Let's list the many ways Republicans help American children after they are born

Not to mention all the brilliant inventions/ideas that come from American (yes many Republicans) that from a company employing Millions of USA citizens who pass wealth onto their Children as well as work ethic.
What a silly thread. So I guess you believe that Republicans do little or nothing for kids after they're born. Wow.
Educate us. Tell us how they support education, daycare, health care, nutrition, and so on. We are very interested in knowing.

If you are so wing-nutty and extreme that you don't think Republicans support these things, and much more, I suspect it would be a waste of time to respond. Who are you people?
Conservatives seem to answer every single thread with the same tired memes they hear on talk radio every day, and never answer the question.

We all contribute to charity, we all help with Toys for Tots, etc. We all pay taxes.

What do Republicans do that helps children once they are born. The best answer is, they support politicians that treat the parents of these kids like cattle and want to force them to raise those children on 7.50/hr, keep them from having healthcare because 'if you can't afford it tough shit', and want them to bow down and kiss the feet of corporations and thank them profusely for 'creating jobs'. (nevermind the Great Recession they created in 2008 that destroyed millions of lives).
All on their own, Republicans have convinced my three kids that they have absolutely no intention to EVER vote for a Republican politician.

Thank God the Republicans did that. It is the best I could have expected from the republican party of today.

Of course I tell my kids about the good old days when there were real Republicans around. But they dont believe me.

Hows that for doing things for kids?

In order to answer that question, you have to be somewhat familiar with our history.

Our government was not constructed to raise children--that's the parents responsibility. Government is supposed to be there to govern.

Your question here is a good example of how you cradle-to-gravers think; that government needs to be in every aspect of our lives.

Those of us who believe in freedom don't want the government in our lives. We don't want them raising our kids. We don't want them telling us that we have to buy medical insurance. We don't want them forcing us into socialized programs. The further the federal government is from my life,the happier life I will have.

The only way that you would get away from the Government is buy off your own house off the grid, have your own means for food and water .
This means not driving the roads with traffic signs,and bridges. Not going to parks monuments, schools, or hospitals.
Never get mail, never use the emergency system for health and fire alerts., police.

Prevent Democrats from passing plans "in the name of the children" only to have corrupt Democrat cronies and bureaucrats from taking "their cut$" and have nothing left for the children.

It is all of the politicians paying themselves a pretty cushy lifestyle while cutting everything else.
Well.........we raise them...........provide for them..........and don't do it by sucking on the Gov'ts tits..........................

Accountability anyone..................You do the deed, and have a baby............support the baby.
Conservatives seem to answer every single thread with the same tired memes they hear on talk radio every day, and never answer the question.

We all contribute to charity, we all help with Toys for Tots, etc. We all pay taxes.

What do Republicans do that helps children once they are born. The best answer is, they support politicians that treat the parents of these kids like cattle and want to force them to raise those children on 7.50/hr, keep them from having healthcare because 'if you can't afford it tough shit', and want them to bow down and kiss the feet of corporations and thank them profusely for 'creating jobs'. (nevermind the Great Recession they created in 2008 that destroyed millions of lives).

What destroyed millions of lives was pandering to the Democrat support base of black Americans and giving them home loans with no money down and no credit check. Talk about ruining lives. These people will never be able to buy a house again in their lives thanks to what was left of their credit being ruined.

Can you explain how any politician is "forcing" people to work for $7.50 an hour? No politician has ever done that to me. Can you explain how a politician can preclude anybody from getting healthcare?

What would you people do if government wasn't there to put your pants on in the morning and your jammies on before you go to bed? You're pathetic. Can't you figure out how to live your life without government controlling it every hour of the day????
Conservatives seem to answer every single thread with the same tired memes they hear on talk radio every day, and never answer the question.

We all contribute to charity, we all help with Toys for Tots, etc. We all pay taxes.

What do Republicans do that helps children once they are born. The best answer is, they support politicians that treat the parents of these kids like cattle and want to force them to raise those children on 7.50/hr, keep them from having healthcare because 'if you can't afford it tough shit', and want them to bow down and kiss the feet of corporations and thank them profusely for 'creating jobs'. (nevermind the Great Recession they created in 2008 that destroyed millions of lives).

What destroyed millions of lives was pandering to the Democrat support base of black Americans and giving them home loans with no money down and no credit check. Talk about ruining lives. These people will never be able to buy a house again in their lives thanks to what was left of their credit being ruined.

Can you explain how any politician is "forcing" people to work for $7.50 an hour? No politician has ever done that to me. Can you explain how a politician can preclude anybody from getting healthcare?

What would you people do if government wasn't there to put your pants on in the morning and your jammies on before you go to bed? You're pathetic. Can't you figure out how to live your life without government controlling it every hour of the day????

Avoiding the question only points up how uncomfortable it is to answer it.

Like people that are rabid anti-aborition, but ignore the 20,000 children that die every day of hunger and disease around the world.

You can't square a circle no matter how hard you try.
All on their own, Republicans have convinced my three kids that they have absolutely no intention to EVER vote for a Republican politician.

Thank God the Republicans did that. It is the best I could have expected from the republican party of today.

Of course I tell my kids about the good old days when there were real Republicans around. But they dont believe me.

Hows that for doing things for kids?

Well then let's hope they are failures in life, because that's the only people liberal policies are for.
Let me guess.

Liberal fanatics are pretending once again, that it's government's job to step in and provide for poor and indigent families?

And when normal people point out that it's not so, and is even illegal, the liberals start screaming and calling names?

The liberals go through these fits every few months. Sounds like nothing's changed.
Conservatives seem to answer every single thread with the same tired memes they hear on talk radio every day, and never answer the question.

We all contribute to charity, we all help with Toys for Tots, etc. We all pay taxes.

What do Republicans do that helps children once they are born. The best answer is, they support politicians that treat the parents of these kids like cattle and want to force them to raise those children on 7.50/hr, keep them from having healthcare because 'if you can't afford it tough shit', and want them to bow down and kiss the feet of corporations and thank them profusely for 'creating jobs'. (nevermind the Great Recession they created in 2008 that destroyed millions of lives).

What destroyed millions of lives was pandering to the Democrat support base of black Americans and giving them home loans with no money down and no credit check. Talk about ruining lives. These people will never be able to buy a house again in their lives thanks to what was left of their credit being ruined.

Can you explain how any politician is "forcing" people to work for $7.50 an hour? No politician has ever done that to me. Can you explain how a politician can preclude anybody from getting healthcare?

What would you people do if government wasn't there to put your pants on in the morning and your jammies on before you go to bed? You're pathetic. Can't you figure out how to live your life without government controlling it every hour of the day????

Avoiding the question only points up how uncomfortable it is to answer it.

Like people that are rabid anti-aborition, but ignore the 20,000 children that die every day of hunger and disease around the world.

You can't square a circle no matter how hard you try.

And you can't help every human being around the world either.

I answered the question, but your ineptness given to you via public school stopped you from understanding the answer.
Let me guess.

Liberal fanatics are pretending once again, that it's government's job to step in and provide for poor and indigent families?

And when normal people point out that it's not so, and is even illegal, the liberals start screaming and calling names?

The liberals go through these fits every few months. Sounds like nothing's changed.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
JFK, 1961

Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you."
Liberal America, 2015
When people start threads about how Republicans work to protect the fetus, but do nothing for the born, USMB Republicans become outraged. They insist that's not true. Someone just explained how they support alternate schools in DC. Someone else said they gave some poor kids a "charity basket" with canned goods and blankets.

Please, USMB Republicans, explain the many ways Republicans help children after they born. We are very interested.
Plenty, but it goes thru religious institutions. So you wouldn't understand.
Small business "R" or "D" give kids their first job. Teach them to get up, clean up, show up.....on time.
What if they choose to keep their keens together and their pants on in the first place?

Can't have babies you can't afford if you don't engage in baby-making behaviors, but where's the immediate feel-good fun in that?
Who are you to tell people how they should live? You know nothing about their lives and want to make decisions for them. I don't get the contempt for people or the arrogance of what you believe you have the right to make decisions for people you don't know.
Then why should we pay for their poor decisions?
Let me guess.

Liberal fanatics are pretending once again, that it's government's job to step in and provide for poor and indigent families?

And when normal people point out that it's not so, and is even illegal, the liberals start screaming and calling names?

The liberals go through these fits every few months. Sounds like nothing's changed.
Duh. Especially when corrupt Pubs wreck the world economy like 1929 and 2008. Great job, thieves and dupes...keep voting against your family and friends, and for the greedy idiot rich GOP.
Yeah the housing crash was rough. really rough. Take a look at recent debt increase. More than 2007 in a few days. huge jump. I shocked. This ain't helping no kids either. This is CATASTROPHIC. wake up.

yep it is funny. As long as you don't have to pay it back. you heading for your pine box so you don't care. Funny huh funny boy funny girl. Expected from anyone who keeps false talking points alive. hopeless.
Conservatives seem to answer every single thread with the same tired memes they hear on talk radio every day, and never answer the question.

We all contribute to charity, we all help with Toys for Tots, etc. We all pay taxes.

What do Republicans do that helps children once they are born. The best answer is, they support politicians that treat the parents of these kids like cattle and want to force them to raise those children on 7.50/hr, keep them from having healthcare because 'if you can't afford it tough shit', and want them to bow down and kiss the feet of corporations and thank them profusely for 'creating jobs'. (nevermind the Great Recession they created in 2008 that destroyed millions of lives).

What destroyed millions of lives was pandering to the Democrat support base of black Americans and giving them home loans with no money down and no credit check. Talk about ruining lives. These people will never be able to buy a house again in their lives thanks to what was left of their credit being ruined.

Can you explain how any politician is "forcing" people to work for $7.50 an hour? No politician has ever done that to me. Can you explain how a politician can preclude anybody from getting healthcare?

What would you people do if government wasn't there to put your pants on in the morning and your jammies on before you go to bed? You're pathetic. Can't you figure out how to live your life without government controlling it every hour of the day????

Avoiding the question only points up how uncomfortable it is to answer it.

Like people that are rabid anti-aborition, but ignore the 20,000 children that die every day of hunger and disease around the world.

You can't square a circle no matter how hard you try.

And you can't help every human being around the world either.

I answered the question, but your ineptness given to you via public school stopped you from understanding the answer.

Cons, you need to stop listening to con radio, you have maybe 5 or 6 ludicrous memes that you use over and over like a tired hooker and none of them are true except in con-bubbleland.

Its no wonder Dumbell trump has a following, he appeals to the uneducated masses in con land.

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