Let's get one thing straight about Roy Moore

What people keep forgetting is that these women did NOT come forward-- the Washington Post found them, indicating that complaints were filed against Roy Moore, possibly decades ago that were ignored.
It doesn't matter WHY such news was released. The evil a public candidate for office does, is all fair game. It is in the public's interest that this kind of news is revealed.
If these allegations are true, why did they wait so long to come out?

The media is really going out of its way to go after Hollywood and now politicians.
The media isn't going after anyone: they are simply reporting allegations.
Horseshit. WAPO even admits these two vulturs spent 4 months looking for women to accuse Moore, and if allegations are correct, they also offered to pay for any such allegations.

WAPO doesn’t pay sources, nor does it offer payment for stories - ever! So you’re lying about payment, again.

It’s not like you have much creditability. When you post known bullshit you will be called on it.

A woman is claiming they did for this story. It remains to be seen if her story can be confirmed.

It violates all journalistic ethics to pay sources. WAPO doesn’t pay sources. EVER. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying.

This is not the first time you’ve made such claims. You claimed the women who accused Trump were paid as well. They weren’t. But in this case I absolutely know you’re lying.

Do you have a link of proof? I'd like to see it.
If these allegations are true, why did they wait so long to come out?

The media is really going out of its way to go after Hollywood and now politicians.
The media isn't going after anyone: they are simply reporting allegations.
Horseshit. WAPO even admits these two vulturs spent 4 months looking for women to accuse Moore, and if allegations are correct, they also offered to pay for any such allegations.

WAPO doesn’t pay sources, nor does it offer payment for stories - ever! So you’re lying about payment, again.

It’s not like you have much creditability. When you post known bullshit you will be called on it.

A woman is claiming they did for this story. It remains to be seen if her story can be confirmed.
If these allegations are true, why did they wait so long to come out?

The media is really going out of its way to go after Hollywood and now politicians.
The media isn't going after anyone: they are simply reporting allegations.
Horseshit. WAPO even admits these two vulturs spent 4 months looking for women to accuse Moore, and if allegations are correct, they also offered to pay for any such allegations.

WAPO doesn’t pay sources, nor does it offer payment for stories - ever! So you’re lying about payment, again.

It’s not like you have much creditability. When you post known bullshit you will be called on it.

A woman is claiming they did for this story. It remains to be seen if her story can be confirmed.

Heyyyyyyyy I asked for one first.
What people keep forgetting is that these women did NOT come forward-- the Washington Post found them, indicating that complaints were filed against Roy Moore, possibly decades ago that were ignored.
It doesn't matter WHY such news was released. The evil a public candidate for office does, is all fair game. It is in the public's interest that this kind of news is revealed.

Yes it does matter. Intent matters. So do lies.
What people keep forgetting is that these women did NOT come forward-- the Washington Post found them, indicating that complaints were filed against Roy Moore, possibly decades ago that were ignored.
It doesn't matter WHY such news was released. The evil a public candidate for office does, is all fair game. It is in the public's interest that this kind of news is revealed.

Yes it does matter. Intent matters. So do lies.

No, it doesn't matter what intent is. It's politics. Oh, and since when do NaziCons care about lies?
If these allegations are true, why did they wait so long to come out?

The media is really going out of its way to go after Hollywood and now politicians.
The media isn't going after anyone: they are simply reporting allegations.
Horseshit. WAPO even admits these two vulturs spent 4 months looking for women to accuse Moore, and if allegations are correct, they also offered to pay for any such allegations.

WAPO doesn’t pay sources, nor does it offer payment for stories - ever! So you’re lying about payment, again.

It’s not like you have much creditability. When you post known bullshit you will be called on it.

A woman is claiming they did for this story. It remains to be seen if her story can be confirmed.

This whole thing is politically motivated. Right before an election??? After 40 years? :eusa_hand:

Saturday , November 11 2017


OOPS! NEW EVIDENCE SHOWS WOMAN Who Accused Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct Worked For Hillary Campaign…Supported His Democrat Opponent On Facebook

OOPS! NEW EVIDENCE SHOWS WOMAN Who Accused Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct Worked For Hillary Campaign…Supported His Democrat Opponent On Facebook -

If you were groped by "Phil Myballz", wouldn't you be likely to support Phil's opponent when he ran for office?
They should've come out before he was a judge. Lol, liberals has used the sexual harassment shit so many times. I don't pay it any attention anymore.

Obviously. You voted for Trump who admitted he sexually assaulted women. You probably think he’s coolfor doing it too.
Dating an adult? I started dating at 13, my first boyfriend was 26. Dating is NOT a life decision.
A minor dating an adult is.....unless one is of the same ideology and party of the perpetrator, then it's all good and christian.

No it's not. I am not going to date your 6 year old son, you don't date my 14 year old daughter. There is a definite line that is crossed when a 32 year old man--is stalking a 14 year old girl, and tries to obtain private personal contact, and then gets her away from her parents. That man is the worst type of sexual predator.

No parent is going to approve of a 32 year old man dating their 14--16-& 18 year old daughters. Not going to happen.

Here is the Sean Hannity answer & question session.

And here is the commentary after the question and answer session.

Here is the origninal Washington Post article.

Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32

What people keep forgetting is that these women did NOT come forward-- the Washington Post found them, indicating that complaints were filed against Roy Moore, possibly decades ago that were ignored.

Unfortunately, there have been many instances of parents failing to protect their children from these predators:
13,000 children a year are married in America

Why does US have so many child brides?

United States - Child Marriage Around The World. Girls Not Brides

And let's hear it for the boys, too. Men who were sexually used as boys many years ago are also coming forward. Priests, Jerry Sandusky's football camp and Penn State, Anthony Rapp, female and male teachers having sex with their students, and more.

It's time that society tackled the misplaced sexual interest in children, youth, and young adults by adults who should be looking out for their welfare.

And don't use religious excuses to try and paper over these molesters' actions. BTW: homosexuals can't use these "religious" excuses for their improper advances, and heterosexuals shouldn't be able to get away with religious excuses, either.
:2up: I just found this new poll. But then again, it's Alabama,,nothing but a bunch of white people !!!

I question any poll that tells us 100% of the people have made up their minds. Another poll by JMC Analytics shoe a dead heat with Jones at 46 to Moore's 42%.

Alabama is supposed to be populated by Christians with moral values. Apparently they are no different than the moneychangers who Jesus chased out of the Temple. PERVERTS!! The Christian Right out to be ashamed of themselves for supporting him.

No, it doesn't matter what intent is. It's politics. Oh, and since when do NaziCons care about lies?
All's fair in love and politics and this is legit. Of course those fans of the person getting accused are going to disagree but the reality is nothing can be done. Now, I hope there is a lawsuit and/or investigation about this in the pipeline.
The question is; will the message get across to enough pro-Moore voters to they turn out for the December election?

The unidentified woman reportedly told Lewis that a Washington Post reporter — identified only as “Beth” — had offered her a substantial sum of money to accuse the GOP candidate of wrongdoing.

A family friend who lives in Alabama just told my wife that a WAPO reporter named Beth offered her 1000$ to accuse Roy Moore,” Lewis tweeted.

More @ Claim: Woman Says She Was Offered Big Money to Accuse Roy Moore of Misconduct

Reporter Tried to Find Voters Who Believe Roy Moore Allegations… Came Away Empty @ Reporter Tried to Find Voters Who Believe Roy Moore Allegations... Came Away Empty will it make a difference at the ballot box?
Roy Moore vs. the Swamp @ Roy Moore vs. the Swamp

The Swamp is in full panic mode. They are pulling out the big guns. They claim Judge Roy Moore is a pedophile and cannot be allowed to represent the good people of the great state of Alabama. If Moore wins the election the Senate should refuse to seat him. The Washington Post claims it stumbled across this story by accident:

While reporting a story in Alabama about supporters of Moore’s Senate campaign, a Post reporter heard that Moore allegedly had sought relationships with teenage girls.”
The question is; will the message get across to enough pro-Moore voters to they turn out for the December election?

The unidentified woman reportedly told Lewis that a Washington Post reporter — identified only as “Beth” — had offered her a substantial sum of money to accuse the GOP candidate of wrongdoing.

A family friend who lives in Alabama just told my wife that a WAPO reporter named Beth offered her 1000$ to accuse Roy Moore,” Lewis tweeted.

More @ Claim: Woman Says She Was Offered Big Money to Accuse Roy Moore of Misconduct

Reporter Tried to Find Voters Who Believe Roy Moore Allegations… Came Away Empty @ Reporter Tried to Find Voters Who Believe Roy Moore Allegations... Came Away Empty will it make a difference at the ballot box?
All this is doing is making so anyone who has honestly committed an offense won't be believed because of all of the lying being done by Democrats to take down Republicans.

What is a Democrat supporter like? A very angry person who wants to make everyone else feel as angry as they are.

It's beginning to work.
LOL Anyone wonder when Donald J Trump will sue all the women who accused him of sexual harassment, something he even admitted. Imagine the hearing, now Donald you admitted harassment, I was only kidding'. Republicans voters must love being played by scumbags, just say you found Jesus and all is right with the world. I heard Moore is going to sue the WaPo, sure, right after Donald sues. You righties must love being played as fools. Gives you comfort I guess.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard
LOL Anyone wonder when Donald J Trump will sue all the women who accused him of sexual harassment, something he even admitted. Imagine the hearing, now Donald you admitted harassment, I was only kidding'. Republicans voters must love being played by scumbags, just say you found Jesus and all is right with the world. I heard Moore is going to sue the WaPo, sure, right after Donald sues. You righties must love being played as fools. Gives you comfort I guess.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard
Trump never admitted anything of the sort. This is just more liberals lying.

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