let's have a wonkish discussion about the need for Medicare For All, income inequality, opioids etc

To say “for all” is a misnomer. It’s for those who are unable to score private insurance.

The current system already has the gov paying for the uninsured. Might as well make it tons more efficient and get rid of the middle man .
To say “for all” is a misnomer. It’s for those who are unable to score private insurance.

The current system already has the gov paying for the uninsured. Might as well make it tons more efficient and get rid of the middle man .

The sad joke about Medicare is that it's just the same kind of insurance that enslaves us to our employers, except it enslaves us to our government instead. For. The. Win!!
To say “for all” is a misnomer. It’s for those who are unable to score private insurance.

The current system already has the gov paying for the uninsured. Might as well make it tons more efficient and get rid of the middle man .

That’s a joke right. You honestly believe government run healthcare is “tons” more efficient? There is nothing I can think of that the government does more efficient than the private sector. Can you name something?

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