Lets face it.....the masks are not about the virus they are about Trump....

If you man up and get your shot you'd stop breeding variants and we could be done.
I got my shot, not that it's any of your business. But, the variants were coming, anyway. Thanks to Fauci, the China virus is here to stay. But, he's doing well because of it. Huh?
And you knew all of this before it happened...
No....of course not...but I did work in a field parallel to epidemiology for 12 years. Hospitals in North America have a severe problem known as Nosocomial infection rates.

It still rages on even today despite all efforts to thwart it. What the epidemiologists that I have had the privilege of working with have made clear is that anything less than 100% eradication of the entity is really nothing more than a cultivation process leaving a few stubborn individuals behind to reproduce and provide an entire population of stubborn entities that have a resistance to treatment. It is nearly impossible to attain 100% btw. What eventually happens is that you end up with Super-Bugs that don't respond to anything.....and they are quite lethal.

They don't even filter out my fart smell..
Let it linger


This crapload doesn't even belong in conspiacies.

Here we have, folks, a classic example of "conservative" projection and gaslighting.

Projection: Tiny Minded "conservatives" refuse the mask because they think that doing so "owns the libs." So they claim in their projection that people wearing masks do so because they hate, and therefore want to "own Trump."
Yeah, I know, stupid on every level.
People wear masks and practice other protocols to be safe and help ensure others around them are safe.

Gaslighting: This, of course, means we all have to forget the last 16 or so months of actual history in order to accept the premise that people wear masks to show dedication to some political view. Again, stupid on every level. We must forget all the prominent GOP luminaries and media types railing against the mask. Railing and railing because not wearing the mask shows loyalty to Trump. Now they want to convince you otherwise.

Thanks for the wonderful example of just how bad the people on your side really are.
Nope...they know that wearing anything but an N-95 is a waste of time.....prove me wrong.

Lets face it

We were done with masks and well on our way to defeating COVID

But because of a massive misinformation campaign by those who oppose vaccines and COVID safety, COVID has been allowed to prosper.

The same people who hated the masks are now ensuring we will be back to wearing masks
So you enjoyed wearing masks? I don’t know of anyone who liked wearing the masks, you are the first.
Vaccinated people are dying. They are getting covid, they are getting delta, the are DYING.
The reporting in this country has been severely hampered by censorship. I think that the CDC has taken over the job of journalism licensure at this point.
The reporting in this country has been severely hampered by censorship. I think that the CDC has taken over the job of journalism licensure at this point.
I agree. The cdc won't request that the border gets shut down, but they will call for their political opponents to be shut down.
Hated them
Was glad they were no longer needed

But, thanks to vaccine misinformation
They’re Back!
Lol, you are stuck having to say misinformation instead of being able to say false information. You should be aware that since you are a lefty, you can just lie and say false information, right?
No, you mean by those you agree with.
No, he means by those who understand the nature of the pathogen.....Like he said, face diapers are the equivalent of wrapping your screen porch with chicken wire, to protect yourself from someone shooting a BB gun at you.
No, he means by those who understand the nature of the pathogen.....Like he said, face diapers are the equivalent of wrapping your screen porch with chicken wire, to protect yourself from someone shooting a BB gun at you.

There are many who understand that have said to wear masks. It is nowhere near universal either way.
The Masks which have universally been rejected by those who actually understand the nature of contagion are not about keeping people safe...they are about a public display of panic ( panic is an excellent control tool ) that has bee colored with politics. As the options to cheat at the polling places and steal votes are being diminished so are the chances that the Democrats will continue to win elections and they are damn well aware of that. In fact it's already beginning to show. What they have left is virtue signaling. The left has desperately tried to equivocate Conservatism with the virus and vaccination with Progressivism aided by a massive campaign of fraudulent statistics published by the new arm of the CCP here in North America known as the United States Government which now has as many people on Xi's payroll as there are those who are not ( IMO ). The reported numbers are most certainly doctored and cherry picked, the death certificates have been hijacked and the mask mandate has become a sign of political allegiance...... The left will continue to run scared in the face of a potential Trump return in 24 because their illegitimate incomes depend on keeping an America First POTUS out of the office. So the message here is this.... " Hurry up everybody get your Democratically correct shot and wear you Democratically correct masks to show allegiance to the Globalist movement.


I will understand if you wish to re-post this in Conspiracy Theories..... after all it is an opinion piece.

The thread premise is a lie, as ignorant as it is wrong.
There are many who understand that have said to wear masks. It is nowhere near universal either way.
No, there are just a few....And they are the ones who have been sending mixed signals since day one.

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