Lets just face it….Devon Archer closed door testimony a bust

When you’re out on a business deal how often do you call your dad on speaker? If it’s perfectly normal and not meant to be anything why don’t we all do that?

I have a teams meeting tomorrow with some customers. I wonder if they’d like to say hi to my dad. Probably not unless my dad just happened to be the VP of my company and could you know, make his presence known to the others I have an ace to play here. Especially if everything I’m promising them is based on my father answering our calls and willing to maybe have a little chat.

My dad may or may not be able to make this deal happen, but you know, he’s here for me if it benefits us. Just sayin. He has a check for a billion dollars and could you know, maybe hold that back if a prosecutor doesn’t back off and I get about 10 million in let’s call it consulting fees.

Nothing shady about that. Just a kid doing business, and massive amounts of drugs, and calling my daddy at random opportune moments.

Per Devon Archer

Hunter Biden was selling the illusion of access to VP Biden
Do you really think Trumps kids don’t do the same thing in their business dealings?
So you admit the election was stolen, aye?
Oh you finally got me. No I was pointing out how stupid you must be to think Biden is both stupid yet at the same time he can still steal an election from the likes of you.

Aye? You really need to hide better the fact you arent even American.
Oh you finally got me. No I was pointing out how stupid you must be to think Biden is both stupid yet at the same time he can still steal an election from the likes of you.

Aye? You really need to hide the better the fact you arent even American.
Nobody thinks he did it himself, retard.
Nobody thinks he did it himself, retard.
He probably had a bunch of communists helping him, right? Along with republican secretaries of state. Because as well all know, communists and far right wing nut jobs always work well together.
Per Devon Archer

Hunter Biden was selling the illusion of access to VP Biden
Do you really think Trumps kids don’t do the same thing in their business dealings?
I don’t think holding back a billion dollars until the country fires its prosecutor looking into the company your sons “consulting” fee is coming from is an illusion. That’s just pure dumb luck right there. Who knew that could happen over a phone call during dinner to discuss the weather. What a lucky streak that was.
Oh you finally got me. No I was pointing out how stupid you must be to think Biden is both stupid yet at the same time he can still steal an election from the likes of you.

Aye? You really need to hide better the fact you arent even American.
Are you so fucking retarded you think Bidumb is running anything?
I don’t think holding back a billion dollars until the country fires its prosecutor looking into the company your sons “consulting” fee is coming from is an illusion. That’s just pure dumb luck right there. Who knew that could happen over a phone call during dinner to discuss the weather. What a lucky streak that was.
One more time. Shokin was NOT investigating Burisma
Without pressure from Joe Biden, European diplomats, the International Monetary Fund and other international organizations, Shokin would not have been fired, said Daria Kaleniuk, co-founder and executive director of the Anti Corruption Action Centre in Kiev.

"Civil society organizations in Ukraine were pressing for his resignation," Kaleniuk said, "but no one would have cared if there had not been voices from outside this country calling on him to go."

That was after the shit hit the fan.

I'll ask again, do you have any documents from the US gvt. that it was the position of the US gvt. that this prosecutor needed to be fired?

The reason I ask that that just months before, Kerry, then SOS and Victoria Nuland were praising Shokin for the job he was doing fighting corruption.

The fact that Comer was not at the hearing indicates that they knew what he would be saying. The testimony was clear that Joe Biden was not involved in any of his son business deals.

Hunter wanted more money and he probably created the illusion because that would give him a bigger cut. He kept it instead to support his drug use and a steady stream of hookers.

What businessmen does business with such a person? Those who just want to make a deal and don't care about how its done.

Yes they heard the call on speaker phone but it is clear that this was just to impress the people involved. They read into this what they wanted to hear. It was effective.

The republicans will continue with the narrative that Joe Biden was a partner and paid. If this is a business deal then why is there NO signed contract and agreements with Joe Biden's name.

So they believe that this was money under the table. Well you still need proof and not just guessing.

The people who fell for this can blame Hunter but some blame does lie with them for not getting it in writing.

This is just the illusion that Hunter was using and has always used throughout his life to make deals based on his name.

If others fall for this then it is there greed that is the problem.

Can any of the partners say that they gave money or a check directly to Joe Biden.

NO. Did they give the money to Hunter who was suppose to then give it to Joe.

What businessman does business this way?
So why is your boy Goldman leaking the proceedings, dumbass?

Derp! Yes, you're pretty damn stupid and dishonest as the day is long, and I am not.

Yes, this is gibberish.
Everyone. We just finished the two hours of Republican questioning. And I think it is safe to say that after yet another two hours, there still is no connection of any of Hunter Biden's business dealings with President Biden. The witness indicated that Hunter spoke to his father every day and approximately 20 times over the course of 10 year relationship. Hunter may have put his father on the phone with any number of different people and they never once spoke about any business dealings as he described it. It was all casual conversation, nice cities, the weather, what's going on, there wasn't a single conversation about any of the business dealings that Hunter had perhaps the most interesting thing that he said is that Barista believed that they had the prosecutor general shaken in their pocket, they had control over him and they were concerned that if he was removed from office, that that would be very bad for Barista. Of course, as we all know the allegation to the extent that there still are allegations that have not been debunked related to Barista is that Vice President Biden advocated for official US policy to remove, to have Ukraine remove Prosecutor General Chokin. And now we have confirmation from a Barista board member who was on the board with Hunter Biden that that was very detrimental to Barista. Barista understood that Chokin was good for them. And we also know that from hordes of other evidence, including the fact that there was no Ukrainian investigation into Barista and that Ukraine slow walked the British investigation. So I think we are perhaps in some ways where we left off. There's no connection in any bank records in any recollection in any testimony between President Biden and his son, Hunter's business dealings that like many people, Hunter spoke with his father every day and would often put his father occasionally would put his father on to say hello to whomever he happened to be caught at dinner with. And Mr Archer clarified that was sometimes people that they were having they were trying to do business with and it was sometimes friends or other social engagements. Happy to take a couple of questions. Yes. So there are Republican allegations that the Bidens received money through shell companies. Did Archer talk about those? Did he verify those allegations? Um There was, there is no evidence that anyone other than Hunter Biden received any money in connection with the business transactions with Devin Archer. So to confirm, you're saying that the speaker phone conversations, they don't seem concerning to you because there was no specifics about business and it just seemed like it was clear that it was clear that it was part of the daily conversations that Hunter Biden had with his father. And it was, and, and sounded like most of the time. Now, President Biden didn't even know who the people he was at dinner. He was just asked to say hello and he would, you know, talk about the way he described it several times. They asked over and over and over. He described what the weather was, how, how, what's going on on your end. The witness was very, very consistent that none of those conversations ever had to do with any business dealings or transactions. They were purely what he called casual conversations. The President's statement saying that he never talked to any of 100 body business associates. Clearly, he talked whether or not the weather or whatever, but he said specifically that he's never talked to them this contradict. I don't know what his comment is and if we're going to, well, I don't think that's what he said. He never said that he has never spoken to anyone. He said that he had nothing to do with Hunter Biden's business dealings. If he says hello to someone that he sees his son with, is he supposed to say hi, son? Oh, no, I'm not going to say hello to the other people at the table or the other people on the phone. It's kind of a preposterous premise to think that a father should not say hello to people that the son are at dinner with, the son is at dinner with. And that is literally all the evidence is like a party trick that Hunter Biden used to impress the people he was with, whether they were friends or business associates. No, the witness, Mr Archer was very clear that Hunter spoke to his father every day that and he indicated that he approximated about 20 times over the course of his 10 year business relationship that he had with Mr Biden, which would be with Hunter Biden, which would be about twice a year that Hunter would put his father on speaker phone with, with whomever was at dinner. And there was no indication that he had any idea who was at dinner with them. It was just to say hello, I'm at dinner here and there was nothing related to his business dealings. I can get my dad on the phone, check it out. I don't know. He picked up the phone at dinner when his dad called him and he was at dinner. One of those, there's no conflict of interest with President Biden when he was vice president. And now as it pertains to Archer's testimony about Hunter, there is not a shred of evidence of a single conflict of interest of President Biden ever doing anything in connection or in relation to Hunter Biden's business ventures, other than advocating for the removal of a prosecutor general who was advantageous to Barista. The only evidence we have right now of any official action by President Biden in connection to Hunter Biden's business interests is bad for Hunter Biden's business interests. How is that? Not a conflict of interest because it had nothing to do with, it had nothing to do what it had nothing. It was not done in furtherance of that, it was done because President Biden has a tremendous amount of integrity and respect. And if you ask any of the state department witnesses who have dealt with President Biden, then President Ryden in Ukraine and elsewhere, they will all say every single one of the first impeachment, witnesses will all say that Vice President Biden was a man of the highest integrity who only only advocated on behalf of the United States. Let's not let the Republican projection because Donald Trump has used his perch and his power purely for his own personal gain, make everybody think that that's normal, that's not normal. And unless there's any evidence and we have seen none and we have heard a lot of accusations and we have seen no evidence somehow connecting President Biden to anything that his private citizen son is doing. Then we need to move"

"*This text was compiled from uncorrected Closed Captioning." ;)

Now fuck off, you POS commie shitbag liar and slanderer.
He didn't leak jack shit, dirt bag. And there is no cspan transcript of the closed-door hearing, you lying cocksucker.

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