Let’s look at the Biden crime evidence the media is ignoring and the FBI is stonewalling


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Let’s look at the Biden crime evidence the media is ignoring and

the FBI is stonewalling

15 Jun 2023 ~~ By DrJohn

Joe Biden is a crook. There’s really no doubt about it and the majority of Americans believe it.
Over half of American voters believe that the Biden family has accepted payments from foreign nationals in order to influence politics in Washington D.C., according to a new poll from the Convention of States Action and the Trafalgar Group.
So, what have we got so far?
  • Nine members of the Biden family have been identified as receiving $1 million in laundered money for no apparent reason.
  • Joe and Hunter Biden each took a $5 million bribe, according to a long time reliable FBI source.
  • $10 million magically showed up in Joe Biden’s 2017 tax return
  • Burisma bribed Biden in part to access US oil markets
  • NEW– The Bidens coerced Burisma into the bribes.
In the FD-1023 from June 30, 2020, the confidential human source summarized earlier meetings he had with Zlochevsky. According to the CHS, in the 2015-2016 timeframe, the CHS, who was providing advice to Zlochevsky, told the Burisma owner to stay away from the Bidens. Then, after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential contest, the CHS asked Zlochevsky if he was upset Trump won.
Zlochevsky allegedly told the CHS he was dismayed by Trump’s victory, fearing an investigation would reveal his payments to the Biden family, which included a $5 million payment to Hunter Biden and a $5 million payment to Joe Biden. According to the CHS, the Burisma executive bemoaned the situation, claiming the Bidens had “coerced” him into paying the bribes.
  • Other 1023 documents regarding Biden bribes may exist
  • There are four things James Comer wants you to know
    • First, Democrats are peddling conspiracy theories and alleging the FD-1023 record is based on secondhand hearsay. The FD-1023 record was generated by a trusted confidential source who was working with the FBI for over ten years.

    • Second, Democrats claim that the record is part of the documents Rudy Giuliani provided the FBI in January 2020. That’s not true. The FD-1023 document stands on its own and contains information from the FBI’s confidential human source dating back to another FD-1023 generated in 2017.
    • Third, the FD-1023 was generated by the FBI in June 2020 based on other FBI records dating back to 2017. The Department of Justice conducted an assessment on separate material provided to the Department in January 2020, and this assessment was closed in August 2020. Democrats are claiming the DOJ investigated the FD-1023 and then took no action, but the FBI has refused to answer what information was part of their assessment. How could the DOJ have conducted a credible, thorough investigation in four weeks? It’s not possible.
    • And last, let’s be very clear: The allegations in the record are not closed. FBI officials and former Attorney General William Barr have refuted Democrats’ lies that the Biden bribery investigation was closed. “On the contrary, it was sent to Delaware for further investigation,” former Attorney General Barr said this week on the record.


Nothing like hearing it in their own voices.
FBI Assistant Director Paul Abbate basically admitted that the FBI is going to try to crush the probe into Biden. You really need to watch this:

Abbate won’t make the FD 1023 public because he claims “lives” are at risk, even with names redacted. The FBI has had this particular FD 1023 since at least June of 2020 and apparently has not done any investigation on it. Again, this is an unclassified document.

There’s plenty to work with here, if someone was interested in the truth. Virtually none of this has been covered by the left-wing media. The FBI is actively trying to smother this, when it opened investigations into Trump with literally nothing to go on.
And they wonder why people get angry.

Are you just not paying attention?
We are no longer in the USA. Oh sure, the name hasn't changed ,yet. But the Constitution has been tossed into the trash can by this 46th Administration.
Even weaklings Bill Barr & Andrew McCarthy are singing the tune of the Uniparty DSA/Democrat Commies. Both have offered their two cents, that aren't worth a plug nickel, about this case.
Maoist DSA/Democrats seem to have a different standard for the definition of “espionage” and Treason“as crimes to be met, when it comes to themselves. Not only intent, by arranging for the collection of data to be transmitted and making some kind of contact with the entity involved to transmit the data.
I like how the tard herd is already stating the Biden tape recordings as fact, even though Comer has already hoaxed them several times this year, and the tapes are nowhere in sight.


Joe Biden is a crook. There’s really no doubt about it

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Flopping Aces hasn't even been around very long. They see the gateway, thinker, treehouse, etc making money online being more right wing that Rush, and think, we can do that too. It's all basically political national enquirer stories for those that like that kind of stuff.
I seen Comer in the last few days on Bartaromo talking about as soon as he gets a little more evidence they won't be able to ignore him anymore. Which if you need me to translate that for you just let me know. In short, it appears I have again been dissappointed.
I like how the tard herd is already stating the Biden tape recordings as fact, even though Comer has already hoaxed them several times this year, and the tapes are nowhere in sight.


"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You want it to be false so it must not be true.

FBI Source: Bidens ‘Coerced’ Burisma Exec to Pay $10 Million in Bribes​

Flopping Aces hasn't even been around very long. They see the gateway, thinker, treehouse, etc making money online being more right wing that Rush, and think, we can do that too. It's all basically political national enquirer stories for those that like that kind of stuff.
On the contrary, Flopping Aces as been around nearly eighteen years


FBI Source:

Bidens ‘Coerced’ Burisma Exec to Pay $10 Million in Bribes

16 Jun 2023 ~~ By Matt Margolis

Despite the White House’s best efforts to laugh off the ongoing investigation of the Biden Crime Family and the most recent revelations of bribery to the tune of $10 million ($5 million for Joe and $5 million for Hunter), they’re not going away.
In fact, new unsettling details regarding the FD-1023 document are trickling out. Earlier this week, we learned the FBI had heavily redacted the document, including the part allegedly revealing there are 17 recordings of Mykola Zlochevsky, co-founder of Burisma Holdings, bribing the Bidens (15 featuring Hunter Biden and two with then-Vice President Joe Biden), which Zlochevsky recorded as “insurance” to protect himself. The latest allegation that has come out is that the FD-1023 document contains testimony from a confidential human source (CHS) claiming that the Bidens exerted pressure on Zlochevsky to pay them the bribes.
The Federalist has now learned the FD-1023 reported the CHS saying the Bidens “coerced” Zlochevsky to pay the bribes. Sources familiar with the investigation also explained the context of Zlochevsky’s statements, and that context further bolsters the CHS’s reporting.​
In the FD-1023 from June 30, 2020, the confidential human source summarized earlier meetings he had with Zlochevsky. According to the CHS, in the 2015-2016 timeframe, the CHS, who was providing advice to Zlochevsky, told the Burisma owner to stay away from the Bidens. Then, after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential contest, the CHS asked Zlochevsky if he was upset Trump won.​
Zlochevsky allegedly told the CHS he was dismayed by Trump’s victory, fearing an investigation would reveal his payments to the Biden family, which included a $5 million payment to Hunter Biden and a $5 million payment to Joe Biden. According to the CHS, the Burisma executive bemoaned the situation, claiming the Bidens had “coerced” him into paying the bribes.​
As Margot Cleveland at The Federalist notes, “The broader context of this conversation adds to the plausibility of Zlochevsky’s claims that he possessed recordings implicating the Bidens.” In fact, the source is alleged to be a longtime FBI informant.

The Biden family treachery and corruption has been apparent for years.
Who's most responsible for Biden getting away with it? No, not only Democrats, the FBI or the Quisling Media. Establishment Republicans are also conspiring culprits. McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Romney and the rest of Uni-Party/(Deep State) Republican RINOS helped rig the 2020 election and install this corrupt, pedophile creep as President.
It didn't matter how corrupt Biden was and is. Establishment Republicans put their interest of the Uni-Party ahead of all else.
The political establishments of both parties use foreign policy and our military to get rich. Trump was going to stop that practice. Thus, the reason Biden, no matter how corrupt, was installed as President.

Grassley should release the copy of the document that the FBI whistleblower gave him. He’s verified that the original document exists, it is unclassified, just release it so we can all see it, and not just dribble out the info in dribs and drabs. Maybe they’re going for the drip, drip, drip method.

Let’s look at the Biden crime evidence the media is ignoring and

the FBI is stonewalling

15 Jun 2023 ~~ By DrJohn

Joe Biden is a crook. There’s really no doubt about it and the majority of Americans believe it.
Over half of American voters believe that the Biden family has accepted payments from foreign nationals in order to influence politics in Washington D.C., according to a new poll from the Convention of States Action and the Trafalgar Group.
So, what have we got so far?
  • Nine members of the Biden family have been identified as receiving $1 million in laundered money for no apparent reason.
  • Joe and Hunter Biden each took a $5 million bribe, according to a long time reliable FBI source.
  • $10 million magically showed up in Joe Biden’s 2017 tax return
  • Burisma bribed Biden in part to access US oil markets
  • NEW– The Bidens coerced Burisma into the bribes.
In the FD-1023 from June 30, 2020, the confidential human source summarized earlier meetings he had with Zlochevsky. According to the CHS, in the 2015-2016 timeframe, the CHS, who was providing advice to Zlochevsky, told the Burisma owner to stay away from the Bidens. Then, after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential contest, the CHS asked Zlochevsky if he was upset Trump won.
Zlochevsky allegedly told the CHS he was dismayed by Trump’s victory, fearing an investigation would reveal his payments to the Biden family, which included a $5 million payment to Hunter Biden and a $5 million payment to Joe Biden. According to the CHS, the Burisma executive bemoaned the situation, claiming the Bidens had “coerced” him into paying the bribes.
  • Other 1023 documents regarding Biden bribes may exist
  • There are four things James Comer wants you to know
    • First, Democrats are peddling conspiracy theories and alleging the FD-1023 record is based on secondhand hearsay. The FD-1023 record was generated by a trusted confidential source who was working with the FBI for over ten years.

    • Second, Democrats claim that the record is part of the documents Rudy Giuliani provided the FBI in January 2020. That’s not true. The FD-1023 document stands on its own and contains information from the FBI’s confidential human source dating back to another FD-1023 generated in 2017.
    • Third, the FD-1023 was generated by the FBI in June 2020 based on other FBI records dating back to 2017. The Department of Justice conducted an assessment on separate material provided to the Department in January 2020, and this assessment was closed in August 2020. Democrats are claiming the DOJ investigated the FD-1023 and then took no action, but the FBI has refused to answer what information was part of their assessment. How could the DOJ have conducted a credible, thorough investigation in four weeks? It’s not possible.
    • And last, let’s be very clear: The allegations in the record are not closed. FBI officials and former Attorney General William Barr have refuted Democrats’ lies that the Biden bribery investigation was closed. “On the contrary, it was sent to Delaware for further investigation,” former Attorney General Barr said this week on the record.


Nothing like hearing it in their own voices.
FBI Assistant Director Paul Abbate basically admitted that the FBI is going to try to crush the probe into Biden. You really need to watch this:

Abbate won’t make the FD 1023 public because he claims “lives” are at risk, even with names redacted. The FBI has had this particular FD 1023 since at least June of 2020 and apparently has not done any investigation on it. Again, this is an unclassified document.

There’s plenty to work with here, if someone was interested in the truth. Virtually none of this has been covered by the left-wing media. The FBI is actively trying to smother this, when it opened investigations into Trump with literally nothing to go on.
And they wonder why people get angry.

Are you just not paying attention?
We are no longer in the USA. Oh sure, the name hasn't changed ,yet. But the Constitution has been tossed into the trash can by this 46th Administration.
Even weaklings Bill Barr & Andrew McCarthy are singing the tune of the Uniparty DSA/Democrat Commies. Both have offered their two cents, that aren't worth a plug nickel, about this case.
Maoist DSA/Democrats seem to have a different standard for the definition of “espionage” and Treason“as crimes to be met, when it comes to themselves. Not only intent, by arranging for the collection of data to be transmitted and making some kind of contact with the entity involved to transmit the data.

I'm really sick of right wing bullshit. They say there are tapes that prove Biden took a bribe.

Okay, Show us the tapes. Cite the timestamps and/or transcript quotes AND corroborating timestamps that prove
Biden took a bride.

You got folks who say there are tapes. That isn't proof.


Okay, produce them. Or shut the fuck up.

FBI Source:

Bidens ‘Coerced’ Burisma Exec to Pay $10 Million in Bribes

16 Jun 2023 ~~ By Matt Margolis
PJ MEDIA is not a reliable source.
Despite the White House’s best efforts to laugh off the ongoing investigation of the Biden Crime Family and the most recent revelations of bribery to the tune of $10 million ($5 million for Joe and $5 million for Hunter), they’re not going away.
In fact, new unsettling details regarding the FD-1023 document are trickling out. Earlier this week, we learned the FBI had heavily redacted the document, including the part allegedly revealing there are 17 recordings of Mykola Zlochevsky, co-founder of Burisma Holdings, bribing the Bidens (15 featuring Hunter Biden and two with then-Vice President Joe Biden), which Zlochevsky recorded as “insurance” to protect himself. The latest allegation that has come out is that the FD-1023 document contains testimony from a confidential human source (CHS) claiming that the Bidens exerted pressure on Zlochevsky to pay them the bribes.
The Federalist has now learned the FD-1023 reported the CHS saying the Bidens “coerced” Zlochevsky to pay the bribes. Sources familiar with the investigation also explained the context of Zlochevsky’s statements, and that context further bolsters the CHS’s reporting.​
In the FD-1023 from June 30, 2020, the confidential human source summarized earlier meetings he had with Zlochevsky. According to the CHS, in the 2015-2016 timeframe, the CHS, who was providing advice to Zlochevsky, told the Burisma owner to stay away from the Bidens. Then, after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential contest, the CHS asked Zlochevsky if he was upset Trump won.​
Zlochevsky allegedly told the CHS he was dismayed by Trump’s victory, fearing an investigation would reveal his payments to the Biden family, which included a $5 million payment to Hunter Biden and a $5 million payment to Joe Biden. According to the CHS, the Burisma executive bemoaned the situation, claiming the Bidens had “coerced” him into paying the bribes.​
As Margot Cleveland at The Federalist notes, “The broader context of this conversation adds to the plausibility of Zlochevsky’s claims that he possessed recordings implicating the Bidens.” In fact, the source is alleged to be a longtime FBI informant.

That video is not proof of any criminal act. There is NO 'quid pro quo', in that tape.

Do you fucking understand? Tell me you are not that stupid.
PJ MEDIA is not a reliable source.

That video is not proof of any criminal act. There is NO 'quid pro quo', in that tape.

Do you fucking understand?
It's evidence of extortion using US taxpayer money, limey fuckbag.

Let’s look at the Biden crime evidence the media is ignoring and

the FBI is stonewalling

15 Jun 2023 ~~ By DrJohn

Joe Biden is a crook. There’s really no doubt about it and the majority of Americans believe it.
Over half of American voters believe that the Biden family has accepted payments from foreign nationals in order to influence politics in Washington D.C., according to a new poll from the Convention of States Action and the Trafalgar Group.
So, what have we got so far?
  • Nine members of the Biden family have been identified as receiving $1 million in laundered money for no apparent reason.
  • Joe and Hunter Biden each took a $5 million bribe, according to a long time reliable FBI source.
  • $10 million magically showed up in Joe Biden’s 2017 tax return
  • Burisma bribed Biden in part to access US oil markets
  • NEW– The Bidens coerced Burisma into the bribes.
In the FD-1023 from June 30, 2020, the confidential human source summarized earlier meetings he had with Zlochevsky. According to the CHS, in the 2015-2016 timeframe, the CHS, who was providing advice to Zlochevsky, told the Burisma owner to stay away from the Bidens. Then, after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential contest, the CHS asked Zlochevsky if he was upset Trump won.
Zlochevsky allegedly told the CHS he was dismayed by Trump’s victory, fearing an investigation would reveal his payments to the Biden family, which included a $5 million payment to Hunter Biden and a $5 million payment to Joe Biden. According to the CHS, the Burisma executive bemoaned the situation, claiming the Bidens had “coerced” him into paying the bribes.
  • Other 1023 documents regarding Biden bribes may exist
  • There are four things James Comer wants you to know
    • First, Democrats are peddling conspiracy theories and alleging the FD-1023 record is based on secondhand hearsay. The FD-1023 record was generated by a trusted confidential source who was working with the FBI for over ten years.

    • Second, Democrats claim that the record is part of the documents Rudy Giuliani provided the FBI in January 2020. That’s not true. The FD-1023 document stands on its own and contains information from the FBI’s confidential human source dating back to another FD-1023 generated in 2017.
    • Third, the FD-1023 was generated by the FBI in June 2020 based on other FBI records dating back to 2017. The Department of Justice conducted an assessment on separate material provided to the Department in January 2020, and this assessment was closed in August 2020. Democrats are claiming the DOJ investigated the FD-1023 and then took no action, but the FBI has refused to answer what information was part of their assessment. How could the DOJ have conducted a credible, thorough investigation in four weeks? It’s not possible.
    • And last, let’s be very clear: The allegations in the record are not closed. FBI officials and former Attorney General William Barr have refuted Democrats’ lies that the Biden bribery investigation was closed. “On the contrary, it was sent to Delaware for further investigation,” former Attorney General Barr said this week on the record.


Nothing like hearing it in their own voices.
FBI Assistant Director Paul Abbate basically admitted that the FBI is going to try to crush the probe into Biden. You really need to watch this:

Abbate won’t make the FD 1023 public because he claims “lives” are at risk, even with names redacted. The FBI has had this particular FD 1023 since at least June of 2020 and apparently has not done any investigation on it. Again, this is an unclassified document.

There’s plenty to work with here, if someone was interested in the truth. Virtually none of this has been covered by the left-wing media. The FBI is actively trying to smother this, when it opened investigations into Trump with literally nothing to go on.
And they wonder why people get angry.

Are you just not paying attention?
We are no longer in the USA. Oh sure, the name hasn't changed ,yet. But the Constitution has been tossed into the trash can by this 46th Administration.
Even weaklings Bill Barr & Andrew McCarthy are singing the tune of the Uniparty DSA/Democrat Commies. Both have offered their two cents, that aren't worth a plug nickel, about this case.
Maoist DSA/Democrats seem to have a different standard for the definition of “espionage” and Treason“as crimes to be met, when it comes to themselves. Not only intent, by arranging for the collection of data to be transmitted and making some kind of contact with the entity involved to transmit the data.

Yawn… Russia Russia Russia is that all you BDSers talk about?

Let’s look at the Biden crime evidence the media is ignoring and

the FBI is stonewalling

15 Jun 2023 ~~ By DrJohn

Joe Biden is a crook. There’s really no doubt about it and the majority of Americans believe it.
Over half of American voters believe that the Biden family has accepted payments from foreign nationals in order to influence politics in Washington D.C., according to a new poll from the Convention of States Action and the Trafalgar Group.
So, what have we got so far?
  • Nine members of the Biden family have been identified as receiving $1 million in laundered money for no apparent reason.
  • Joe and Hunter Biden each took a $5 million bribe, according to a long time reliable FBI source.
  • $10 million magically showed up in Joe Biden’s 2017 tax return
  • Burisma bribed Biden in part to access US oil markets
  • NEW– The Bidens coerced Burisma into the bribes.
In the FD-1023 from June 30, 2020, the confidential human source summarized earlier meetings he had with Zlochevsky. According to the CHS, in the 2015-2016 timeframe, the CHS, who was providing advice to Zlochevsky, told the Burisma owner to stay away from the Bidens. Then, after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential contest, the CHS asked Zlochevsky if he was upset Trump won.
Zlochevsky allegedly told the CHS he was dismayed by Trump’s victory, fearing an investigation would reveal his payments to the Biden family, which included a $5 million payment to Hunter Biden and a $5 million payment to Joe Biden. According to the CHS, the Burisma executive bemoaned the situation, claiming the Bidens had “coerced” him into paying the bribes.
  • Other 1023 documents regarding Biden bribes may exist
  • There are four things James Comer wants you to know
    • First, Democrats are peddling conspiracy theories and alleging the FD-1023 record is based on secondhand hearsay. The FD-1023 record was generated by a trusted confidential source who was working with the FBI for over ten years.

    • Second, Democrats claim that the record is part of the documents Rudy Giuliani provided the FBI in January 2020. That’s not true. The FD-1023 document stands on its own and contains information from the FBI’s confidential human source dating back to another FD-1023 generated in 2017.
    • Third, the FD-1023 was generated by the FBI in June 2020 based on other FBI records dating back to 2017. The Department of Justice conducted an assessment on separate material provided to the Department in January 2020, and this assessment was closed in August 2020. Democrats are claiming the DOJ investigated the FD-1023 and then took no action, but the FBI has refused to answer what information was part of their assessment. How could the DOJ have conducted a credible, thorough investigation in four weeks? It’s not possible.
    • And last, let’s be very clear: The allegations in the record are not closed. FBI officials and former Attorney General William Barr have refuted Democrats’ lies that the Biden bribery investigation was closed. “On the contrary, it was sent to Delaware for further investigation,” former Attorney General Barr said this week on the record.


Nothing like hearing it in their own voices.
FBI Assistant Director Paul Abbate basically admitted that the FBI is going to try to crush the probe into Biden. You really need to watch this:

Abbate won’t make the FD 1023 public because he claims “lives” are at risk, even with names redacted. The FBI has had this particular FD 1023 since at least June of 2020 and apparently has not done any investigation on it. Again, this is an unclassified document.

There’s plenty to work with here, if someone was interested in the truth. Virtually none of this has been covered by the left-wing media. The FBI is actively trying to smother this, when it opened investigations into Trump with literally nothing to go on.
And they wonder why people get angry.

Are you just not paying attention?
We are no longer in the USA. Oh sure, the name hasn't changed ,yet. But the Constitution has been tossed into the trash can by this 46th Administration.
Even weaklings Bill Barr & Andrew McCarthy are singing the tune of the Uniparty DSA/Democrat Commies. Both have offered their two cents, that aren't worth a plug nickel, about this case.
Maoist DSA/Democrats seem to have a different standard for the definition of “espionage” and Treason“as crimes to be met, when it comes to themselves. Not only intent, by arranging for the collection of data to be transmitted and making some kind of contact with the entity involved to transmit the data.

Sounds like you got it all figured out, Shitlock Holmes.

FBI Source:

Bidens ‘Coerced’ Burisma Exec to Pay $10 Million in Bribes

16 Jun 2023 ~~ By Matt Margolis

Despite the White House’s best efforts to laugh off the ongoing investigation of the Biden Crime Family and the most recent revelations of bribery to the tune of $10 million ($5 million for Joe and $5 million for Hunter), they’re not going away.
In fact, new unsettling details regarding the FD-1023 document are trickling out. Earlier this week, we learned the FBI had heavily redacted the document, including the part allegedly revealing there are 17 recordings of Mykola Zlochevsky, co-founder of Burisma Holdings, bribing the Bidens (15 featuring Hunter Biden and two with then-Vice President Joe Biden), which Zlochevsky recorded as “insurance” to protect himself. The latest allegation that has come out is that the FD-1023 document contains testimony from a confidential human source (CHS) claiming that the Bidens exerted pressure on Zlochevsky to pay them the bribes.
The Federalist has now learned the FD-1023 reported the CHS saying the Bidens “coerced” Zlochevsky to pay the bribes. Sources familiar with the investigation also explained the context of Zlochevsky’s statements, and that context further bolsters the CHS’s reporting.​
In the FD-1023 from June 30, 2020, the confidential human source summarized earlier meetings he had with Zlochevsky. According to the CHS, in the 2015-2016 timeframe, the CHS, who was providing advice to Zlochevsky, told the Burisma owner to stay away from the Bidens. Then, after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential contest, the CHS asked Zlochevsky if he was upset Trump won.​
Zlochevsky allegedly told the CHS he was dismayed by Trump’s victory, fearing an investigation would reveal his payments to the Biden family, which included a $5 million payment to Hunter Biden and a $5 million payment to Joe Biden. According to the CHS, the Burisma executive bemoaned the situation, claiming the Bidens had “coerced” him into paying the bribes.​
As Margot Cleveland at The Federalist notes, “The broader context of this conversation adds to the plausibility of Zlochevsky’s claims that he possessed recordings implicating the Bidens.” In fact, the source is alleged to be a longtime FBI informant.

The Biden family treachery and corruption has been apparent for years.
Who's most responsible for Biden getting away with it? No, not only Democrats, the FBI or the Quisling Media. Establishment Republicans are also conspiring culprits. McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Romney and the rest of Uni-Party/(Deep State) Republican RINOS helped rig the 2020 election and install this corrupt, pedophile creep as President.
It didn't matter how corrupt Biden was and is. Establishment Republicans put their interest of the Uni-Party ahead of all else.
The political establishments of both parties use foreign policy and our military to get rich. Trump was going to stop that practice. Thus, the reason Biden, no matter how corrupt, was installed as President.

Grassley should release the copy of the document that the FBI whistleblower gave him. He’s verified that the original document exists, it is unclassified, just release it so we can all see it, and not just dribble out the info in dribs and drabs. Maybe they’re going for the drip, drip, drip method.

AI: The text you provided contains claims and allegations about Joe Biden and his alleged involvement in illegal activities. However, you do not provide verifiable proof or concrete evidence to support these claims. It appears to be a collection of allegations from unidentified sources and without corroboration from official investigations or credible news sources.
AI: The text you provided contains claims and allegations about Joe Biden and his alleged involvement in illegal activities. However, you do not provide verifiable proof or concrete evidence to support these claims. It appears to be a collection of allegations from unidentified sources and without corroboration from official investigations or credible news sources.
Get back in your own lane, cockwomble.

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