Let's get one thing straight about Roy Moore

OH polls bowls moles doles goals holes Khols rolls souls tolls....!!!

No way Jose'.... a Dem would win the seat IN Alabama!
when ever I hear or see the word Alabama, it makes me think of this song, which I love! :D

Nope...not believing that voters in Alabama are smart enough to not vote for the pervert.
Last time I checked you had no problem when Clinton was accused by numerous women of rape Did you call him a pervert too?Moore is not even accused of rape.
When Juanita Broaddrick came out in 1999 with the claim, she had previously claimed twice that Clinton had not raped her, once in a sworn affidavit and once before a grand jury, so it was hard to believe her story when it came out that she changed her tune....

and, she wasn't 14.
Dear @CloseCaption
Maybe Roy Moore was just "'transaged"
A 15 year old boy born in a 32 year old body.

I am 51 but look 10-20 years younger.
And act anywhere from 7 to 17.
Except on days where I feel 60 billion years old!

So if gender is relative, why not age?

It's still wrong of him to coerce girls, especially those who were too young to consent.
That part is wrong regardless of age.

But as for judging him for being ATTRACTED to younger girls,
that's different from ACTING on an attraction in an abusive manner,
especially vulnerable people and isolating them in order to do that.

The attraction itself maybe for spiritual reasons, as I find with
homosexual or transgender conditions that are part of a spiritual process.
Whatever reasons these occur, I find that judging people for them doesn't
help resolve the issues or causes.

The law should apply to how people ACT or ABUSE others that violates
consent, rights and protections of others.
But judging people for their spiritual process and reasons for
being attracted to certain people requires other approaches instead of punitive
which doesn't help, but just makes it worse and harder to address if people are
too busy denying and hiding what they are experiencing and why.

I agree, go forth and tell everyone molesters aren't guilty if they feel young. Let that be your cause.

Nope ClosedCaption read what I wrote again
it is still WRONG and unlawful to DO those ACTIONS.

But as for judging people spiritually for their attractions
that is outside govt jurisdiction.

You can hate someone and that is not illegal to be angry.
but it is against the law to commit hate crimes, murder, assault, death threats, etc.

Do you get the distinction I am making?

Between the action that is still against the law and still wrong.
Vs. judging the person for the reasons for having an attraction in the first place.

Youre talking the in abstract. Don' tell me why some things are different. Tell me why a 30 year old trying to fuck a 14 year old is a morally gray area for you that renders you unable to determine if it's a right or wrong thing.

Yes, ClosedCaption I said that was wrongful and illegal.
that doesn't change.

What I am adding is that in order to address the CAUSE of the attraction,
that part is spiritual and requires internal therapy that isn't helped but
hurt by taking a punitive approach. The correction and healing of
the INTERNAL reasons and motivations works best in an environment
of forgiveness in order to openly address and resolve those inner conflicts.

I dont care about healing adults who want to bang 14 year olds
Dear ClosedCaption that must be because you don't think the healing is real and would only put ppl at risk. But I do know it either works fully or it works enough to render the person aware of their sickness where they don't want to endanger others.

So healing people fully or partially still reduces the risk to others instead of hiding and avoiding treatment and not getting help in time . The more ppl get help to heal effectively, the more ppl will ask and seek help. So this would have a positive effect, like more people getting medical help for HIV to reduce the risks, instead of spreading the risk of AIDS by hiding the problem.
Jeff Sessions also prosecuted Klan members, but douchebags like you called him a racist.
If Moore broke the law, he should face the consequences.

As should all criminals, Hillary being the most glaring example! We have evidence of her crimes, yet no punishment.

The case with Moore, just like those accusing Trump of crimes, we have no evidence of any crime to which they should faces consequences.

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