Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

(Manafort) He was Trumps campaign manager and shared campaign information with Russian agents. Wtf do you think ? Dah.

'Manafort Was Trump's Campaign Manager':

SO WHAT? John Podesta, who was Manafort's partner in the situation for which Manafort was targeted / arrested was Hillary's campaign manager. Podesta was just as guilty for what Manafort was charged; however, as he was connected to Hillary he was protected. John Podesta and his brother, 'Fat Tony', were working for the Russians When the evidence exposing this was released The 'Podesta Group' run by John and 'Fat Tony' collapsed as his clientele evaporated.

"The Podesta Group, along with Manafort's firm, were tasked with leading an PR effort on behalf of a group called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. The Podesta Group didn't properly file disclosure forms detailing the 32 meetings it had with government officials at the State Department and the Vice President's office on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, according to CNN reporting. "

In the end it was discovered, despite expected denial, that John / The Podesta Group was just as guilty of DECADES-OLD crimes dug up during the Obama failed coup attempt to go after Trump, attacking / taking down those closes to him. Being Hillary's campaign manager had its perks - he was protected from being charged with the same crimes Manafort was because Podesta agreed to work with Co-Conspirators Mueller & Weisman to target and take down Manafort.
-- Even Fat Tonywas progtected after being caught working for the Russians as an Unregistered foreign agent lobbyist.

WHY would a Special Council KNOWINGLY investigate what evidence proves he already knew was a bogus Russian Collusion claim go back DECADES to investigate a possible crime that had nothing to do with President Trump?
- It was part of Barry's coup - take down those who helped him defeat Hillary, using her own campaign manager who was Manafort's partner back then....meanwhile, John and Fat Tony, who both and whose company, the Podesta Group', WORKED FOR RUSSIANS, as evidence proved / proves, walk away' scott free'. President Trump, however, was not connected in any way of any wrong-doing regarding the crimes Podesta AND Manafort committed decades earlier.

The OP's thread is another failed attempt to paint the President as a criminal while - as was the case the last 4 years - while proving no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses in yet another BS accusation.

'Trump shared campaign information with the Russians'.

Please send me the link to the evidence that President Trump committed a crime, a crime supported by actual evidence, that led to his indictment / conviction....I won't bother waiting for it because we both know none of that exist. Just more butt-hurt and false accusations... Need a tissue?

Meanwhile the 1st conspirators in Obama's Conspiracy and failed coup attempt have plead guilty, ratted on others, and is going to jail. John and Fat Tony worked for the Russians. Hillary, Obama, Comey - they all colluded with foreign ex-spies and Russians / the Russian Intel Service propaganda to knowingly use to attempt to affect / rig an election,, and when that failed Obama and his traitors knowingly used it to attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing newly elected president who defeated Hillary from office.

THESE are the entire set of fact you understandably leave out of your TDS-suffering butt-hurt false narrative.
Manafort was prosecuted like the 114 other republican administrative crooks.
Podesta wasn't prosecuted, and Podesta was Manafort's boss on the Ukrainian thing.
Totally false.
Totally true. That's how our two tier system of just works. Republicans go to jail, and Dims get off Scot free.
Nope. Completely false. Manafort hired Podesta’s group through a phony shell organization. There’s no truth to your allegation which is why your complaint of a two tier system is false.
No, you are false again. Podesta got immunity on the SAME THING Mule-er went after Manafort for. So that never happened? Seems you’re the one with a truth problem.

Same thing? You sure?

Show me where Podesta was accused or given immunity for filing false tax returns, money laundering, bank fraud, and witness tampering.

You don’t actually know what Manafort was charged with.
And you’re an uneducated asshole who does nothing but lie. See dumbfuck, Manafort got charged with not registering as a foreign lobbyist .The same charge Mule-er gave the Podesta boys immunity on. Looks like it’s you who doesn’t know your stuff. As usual. By the way, the judge kicked the SDNY out of his court and told them to never bring their Manafort shit back again. Double jeopardy. Try again loser.

Manafort was charged with a LOT more than that, but you don't want people to know about it.
Damn you really are this stupid. So I personally stopped any and all articles, blogs, etcetera on this matter? You got slapped and now you’re whining again. Podesta got immunity on an exact same charge. FACT no matter how much cry.
Podesta got immunity for one extremely minor charge that probably would have been hard to prove in court.

That you're comparing him to Manafort who was extremely corrupt is absurd.
So now you admit Podesta got immunity but it’s okay because it’s a “minor charge”. The next you defend a pedophile like Podesta. You are a true piece of shit.
I never denied he got immunity but given it was a very minor charge and would have been hard to prove, it’s a rational choice because the benefit is a conviction for someone with far greater charges, Manafort.

Want to know a secret? The DoJ is more aggressive about prosecuting people with many charges and massive corruption than for single minor charges. That’s because they’re not idiots.
Want to know something not secret? You’re a lying bitch. And an idiot. Equal treatment under the law. But your version says Dims get a pass and Mule-er charges Manafort with many things had already been adjudicated. See the judge bitch slapping your precious SDNY for double jeopardy. Because unlike you and Mule-er, he’s not an idiot. Rationalizing immunity for a pedophile. Fuck you.
You’ve never heard of prosecutorial discretion?

Manafort is a gangster crook. Podesta failed to fill out paperwork.
Prosecutorial discretion. Meanings does the person have a D or an R next to their name. That’s all people like you care about.
Kinda hard to charge Podesta with crimes he didn’t commit.
SO the Podesta pedophiles you love got immunity because they were innocent. You’re pathetic. Fuck off.
No, meaning Podesta wasn’t charged with felonies he didn’t commit. Had Podesta actually done half the shit the career criminal Manafort did, it would have been a different story.

To summarize: Podesta probably committed a misdemeanor. Manafort is a career criminal.

Which is why they were treated differently. You don’t treat career criminals in the same way that you treat people accused of simple FARA violations. This should be clear even to you.
(Manafort) He was Trumps campaign manager and shared campaign information with Russian agents. Wtf do you think ? Dah.

'Manafort Was Trump's Campaign Manager':

SO WHAT? John Podesta, who was Manafort's partner in the situation for which Manafort was targeted / arrested was Hillary's campaign manager. Podesta was just as guilty for what Manafort was charged; however, as he was connected to Hillary he was protected. John Podesta and his brother, 'Fat Tony', were working for the Russians When the evidence exposing this was released The 'Podesta Group' run by John and 'Fat Tony' collapsed as his clientele evaporated.

"The Podesta Group, along with Manafort's firm, were tasked with leading an PR effort on behalf of a group called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. The Podesta Group didn't properly file disclosure forms detailing the 32 meetings it had with government officials at the State Department and the Vice President's office on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, according to CNN reporting. "

In the end it was discovered, despite expected denial, that John / The Podesta Group was just as guilty of DECADES-OLD crimes dug up during the Obama failed coup attempt to go after Trump, attacking / taking down those closes to him. Being Hillary's campaign manager had its perks - he was protected from being charged with the same crimes Manafort was because Podesta agreed to work with Co-Conspirators Mueller & Weisman to target and take down Manafort.
-- Even Fat Tonywas progtected after being caught working for the Russians as an Unregistered foreign agent lobbyist.

WHY would a Special Council KNOWINGLY investigate what evidence proves he already knew was a bogus Russian Collusion claim go back DECADES to investigate a possible crime that had nothing to do with President Trump?
- It was part of Barry's coup - take down those who helped him defeat Hillary, using her own campaign manager who was Manafort's partner back then....meanwhile, John and Fat Tony, who both and whose company, the Podesta Group', WORKED FOR RUSSIANS, as evidence proved / proves, walk away' scott free'. President Trump, however, was not connected in any way of any wrong-doing regarding the crimes Podesta AND Manafort committed decades earlier.

The OP's thread is another failed attempt to paint the President as a criminal while - as was the case the last 4 years - while proving no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses in yet another BS accusation.

'Trump shared campaign information with the Russians'.

Please send me the link to the evidence that President Trump committed a crime, a crime supported by actual evidence, that led to his indictment / conviction....I won't bother waiting for it because we both know none of that exist. Just more butt-hurt and false accusations... Need a tissue?

Meanwhile the 1st conspirators in Obama's Conspiracy and failed coup attempt have plead guilty, ratted on others, and is going to jail. John and Fat Tony worked for the Russians. Hillary, Obama, Comey - they all colluded with foreign ex-spies and Russians / the Russian Intel Service propaganda to knowingly use to attempt to affect / rig an election,, and when that failed Obama and his traitors knowingly used it to attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing newly elected president who defeated Hillary from office.

THESE are the entire set of fact you understandably leave out of your TDS-suffering butt-hurt false narrative.
Manafort was prosecuted like the 114 other republican administrative crooks.
Podesta wasn't prosecuted, and Podesta was Manafort's boss on the Ukrainian thing.
Totally false.
Totally true. That's how our two tier system of just works. Republicans go to jail, and Dims get off Scot free.
Nope. Completely false. Manafort hired Podesta’s group through a phony shell organization. There’s no truth to your allegation which is why your complaint of a two tier system is false.
No, you are false again. Podesta got immunity on the SAME THING Mule-er went after Manafort for. So that never happened? Seems you’re the one with a truth problem.

Same thing? You sure?

Show me where Podesta was accused or given immunity for filing false tax returns, money laundering, bank fraud, and witness tampering.

You don’t actually know what Manafort was charged with.
And you’re an uneducated asshole who does nothing but lie. See dumbfuck, Manafort got charged with not registering as a foreign lobbyist .The same charge Mule-er gave the Podesta boys immunity on. Looks like it’s you who doesn’t know your stuff. As usual. By the way, the judge kicked the SDNY out of his court and told them to never bring their Manafort shit back again. Double jeopardy. Try again loser.

Manafort was charged with a LOT more than that, but you don't want people to know about it.
Damn you really are this stupid. So I personally stopped any and all articles, blogs, etcetera on this matter? You got slapped and now you’re whining again. Podesta got immunity on an exact same charge. FACT no matter how much cry.
Podesta got immunity for one extremely minor charge that probably would have been hard to prove in court.

That you're comparing him to Manafort who was extremely corrupt is absurd.
So now you admit Podesta got immunity but it’s okay because it’s a “minor charge”. The next you defend a pedophile like Podesta. You are a true piece of shit.
I never denied he got immunity but given it was a very minor charge and would have been hard to prove, it’s a rational choice because the benefit is a conviction for someone with far greater charges, Manafort.

Want to know a secret? The DoJ is more aggressive about prosecuting people with many charges and massive corruption than for single minor charges. That’s because they’re not idiots.
Want to know something not secret? You’re a lying bitch. And an idiot. Equal treatment under the law. But your version says Dims get a pass and Mule-er charges Manafort with many things had already been adjudicated. See the judge bitch slapping your precious SDNY for double jeopardy. Because unlike you and Mule-er, he’s not an idiot. Rationalizing immunity for a pedophile. Fuck you.
You’ve never heard of prosecutorial discretion?

Manafort is a gangster crook. Podesta failed to fill out paperwork.
Prosecutorial discretion. Meanings does the person have a D or an R next to their name. That’s all people like you care about.
Kinda hard to charge Podesta with crimes he didn’t commit.
Trump Humpers all sit around the TV waiting to get their talking points from Hannity and Fox News.

DAG you mean this Hannity?
Sean Hannity privately called Trump 'bats--- crazy,' according to a new book
A new book that is obviously a heap of lies.
Heap of lies ? Trump is the liar and chief. How can anyone possibly keep up with this lunatic.
Podesta wasn't charged because he's a Democrat. Only the brain damaged believe otherwise.
He wasn’t charged with money laundering because he didn’t launder money. Multiply that by about 20 and you get Manafort.

So tell me again how they’re so much alike?

The Podesta Group and Mercury didn’t register as foreign agents at the time of the lobbying of Congress, but registered after the media reported it. Not registering, a violation of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, is a misdemeanor, but it is the basis for some of the charges against Manafort and Gates, especially the conspiracy charge.
Podesta claimed they didn’t register as foreign agents because they didn’t think they were lobbying for Ukraine but that was a lie. If Podesta lied to the feds, he should be in trouble.
According to the indictment, the lobbying firms were paid $2 million from offshore accounts controlled by Manafort. Also according to the indictment, the two companies were aware that they were lobbying on behalf of the Ukrainian government and worked with Manafort to conceal their foreign lobbying activities from the public.
This was reported by The Daily Caller, along with Podesta’s other ties to Manafort. They also reported on Podesta’s involvement in the Uranium One deal.
Tony Podesta, brother of John, Hillary’s campaign manager, founded the left-wing Podesta Group in 1988.
Their work included lobbying “multiple members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions, the validity of Ukraine elections”.
They worked with a pro-Russia group but the group was working against Putin’s interests.
They were working for a Russia-tied political party, but they were trying to help Ukraine join the EU. In other words, they were working against Putin’s interests.
Podesta also failed to register their accounts which only go back to 2012. FARA violations warrant about six months in prison – that’s what Mueller is calling “conspiracy against the United States”. Read more about the charges from Andy McCarthy’s view at National Review Online.

not even close. Manafort is a career criminal, like Trump
“The 31-page indictment against Manafort and Gates contains 12 counts including conspiracy to launder money, conspiracy against the U.S., unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading statements surrounding the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), false statements and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts.“
Podesta is guilty of all of those, moron.
Sure......nice eight year old response.
(Manafort) He was Trumps campaign manager and shared campaign information with Russian agents. Wtf do you think ? Dah.

'Manafort Was Trump's Campaign Manager':

SO WHAT? John Podesta, who was Manafort's partner in the situation for which Manafort was targeted / arrested was Hillary's campaign manager. Podesta was just as guilty for what Manafort was charged; however, as he was connected to Hillary he was protected. John Podesta and his brother, 'Fat Tony', were working for the Russians When the evidence exposing this was released The 'Podesta Group' run by John and 'Fat Tony' collapsed as his clientele evaporated.

"The Podesta Group, along with Manafort's firm, were tasked with leading an PR effort on behalf of a group called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. The Podesta Group didn't properly file disclosure forms detailing the 32 meetings it had with government officials at the State Department and the Vice President's office on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, according to CNN reporting. "

In the end it was discovered, despite expected denial, that John / The Podesta Group was just as guilty of DECADES-OLD crimes dug up during the Obama failed coup attempt to go after Trump, attacking / taking down those closes to him. Being Hillary's campaign manager had its perks - he was protected from being charged with the same crimes Manafort was because Podesta agreed to work with Co-Conspirators Mueller & Weisman to target and take down Manafort.
-- Even Fat Tonywas progtected after being caught working for the Russians as an Unregistered foreign agent lobbyist.

WHY would a Special Council KNOWINGLY investigate what evidence proves he already knew was a bogus Russian Collusion claim go back DECADES to investigate a possible crime that had nothing to do with President Trump?
- It was part of Barry's coup - take down those who helped him defeat Hillary, using her own campaign manager who was Manafort's partner back then....meanwhile, John and Fat Tony, who both and whose company, the Podesta Group', WORKED FOR RUSSIANS, as evidence proved / proves, walk away' scott free'. President Trump, however, was not connected in any way of any wrong-doing regarding the crimes Podesta AND Manafort committed decades earlier.

The OP's thread is another failed attempt to paint the President as a criminal while - as was the case the last 4 years - while proving no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses in yet another BS accusation.

'Trump shared campaign information with the Russians'.

Please send me the link to the evidence that President Trump committed a crime, a crime supported by actual evidence, that led to his indictment / conviction....I won't bother waiting for it because we both know none of that exist. Just more butt-hurt and false accusations... Need a tissue?

Meanwhile the 1st conspirators in Obama's Conspiracy and failed coup attempt have plead guilty, ratted on others, and is going to jail. John and Fat Tony worked for the Russians. Hillary, Obama, Comey - they all colluded with foreign ex-spies and Russians / the Russian Intel Service propaganda to knowingly use to attempt to affect / rig an election,, and when that failed Obama and his traitors knowingly used it to attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing newly elected president who defeated Hillary from office.

THESE are the entire set of fact you understandably leave out of your TDS-suffering butt-hurt false narrative.
Manafort was prosecuted like the 114 other republican administrative crooks.
Podesta wasn't prosecuted, and Podesta was Manafort's boss on the Ukrainian thing.
Totally false.
Totally true. That's how our two tier system of just works. Republicans go to jail, and Dims get off Scot free.
Nope. Completely false. Manafort hired Podesta’s group through a phony shell organization. There’s no truth to your allegation which is why your complaint of a two tier system is false.
No, you are false again. Podesta got immunity on the SAME THING Mule-er went after Manafort for. So that never happened? Seems you’re the one with a truth problem.

Same thing? You sure?

Show me where Podesta was accused or given immunity for filing false tax returns, money laundering, bank fraud, and witness tampering.

You don’t actually know what Manafort was charged with.
And you’re an uneducated asshole who does nothing but lie. See dumbfuck, Manafort got charged with not registering as a foreign lobbyist .The same charge Mule-er gave the Podesta boys immunity on. Looks like it’s you who doesn’t know your stuff. As usual. By the way, the judge kicked the SDNY out of his court and told them to never bring their Manafort shit back again. Double jeopardy. Try again loser.

Manafort was charged with a LOT more than that, but you don't want people to know about it.
Damn you really are this stupid. So I personally stopped any and all articles, blogs, etcetera on this matter? You got slapped and now you’re whining again. Podesta got immunity on an exact same charge. FACT no matter how much cry.
Podesta got immunity for one extremely minor charge that probably would have been hard to prove in court.

That you're comparing him to Manafort who was extremely corrupt is absurd.
So now you admit Podesta got immunity but it’s okay because it’s a “minor charge”. The next you defend a pedophile like Podesta. You are a true piece of shit.
I never denied he got immunity but given it was a very minor charge and would have been hard to prove, it’s a rational choice because the benefit is a conviction for someone with far greater charges, Manafort.

Want to know a secret? The DoJ is more aggressive about prosecuting people with many charges and massive corruption than for single minor charges. That’s because they’re not idiots.
Want to know something not secret? You’re a lying bitch. And an idiot. Equal treatment under the law. But your version says Dims get a pass and Mule-er charges Manafort with many things had already been adjudicated. See the judge bitch slapping your precious SDNY for double jeopardy. Because unlike you and Mule-er, he’s not an idiot. Rationalizing immunity for a pedophile. Fuck you.
You’ve never heard of prosecutorial discretion?

Manafort is a gangster crook. Podesta failed to fill out paperwork.
Prosecutorial discretion. Meanings does the person have a D or an R next to their name. That’s all people like you care about.
Kinda hard to charge Podesta with crimes he didn’t commit.
Trump Humpers all sit around the TV waiting to get their talking points from Hannity and Fox News.

DAG you mean this Hannity?
Sean Hannity privately called Trump 'bats--- crazy,' according to a new book
A new book that is obviously a heap of lies.
Geesus, Trump is a walking, talking heap of lies. These books are coming out one after another painting the
same picture of the most incompetent and criminal admin ever. P
There's no easier way to make a pile of money than to write a "tell all" book about a Republican president. They're all total horseshit.
Sure they are. You’re wrong in so many areas where you just make shit up from Fix News the truth just finds a way out. The GOP has no platform anymore, because it‘s absurd. It’s starts out with, we don’t believe in science but we believe in money laundering and supporting criminal presidents. . You guys are the house of “ cons”.
All lies, of course. Can you submit a single post without lying?
not even close. Manafort is a career criminal, like Trump
“The 31-page indictment against Manafort and Gates contains 12 counts including conspiracy to launder money, conspiracy against the U.S., unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading statements surrounding the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), false statements and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts.“
Podesta is guilty of all of those, moron.
Sure......nice eight year old response.

Appropriate for your grade level.
Podesta wasn't charged because he's a Democrat. Only the brain damaged believe otherwise.
He wasn’t charged with money laundering because he didn’t launder money. Multiply that by about 20 and you get Manafort.

So tell me again how they’re so much alike?

The Podesta Group and Mercury didn’t register as foreign agents at the time of the lobbying of Congress, but registered after the media reported it. Not registering, a violation of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, is a misdemeanor, but it is the basis for some of the charges against Manafort and Gates, especially the conspiracy charge.
Podesta claimed they didn’t register as foreign agents because they didn’t think they were lobbying for Ukraine but that was a lie. If Podesta lied to the feds, he should be in trouble.
According to the indictment, the lobbying firms were paid $2 million from offshore accounts controlled by Manafort. Also according to the indictment, the two companies were aware that they were lobbying on behalf of the Ukrainian government and worked with Manafort to conceal their foreign lobbying activities from the public.
This was reported by The Daily Caller, along with Podesta’s other ties to Manafort. They also reported on Podesta’s involvement in the Uranium One deal.
Tony Podesta, brother of John, Hillary’s campaign manager, founded the left-wing Podesta Group in 1988.
Their work included lobbying “multiple members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions, the validity of Ukraine elections”.
They worked with a pro-Russia group but the group was working against Putin’s interests.
They were working for a Russia-tied political party, but they were trying to help Ukraine join the EU. In other words, they were working against Putin’s interests.
Podesta also failed to register their accounts which only go back to 2012. FARA violations warrant about six months in prison – that’s what Mueller is calling “conspiracy against the United States”. Read more about the charges from Andy McCarthy’s view at National Review Online.

This literally confirms what I've been saying. Thanks for your help!
No they don't, turd. They confirm that Podesta broke a lot of the same laws that Manafort was accused of breaking.
Podesta wasn't charged because he's a Democrat. Only the brain damaged believe otherwise.
He wasn’t charged with money laundering because he didn’t launder money. Multiply that by about 20 and you get Manafort.

So tell me again how they’re so much alike?

The Podesta Group and Mercury didn’t register as foreign agents at the time of the lobbying of Congress, but registered after the media reported it. Not registering, a violation of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, is a misdemeanor, but it is the basis for some of the charges against Manafort and Gates, especially the conspiracy charge.
Podesta claimed they didn’t register as foreign agents because they didn’t think they were lobbying for Ukraine but that was a lie. If Podesta lied to the feds, he should be in trouble.
According to the indictment, the lobbying firms were paid $2 million from offshore accounts controlled by Manafort. Also according to the indictment, the two companies were aware that they were lobbying on behalf of the Ukrainian government and worked with Manafort to conceal their foreign lobbying activities from the public.
This was reported by The Daily Caller, along with Podesta’s other ties to Manafort. They also reported on Podesta’s involvement in the Uranium One deal.
Tony Podesta, brother of John, Hillary’s campaign manager, founded the left-wing Podesta Group in 1988.
Their work included lobbying “multiple members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions, the validity of Ukraine elections”.
They worked with a pro-Russia group but the group was working against Putin’s interests.
They were working for a Russia-tied political party, but they were trying to help Ukraine join the EU. In other words, they were working against Putin’s interests.
Podesta also failed to register their accounts which only go back to 2012. FARA violations warrant about six months in prison – that’s what Mueller is calling “conspiracy against the United States”. Read more about the charges from Andy McCarthy’s view at National Review Online.

This literally confirms what I've been saying. Thanks for your help!
No they don't, turd. They confirm that Podesta broke a lot of the same laws that Manafort was accused of breaking.
Only if you’re totally ignorant of what Manafort what did.
(Manafort) He was Trumps campaign manager and shared campaign information with Russian agents. Wtf do you think ? Dah.

'Manafort Was Trump's Campaign Manager':

SO WHAT? John Podesta, who was Manafort's partner in the situation for which Manafort was targeted / arrested was Hillary's campaign manager. Podesta was just as guilty for what Manafort was charged; however, as he was connected to Hillary he was protected. John Podesta and his brother, 'Fat Tony', were working for the Russians When the evidence exposing this was released The 'Podesta Group' run by John and 'Fat Tony' collapsed as his clientele evaporated.

"The Podesta Group, along with Manafort's firm, were tasked with leading an PR effort on behalf of a group called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. The Podesta Group didn't properly file disclosure forms detailing the 32 meetings it had with government officials at the State Department and the Vice President's office on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, according to CNN reporting. "

In the end it was discovered, despite expected denial, that John / The Podesta Group was just as guilty of DECADES-OLD crimes dug up during the Obama failed coup attempt to go after Trump, attacking / taking down those closes to him. Being Hillary's campaign manager had its perks - he was protected from being charged with the same crimes Manafort was because Podesta agreed to work with Co-Conspirators Mueller & Weisman to target and take down Manafort.
-- Even Fat Tonywas progtected after being caught working for the Russians as an Unregistered foreign agent lobbyist.

WHY would a Special Council KNOWINGLY investigate what evidence proves he already knew was a bogus Russian Collusion claim go back DECADES to investigate a possible crime that had nothing to do with President Trump?
- It was part of Barry's coup - take down those who helped him defeat Hillary, using her own campaign manager who was Manafort's partner back then....meanwhile, John and Fat Tony, who both and whose company, the Podesta Group', WORKED FOR RUSSIANS, as evidence proved / proves, walk away' scott free'. President Trump, however, was not connected in any way of any wrong-doing regarding the crimes Podesta AND Manafort committed decades earlier.

The OP's thread is another failed attempt to paint the President as a criminal while - as was the case the last 4 years - while proving no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses in yet another BS accusation.

'Trump shared campaign information with the Russians'.

Please send me the link to the evidence that President Trump committed a crime, a crime supported by actual evidence, that led to his indictment / conviction....I won't bother waiting for it because we both know none of that exist. Just more butt-hurt and false accusations... Need a tissue?

Meanwhile the 1st conspirators in Obama's Conspiracy and failed coup attempt have plead guilty, ratted on others, and is going to jail. John and Fat Tony worked for the Russians. Hillary, Obama, Comey - they all colluded with foreign ex-spies and Russians / the Russian Intel Service propaganda to knowingly use to attempt to affect / rig an election,, and when that failed Obama and his traitors knowingly used it to attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing newly elected president who defeated Hillary from office.

THESE are the entire set of fact you understandably leave out of your TDS-suffering butt-hurt false narrative.
Manafort was prosecuted like the 114 other republican administrative crooks.
Podesta wasn't prosecuted, and Podesta was Manafort's boss on the Ukrainian thing.
Totally false.
Totally true. That's how our two tier system of just works. Republicans go to jail, and Dims get off Scot free.
Nope. Completely false. Manafort hired Podesta’s group through a phony shell organization. There’s no truth to your allegation which is why your complaint of a two tier system is false.
No, you are false again. Podesta got immunity on the SAME THING Mule-er went after Manafort for. So that never happened? Seems you’re the one with a truth problem.

Same thing? You sure?

Show me where Podesta was accused or given immunity for filing false tax returns, money laundering, bank fraud, and witness tampering.

You don’t actually know what Manafort was charged with.
And you’re an uneducated asshole who does nothing but lie. See dumbfuck, Manafort got charged with not registering as a foreign lobbyist .The same charge Mule-er gave the Podesta boys immunity on. Looks like it’s you who doesn’t know your stuff. As usual. By the way, the judge kicked the SDNY out of his court and told them to never bring their Manafort shit back again. Double jeopardy. Try again loser.

Manafort was charged with a LOT more than that, but you don't want people to know about it.
Damn you really are this stupid. So I personally stopped any and all articles, blogs, etcetera on this matter? You got slapped and now you’re whining again. Podesta got immunity on an exact same charge. FACT no matter how much cry.
Podesta got immunity for one extremely minor charge that probably would have been hard to prove in court.

That you're comparing him to Manafort who was extremely corrupt is absurd.
So now you admit Podesta got immunity but it’s okay because it’s a “minor charge”. The next you defend a pedophile like Podesta. You are a true piece of shit.
I never denied he got immunity but given it was a very minor charge and would have been hard to prove, it’s a rational choice because the benefit is a conviction for someone with far greater charges, Manafort.

Want to know a secret? The DoJ is more aggressive about prosecuting people with many charges and massive corruption than for single minor charges. That’s because they’re not idiots.
Want to know something not secret? You’re a lying bitch. And an idiot. Equal treatment under the law. But your version says Dims get a pass and Mule-er charges Manafort with many things had already been adjudicated. See the judge bitch slapping your precious SDNY for double jeopardy. Because unlike you and Mule-er, he’s not an idiot. Rationalizing immunity for a pedophile. Fuck you.
You’ve never heard of prosecutorial discretion?

Manafort is a gangster crook. Podesta failed to fill out paperwork.
Prosecutorial discretion. Meanings does the person have a D or an R next to their name. That’s all people like you care about.
Kinda hard to charge Podesta with crimes he didn’t commit.
SO the Podesta pedophiles you love got immunity because they were innocent. You’re pathetic. Fuck off.
No, meaning Podesta wasn’t charged with felonies he didn’t commit. Had Podesta actually done half the shit the career criminal Manafort did, it would have been a different story.

To summarize: Podesta probably committed a misdemeanor. Manafort is a career criminal.

Which is why they were treated differently. You don’t treat career criminals in the same way that you treat people accused of simple FARA violations. This should be clear even to you.
That's total horseshit. Podesta committed a lot the crimes Manafort was indicted for.
Podesta wasn't charged because he's a Democrat. Only the brain damaged believe otherwise.
He wasn’t charged with money laundering because he didn’t launder money. Multiply that by about 20 and you get Manafort.

So tell me again how they’re so much alike?

The Podesta Group and Mercury didn’t register as foreign agents at the time of the lobbying of Congress, but registered after the media reported it. Not registering, a violation of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, is a misdemeanor, but it is the basis for some of the charges against Manafort and Gates, especially the conspiracy charge.
Podesta claimed they didn’t register as foreign agents because they didn’t think they were lobbying for Ukraine but that was a lie. If Podesta lied to the feds, he should be in trouble.
According to the indictment, the lobbying firms were paid $2 million from offshore accounts controlled by Manafort. Also according to the indictment, the two companies were aware that they were lobbying on behalf of the Ukrainian government and worked with Manafort to conceal their foreign lobbying activities from the public.
This was reported by The Daily Caller, along with Podesta’s other ties to Manafort. They also reported on Podesta’s involvement in the Uranium One deal.
Tony Podesta, brother of John, Hillary’s campaign manager, founded the left-wing Podesta Group in 1988.
Their work included lobbying “multiple members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions, the validity of Ukraine elections”.
They worked with a pro-Russia group but the group was working against Putin’s interests.
They were working for a Russia-tied political party, but they were trying to help Ukraine join the EU. In other words, they were working against Putin’s interests.
Podesta also failed to register their accounts which only go back to 2012. FARA violations warrant about six months in prison – that’s what Mueller is calling “conspiracy against the United States”. Read more about the charges from Andy McCarthy’s view at National Review Online.

This literally confirms what I've been saying. Thanks for your help!
No they don't, turd. They confirm that Podesta broke a lot of the same laws that Manafort was accused of breaking.
Only if you’re totally ignorant of what Manafort what did.
Not at all. I posted the evidence. You have posted jack shit.
Podesta wasn't charged because he's a Democrat. Only the brain damaged believe otherwise.
He wasn’t charged with money laundering because he didn’t launder money. Multiply that by about 20 and you get Manafort.

So tell me again how they’re so much alike?

The Podesta Group and Mercury didn’t register as foreign agents at the time of the lobbying of Congress, but registered after the media reported it. Not registering, a violation of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, is a misdemeanor, but it is the basis for some of the charges against Manafort and Gates, especially the conspiracy charge.
Podesta claimed they didn’t register as foreign agents because they didn’t think they were lobbying for Ukraine but that was a lie. If Podesta lied to the feds, he should be in trouble.
According to the indictment, the lobbying firms were paid $2 million from offshore accounts controlled by Manafort. Also according to the indictment, the two companies were aware that they were lobbying on behalf of the Ukrainian government and worked with Manafort to conceal their foreign lobbying activities from the public.
This was reported by The Daily Caller, along with Podesta’s other ties to Manafort. They also reported on Podesta’s involvement in the Uranium One deal.
Tony Podesta, brother of John, Hillary’s campaign manager, founded the left-wing Podesta Group in 1988.
Their work included lobbying “multiple members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions, the validity of Ukraine elections”.
They worked with a pro-Russia group but the group was working against Putin’s interests.
They were working for a Russia-tied political party, but they were trying to help Ukraine join the EU. In other words, they were working against Putin’s interests.
Podesta also failed to register their accounts which only go back to 2012. FARA violations warrant about six months in prison – that’s what Mueller is calling “conspiracy against the United States”. Read more about the charges from Andy McCarthy’s view at National Review Online.

This literally confirms what I've been saying. Thanks for your help!
No they don't, turd. They confirm that Podesta broke a lot of the same laws that Manafort was accused of breaking.
Only if you’re totally ignorant of what Manafort what did.
Not at all. I posted the evidence. You have posted jack shit.
No you didn’t. He violated FARA, a misdemeanor. You’re trying to pretend Podesta was a career criminal like Manafort which is idiotic.
Podesta wasn't charged because he's a Democrat. Only the brain damaged believe otherwise.
He wasn’t charged with money laundering because he didn’t launder money. Multiply that by about 20 and you get Manafort.

So tell me again how they’re so much alike?

The Podesta Group and Mercury didn’t register as foreign agents at the time of the lobbying of Congress, but registered after the media reported it. Not registering, a violation of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, is a misdemeanor, but it is the basis for some of the charges against Manafort and Gates, especially the conspiracy charge.
Podesta claimed they didn’t register as foreign agents because they didn’t think they were lobbying for Ukraine but that was a lie. If Podesta lied to the feds, he should be in trouble.
According to the indictment, the lobbying firms were paid $2 million from offshore accounts controlled by Manafort. Also according to the indictment, the two companies were aware that they were lobbying on behalf of the Ukrainian government and worked with Manafort to conceal their foreign lobbying activities from the public.
This was reported by The Daily Caller, along with Podesta’s other ties to Manafort. They also reported on Podesta’s involvement in the Uranium One deal.
Tony Podesta, brother of John, Hillary’s campaign manager, founded the left-wing Podesta Group in 1988.
Their work included lobbying “multiple members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions, the validity of Ukraine elections”.
They worked with a pro-Russia group but the group was working against Putin’s interests.
They were working for a Russia-tied political party, but they were trying to help Ukraine join the EU. In other words, they were working against Putin’s interests.
Podesta also failed to register their accounts which only go back to 2012. FARA violations warrant about six months in prison – that’s what Mueller is calling “conspiracy against the United States”. Read more about the charges from Andy McCarthy’s view at National Review Online.

This literally confirms what I've been saying. Thanks for your help!
No they don't, turd. They confirm that Podesta broke a lot of the same laws that Manafort was accused of breaking.
Only if you’re totally ignorant of what Manafort what did.
Not at all. I posted the evidence. You have posted jack shit.
No you didn’t. He violated FARA, a misdemeanor. You’re trying to pretend Podesta was a career criminal like Manafort which is idiotic.
Aside from not paying his taxes, that's about all Manafort did.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: There is not and has never been a "Deep State". This is a figment of Trump's or Putin's imagination to explain away all of the charges of corruption and malfeasance on the part of Trump and his cronies. There was no "Russia conspiracy". It was all a "deep state plot" to take down the President.

It's not that there is no evidence that the Clintons have ever committed any crimes of corruption, the "Deep State" protecting them. You'd have to be a gullible idiot to believe this shit.

Every Republican Administration since Nixon has been corrupt to the core. This year, they didn't even bother having a Party Platform. It's just whatever Donald Trump says it is.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
Only seven when you are gunning for hundreds?
Tonight you saw Chen who was saved from Tyrany of China and his description of the arrests and censorship by the CCP mimick that of the (fascist) Socialist Dems. Just as he was finishing, as I check my email, the advertising banner is of a actionpacnow petition to arrest all Trump staffers, for no given reason or crime, but exactly the same as what Chen described as communist suppression of opposition.
Podesta wasn't charged because he's a Democrat. Only the brain damaged believe otherwise.
He wasn’t charged with money laundering because he didn’t launder money. Multiply that by about 20 and you get Manafort.

So tell me again how they’re so much alike?

The Podesta Group and Mercury didn’t register as foreign agents at the time of the lobbying of Congress, but registered after the media reported it. Not registering, a violation of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, is a misdemeanor, but it is the basis for some of the charges against Manafort and Gates, especially the conspiracy charge.
Podesta claimed they didn’t register as foreign agents because they didn’t think they were lobbying for Ukraine but that was a lie. If Podesta lied to the feds, he should be in trouble.
According to the indictment, the lobbying firms were paid $2 million from offshore accounts controlled by Manafort. Also according to the indictment, the two companies were aware that they were lobbying on behalf of the Ukrainian government and worked with Manafort to conceal their foreign lobbying activities from the public.
This was reported by The Daily Caller, along with Podesta’s other ties to Manafort. They also reported on Podesta’s involvement in the Uranium One deal.
Tony Podesta, brother of John, Hillary’s campaign manager, founded the left-wing Podesta Group in 1988.
Their work included lobbying “multiple members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions, the validity of Ukraine elections”.
They worked with a pro-Russia group but the group was working against Putin’s interests.
They were working for a Russia-tied political party, but they were trying to help Ukraine join the EU. In other words, they were working against Putin’s interests.
Podesta also failed to register their accounts which only go back to 2012. FARA violations warrant about six months in prison – that’s what Mueller is calling “conspiracy against the United States”. Read more about the charges from Andy McCarthy’s view at National Review Online.

This literally confirms what I've been saying. Thanks for your help!
No they don't, turd. They confirm that Podesta broke a lot of the same laws that Manafort was accused of breaking.
Only if you’re totally ignorant of what Manafort what did.
Not at all. I posted the evidence. You have posted jack shit.
No you didn’t. He violated FARA, a misdemeanor. You’re trying to pretend Podesta was a career criminal like Manafort which is idiotic.
Aside from not paying his taxes, that's about all Manafort did.
12 counts including conspiracy, money laundering, and the usual lying like a Trump rug.
He’s a career criminal and was Trumps campaign manager while meeting with Russian agents. A real beauty .

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
Only seven when you are gunning for hundreds?
Tonight you saw Chen who was saved from Tyrany of China and his description of the arrests and censorship by the CCP mimick that of the (fascist) Socialist Dems. Just as he was finishing I check my enail and rhe advertising banner is of a actionpacnow petition to arrest all Trump staffers, for no given reason or crime, but exactly the same as what Chen described as communist suppression of opposition.
View attachment 380393
Seriously. Do you know the difference between fascism and socialism ? Or is this just a break in the tripe where you need to throw an ism out there ?
(Manafort) He was Trumps campaign manager and shared campaign information with Russian agents. Wtf do you think ? Dah.

'Manafort Was Trump's Campaign Manager':

SO WHAT? John Podesta, who was Manafort's partner in the situation for which Manafort was targeted / arrested was Hillary's campaign manager. Podesta was just as guilty for what Manafort was charged; however, as he was connected to Hillary he was protected. John Podesta and his brother, 'Fat Tony', were working for the Russians When the evidence exposing this was released The 'Podesta Group' run by John and 'Fat Tony' collapsed as his clientele evaporated.

"The Podesta Group, along with Manafort's firm, were tasked with leading an PR effort on behalf of a group called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. The Podesta Group didn't properly file disclosure forms detailing the 32 meetings it had with government officials at the State Department and the Vice President's office on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, according to CNN reporting. "

In the end it was discovered, despite expected denial, that John / The Podesta Group was just as guilty of DECADES-OLD crimes dug up during the Obama failed coup attempt to go after Trump, attacking / taking down those closes to him. Being Hillary's campaign manager had its perks - he was protected from being charged with the same crimes Manafort was because Podesta agreed to work with Co-Conspirators Mueller & Weisman to target and take down Manafort.
-- Even Fat Tonywas progtected after being caught working for the Russians as an Unregistered foreign agent lobbyist.

WHY would a Special Council KNOWINGLY investigate what evidence proves he already knew was a bogus Russian Collusion claim go back DECADES to investigate a possible crime that had nothing to do with President Trump?
- It was part of Barry's coup - take down those who helped him defeat Hillary, using her own campaign manager who was Manafort's partner back then....meanwhile, John and Fat Tony, who both and whose company, the Podesta Group', WORKED FOR RUSSIANS, as evidence proved / proves, walk away' scott free'. President Trump, however, was not connected in any way of any wrong-doing regarding the crimes Podesta AND Manafort committed decades earlier.

The OP's thread is another failed attempt to paint the President as a criminal while - as was the case the last 4 years - while proving no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses in yet another BS accusation.

'Trump shared campaign information with the Russians'.

Please send me the link to the evidence that President Trump committed a crime, a crime supported by actual evidence, that led to his indictment / conviction....I won't bother waiting for it because we both know none of that exist. Just more butt-hurt and false accusations... Need a tissue?

Meanwhile the 1st conspirators in Obama's Conspiracy and failed coup attempt have plead guilty, ratted on others, and is going to jail. John and Fat Tony worked for the Russians. Hillary, Obama, Comey - they all colluded with foreign ex-spies and Russians / the Russian Intel Service propaganda to knowingly use to attempt to affect / rig an election,, and when that failed Obama and his traitors knowingly used it to attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing newly elected president who defeated Hillary from office.

THESE are the entire set of fact you understandably leave out of your TDS-suffering butt-hurt false narrative.
Manafort was prosecuted like the 114 other republican administrative crooks.
Podesta wasn't prosecuted, and Podesta was Manafort's boss on the Ukrainian thing.
Totally false.
Totally true. That's how our two tier system of just works. Republicans go to jail, and Dims get off Scot free.
Nope. Completely false. Manafort hired Podesta’s group through a phony shell organization. There’s no truth to your allegation which is why your complaint of a two tier system is false.
No, you are false again. Podesta got immunity on the SAME THING Mule-er went after Manafort for. So that never happened? Seems you’re the one with a truth problem.

Same thing? You sure?

Show me where Podesta was accused or given immunity for filing false tax returns, money laundering, bank fraud, and witness tampering.

You don’t actually know what Manafort was charged with.
And you’re an uneducated asshole who does nothing but lie. See dumbfuck, Manafort got charged with not registering as a foreign lobbyist .The same charge Mule-er gave the Podesta boys immunity on. Looks like it’s you who doesn’t know your stuff. As usual. By the way, the judge kicked the SDNY out of his court and told them to never bring their Manafort shit back again. Double jeopardy. Try again loser.

Manafort was charged with a LOT more than that, but you don't want people to know about it.
Damn you really are this stupid. So I personally stopped any and all articles, blogs, etcetera on this matter? You got slapped and now you’re whining again. Podesta got immunity on an exact same charge. FACT no matter how much cry.
Podesta got immunity for one extremely minor charge that probably would have been hard to prove in court.

That you're comparing him to Manafort who was extremely corrupt is absurd.
So now you admit Podesta got immunity but it’s okay because it’s a “minor charge”. The next you defend a pedophile like Podesta. You are a true piece of shit.
I never denied he got immunity but given it was a very minor charge and would have been hard to prove, it’s a rational choice because the benefit is a conviction for someone with far greater charges, Manafort.

Want to know a secret? The DoJ is more aggressive about prosecuting people with many charges and massive corruption than for single minor charges. That’s because they’re not idiots.
Want to know something not secret? You’re a lying bitch. And an idiot. Equal treatment under the law. But your version says Dims get a pass and Mule-er charges Manafort with many things had already been adjudicated. See the judge bitch slapping your precious SDNY for double jeopardy. Because unlike you and Mule-er, he’s not an idiot. Rationalizing immunity for a pedophile. Fuck you.
You’ve never heard of prosecutorial discretion?

Manafort is a gangster crook. Podesta failed to fill out paperwork.
Prosecutorial discretion. Meanings does the person have a D or an R next to their name. That’s all people like you care about.
Kinda hard to charge Podesta with crimes he didn’t commit.
Trump Humpers all sit around the TV waiting to get their talking points from Hannity and Fox News.

DAG you mean this Hannity?
Sean Hannity privately called Trump 'bats--- crazy,' according to a new book
A new book that is obviously a heap of lies.
Geesus, Trump is a walking, talking heap of lies. These books are coming out one after another painting the
same picture of the most incompetent and criminal admin ever. P
There's no easier way to make a pile of money than to write a "tell all" book about a Republican president. They're all total horseshit.
Sure they are. You’re wrong in so many areas where you just make shit up from Fix News the truth just finds a way out. The GOP has no platform anymore, because it‘s absurd. It’s starts out with, we don’t believe in science but we believe in money laundering and supporting criminal presidents. . You guys are the house of “ cons”.
All lies, of course. Can you submit a single post without lying?
You must be talking to Trump.
Go ahead choose an item you think is a lie. Go for it.
Podesta wasn't charged because he's a Democrat. Only the brain damaged believe otherwise.
He wasn’t charged with money laundering because he didn’t launder money. Multiply that by about 20 and you get Manafort.

So tell me again how they’re so much alike?

The Podesta Group and Mercury didn’t register as foreign agents at the time of the lobbying of Congress, but registered after the media reported it. Not registering, a violation of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, is a misdemeanor, but it is the basis for some of the charges against Manafort and Gates, especially the conspiracy charge.
Podesta claimed they didn’t register as foreign agents because they didn’t think they were lobbying for Ukraine but that was a lie. If Podesta lied to the feds, he should be in trouble.
According to the indictment, the lobbying firms were paid $2 million from offshore accounts controlled by Manafort. Also according to the indictment, the two companies were aware that they were lobbying on behalf of the Ukrainian government and worked with Manafort to conceal their foreign lobbying activities from the public.
This was reported by The Daily Caller, along with Podesta’s other ties to Manafort. They also reported on Podesta’s involvement in the Uranium One deal.
Tony Podesta, brother of John, Hillary’s campaign manager, founded the left-wing Podesta Group in 1988.
Their work included lobbying “multiple members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions, the validity of Ukraine elections”.
They worked with a pro-Russia group but the group was working against Putin’s interests.
They were working for a Russia-tied political party, but they were trying to help Ukraine join the EU. In other words, they were working against Putin’s interests.
Podesta also failed to register their accounts which only go back to 2012. FARA violations warrant about six months in prison – that’s what Mueller is calling “conspiracy against the United States”. Read more about the charges from Andy McCarthy’s view at National Review Online.

This literally confirms what I've been saying. Thanks for your help!
No they don't, turd. They confirm that Podesta broke a lot of the same laws that Manafort was accused of breaking.
Only if you’re totally ignorant of what Manafort what did.
Not at all. I posted the evidence. You have posted jack shit.
No you didn’t. He violated FARA, a misdemeanor. You’re trying to pretend Podesta was a career criminal like Manafort which is idiotic.
Aside from not paying his taxes, that's about all Manafort did.
12 counts including conspiracy, money laundering, and the usual lying like a Trump rug.
He’s a career criminal and was Trumps campaign manager while meeting with Russian agents. A real beauty .
And John Podesta, Hillary's campaign director, and his brother Fat Tony worked for the Russians...your point is?

Hillary & Barry gave Vlad uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of uncontested interference in the US. In return Barry got permission to invade Syria, and he and Hillary got Russian Intel Service propaganda needed to launch Obama's failed coup attempt, so, again, what's your point, snowflake?

Podesta wasn't charged because he's a Democrat. Only the brain damaged believe otherwise.
He wasn’t charged with money laundering because he didn’t launder money. Multiply that by about 20 and you get Manafort.

So tell me again how they’re so much alike?

The Podesta Group and Mercury didn’t register as foreign agents at the time of the lobbying of Congress, but registered after the media reported it. Not registering, a violation of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, is a misdemeanor, but it is the basis for some of the charges against Manafort and Gates, especially the conspiracy charge.
Podesta claimed they didn’t register as foreign agents because they didn’t think they were lobbying for Ukraine but that was a lie. If Podesta lied to the feds, he should be in trouble.
According to the indictment, the lobbying firms were paid $2 million from offshore accounts controlled by Manafort. Also according to the indictment, the two companies were aware that they were lobbying on behalf of the Ukrainian government and worked with Manafort to conceal their foreign lobbying activities from the public.
This was reported by The Daily Caller, along with Podesta’s other ties to Manafort. They also reported on Podesta’s involvement in the Uranium One deal.
Tony Podesta, brother of John, Hillary’s campaign manager, founded the left-wing Podesta Group in 1988.
Their work included lobbying “multiple members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions, the validity of Ukraine elections”.
They worked with a pro-Russia group but the group was working against Putin’s interests.
They were working for a Russia-tied political party, but they were trying to help Ukraine join the EU. In other words, they were working against Putin’s interests.
Podesta also failed to register their accounts which only go back to 2012. FARA violations warrant about six months in prison – that’s what Mueller is calling “conspiracy against the United States”. Read more about the charges from Andy McCarthy’s view at National Review Online.

This literally confirms what I've been saying. Thanks for your help!
No they don't, turd. They confirm that Podesta broke a lot of the same laws that Manafort was accused of breaking.
Only if you’re totally ignorant of what Manafort what did.
Not at all. I posted the evidence. You have posted jack shit.
No you didn’t. He violated FARA, a misdemeanor. You’re trying to pretend Podesta was a career criminal like Manafort which is idiotic.
Aside from not paying his taxes, that's about all Manafort did.
Money laundering?
Witness intimidation?
Bank fraud?

Manafort did a lot. That’s why all he’s doing now is about 6 years in federal prison.
LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: There is not and has never been a "Deep State". This is a figment of Trump's or Putin's imagination

RIGHT, assquack. No such thing as a Deep State but there sure as hell is a vast Rightwing Conspriracy! :auiqs.jpg:

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