Lets Have a Picture Party!

I am such a sucker for a stray cat

Here are some more of my babies

Wow.. Marking differences are usually pretty drastic, but those two could be outta the same litter.. How old is she?

Mine was abandoned at birth, and raised by a petstore, but kept in with a litter of sick kittens she wasn't part of.. Walked in to the store, heard this screaming, went back, and found her smooshed against the side of the glass, trying to get as far away from those "other cats" as possible yelling "Get me the f*ck outta here!"..

...and to think we only went in for a toy for the other cat, and I got lectured about how we're NOT leaving with "another damned pet"...
Wow.. Marking differences are usually pretty drastic, but those two could be outta the same litter.. How old is she?

Mine was abandoned at birth, and raised by a petstore, but kept in with a litter of sick kittens she wasn't part of.. Walked in to the store, heard this screaming, went back, and found her smooshed against the side of the glass, trying to get as far away from those "other cats" as possible yelling "Get me the f*ck outta here!"..

...and to think we only went in for a toy for the other cat, and I got lectured about how we're NOT leaving with "another damned pet"...

Her name is Gretel. I found her and her brother (Hanzel) in the middle of the road just sitting there. I pulled over and called them , they came to me, and I was hooked. They are both a little over one year old

Here is Hanzel, Pumpkin, and Munchkin


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Her name is Gretel. I found her and her brother (Hanzel) in the middle of the road just sitting there. I pulled over and called them , they came to me, and I was hooked. They are both a little over one year old

Here is Hanzel, Pumpkin, and Munchkin

Mine just turned 16 in Feb. She was 4 weeks old when we got her.. She's getting old, and bitchy... *SIGH* Strangest personality quirks of any cat I've ever had.. If I'm lucky, she'll outlive me, since I don't think I could stand to lose that one.
Mine just turned 16 in Feb. She was 4 weeks old when we got her.. She's getting old, and bitchy... *SIGH* Strangest personality quirks of any cat I've ever had.. If I'm lucky, she'll outlive me, since I don't think I could stand to lose that one.

I know the feeling. I ove all of them but Muchkin is my favorite. 14 pounds of pure love. All she wants is to have attention. She has a purr as lound as an outboard motor. When she goes I will have to have alot of meds
I know the feeling. I ove all of them but Muchkin is my favorite. 14 pounds of pure love. All she wants is to have attention. She has a purr as lound as an outboard motor. When she goes I will have to have alot of meds

About the same size as Ratt..between 14 and 16lbs. Too late for a diet now.. :D She purrs so loud I used to call her Crunch & Munch cuz if you weren't petting her while she was purring, she'd bite you.
About the same size as Ratt..between 14 and 16lbs. Too late for a diet now.. :D She purrs so loud I used to call her Crunch & Munch cuz if you weren't petting her while she was purring, she'd bite you.

All of them have different personalities. Muchkin and her Mom Callie never get into anything. Hanzel like to chew on everything (including the curtains) Gretel is somewhat independent and wants attention every once and awhile. Spitfire and Pumpkin are pure hell on paws. Getting into things and knocking things over. Cleo is Ms Prim and Proper. Brandy is a very timid cat
All of them have different personalities. Muchkin and her Mom Callie never get into anything. Hanzel like to chew on everything (including the curtains) Gretel is somewhat independent and wants attention every once and awhile. Spitfire and Pumpkin are pure hell on paws. Getting into things and knocking things over. Cleo is Ms Prim and Proper. Brandy is a very timid cat

I think Skittles (the gray one that "yawns") fits the hell on paws definition. I "lost" a very large white tiger statue to her "antics", this is what she thought of my Christmas tree...Home Sweet Home... and there's nothing she won't stick her teeth into. She's got an uncanny fondness for fresh mushrooms, onion peels, and banana peels, as well as dried cranberries, and she *earned* the name Skittles...

She look like a real problem child. Cats are wonderful perts no matter what


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Which is precisely why we allow them to live, even after wanting to tear their ears off. :D

With eight cats - been there and done that. I have a Queen size bed and I still sleep on the edge. Try sharing a bed with eight cats who demand the maximum amonut of space possible
With eight cats - been there and done that. I have a Queen size bed and I still sleep on the edge. Try sharing a bed with eight cats who demand the maximum amonut of space possible

You kidding? I can't get my way with just 2.
And did you ever notice how if WE want to be somewhere, but the cats already there, we won't even dump them off? We leave them, and go somewhere ELSE?

Cats rule here. This is their house and they let me live here

So long as you remember to feed them. Tho, if I forget for a couple hours, Ratt knows how to open doors, and Skittles has become quite adept at carrying bags. :redface:
Then you're not a cat person, and only have them because someone else made you. :D

Actually I like cats a lot, I just insist on being the A dog with them, as well as with my dog. I got my first cat as an adult about 20 years ago from a farmer who had dozens in a cow barn. My second was a kiteen taken from a ferrel mom when he was a week old. He was the greates cat ever, and we moved him from Upstate NY to here. My current cat was a ferrel taken about 6 weeks old from a railroad station.

Cats are psychologically similar to tigers and you have to treat then that way. My earlier comment that thaey would eat you if they ran out of food and you were stroked out is true.
So long as you remember to feed them. Tho, if I forget for a couple hours, Ratt knows how to open doors, and Skittles has become quite adept at carrying bags. :redface:

Everytime I walk into the kitchen they follwo me. I have a double sided dish filed with dry food, a huge stainless stele bowl of water, and a plate with two cans of wet food - and they still act like they are dying of hunger
Everytime I walk into the kitchen they follwo me. I have a double sided dish filed with dry food, a huge stainless stele bowl of water, and a plate with two cans of wet food - and they still act like they are dying of hunger

Uh huh. And much like Ratt, they LOOK like they're dying of hunger, too.. :)

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