Let's get one thing straight about Roy Moore

Yes, just imagine it. Because, of course, there is no evidence for it at this point so imagining is all we can do.
Testimony is evidence.

Perhaps you did not google the definition of evidence first.

There may be nothing more than he said she said, but as more girls chime-in that would constitute more evidence.

There's no testimony either. There's nothing. So far, there are two girls with complaints and two girls testifying as to ordinary conduct. One claims that once her mother told Moore he could not date her daughter, she never saw him again. One of the complainants is a DNC operative and the other is just a garden variety liar.

The DNC needs to up their payroll.
Yes, just imagine it. Because, of course, there is no evidence for it at this point so imagining is all we can do.
Testimony is evidence.

Perhaps you did not google the definition of evidence first.

There may be nothing more than he said she said, but as more girls chime-in that would constitute more evidence.

Testimony is a form of evidence, although if that testimony is based on something that happened 30 years ago its sketchy evidence.

Just imagine the guy you work with talking about how he's been checking out some hawt piece of ass that goes to your local high school adding

"Hey bro, if theres grass on the field play ball....heh!"

Dear @CloseCaption
Maybe Roy Moore was just "'transaged"
A 15 year old boy born in a 32 year old body.

I am 51 but look 10-20 years younger.
And act anywhere from 7 to 17.
Except on days where I feel 60 billion years old!

So if gender is relative, why not age?

It's still wrong of him to coerce girls, especially those who were too young to consent.
That part is wrong regardless of age.

But as for judging him for being ATTRACTED to younger girls,
that's different from ACTING on an attraction in an abusive manner,
especially vulnerable people and isolating them in order to do that.

The attraction itself maybe for spiritual reasons, as I find with
homosexual or transgender conditions that are part of a spiritual process.
Whatever reasons these occur, I find that judging people for them doesn't
help resolve the issues or causes.

The law should apply to how people ACT or ABUSE others that violates
consent, rights and protections of others.
But judging people for their spiritual process and reasons for
being attracted to certain people requires other approaches instead of punitive
which doesn't help, but just makes it worse and harder to address if people are
too busy denying and hiding what they are experiencing and why.

I agree, go forth and tell everyone molesters aren't guilty if they feel young. Let that be your cause.

Nope ClosedCaption read what I wrote again
it is still WRONG and unlawful to DO those ACTIONS.

But as for judging people spiritually for their attractions
that is outside govt jurisdiction.

You can hate someone and that is not illegal to be angry.
but it is against the law to commit hate crimes, murder, assault, death threats, etc.

Do you get the distinction I am making?

Between the action that is still against the law and still wrong.
Vs. judging the person for the reasons for having an attraction in the first place.

Youre talking the in abstract. Don' tell me why some things are different. Tell me why a 30 year old trying to fuck a 14 year old is a morally gray area for you that renders you unable to determine if it's a right or wrong thing.

Just imagine the guy you work with talking about how he's been checking out some hawt piece of ass that goes to your local high school adding

"Hey bro, if theres grass on the field play ball....heh!"

Dear @CloseCaption
Maybe Roy Moore was just "'transaged"
A 15 year old boy born in a 32 year old body.

I am 51 but look 10-20 years younger.
And act anywhere from 7 to 17.
Except on days where I feel 60 billion years old!

So if gender is relative, why not age?

It's still wrong of him to coerce girls, especially those who were too young to consent.
That part is wrong regardless of age.

But as for judging him for being ATTRACTED to younger girls,
that's different from ACTING on an attraction in an abusive manner,
especially vulnerable people and isolating them in order to do that.

The attraction itself maybe for spiritual reasons, as I find with
homosexual or transgender conditions that are part of a spiritual process.
Whatever reasons these occur, I find that judging people for them doesn't
help resolve the issues or causes.

The law should apply to how people ACT or ABUSE others that violates
consent, rights and protections of others.
But judging people for their spiritual process and reasons for
being attracted to certain people requires other approaches instead of punitive
which doesn't help, but just makes it worse and harder to address if people are
too busy denying and hiding what they are experiencing and why.
I think the law is fairly clear ...

Anyone over 18 may not legally have relations with anyone under 18.

You gotta' draw the line somewhere.

While I agree that should be the case, it is not.

Can we deal in facts?

Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia

Most State have an age of consent of 16. Some 17, a few 18.

Since no one has accused Moore of having sexual relations with any of these girls, what's the relations you mean?

The one woman claimed they were in a relationship of some sort when she was 14 and he was 32?Isnt that what we are talking about here?

Senate Candidate Roy Moore Denies Misconduct Allegations

“Senate Republicans are trying to put some space between themselves and Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore now that he has been accused of sexual misconduct that happened in the 1970s. In an explosive report in The Washington Post, several women say Roy Moore pursued relationships with them when they were just in their teens. He was in his 30s. Roy was an assistant district attorney at the time. In one case documented by The Post, Moore developed a sexual relationship with a girl who was just 14 years old at the time.“
In his entire life, Roy Moore only dated four teen aged girls. Right up until 1985 when he married his one and only wife.

This is a smear of the ugliest kind even for democrats who have no end of shit they will shovel.
You mean 4 women claim Moore dated them when they were teenages. We don't know if any of these claims are actually true.

Just imagine the guy you work with talking about how he's been checking out some hawt piece of ass that goes to your local high school adding

"Hey bro, if theres grass on the field play ball....heh!"

Dear @CloseCaption
Maybe Roy Moore was just "'transaged"
A 15 year old boy born in a 32 year old body.

I am 51 but look 10-20 years younger.
And act anywhere from 7 to 17.
Except on days where I feel 60 billion years old!

So if gender is relative, why not age?

It's still wrong of him to coerce girls, especially those who were too young to consent.
That part is wrong regardless of age.

But as for judging him for being ATTRACTED to younger girls,
that's different from ACTING on an attraction in an abusive manner,
especially vulnerable people and isolating them in order to do that.

The attraction itself maybe for spiritual reasons, as I find with
homosexual or transgender conditions that are part of a spiritual process.
Whatever reasons these occur, I find that judging people for them doesn't
help resolve the issues or causes.

The law should apply to how people ACT or ABUSE others that violates
consent, rights and protections of others.
But judging people for their spiritual process and reasons for
being attracted to certain people requires other approaches instead of punitive
which doesn't help, but just makes it worse and harder to address if people are
too busy denying and hiding what they are experiencing and why.

I agree, go forth and tell everyone molesters aren't guilty if they feel young. Let that be your cause.

Nope ClosedCaption read what I wrote again
it is still WRONG and unlawful to DO those ACTIONS.

But as for judging people spiritually for their attractions
that is outside govt jurisdiction.

You can hate someone and that is not illegal to be angry.
but it is against the law to commit hate crimes, murder, assault, death threats, etc.

Do you get the distinction I am making?

Between the action that is still against the law and still wrong.
Vs. judging the person for the reasons for having an attraction in the first place.

Youre talking the in abstract. Don' tell me why some things are different. Tell me why a 30 year old trying to fuck a 14 year old is a morally gray area for you that renders you unable to determine if it's a right or wrong thing.

Yes, ClosedCaption I said that was wrongful and illegal.
that doesn't change.

What I am adding is that in order to address the CAUSE of the attraction,
that part is spiritual and requires internal therapy that isn't helped but
hurt by taking a punitive approach. The correction and healing of
the INTERNAL reasons and motivations works best in an environment
of forgiveness in order to openly address and resolve those inner conflicts.
if he had sexual relations with a 14yr old when he was 32, he should be shot in his fuckin face

if he didnt, the person who said he did should be shot in the fuckin face.

Just imagine the guy you work with talking about how he's been checking out some hawt piece of ass that goes to your local high school adding

"Hey bro, if theres grass on the field play ball....heh!"

Dear @CloseCaption
Maybe Roy Moore was just "'transaged"
A 15 year old boy born in a 32 year old body.

I am 51 but look 10-20 years younger.
And act anywhere from 7 to 17.
Except on days where I feel 60 billion years old!

So if gender is relative, why not age?

It's still wrong of him to coerce girls, especially those who were too young to consent.
That part is wrong regardless of age.

But as for judging him for being ATTRACTED to younger girls,
that's different from ACTING on an attraction in an abusive manner,
especially vulnerable people and isolating them in order to do that.

The attraction itself maybe for spiritual reasons, as I find with
homosexual or transgender conditions that are part of a spiritual process.
Whatever reasons these occur, I find that judging people for them doesn't
help resolve the issues or causes.

The law should apply to how people ACT or ABUSE others that violates
consent, rights and protections of others.
But judging people for their spiritual process and reasons for
being attracted to certain people requires other approaches instead of punitive
which doesn't help, but just makes it worse and harder to address if people are
too busy denying and hiding what they are experiencing and why.

I agree, go forth and tell everyone molesters aren't guilty if they feel young. Let that be your cause.

Nope ClosedCaption read what I wrote again
it is still WRONG and unlawful to DO those ACTIONS.

But as for judging people spiritually for their attractions
that is outside govt jurisdiction.

You can hate someone and that is not illegal to be angry.
but it is against the law to commit hate crimes, murder, assault, death threats, etc.

Do you get the distinction I am making?

Between the action that is still against the law and still wrong.
Vs. judging the person for the reasons for having an attraction in the first place.

Youre talking the in abstract. Don' tell me why some things are different. Tell me why a 30 year old trying to fuck a 14 year old is a morally gray area for you that renders you unable to determine if it's a right or wrong thing.

Yes, ClosedCaption I said that was wrongful and illegal.
that doesn't change.

What I am adding is that in order to address the CAUSE of the attraction,
that part is spiritual and requires internal therapy that isn't helped but
hurt by taking a punitive approach. The correction and healing of
the INTERNAL reasons and motivations works best in an environment
of forgiveness in order to openly address and resolve those inner conflicts.

I dont care about healing adults who want to bang 14 year olds
In his entire life, Roy Moore only dated four teen aged girls. Right up until 1985 when he married his one and only wife.

This is a smear of the ugliest kind even for democrats who have no end of shit they will shovel.
You mean 4 women claim Moore dated them when they were teenages. We don't know if any of these claims are actually true.

Dear bripat9643
I think those were corroborated.
The issue is whether the man can still be forgiven and be competent and trusted to carry out public duties of office.
Or whether his own issues have created "conflicts of interest" interfering with his judgment
in cases related to sexual abuse of minors/children. If he can't be trusted to set aside his own personal
biases in order to protect the interests of others, then it does become an issue for electing someone for public office.

If you can forgive the man for things he did in the past,
and believe his experience since then still makes him a solid candidate for office,
then people have continued to endorse him despite these issues in his past.

What bothers me is the legal system allowed personal conflicts
to influence cases, and this was never addressed or corrected.

and further, these cases are brought up again now,
NOT for the sake of helping those victims of abuse,
but just to exploit for political points.

So where is the justice for the child abuse cases?
Aren't both sides just as guilty if nothing is still being done to help the
people everyone claims to be outraged over???
In his entire life, Roy Moore only dated four teen aged girls. Right up until 1985 when he married his one and only wife.

This is a smear of the ugliest kind even for democrats who have no end of shit they will shovel.
You mean 4 women claim Moore dated them when they were teenages. We don't know if any of these claims are actually true.

Dear bripat9643
I think those were corroborated.
The issue is whether the man can still be forgiven and be competent and trusted to carry out public duties of office.
Or whether his own issues have created "conflicts of interest" interfering with his judgment
in cases related to sexual abuse of minors/children. If he can't be trusted to set aside his own personal
biases in order to protect the interests of others, then it does become an issue for electing someone for public office.

If you can forgive the man for things he did in the past,
and believe his experience since then still makes him a solid candidate for office,
then people have continued to endorse him despite these issues in his past.

What bothers me is the legal system allowed personal conflicts
to influence cases, and this was never addressed or corrected.

and further, these cases are brought up again now,
NOT for the sake of helping those victims of abuse,
but just to exploit for political points.

So where is the justice for the child abuse cases?
Aren't both sides just as guilty if nothing is still being done to help the
people everyone claims to be outraged over???

Easy prediction, we hear nothing about this case after the election.
Try to picture Hillary standing guard outside a closet near the Oval Office while her husband is engaging in sodomy with a girl barely older than daughter.
Monica is 7 years older than Chelsea. Monica was over 21.
lol, the elephant in this room is,

older men are very very very very very very attracted to teenage girls.

From there, it's just a matter of who does or doesn't resist the temptation.
Thank you, the voters of Alabama are not following the script. Good, time will tell.

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