Let's go Brandon

This Reporter might have a hearing problem.
Does this sound like "Let's go Brandon"?

The left are SO desperate to hide any signs of the complete, total, and utter fuckup that is Joe Biden. He is a disaster in every way it's possible to be one, and the country is well aware of it, no matter how hard the propagandists try to cover it up.
The left are SO desperate to hide any signs of the complete, total, and utter fuckup that is Joe Biden. He is a disaster in every way it's possible to be one, and the country is well aware of it, no matter how hard the propagandists try to cover it up.
Agree, unfortunately for them its like trying to cover the sun.
She knows what they were shouting...and it was FUCK JOE BIDEN....but you have to give her points for her quick thinking in Pravda like style.....
Indeed,she is a puppet t parrot the corporate media and they kiss Biden’s ass so she had to think of something on the spot to say sense this was something not scripted she was unprepared for.lol
Tucker naturally beat out Joe's cnn town hall what was it wed? thurs? nite? 1.3 million watched Joe thereabouts?? and they're telling us that he got 80 mill votes with his approvals dropping every week?? LOLOLOL This is as big a scam as the scamdemic.

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