden authored systemic racism bill of 1994
So now you're no longer racist? Wow, that's a pretty sharp turn of ideologies there. Once again, I don't support Biden. But if I were to pick between Biden and Trump, I'd pick Biden. Easy as that.
Funny how you just compared the United States to 5 cherry-picked, extremely-underdeveloped countries (Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Venezuela, Poland & Turkey). If we're talking freedom, the US is nowhere first. Countries such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland & Portugal do WAY better. Press Freedom Index - Wikipedia
But yet you say you immigrated to America from Romania? I know America has some shit holes cities run by democrats.
Funny how you just compared the United States to 5 cherry-picked, extremely-underdeveloped countries (Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Venezuela, Poland & Turkey). If we're talking freedom, the US is nowhere first. Countries such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland & Portugal do WAY better. Press Freedom Index - Wikipedia
Those 99% White nations are pretty cool, aren't they?
Republicans like to pretend that the US is the best country in the world in every way because they cannot stand the thought of other countries doing something better than us. However, the main flaws the US has are much of less of issues in other first world countries.

1) Our healthcare system is garbage with or without ObamaCare.

Republicans like to harp on ObamaCare and pretend that it is rhe reason why our system sucks, but when you ask them the simple of question of "well, was our system good before ObamaCare?", they will refuse to answer. Secretly they know that our healthcare system has always sucked but they will not admit that out loud. But hell, at least ACA improved it to some degree. Republicans secretly like the idea of their healthcare coverage not being denied because of pre-existing conditions, but its another thing they will not admit out loud. Obama came up with it so the knee jerk reaction is that it is terrible.

I also want to point out the myth that republicans have about other first world healthcare systems. They pretend that wait lists run rampant for basic care and that these people suffer. That's of course not true. Systems in Western Europe, Australia, Japan, South Korea are all quite high functioning even if they are not perfect.

Here's all the ways comparable, first world national healthcare systems are superior to the US's:

A. Life expectancy is better
B. Premature death rates are lower.
C. Less suffering with long term chronic diseases
D. Healthcare quality and access is far better
E. Maternal morality rates are better.
G. Hospital rates are lower for chronic diseases.
H. Post-operative complications are lower in prevalence.
I. Medication and procedure errors are lower.

And oh yeah, this is thanks to socialized medicine rather than shitty for-profit healthcare very few people can afford.

Now you say that the US does have state of the art treatments in some examples, but this hardly matters if the large majority of the population does not have access to this ridiculously expensive care and the overall nation suffers in areas where it matters most.

2. Infrastructure systems are better in comparable nations.

A. The US ranks 13th in infrastructure quality in the world.
B. Only 2% of our GDP spending goes to infrastructure.
C. Airports in other countries are better.
D. High speed rail in the US is half of the speed of comparable countries.
E. Internet connection is much better in other countries.
F. Our roads are shitty in comparison to these other nations. Traffic jams are less severe in such nations.

That's far from "American exceptionalism." Hell, Biden gets credit for at least passing a law making improvements even if it was not enough.

3. Gun violence in the US is far greater than in other countries like Australia, the UK, and Canada.

A. Mass shootings are far more common in the US than other politically stable countries.
B. Gun murders account for 79% of all murders in the US. In Canada it is 37%, Australia 13%, and the UK is 4%
C. Gun deaths per capita are FAR higher than in other countries.

4) Wealth inequality is one of the worst in the world.

In 2020, the top 20% of the population earned 52.2% of all U.S. income. The median household income fell significantly for the first time since 2011 to $67,521. That's 2.9% down from 2019's number. The richest of the rich, the top 5%, earned 23% of all income.

5) Poverty rates are lower in other counties.

Conclusion: America kind of sucks.
I know inevitably the response I am going to get to this thread will be somewhere along the lines of "if you don't like it here, leave!" Well see the truth of the matter is that I think America is great in some ways and I would rather stay here and fix what is wrong with it.

Move. No exit visa required.
Funny how you just compared the United States to 5 cherry-picked, extremely-underdeveloped countries (Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Venezuela, Poland & Turkey). If we're talking freedom, the US is nowhere first. Countries such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland & Portugal do WAY better. Press Freedom Index - Wikipedia
I didn't! See UNLIKE YOU I provide proof! This was done by independent experts...NOT me!
Unlike you I provide FACTS... NOT guesses!
Give me a fact. Want some more!

Published September 10, 2019

Eritrea is the world’s most censored country, according to a list compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists. The list is based on CPJ’s research into the use of tactics ranging from imprisonment and repressive laws to surveillance of journalists and restrictions on internet and social media access.

  1. Eritrea
  2. North Korea
  3. Turkmenistan
  4. Saudi Arabia
  5. China
  6. Vietnam
  7. Iran
  8. Equatorial Guinea
  9. Belarus
  10. Cuba
who would believe you? You don't EVER show any proof of what you say is TRUE!
This is how these 12 countries will punish you for insulting their heads of state

The "SUCKS" USA is not on the above list! Where is your proof? So stupid to make stupid comments without making substantiation!
You are a f...king liar and you are proving that every time you make a comment!
Oh, the great old Republican democratic view of the world! You know who else had the same political view? You guessed...

View attachment 701352
Who is having political show trials? Who is killing people who have unapproved opinions? Who opened the prisons and border to unleash murderous mayhem on the people? Who wants to kill children and call it abortion? Who is castrating boys and giving hysterectomies to girls?

If Stalin was opposing democrats he would certainly be a world recognized hero.
I didn't! See UNLIKE YOU I provide proof! This was done by independent experts...NOT me!
Unlike you I provide FACTS... NOT guesses!
Give me a fact. Want some more!

Published September 10, 2019

Eritrea is the world’s most censored country, according to a list compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists. The list is based on CPJ’s research into the use of tactics ranging from imprisonment and repressive laws to surveillance of journalists and restrictions on internet and social media access.

  1. Eritrea
  2. North Korea
  3. Turkmenistan
  4. Saudi Arabia
  5. China
  6. Vietnam
  7. Iran
  8. Equatorial Guinea
  9. Belarus
  10. Cuba
Typing in uppercase letters won't make you any more noticed but just make you look ridiculous.

On the 2022 Reporters Without Borders "Press Freedom Index" (which is - by the way - an index made by Americans, so you can't call foul play here), the United States ranks 42th globally for press freedom, way below countries even such as South Africa & Ivory Coast.

Republicans like to pretend that the US is the best country in the world in every way because they cannot stand the thought of other countries doing something better than us. However, the main flaws the US has are much of less of issues in other first world countries.

1) Our healthcare system is garbage with or without ObamaCare.

Republicans like to harp on ObamaCare and pretend that it is rhe reason why our system sucks, but when you ask them the simple of question of "well, was our system good before ObamaCare?", they will refuse to answer. Secretly they know that our healthcare system has always sucked but they will not admit that out loud. But hell, at least ACA improved it to some degree. Republicans secretly like the idea of their healthcare coverage not being denied because of pre-existing conditions, but its another thing they will not admit out loud. Obama came up with it so the knee jerk reaction is that it is terrible.

I also want to point out the myth that republicans have about other first world healthcare systems. They pretend that wait lists run rampant for basic care and that these people suffer. That's of course not true. Systems in Western Europe, Australia, Japan, South Korea are all quite high functioning even if they are not perfect.

Here's all the ways comparable, first world national healthcare systems are superior to the US's:

A. Life expectancy is better
B. Premature death rates are lower.
C. Less suffering with long term chronic diseases
D. Healthcare quality and access is far better
E. Maternal morality rates are better.
G. Hospital rates are lower for chronic diseases.
H. Post-operative complications are lower in prevalence.
I. Medication and procedure errors are lower.

And oh yeah, this is thanks to socialized medicine rather than shitty for-profit healthcare very few people can afford.

Now you say that the US does have state of the art treatments in some examples, but this hardly matters if the large majority of the population does not have access to this ridiculously expensive care and the overall nation suffers in areas where it matters most.

2. Infrastructure systems are better in comparable nations.

A. The US ranks 13th in infrastructure quality in the world.
B. Only 2% of our GDP spending goes to infrastructure.
C. Airports in other countries are better.
D. High speed rail in the US is half of the speed of comparable countries.
E. Internet connection is much better in other countries.
F. Our roads are shitty in comparison to these other nations. Traffic jams are less severe in such nations.

That's far from "American exceptionalism." Hell, Biden gets credit for at least passing a law making improvements even if it was not enough.

3. Gun violence in the US is far greater than in other countries like Australia, the UK, and Canada.

A. Mass shootings are far more common in the US than other politically stable countries.
B. Gun murders account for 79% of all murders in the US. In Canada it is 37%, Australia 13%, and the UK is 4%
C. Gun deaths per capita are FAR higher than in other countries.

4) Wealth inequality is one of the worst in the world.

In 2020, the top 20% of the population earned 52.2% of all U.S. income. The median household income fell significantly for the first time since 2011 to $67,521. That's 2.9% down from 2019's number. The richest of the rich, the top 5%, earned 23% of all income.

5) Poverty rates are lower in other counties.

Conclusion: America kind of sucks.
I know inevitably the response I am going to get to this thread will be somewhere along the lines of "if you don't like it here, leave!" Well see the truth of the matter is that I think America is great in some ways and I would rather stay here and fix what is wrong with it.

You know what, Billy?
YOU suck!
Or just move to their favorite pre-built communist shit hole they want to live in.
Communist? I'd like to remind you Romania is one of the most right-wing countries in Europe, 99% of its population adheres to Christianity and it was originally founded as a kingdom (which goes against the very basic principles of communism). But of course an American barely knows his own country, let alone European ones.

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