Let's make up fake liberal statistics!

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I saw how much fun liberals have with this and thought it might make a fun game. :D

Differences between liberals and conservatives
The average liberal's brain possesses approximately 15% more gyri (folds within the brain) than the average conservative's brain.
Liberal states pay 67% more in taxes than conservative states and receive 20% less welfare.
Conservatives are 80% likely to report lower levels of happiness and job satisfaction than liberals.

Differences between the DNC and GOP

96% of Democratic candidates have at least a bachelor's degree and 53% hold at least a master's. 47% of Republican candidates hold at least a bachelor's degree and 11% at least a master's.

Poll data
According to a recent poll, 14% of self-described conservatives in Tennessee admitted to performing intimate acts with a family member at least once. An additional 4% admitted to performing acts with an animal.
According to another poll, 12% of Republicans are willing to accept evolutionary theory in "at least a modified form".

One out of every three women will have at least one abortion. Less than 1% of that number will regret it. 56% of the remaining two thirds will regret their own decision.
At least 27% of all men will knowingly commit rape at least once in their life.
If you adjust for tenure and education, the average woman actually makes 78¢ on the average man's dollar.
92% of single parents are single mothers, who make up 37% of the minimum wage employees.
97% of feminist activists will be harassed for their activities. 78% will be threatened with murder at least once. 14% of these threats will be attempted.

0.03% of undocumented citizens have committed some form of violent crime.
45% of undocumented citizens pay at least $1,000 in taxes annually. 9% have access to healthcare.
The real numbers are plenty bad as it is.
11 Things Americans Wrongly and Frighteningly Believe - 11 Points

"The sun revolves around the Earth.
Somewhere Tycho Brahe and Ptolemy are high fiving. This survey's a little older than the rest (1999) but... come on.

A Gallup poll in July 1999 found that 18 percent of Americans think the Sun revolves around the Earth. "

No link but 50% of Americans can't name the four Gospels, and I'm not kidding.
In fairness, the U in UFO does stand for unknown. We just don't know what the hell they really are. Most are probably unidentified (either classified or simply unidentifiable to the observer) aircraft tho.

Oh, and astrology is real too. It's just not true. :D

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