Bull Ring Lets Gooooo


The first example I can think of in which "big government" made America a lot better is the l "American System," a plan from the early 1800s to unite and strengthen the nation. It pushed for higher tariffs (big gov't), a big expansion of transportation, as financed and directed by "big government," big government "Maintenance of high public land prices to generate federal revenue," - wiki - and the creation of an early version of The (big government) Fed.

Henry Clay's "American System," devised in the burst of nationalism that followed the War of 1812, remains one of the most historically significant examples of a government-sponsored program to harmonize and balance the nation's agriculture, commerce, and industry.


Note the GDP Growth between following 1815 and the implementation of the American System. And, this doesn't even address what the American System did in terms of making us the UNITED States. BTW, HarleyQueen, the blue stuff is call a link, Here I am using it as citation. Look 'em up.

In the interest of brevity, I will now skip to the 20th Century and the Great Rightard Depression next.
Funny that. Henry Clay deserves a large chunk of blame for my post above. Boy, that man sure hated competition on the open market.
Small gov't Repubs ruled all three branches of American government during the 20s. This led to the Great Rightard Depression. We saw the same thing following a period of Repub rule in the 2000s, leading to the Great Rightard Recession, the greatest economic disaster since the Great Rightard Depression. Specific causes?

There is much debate about this, but certainly Disparity of Wealth. 1930s High Society | History Detectives | PBS

This disparity of wealth was caused by a lack of regulation of the business practices if latter day Robber Barons who left the underclass with so little wealth they could not afford to buy what the wealthy were producing. Not the first or last time where the simplistic short-sightedness of selfish "conseratives" bit them on the ass and gave them a headache. This lack of "big government" oversight had led to America suffering through a depression about every twenty years. Many believed it was related to sunspots and their similar cycle. We know now depression are really caused by selfish brats who love the simplistic nature of libertardianism. The Great Rightard Depression and the failure of laissez-faire capitalism led to its demise around the world. Today, all developed countries have Mixed Economies, combining elements of free enterprise and SOSHALIZM!, because the people who lived through the simplistic libertarian fantasy never wanted to go through it again.

Okay, so Great Rightard Depression led to FDR. Repubs, then as now, did nothing but bitch about how long it took FDR to clean up their mess, just as they did under Obama. My favorite element of this is how poorly educated Deplorables like to squeal that FDR never did fix the Depression, that WWII didl This is actually most;y true. We can see now that FDR's big-govt efforts were inadequate. In fact, we got a recession in '37, when FDR took his foot off the gas and succumbed to Repub demands to cut spend out of fear of debt. Recession ended a year later, after FDR went back to the New Deal.

Yes, WWII did the most to end the Depression, but "conservatives" appear to believe that was because all the loud noises scared away the Depression demons. Actually, it was WWII, big-govt spending on a level that made FDR's prior efforts look like Coolidge.

Next up, how big-govt assistance led to stronger unions and maybe our best economy ever and the peak of the middle class, which began to decline under St. Raygun and trickle-on.
Wealth started disappearing because people were putting everything they had into the stock market. When that crashed nobody had anything, demand decreased and so did the number of people with jobs and disposable income.
What money people did have left, was pulled out of the banks and caused banking panics.
Then, here comes the fraud we call the federal reserve. They increased interest rates, further depressing bank lending.
There many things that happened with GD. Screaming about rightards or whatever word salad you were saying isnt productive. The GD was worldwide. Foreigners can thank their govts and central banks.
What benefits do i get from the govt that i couldnt get without it?
What benefits do i get from the govt that i couldnt get without it?
Public roads and parks and police and military and inspection of medicines and public education (look at what home schooling did to you) among a long list of other things you missed by being home schooled.
Obey the state? Nice terminology. Do you pray to them as well? Good grief.
Your Hondo-posing aside, girlyboy, you do obey the state in areas from how fast you drive to what you can do with your womb.
You darn right I dont give the govt money. They take it from me.
They take what you owe, because what little you produce was produced under their protection and with their help. That's where the public roads, etc., comes in dumbass. This was all in one of my many points you are dodging.
And then spend it on sending weapons to terrorists, money to dictators, use it to kill innocent people all over the world etc.
Yeah, we're a bit of a bully at times, but I don't see people climbing silly walls to get into other countries. Your problem is that bad governmental behavior is not exclusive to big or small govts. That's just you grasping desperately at straws
To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical - Thomas Jefferson
One aspect of your poor education is that you are unaware that one can quote Jefferson taking almost every position on almost every issue. In your defense that's because your home schooling left you ignorant of Jefferson's evolving view of power, as he got more of it. In that vein, Jefferson presided over the biggest territorial expansion of the US with only sketchy authority to do so.
As far as the economy? Not sure how the government picking winners and losers with subsidization helps the economy.
Yeah, but we have discussed your poor education previously. Recently, we did picking and choosing to help us achieve needed independence from reliance on China for computer chips. See, this is the problem with your parroted generalities and unsupported assertions. You are too stupid to deal with the concept of ramifications. In the big-government American System you ran from it was used to build infrastructure and unite the nation. Most recently, gov;t picked the FTX loser to arrest. He would still be free to rip off Bucky again under your simplistic understanding of free enterprise.
Perhaps you dont know the meaning of the word "better" Propping up failure is a horrible business model.
America is a failure? Does squawking such idiocy make you feel like less of one. BTW, showing failure or a bad business model is how one supports an assertion, in case you ever overcome your cowardice and decide to try it out.
How about we look at healthcare costs. I am sure we can all agree that is extremely high, right?
But much cheaper under SOSHALIZM!, dumbass. Every European with SOSHALIST! health care pays less than we do, moron. One of many links available on this: How Does Healthcare in Europe Work?
Lets look at why that is.
Why? You too stupid to understand still that you are arguing against cheaper, big government health care?
Why are drugs so high? Because the GOVERNMENT bans importing prescription drugs.
Would you like to pick this as the first empty assertion you will actually back up? Are you aware that big-gov't Biden has lowered drug costs for gov't recipients, but that small-gov't "conservatives" blocked lowering them for everyone
What is so wrong with me getting insulin from Canada when it saves me 100 bucks? Only the government knows.
No idea why you thought a graph on US spending had anything to do with yet another unsupported, gibberish assertion about Canada, but then I wasn't home schooled.
I wonder why costs started shooting up in 1965?
Costs money to stop poor old people from starving to death or dying from treatable illnesses, but then we've already addressed your dishonorable abrogation of any responsibility for the support of the state that protects your sissy ass. And, while the government has spent more, the people it governs are certainly paying less than they would without Medicare and such. Try to understand, selfish brat, that you are one bad diagnosis away from bankruptcy under our system and its lack of socialism.
Ever hear of supply and demand?
Yup. Every poorly educated parrot in cyberspace thinks squawking them is equal to a degree in Economics.

Alright. Note, HarleyQueen, that while I addressed and demolished every one of your simplistic squeakings, you ran like a you from everyone of mine. Is that what the home schooled believe is debate.

Your pretentious ignorance is exceeded only by your cowardice.
Funny that. Henry Clay deserves a large chunk of blame for my post above. Boy, that man sure hated competition on the open market.
Did you think that witless, ignorant squeak was a rebuttal, gutless? Oh, the American System, as I cited as you never do, made America, dumbass. You would know this if your home schooling had progressed to where you could read the two-syllable words in my citations, as opposed to the none you used.

You have an alligator mouth and a hummingbird asshole.
Wealth started disappearing because people were putting everything they had into the stock market
One unsupported assertion after another.
. When that crashed nobody had anything, demand decreased and so did the number of people with jobs and disposable income.
One unsupported assertion after another.
In History, home school, this is called the Domestic Theory of Causation re the Great Rightard Depression. It's major flaw is that it fails to explain why the Great Rightard Depression had already affected the entire world. Today, it is regarded as a symptom rather than a cause. Oh, and anybody who thinks farmers who were burning their corn crops for heat had a nice stock portfolio is too stupid to breathe on his own. Putro? Time to employ your suck-up skills.
What money people did have left,
After they ran out of corn to burn and started burning their stock portfolios?
was pulled out of the banks and caused banking panics.
Which big-govt FDR fixed with his Bank Holiday, averting an even bigger disaster. I can see your home schooling was done by those who see History anti-white propaganda.
Then, here comes the fraud we call the federal reserve.One unsupported assertion after another.
Merely a coincidence that after having depressions every twenty years, we've had none after the establishment of the Fed. You simps gave it a good try in 2007, though. Oh, forgot, this is still another unsupported assertion.
They increased interest rates, further depressing bank lending.
An absolute necessity in fighting inflation. See, home schooled, inflation is caused by too much demand. To fix it, you have to lower demand. To do that, you have to take money away from people. There are other ways to fix it, but that's about all we have in a free society. Raising interest rates does this and reduces demand. We could, instead go back to your simplistic philosophy of major depressions every twenty years, I suppose, but I doubt you will find much support for that. There is, fortunately, only a limited supply of people with your level of abject ignorance. Congess won't do it, because fixing inflation requires unpopular policies, and they don't do unpopular. Got any solutions for inflation besides depressions, feeb?
There many things that happened with GD.
Perhaps your greatest profundity yet.
Screaming about rightards or whatever word salad
Have you always found big words painful?
you were saying isnt productive.
I lack your reliance on empty assertions you run from supporting.
The GD was worldwide.
As I explained to your ignorant ass.
Foreigners can thank their govts and central banks.
Ah, every government in the world had its own unrelated depressions. You might want to look up the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, home school.

And, once again, I addressed and demolished every one of your simplistic droolings, while you continue to run from mine. That said, I'm gonna take a break from cripple kicking to do my next installment of what you are running from.
Public roads and parks and police and military and inspection of medicines and public education (look at what home schooling did to you) among a long list of other things you missed by being home schooled.
I said list things the govt does that I couldnt get from the private sector. Try again.
Your Hondo-posing aside, girlyboy, you do obey the state in areas from how fast you drive to what you can do with your womb.
Who said i do that? lol
Ahhh I see another person that doesnt know what a woman is. Go to college and study biology, bro :lol:
They take what you owe, because what little you produce was produced under their protection and with their help. That's where the public roads, etc., comes in dumbass. This was all in one of my many points you are dodging.
Their help? LOL
Yeah, we're a bit of a bully at times, but I don't see people climbing silly walls to get into other countries. Your problem is that bad governmental behavior is not exclusive to big or small govts. That's just you grasping desperately at straws
Yep. That would mean the problem is with Government. Thanks for helping me make my point.
One aspect of your poor education is that you are unaware that one can quote Jefferson taking almost every position on almost every issue. In your defense that's because your home schooling left you ignorant of Jefferson's evolving view of power, as he got more of it. In that vein, Jefferson presided over the biggest territorial expansion of the US with only sketchy authority to do so.
The quote is true. Sorry it triggered you.
Yeah, but we have discussed your poor education previously. Recently, we did picking and choosing to help us achieve needed independence from reliance on China for computer chips. See, this is the problem with your parroted generalities and unsupported assertions. You are too stupid to deal with the concept of ramifications. In the big-government American System you ran from it was used to build infrastructure and unite the nation. Most recently, gov;t picked the FTX loser to arrest. He would still be free to rip off Bucky again under your simplistic understanding of free enterprise.
The govt actually banned imports of chips to China :lol:
My point stands, despite your retarded deflection. The chip crisis was created by the government.
But much cheaper under SOSHALIZM!, dumbass. Every European with SOSHALIST! health care pays less than we do, moron. One of many links available on this: How Does Healthcare in Europe Work?
Umm retard, you missed my entire point. Costs went up because of the government. More irrelevant word salad :rolleyes:
Would you like to pick this as the first empty assertion you will actually back up? Are you aware that big-gov't Biden has lowered drug costs for gov't recipients, but that small-gov't "conservatives" blocked lowering them for everyone
I cant even go into Canada and bring back drugs because of the FDA. Are you seriously not aware of this? Guess that isnt surprising. You dont know much of anything. Thats why all you do is gas light, deflect and stuff your belly full of word salad.
Your partisan attacks mean nothing to me. Talk about "conservatives" and republicans all you want. They are part of the problem.
No idea why you thought a graph on US spending had anything to do with yet another unsupported, gibberish assertion about Canada, but then I wasn't home schooled.
I clearly stated that govt involvement increased supply and demand which caused prices to soar. Not surprised you ignored that, too.
you are one bad diagnosis away from bankruptcy under our system and its lack of socialism.
Wouldnt be that way if the government didnt get involved. You realize your entire argument is based off ignoring mine? Good grief.
Did you think that witless, ignorant squeak was a rebuttal, gutless? Oh, the American System, as I cited as you never do, made America, dumbass. You would know this if your home schooling had progressed to where you could read the two-syllable words in my citations, as opposed to the none you used.

You have an alligator mouth and a hummingbird asshole.
Your federal supremacy and fetish of getting pegged by your overlords isnt an argument to anything. Its just nasty.
Okay, after WWII, Americans were tired of competence and prosperity, so in '52 we elected a Republican and got probably our best economy ever. Right about now, the home-schooled simp is telling himself, "Yay, I was right about something once!" Nope. Ike was a war hero, we do love our war heroes, but he was anything but small government economically.

Under Ike, the top income tax rate was 90%. My reading tells me the actual effective rate was about 65%, but that is still nearly double today's "big govenment taxation" that dishonorable MAGAts are always caterwauling about. Big Government.

Ike gave us the "big government" GI Bill. This was a big boost to a middle class already growing from big government protections of unions. Go to any retirement community today, and you will find a significant proportion of those living in those nice houses never graduated from high school. They retired in comfort because of unions. Of course, many of them succumbed to their selfish MAGAts, demanding the ladder they use to get there be pulled up after them. Big Government.

The biggie, though, had to be the National Highway System that big government financed and directed. Because of that we have everything from McDonalds franchise to suburbs. Big government, hell. We're talking pretty much SOSHALIZM! here.

Okay, we did pretty good after that, with millions of Americans benefitting and continuing to benefit thanks to LBJ's big-government War on Poverty, which included Medicare. Then, St. Raygun discovered the Red Ink Sea, and the middle class began to decline. This led predictably to the Great Rightard Recession under bush the Lesser. That was followed by trump's fucked up economy, resulting from his lies and incompetence making the richest nation on earth the one hardest hit from covid.

Okay, Harlequeen, I have proved you with many CITED and SUPPORTED examples of how "big government" made America better. You have run from all of them, preferring instead to squeak one cliched and unsupported assertion after another. Your demonstrable ignorance is the reason all you can do on the thread where this all started is hiss and spit in frustrated impotence, a strategy more demeaning possibly than the one you use here of bluffing assertions you will then run from and dodging every point I taught your poorly educated ass.
One unsupported assertion after another.
Merely a coincidence that after having depressions every twenty years, we've had none after the establishment of the Fed. You simps gave it a good try in 2007, though. Oh, forgot, this is still another unsupported assertion.
The FED was created before the great depression, dummy.
An absolute necessity in fighting inflation. See, home schooled, inflation is caused by too much demand. To fix it, you have to lower demand. To do that, you have to take money away from people. There are other ways to fix it, but that's about all we have in a free society. Raising interest rates does this and reduces demand. We could, instead go back to your simplistic philosophy of major depressions every twenty years, I suppose, but I doubt you will find much support for that. There is, fortunately, only a limited supply of people with your level of abject ignorance. Congess won't do it, because fixing inflation requires unpopular policies, and they don't do unpopular. Got any solutions for inflation besides depressions, feeb?
It didnt work. That was my point. Good grief.
Ah, every government in the world had its own unrelated depressions. You might want to look up the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, home school.
:rofl: :rofl:
Okay, Harlequeen, I have proved you with many CITED and SUPPORTED examples of how "big government" made America better.
You havent. You have, however, helped me make my point.
You cant make America better by taking something the govt screwed up in the first place, and then steal from us to fix it.
As I said, you apparently dont know what "better" means.
I said list things the govt does that I couldnt get from the private sector. Try again.
You didn't like the list of PUBLIC (aka gov't) instutitions you dumbassedly copied above this squeak? You say you are going to hire your own private police force to protect your sissy ass, rather than rely on the government one? We've seen the effects on you of abandoning public education. Gonna build your own park? Gonna do your own research to make sure your Cialis doesn't make your head harder and your Rogaine grow hair on your palms.
Who said i do that? lol
Obey the laws? You're too stupid to ignore them and stay out of jail. That girly giggle was probably your most substantive rebuttal yet.
Ahhh I see another person that doesnt know what a woman is. Go to college and study biology, bro :lol:
You get the girly giggle with your home-school biology degree, Dr. Dumbass? Just as I will accept a dictionary definition over your insistence the dictionary is wrong and out to get you. I will accept the Concord Law School understanding of public education and the 14th Amendment over your empty "Nuh uhs!" I will accept what medical experts have to say about gender and sex and your ignorance of the difference. In addition, I won't even get into what your weird obsessions say about your own gender insecurity.
Their [govt] help? LOL
Wait, you think girly giggles are an effective debate technique? Right up there with empty assertions?

Whatever you claim to produce is produced without government roads? Government research? Government airports and public schools? Tell you what, MightyMouth, since you claim not to need the foundation of wealth and iinfrastructure built by others, past and present, how about you go to Mali and call me on your cellphone in your Caddy in a year or two.
Yep. That would mean the problem is with Government.
Unfortunately, awkwardly dishonest feeb, you laid at the feet of big government only. And, there's no way you could find the courage to be an anarchist. Hell, you can't take two steps away from the warm embrace of the nanny state you bitch about.
Thanks for helping me make my point.
The only point you've ever had is above and between your ears, Zippy. And, nobody is impressed by self-fellating boasts.
The quote is true.
Didn't say it wasn't. I merely pointed out that you are too poorly educated to know Jefferson took just about every position on just about every issue, and you can't blame the government for the results of your home schooling
Sorry it triggered you.
Yeah, I've talked before about how sad it is how MAGAts believe becoming a minor annoyance is the greatest thing they can accomplish.
The govt actually banned imports of chips to China :lol:
Another unsupported assertion. Actually, runner from your assertions, it has restricted some chips. And, would that be the Big Goverment, obliviously self-humiliating feeb? Oh, it has also chosen to subsidize domestic production. The cutesy emoji may have surpassed your girly giggle as your best substance yet, if that helps
My point stands,
You're standing on your head?
despite your retarded deflection. The chip crisis was created by the government.
Will THIS be the first assertion you back up
Umm retard, you missed my entire point.
Nope, it's still right there above and between your ears. Scientists are puzzled as to why Deplorables evolved this anomaly. Some suspect it is used to attract and impress female MAGAts. Works on the ones here.
Costs went up because of the government.
Another unsupported assertion that directly contradicts my CITED EVIDENCE of socialized medicine being more cost effective than what we have. Another point you ran from
More irrelevant word salad :rolleyes:
I was a public school teacher of Social Studies. You can't blame me for your poor reading skills.
I cant even go into Canada and bring back drugs because of the FDA.
Again, I'm not responsible for your incompetence. Millions of other Americans do it. Thanks for the amusing bitching about your supposed lack of access to big-government health care, though. Good cutesy emoji, too. Much better than your other girly giggles substance.
Are you seriously not aware of this?
That you run from supporting any of your empty assertions? I'm sure everybody is aware of it by now.
Guess that isnt surprising. You dont know much of anything.
You forgot your hypocritical sniveling about ad homs, sissy.
Thats why all you do is gas light, deflect and stuff your belly full of word salad.
And now the wounded, pretentious twit throws some victim-wannabe into his unsupported assertions.
Your partisan
Now, that calls for a girly giggle, victim-wannabe.
attacks mean nothing to me
As demonstrated by page after page of ankle gumming assertions directed at me that you won't back up. You triggered, bro?
. Talk about "conservatives" and republicans all you want.
Thank you. I was holding back, not having the permission of a poorly educated coward and all.
They are part of the problem.
While you have bravely decided to stand for nothing other than the inalienable right of a Deplorable to bitch incessantly from the sidelines. Your squawkings indicate a fondness for anarchism, but you lack the courage also to leave the loving embrace of the nanny state to do that either. In the end you stand only for pretentious ignorance and abject cowardice.

I clearly stated that govt involvement increased supply and demand which caused prices to soar.
You stated it, but being a poorly educated feeb, you backed your alligator mouth with nothing but your hummingbird asshole. Only you are stupid enough to bitch that providing health care creates a demand for it. You're right, moron, health care was much cheaper for those who died from not getting any. Oh, and you are continuing to run like a you from my point that those with more fully socialized medicine pay much less than we do.
Not surprised you ignored that, too.
You want me to list every parroted cliche you run from supporting?
Wouldnt be that way if the government didnt get involved.
He asserted unsupportedly.
You realize your entire argument is based off ignoring mine?
Yeah, sad how I spent all of this post ignoring every one of the idiocies above that you continue to run from. Would you like to point to you addressing any of my points you are running from with something more sophisticated than "Nuh uh?"
Good grief.
Oh, another pro bono, special-ed lesson for you. If you look back, you will notice that you have provided no citations to anything to back up the assertions you run from, while I have provided several citations and tons of evidence to back up what I've said. What I do is called debate. What you do is called ignorant crybaby in a futile attempt to blame others for what you are.

You don't like government? Stop sucking at its teats, wannabe-anarchist. See for yourself, if you can live five minutes without its help and protection.
A link to the causes of the stock market crash does not address what caused the Great Rightard Depression. How stupid are you? No wonder you refuse to back up your ignorant crap.
The FED was created before the great depression, dummy.

It didnt work. That was my point. Good grief.

:rofl: :rofl:
Another assertion you already ran from when you dodged my point about how we had regular depressions before the Fed but none since. The Fed is just another boogey man you don't understand that your masters use to keep you frightened and obedient.
You didn't like the list of PUBLIC (aka gov't) instutitions you dumbassedly copied above this squeak? You say you are going to hire your own private police force to protect your sissy ass, rather than rely on the government one? We've seen the effects on you of abandoning public education. Gonna build your own park? Gonna do your own research to make sure your Cialis doesn't make your head harder and your Rogaine grow hair on your palms.

Obey the laws? You're too stupid to ignore them and stay out of jail. That girly giggle was probably your most substantive rebuttal yet.

You get the girly giggle with your home-school biology degree, Dr. Dumbass? Just as I will accept a dictionary definition over your insistence the dictionary is wrong and out to get you. I will accept the Concord Law School understanding of public education and the 14th Amendment over your empty "Nuh uhs!" I will accept what medical experts have to say about gender and sex and your ignorance of the difference. In addition, I won't even get into what your weird obsessions say about your own gender insecurity.

Wait, you think girly giggles are an effective debate technique? Right up there with empty assertions?

Whatever you claim to produce is produced without government roads? Government research? Government airports and public schools? Tell you what, MightyMouth, since you claim not to need the foundation of wealth and iinfrastructure built by others, past and present, how about you go to Mali and call me on your cellphone in your Caddy in a year or two.

Unfortunately, awkwardly dishonest feeb, you laid at the feet of big government only. And, there's no way you could find the courage to be an anarchist. Hell, you can't take two steps away from the warm embrace of the nanny state you bitch about.

The only point you've ever had is above and between your ears, Zippy. And, nobody is impressed by self-fellating boasts.

Didn't say it wasn't. I merely pointed out that you are too poorly educated to know Jefferson took just about every position on just about every issue, and you can't blame the government for the results of your home schooling

Yeah, I've talked before about how sad it is how MAGAts believe becoming a minor annoyance is the greatest thing they can accomplish.

Another unsupported assertion. Actually, runner from your assertions, it has restricted some chips. And, would that be the Big Goverment, obliviously self-humiliating feeb? Oh, it has also chosen to subsidize domestic production. The cutesy emoji may have surpassed your girly giggle as your best substance yet, if that helps

You're standing on your head?

Will THIS be the first assertion you back up

Nope, it's still right there above and between your ears. Scientists are puzzled as to why Deplorables evolved this anomaly. Some suspect it is used to attract and impress female MAGAts. Works on the ones here.

Another unsupported assertion that directly contradicts my CITED EVIDENCE of socialized medicine being more cost effective than what we have. Another point you ran from

I was a public school teacher of Social Studies. You can't blame me for your poor reading skills.

Again, I'm not responsible for your incompetence. Millions of other Americans do it. Thanks for the amusing bitching about your supposed lack of access to big-government health care, though. Good cutesy emoji, too. Much better than your other girly giggles substance.

That you run from supporting any of your empty assertions? I'm sure everybody is aware of it by now.

You forgot your hypocritical sniveling about ad homs, sissy.

And now the wounded, pretentious twit throws some victim-wannabe into his unsupported assertions.

Now, that calls for a girly giggle, victim-wannabe.

As demonstrated by page after page of ankle gumming assertions directed at me that you won't back up. You triggered, bro?

Thank you. I was holding back, not having the permission of a poorly educated coward and all.

While you have bravely decided to stand for nothing other than the inalienable right of a Deplorable to bitch incessantly from the sidelines. Your squawkings indicate a fondness for anarchism, but you lack the courage also to leave the loving embrace of the nanny state to do that either. In the end you stand only for pretentious ignorance and abject cowardice.

You stated it, but being a poorly educated feeb, you backed your alligator mouth with nothing but your hummingbird asshole. Only you are stupid enough to bitch that providing health care creates a demand for it. You're right, moron, health care was much cheaper for those who died from not getting any. Oh, and you are continuing to run like a you from my point that those with more fully socialized medicine pay much less than we do.

You want me to list every parroted cliche you run from supporting?

He asserted unsupportedly.

Yeah, sad how I spent all of this post ignoring every one of the idiocies above that you continue to run from. Would you like to point to you addressing any of my points you are running from with something more sophisticated than "Nuh uh?"

Oh, another pro bono, special-ed lesson for you. If you look back, you will notice that you have provided no citations to anything to back up the assertions you run from, while I have provided several citations and tons of evidence to back up what I've said. What I do is called debate. What you do is called ignorant crybaby in a futile attempt to blame others for what you are.

You don't like government? Stop sucking at its teats, wannabe-anarchist. See for yourself, if you can live five minutes without its help and protection.
This entire post is trolling. About what I expected from you.
A link to the causes of the stock market crash does not address what caused the Great Rightard Depression. How stupid are you? No wonder you refuse to back up your ignorant crap.
That link was to show you how people were putting everything they had into the stock market before the crash. You said I didnt back it up, then i did, and you say i didnt explain the caused the GD? Do you even forum bro? Do you have any idea how this works?
Thsi is one of the most ridiculous debates I have ever had.
Another assertion you already ran from when you dodged my point about how we had regular depressions before the Fed but none since. The Fed is just another boogey man you don't understand that your masters use to keep you frightened and obedient.
The GD happened AFTER the FED was created. You seriously have comprehension problems dont you?

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