Let's put the illegal immigrant invasion in perspective.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
There were 208,000 illegal aliens that entered our country in August. That is roughly the population of Akron Ohio (for example). So we are now essentially adding an ENTIRE CITY of illegal immigrants EVERY MONTH. And the rate of immigrants coming is not decreasing it is INCREASING. These totally helpless, penniless people ARE entering every state in the US needing every free service, free housing, free food, free medical, free EVERYTHING. Does anyone believe state resources are limitless? When the states run out of resources guess which American citizens will be affected most?
There were 208,000 illegal aliens that entered our country in August. That is roughly the population of Akron Ohio (for example). So we are now essentially adding an ENTIRE CITY of illegal immigrants EVERY MONTH. And the rate of immigrants coming is not decreasing it is INCREASING. These totally helpless, penniless people ARE entering every state in the US needing every free service, free housing, free food, free medical, free EVERYTHING. Does anyone believe state resources are limitless? When the states run out of resources guess which American citizens will be affected most?
Where did you get that 208,000 number for the month of August?
California has invented a new way to ballot harvest.

California is well on its way to becoming Venezuela, and America is well on its way to becoming California.
California has invented a new way to ballot harvest.

California is well on its way to becoming Venezuela, and America is well on its way to becoming California.
What is this new way?
California has invented a new way to ballot harvest.

California is well on its way to becoming Venezuela, and America is well on its way to becoming California.
America is also close to breading apart. Hopefully if it happens it will be a peaceful divorce.

There were 208,000 illegal aliens that entered our country in August. That is roughly the population of Akron Ohio (for example). So we are now essentially adding an ENTIRE CITY of illegal immigrants EVERY MONTH. And the rate of immigrants coming is not decreasing it is INCREASING. These totally helpless, penniless people ARE entering every state in the US needing every free service, free housing, free food, free medical, free EVERYTHING. Does anyone believe state resources are limitless? When the states run out of resources guess which American citizens will be affected most?
...yes, I've been saying this for a long time--AND the population explodes at an exponential rate = wages down-prices up --why California is high priced and high poverty
There were 208,000 illegal aliens that entered our country in August. That is roughly the population of Akron Ohio (for example). So we are now essentially adding an ENTIRE CITY of illegal immigrants EVERY MONTH. And the rate of immigrants coming is not decreasing it is INCREASING. These totally helpless, penniless people ARE entering every state in the US needing every free service, free housing, free food, free medical, free EVERYTHING. Does anyone believe state resources are limitless? When the states run out of resources guess which American citizens will be affected most?
This is the Democrat's plan. Not only do they want to keep the people poor, pissed off and dependent on the federal government but now they're doing the same thing with states. Let's face facts. If the federal bankrupts the states, there will be nowhere to turn but to the Federal government. Voila, here comes totalitarianism, authoritarianism, communism.
There were 208,000 illegal aliens that entered our country in August. That is roughly the population of Akron Ohio (for example). So we are now essentially adding an ENTIRE CITY of illegal immigrants EVERY MONTH. And the rate of immigrants coming is not decreasing it is INCREASING. These totally helpless, penniless people ARE entering every state in the US needing every free service, free housing, free food, free medical, free EVERYTHING. Does anyone believe state resources are limitless? When the states run out of resources guess which American citizens will be affected most?
Can you show me in the transcript that 208,000 illegals crossed in Aug. ?? It didn't site how many were in Aug, and I say your information is false.
White 6 Live report from a Fox News correspondent who is actually at the border (imagine that!) interviewing border patrol. I also posted a link about a week ago that had the illegal entry stats.
Penelope Here you go, very easy to search for this. Even Google search worked.

Penelope Here you go, very easy to search for this. Even Google search worked.

I wanted you to put one up.
There were 208,000 illegal aliens that entered our country in August. That is roughly the population of Akron Ohio (for example). So we are now essentially adding an ENTIRE CITY of illegal immigrants EVERY MONTH. And the rate of immigrants coming is not decreasing it is INCREASING. These totally helpless, penniless people ARE entering every state in the US needing every free service, free housing, free food, free medical, free EVERYTHING. Does anyone believe state resources are limitless? When the states run out of resources guess which American citizens will be affected most?
welcome to dementia joe's America
welcome to dementia joe's America
We must win back the Senate and House of Representatives in the midterm elections. we must stop joe the demented idiot and his sidekick the cackling imbecile. We must take back our country. The USA is not an illegitimate country founded on stolen land as this administration would have us believe. The USA is the best country in the world.

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