Lets Have a Picture Party!



Heh! Frankie did have a way with eye shadow. ;o)

I see you shiver with antici (SAY IT!!) pation
Theater shows. Not burlesque or whatever other drag/cross-dressing shows are around. I was forced to "doll up" for the school production of Our Town.

the straight crowd never gets live actors and make up.....just not secure in which team they play for i guess
No, this is about you wanting to be dominant, by being the protector of the little boy. I suspect you're trying to make up for some little problem, more than likely. How ironic that you use the word prick to describe this situation.
Yes. Penile envy. That's what this is about.

You admit you needlessly attacked someone, and I'll admit I stood up for them. The identity of the person is irrelevant to my behavior.
Your wife liked it just fine :dunno:

Dream on. It’s good for a young man to have dreams. But you’ll have to settle for a ho or your hand.

I see that you are scraping the barrel for insults due to your complete lack of imagination and class. What's next, an insult to my mother?:thumbs_down:

And my wife would cut your puny wee wee off in a New York second, Stubby.
Let's post pictures of our Christmas or other holiday decorations. :) Here's our living room...


  • $P1010012.JPG
    313.5 KB · Views: 88
I tried doing that before, only to get blasted by an immature poster who thought I was showing off.:cuckoo:

Your place looks beautiful. Merry Christmas!:D

Interesting way to show your interior Christmas decorations. I had to zoom in to see the tree. :cuckoo:

I tried doing that before, only to get blasted by an immature poster who thought I was showing off.:cuckoo:

Your place looks beautiful. Merry Christmas!:D

Thanks! As does your house... I REALLY miss living in the woods. There's such a peace in trees. :)

Merry Christmas to you, too!

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