Let's Go Brandon Caller Getting Attacked

Chicoms and democrats have systematically destroyed what trump created.
You’re either a liar or awfully ignorant.
Lol, happened under Trump. We just fix you idiots messes. Now unemployment at a low. Help wanted signs everywhere life is good. Good thing Trump was to stupid to make as big a mess as Bush but he sure Tried.
Well I am going to unload on his sorry ass. A family tradition, which is absolutely great for the kids. The call should have been about those kids and the excitement of Santa Claus coming. That fact that he got an active conversation with the president and first lady, I mean wow, what a teachable moment for those kids. What a blessing. But this self-absorbed asshat is more worried about getting subscribers to his Youtube channel than teaching his kids about respect. I mean I got to give it to him, he took what should have been a family tradition directed towards the kids and made it about himself. I mean look at the picture, the smiling kid sitting beside him.

Yep, he has a first amendment right to express himself. But there is a time and place for everything. This was neither the time, nor the place, for his childish and stupid quip.
You must have forgotten about the living hell directed at Trump and any republican from the libatards for over 4 years. Put on your big boy pants and shut up. Biden and Kameltoe are fair game. Enjoy the next 3 LONG YEARS, moron.
On a phone call about tracking Santa? Does the dumbshit not know how to write a letter to the editor of the local paper? Does he not have a phone to call his representative, or hell, the White House itself for that matter? Come on, at least admit the truth, his little quip was about building his Youtube channel, getting likes on his Facebook page. He didn't give two shits about his children, it will always be about him.
I seem to remember Denito saying all kinds of things at the Emmys. Like fuck you. But I believe I missed your commendation of him.
Yeah, all kinds of little kids dreaming about Santa Claus watching the Emmys. Dumbfuck.
Lol. So you do not think people or families watch the Emmys? They had more people watching it then was watching that program. Sorry but numbers say you are wrong.
This is what he has to say..."I am being attacked for utilizing my freedom of speech."

Yep, that is the way it works fucking pussy. You use your freedom of speech to say something and other people use their freedom of speech to tell you what they thought of it.

These people that think that freedom of speech means saying anything they like with no push back are fucking morons.
My favorite part is where he claims he meant no disrespect. How do you get on a call with the POTUS and effectively tell him, fuck you, and then claim you meant no disrespect?

That putz is an idiot to think others are as stupid as he is to fall for that.
Lol, Trump did not rely on a teleprompter and could talk for hours. He also answered the many questions that were asked. Biden walks off. Trump was one of the greatest presidents we have had.

You mean like when Trump's teleprompter malfunctioned, he rambled on about how George Washington rammed the ramparts and won the war by taking over the airports?

You're such a fucking imbecile.

You must have forgotten about the living hell directed at Trump and any republican from the libatards for over 4 years. Put on your big boy pants and shut up. Biden and Kameltoe are fair game. Enjoy the next 3 LONG YEARS, moron.

Poor conservatives... always the victim.

You mean like when Trump's teleprompter malfunctioned, he rambled on about how George Washington rammed the ramparts and won the war by taking over the airports?

You're such a fucking imbecile.


That kind of behavior is daily with Biden. Lol
Did you sleep through the disaster of the trump administration?
I'm not defending biden, just pointing out the absolute train wreck trump is as a speaker.
There was no disaster that was not manufactured until Covid. Although, Covid was manufactured too. No new wars, secure borders, criminals being deported and very low unemployment. Rising wages too.
I love the pussy white cucks.

Honestly, "Let's go Brandon" is just a wonderful example of conservative cuckery. Too chicken shit to just say "Fuck you Biden", too pussy when you get blow back because everyone knows what you mean. Are there any men left on the right?

I love the pussy white cucks.

Honestly, "Let's go Brandon" is just a wonderful example of conservative cuckery. Too chicken shit to just say "Fuck you Biden", too pussy when you get blow back because everyone knows what you mean. Are there any men left on the right?

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