Lets fucking rock USMB!!!!

What terrrrrible fucking music

What's your idea of good music?
Metal (death, screamo, nu metal, metalcore) post - 1987 mostly
Shock rock
blues (some. Pretty particular)
funk (if im drunk at a bar)

Well as inoffensive and plebeian as Matt's taste in music is, yours sounds pretty lame too. Nu metal, screamo and metalcore are terrible. Jazz is usually nothing but a bunch of random noise.
What terrrrrible fucking music

What's your idea of good music?
Metal (death, screamo, nu metal, metalcore) post - 1987 mostly
Shock rock
blues (some. Pretty particular)
funk (if im drunk at a bar)

Well as inoffensive and plebeian as Matt's taste in music is, yours sounds pretty lame too. Nu metal, screamo and metalcore are terrible. Jazz is usually nothing but a bunch of random noise.
yea, yours is pretty shitty too.
Thank gawd there are 15K genres so everyone can find stuff they like.

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