Let's list the many ways Republicans help American children after they are born

Come on people. List some positive things Republicans have done to help children after they are born. I'm talking about for the entire country.

In order to answer that question, you have to be somewhat familiar with our history.

Our government was not constructed to raise children--that's the parents responsibility. Government is supposed to be there to govern.

Your question here is a good example of how you cradle-to-gravers think; that government needs to be in every aspect of our lives.

Those of us who believe in freedom don't want the government in our lives. We don't want them raising our kids. We don't want them telling us that we have to buy medical insurance. We don't want them forcing us into socialized programs. The further the federal government is from my life,the happier life I will have.
Stop the bullshit. Just stop. Right wingers want to legislate women's bodies. The ultimate government intrusion. So just stop with the bullshit.
Why is your nose in women's reproductive organs again?
We raise them. It's kind of the common sense alternative to murdering them
Uh huh. Helping them one child at a time. What about poor families who don't want to get rid of their kids. What are you doing for them?



Thought so.
Why the hell should I do anything for them
They chose to have kids they can't afford

Tell me what do YOU do for them besides wanting other people to take care of them that is
You can see all the answers from conservatives are all based on emotion. None answer the question. Its just a little too uncomfortable.
True. Far better to cut one's self off from all emotion in the matter of children, freeing one's self to butcher them before they are born, if they are inconvenient.
or better yet take advantage of medical science and don't get pregnant in the first place whether that be by sterilization or contraceptives
Come on people. List some positive things Republicans have done to help children after they are born. I'm talking about for the entire country.

In order to answer that question, you have to be somewhat familiar with our history.

Our government was not constructed to raise children--that's the parents responsibility. Government is supposed to be there to govern.

Your question here is a good example of how you cradle-to-gravers think; that government needs to be in every aspect of our lives.

Those of us who believe in freedom don't want the government in our lives. We don't want them raising our kids. We don't want them telling us that we have to buy medical insurance. We don't want them forcing us into socialized programs. The further the federal government is from my life,the happier life I will have.
Stop the bullshit. Just stop. Right wingers want to legislate women's bodies. The ultimate government intrusion. So just stop with the bullshit.
Why is your nose in women's reproductive organs again?

Why is the nose of your party in other peoples wealth?
When people start threads about how Republicans work to protect the fetus, but do nothing for the born, USMB Republicans become outraged. They insist that's not true. Someone just explained how they support alternate schools in DC. Someone else said they gave some poor kids a "charity basket" with canned goods and blankets.

Please, USMB Republicans, explain the many ways Republicans help children after they born. We are very interested.

In 2006, independently-registered researcher and author Arthur Brooks tackled the issue of political ideology as it pertains to giving. According to a 2006 ABC News piece by John Stossel and Kristina Kendall, Brooks’ research has shown that conservatives donate about 30 percent more than do liberals. Interestingly, on average, conservatives earn less than liberals.

Brooks also claims that financial donations aren’t the only difference at hand. When it comes to an issue as random as blood donations, conservatives are about 17 percent more likely than their liberal counterparts to donate blood! But, that’s not all. In 2008, George Will covered some of Brooks’ other findings. As it turns out, in 2004, George W. Bush carried 24 out of 25 of the states in which charitable giving exceeded the national average. According to Will,

Surprise! Conservatives are more generous than liberals

Joe Biden donated less than $1,000 to charity:


Gores' Charitable Giving Raises Some Eyebrows

Gores' Charitable Giving Raises Some Eyebrows - April 15, 1998
When people start threads about how Republicans work to protect the fetus, but do nothing for the born, USMB Republicans become outraged. They insist that's not true. Someone just explained how they support alternate schools in DC. Someone else said they gave some poor kids a "charity basket" with canned goods and blankets.

Please, USMB Republicans, explain the many ways Republicans help children after they born. We are very interested.

In 2006, independently-registered researcher and author Arthur Brooks tackled the issue of political ideology as it pertains to giving. According to a 2006 ABC News piece by John Stossel and Kristina Kendall, Brooks’ research has shown that conservatives donate about 30 percent more than do liberals. Interestingly, on average, conservatives earn less than liberals.

Brooks also claims that financial donations aren’t the only difference at hand. When it comes to an issue as random as blood donations, conservatives are about 17 percent more likely than their liberal counterparts to donate blood! But, that’s not all. In 2008, George Will covered some of Brooks’ other findings. As it turns out, in 2004, George W. Bush carried 24 out of 25 of the states in which charitable giving exceeded the national average. According to Will,

Surprise! Conservatives are more generous than liberals

Joe Biden donated less than $1,000 to charity:


Gores' Charitable Giving Raises Some Eyebrows

Gores' Charitable Giving Raises Some Eyebrows - April 15, 1998
Democrats are renowned for their stinginess when it comes to charitable giving

Most of them want to give other peoples' money away than part with their own
Let me guess.

Liberal fanatics are pretending once again, that it's government's job to step in and provide for poor and indigent families?

And when normal people point out that it's not so, and is even illegal, the liberals start screaming and calling names?

The liberals go through these fits every few months. Sounds like nothing's changed.
please name one westernized govt in the entire world, that does NOT help their indigent and poor citizens and the children of those citizens, please. That is NORMAL.

What you are proposing of not helping the poor is ABNORMAL.

No, what's abnormal is how we treat our poor. Name one country that gives more to their poor than the US taxpayer: free housing, at times in middle-class suburbs, free food, free utilities, free medical care, no limitation on family size, free child care, free Obama phone.......

The problem in this country is we give too much to the poor; so much that they have no ambition to better themselves or even try. They are quite comfortable, fat and happy.
Conservatives seem to answer every single thread with the same tired memes they hear on talk radio every day, and never answer the question.

We all contribute to charity, we all help with Toys for Tots, etc. We all pay taxes.

What do Republicans do that helps children once they are born. The best answer is, they support politicians that treat the parents of these kids like cattle and want to force them to raise those children on 7.50/hr, keep them from having healthcare because 'if you can't afford it tough shit', and want them to bow down and kiss the feet of corporations and thank them profusely for 'creating jobs'. (nevermind the Great Recession they created in 2008 that destroyed millions of lives).

What destroyed millions of lives was pandering to the Democrat support base of black Americans and giving them home loans with no money down and no credit check. Talk about ruining lives. These people will never be able to buy a house again in their lives thanks to what was left of their credit being ruined.

Can you explain how any politician is "forcing" people to work for $7.50 an hour? No politician has ever done that to me. Can you explain how a politician can preclude anybody from getting healthcare?

What would you people do if government wasn't there to put your pants on in the morning and your jammies on before you go to bed? You're pathetic. Can't you figure out how to live your life without government controlling it every hour of the day????

Avoiding the question only points up how uncomfortable it is to answer it.

Like people that are rabid anti-aborition, but ignore the 20,000 children that die every day of hunger and disease around the world.

You can't square a circle no matter how hard you try.
What do you do for that 20,000 to keep them from death?

If you don't answer someone else's questions what makes you think yours are worth answering. Grow up and try again.
Conservatives seem to answer every single thread with the same tired memes they hear on talk radio every day, and never answer the question.

We all contribute to charity, we all help with Toys for Tots, etc. We all pay taxes.

What do Republicans do that helps children once they are born. The best answer is, they support politicians that treat the parents of these kids like cattle and want to force them to raise those children on 7.50/hr, keep them from having healthcare because 'if you can't afford it tough shit', and want them to bow down and kiss the feet of corporations and thank them profusely for 'creating jobs'. (nevermind the Great Recession they created in 2008 that destroyed millions of lives).

What destroyed millions of lives was pandering to the Democrat support base of black Americans and giving them home loans with no money down and no credit check. Talk about ruining lives. These people will never be able to buy a house again in their lives thanks to what was left of their credit being ruined.

Can you explain how any politician is "forcing" people to work for $7.50 an hour? No politician has ever done that to me. Can you explain how a politician can preclude anybody from getting healthcare?

What would you people do if government wasn't there to put your pants on in the morning and your jammies on before you go to bed? You're pathetic. Can't you figure out how to live your life without government controlling it every hour of the day????

Avoiding the question only points up how uncomfortable it is to answer it.

Like people that are rabid anti-aborition, but ignore the 20,000 children that die every day of hunger and disease around the world.

You can't square a circle no matter how hard you try.
What do you do for that 20,000 to keep them from death?

If you don't answer someone else's questions what makes you think yours are worth answering. Grow up and try again.
So the answer is nothing. Just as I suspected.
Come on people. List some positive things Republicans have done to help children after they are born. I'm talking about for the entire country.

In order to answer that question, you have to be somewhat familiar with our history.

Our government was not constructed to raise children--that's the parents responsibility. Government is supposed to be there to govern.

Your question here is a good example of how you cradle-to-gravers think; that government needs to be in every aspect of our lives.

Those of us who believe in freedom don't want the government in our lives. We don't want them raising our kids. We don't want them telling us that we have to buy medical insurance. We don't want them forcing us into socialized programs. The further the federal government is from my life,the happier life I will have.
Stop the bullshit. Just stop. Right wingers want to legislate women's bodies. The ultimate government intrusion. So just stop with the bullshit.
Why is your nose in women's reproductive organs again?

Why is the nose of your party in other peoples wealth?
I think you have me confused with the OP.
When people start threads about how Republicans work to protect the fetus, but do nothing for the born, USMB Republicans become outraged. They insist that's not true. Someone just explained how they support alternate schools in DC. Someone else said they gave some poor kids a "charity basket" with canned goods and blankets.

Please, USMB Republicans, explain the many ways Republicans help children after they born. We are very interested.

In 2006, independently-registered researcher and author Arthur Brooks tackled the issue of political ideology as it pertains to giving. According to a 2006 ABC News piece by John Stossel and Kristina Kendall, Brooks’ research has shown that conservatives donate about 30 percent more than do liberals. Interestingly, on average, conservatives earn less than liberals.

Brooks also claims that financial donations aren’t the only difference at hand. When it comes to an issue as random as blood donations, conservatives are about 17 percent more likely than their liberal counterparts to donate blood! But, that’s not all. In 2008, George Will covered some of Brooks’ other findings. As it turns out, in 2004, George W. Bush carried 24 out of 25 of the states in which charitable giving exceeded the national average. According to Will,

Surprise! Conservatives are more generous than liberals

Joe Biden donated less than $1,000 to charity:


Gores' Charitable Giving Raises Some Eyebrows

Gores' Charitable Giving Raises Some Eyebrows - April 15, 1998
Charity to libs is kind of like taxes. Something they avoid paying for.
When people start threads about how Republicans work to protect the fetus, but do nothing for the born, USMB Republicans become outraged. They insist that's not true. Someone just explained how they support alternate schools in DC. Someone else said they gave some poor kids a "charity basket" with canned goods and blankets.

Please, USMB Republicans, explain the many ways Republicans help children after they born. We are very interested.

In 2006, independently-registered researcher and author Arthur Brooks tackled the issue of political ideology as it pertains to giving. According to a 2006 ABC News piece by John Stossel and Kristina Kendall, Brooks’ research has shown that conservatives donate about 30 percent more than do liberals. Interestingly, on average, conservatives earn less than liberals.

Brooks also claims that financial donations aren’t the only difference at hand. When it comes to an issue as random as blood donations, conservatives are about 17 percent more likely than their liberal counterparts to donate blood! But, that’s not all. In 2008, George Will covered some of Brooks’ other findings. As it turns out, in 2004, George W. Bush carried 24 out of 25 of the states in which charitable giving exceeded the national average. According to Will,

Surprise! Conservatives are more generous than liberals

Joe Biden donated less than $1,000 to charity:


Gores' Charitable Giving Raises Some Eyebrows

Gores' Charitable Giving Raises Some Eyebrows - April 15, 1998
Democrats are renowned for their stinginess when it comes to charitable giving

Most of them want to give other peoples' money away than part with their own
That's because they are takers not givers.
Let me guess.

Liberal fanatics are pretending once again, that it's government's job to step in and provide for poor and indigent families?

And when normal people point out that it's not so, and is even illegal, the liberals start screaming and calling names?

The liberals go through these fits every few months. Sounds like nothing's changed.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
JFK, 1961

Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you."
Liberal America, 2015
so have you asked what you can do for your country?

Have you done anything for your country?

What do you think Kennedy was talking about in this speech where he said this?

Sure I do. For one I get up and go to work everyday creating tax money for my country. I don't use any government programs and have only been on unemployment (which my employer paid for) once in my entire life. I've given plenty to charity even when I was not in a financial position to do so, it's just that I felt others were in more need than I.

The only thing I've ever asked of my country is for the federal government to stay out of my life, which they can't seem to do especially when under Democrat leadership.
Republicans pretend they follow Christian ideals, but act like Scrooge when it comes to actual help. Anyone who really thinks they are for the good of the nation's children can only review below links to see them in their true colors. But republicans are too weak, too engaged in a conflict against the liberal idea of America to ever see the hypocrisy of their ways. When you worship a market abstraction, feed to them by right wing media you are easily fooled.

What have any Republicans done in the last 40 years to help the average American family? What? What? What? What?
Republicans Feel No Shame Over Starving America’s Kids To Give Tax Cuts To The Rich
Look What the Republicans Have Done to My Country | PoliticusUSA's Archives

"In other words, the agenda of the Koch brothers is not only to defund Obamacare. The agenda of the Koch brothers is to repeal every major piece of legislation that has been signed into law over the past 80 years that has protected the middle class, the elderly, the children, the sick, and the most vulnerable in this country." What Do the Koch Brothers Want?
Come on people. List some positive things Republicans have done to help children after they are born. I'm talking about for the entire country.

In order to answer that question, you have to be somewhat familiar with our history.

Our government was not constructed to raise children--that's the parents responsibility. Government is supposed to be there to govern.

Your question here is a good example of how you cradle-to-gravers think; that government needs to be in every aspect of our lives.

Those of us who believe in freedom don't want the government in our lives. We don't want them raising our kids. We don't want them telling us that we have to buy medical insurance. We don't want them forcing us into socialized programs. The further the federal government is from my life,the happier life I will have.
Stop the bullshit. Just stop. Right wingers want to legislate women's bodies. The ultimate government intrusion. So just stop with the bullshit.

Oh please. Abortion is a matter of social opinion. One side believes it's murder while the other side believes it's not. Your side is no more correct than my side, therefore murder is subjective and up to the decision of how society wants to view abortion.
why go to china to adopt? there are orphans here......why go to china?

good question op...and a honest one....too bad you wont get an honest answer

The adoption process is too long and hard from what my cousin told me who adopted in China.

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