Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

Is that why so many of the statues had labels talking about the white race?


Are you denying that slavery was a settled issue by 19 fucking 16?
Evidently not

The South will rise again was still drawing support. The KKK came back stronger than ever

Ok. Now support your argument, that there was a serious move to re institute slavery, and that the statues were part of it.

In 19 fucking 16.


Pretty much smack dab in the peak activity of the UDC who worked so hard to rewrite that history and feverishly put up all these monuments as propaganda transmitters. The previous year the Klan was re-founded into it much larger and more widespread version. The following year the UDC put up along with its many other monuments a plaque commemorating the origin spot of the original Ku Klux Klan with the founders' names. That plaque was turned backward in the 1990s so it now shows a blank side.

Also in the peak of the "Birth of a Nation" film (1915), innumerable lynchings and race riots including the "Red Summer" (1919) and Tulsa (1921) where a black neighborhood was literally wiped off the map including air bombings. AIR BOMBINGS, in 1921.

So yes, very much an effort to reinstitute slavery/segregation/racism. It was rampant. And these UDC propaganda transmitters were plunked down where they were, not in cemeteries or battlefields but in public squares and high-traffic areas ---- to send the message in that pre-electronic age of who was in charge here and who would stay in charge.

That's while they were spending even more time and effort literally rewriting history books to cover up the whole slavery basis for the War itself. You know --- as every Confederate state specifically spelled out in its articles of secession.

That'll be all for now. You can take your blinders off and retreat to your bubbly safe space where you can pull the covers over your head and pretend none of this just happened.

Your attempt to move the goal posts from "slavery" to "racism" is noted and denied.

That you tried to move the goal post is an admission that you agree, that RW, was talking out his ass.

YOu spend a lot of time focusing on how racist the Deep south was, one hundred years ago.

That does not prove that the raising of the statues was not a normal desire from people who fought a war to remember those that fought and/or died.

"Moving the goalposts from slavery to racism....because racism is SO MUCH better.........:71:
I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?
Answer this question then:

Why would you put up a statue of Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson in 1948 in Baltimore?

Yes. Very much so. It would be a great way to showcase the unity of the nation.

Hey, you ever see this picture from the 1913 joint civil war reunion?


The lack of requiring the South to grovel in shame and humiliation was a big part of how and why the US was not permanently split and weakened by the Civil War.

Yet here come 2018 leftists to try and lie about things and do it anyways. Pathetic.

I am absolutely amazed that they think that they have the Moral Authority to over rule the decisions and peace making of those that fought the war and paid the price.

I mean, I intellectually know how utterly arrogant and ignorant libs are, but to have it demonstrated on such as scale, still is shocking.
Show us the decisions of anyone who fought in the Civil War to put up statues......

That comment was, obvious, referring to the policy of reconciliation.

THat democratically crafted and enacted policy was the Will of the people that fought the war and then wanted to make a lasting peace.

That's right. Black people fought for The Confederacy, too.

Take your ass to Georgia and ask some older blacks what they think of General Sherman and Yankees.
Bullshit. There were no Black people that fought for the confederacy. Being forced to hold someones gun while they took a shit or getting them some food doesnt count as combat action.

I'm a black daughter of the Confederacy, and this is how we should deal with all those General Lees

Hold on, faggot. I got this.

"It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, “saw the elephant” also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, “Will you fight?” Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that “biracial units” were frequently organized “by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids”. Dr. Leonard Haynes, an African-American professor at Southern University, stated, “When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you’ve eliminated the a part of the history of the South.”

Black History Facts 365"

65K out of 600K in those days seems an accurate representation to me.
Read More Here The African American Soldier
Hey faggot. All you got is some bullshit and gossip. The facts are that no Black person every fought for the confederacy.

I just referenced 2 historical articles, STFU you ignorant turd.
No you just referenced an anecdote and some bullshit. The facts are that Blacks werent even allowed to fight for obvious reasons. If they were they would show up on the confederate list of soldiers.
Why are these statutes here to begin with? What went through the hearts and minds of those who erected them?
So...why put up statues in the 1910's and beyond? Why hold violent protests and run people down when city counsels legally vote to remove statues from public parks...like the process is SUPPOSED to work?

1. I don't know. Why did it take 50 fucking years for the US to put up a national WWII memorial in DC? Your assumption that the answer is something Evul is unsupported.

2. Your question on the violent protests is very unclear and misleading. A protest from White SOutherns as their heritage is being literally torn down, was certainly called for. The Nazis, and Antifa, both had their own agenda of violence. THe mayor did too, as he ordered the cops to stand down so Antifa could attack their outnumbered enemies. What part of this is confusing to you?
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?

As much right as the whites had a hundred years ago when they disenfranchisec blacks

The Confederacy was 40 percent slave. But their “heritage” is ignored when honoring southern heritage
The elected President of the United States, with Union vets and Confederate vets together.

No president would have done anything but be there.

Are you aware that Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial in Arlington?
So are we not going with Obama is the most anti-white racist president in the history of ever this week?

The more you keep trying to defend racism and white supremacy, the stupider you look --- why do you think the klan wore hoods? even they knew....

I made a point, any American President would have been there, at that Blue and Gray reunion.

NOthing in your stupid post addressed that.

As you did not address what I said, you do not get the respect of having what you said addressed.

Run along now.

If you grow a pair, you can go back and address what I said.

Oh, and you are a race baiting asshole.
Why do you keep avoiding my question?

It's almost like the South is vicariously losing again thru you

It is referencing an event that occurred after the end of the civil war.

Why do you call it a Confederate Statue?
Because your racist confederate revisionist circle jerk team members call it a confederate statue

There are many more "confederate statues" that affirm their commitment to white supremacy

but your deflection is both noted and expected --- keep on defending white supremacy, and you will keep on losing
Your assumption of a connection, or even overlap, is unsupported.

The normal reasons for a monument, ie to celebrate heritage, to remember historical and/or respected figures,

seems far more likely and reasonable.

If Trump said he wanted to build a statue of, say, some famous US/Mexican war General, and place it on the border to "remind" Mexicans they were not welcome,

under the belief that a statue would "remind them of their place" or some such shit,

you would be laughing your ass off and rightfully so.

Yet you are claiming that is what the statues in question are about.

YOur case is weak as shit.
I have supported my point

Your inability to man up and admit it shows you are little more than a race baiting redneck supporting racist southern heritage

I addressed your supporting article. It did not do what you claimed it did.

YOur race baiting is your response to being unable to support your position with logic or evidence.

Your are the asshole here, not me.
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.

I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
Your assumption of a connection, or even overlap, is unsupported.

The normal reasons for a monument, ie to celebrate heritage, to remember historical and/or respected figures,

seems far more likely and reasonable.

If Trump said he wanted to build a statue of, say, some famous US/Mexican war General, and place it on the border to "remind" Mexicans they were not welcome,

under the belief that a statue would "remind them of their place" or some such shit,

you would be laughing your ass off and rightfully so.

Yet you are claiming that is what the statues in question are about.

YOur case is weak as shit.
I have supported my point

Your inability to man up and admit it shows you are little more than a race baiting redneck supporting racist southern heritage

I addressed your supporting article. It did not do what you claimed it did.

YOur race baiting is your response to being unable to support your position with logic or evidence.

Your are the asshole here, not me.
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.

I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
Your assumption of a connection, or even overlap, is unsupported.

The normal reasons for a monument, ie to celebrate heritage, to remember historical and/or respected figures,

seems far more likely and reasonable.

If Trump said he wanted to build a statue of, say, some famous US/Mexican war General, and place it on the border to "remind" Mexicans they were not welcome,

under the belief that a statue would "remind them of their place" or some such shit,

you would be laughing your ass off and rightfully so.

Yet you are claiming that is what the statues in question are about.

YOur case is weak as shit.
I have supported my point

Your inability to man up and admit it shows you are little more than a race baiting redneck supporting racist southern heritage

I addressed your supporting article. It did not do what you claimed it did.

YOur race baiting is your response to being unable to support your position with logic or evidence.

Your are the asshole here, not me.
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.

I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
Thanks for admitting that multiculturalism was always a lie.
Well, it sure makes white supremacists uncomfortable considering they can lose...and badly with the competition.

White supremacists? wtf?

Don't change the subject. We were talking about historical statues, and regional culture.

My point stands, though,

Thanks for admitting that multiculturalism was always a lie.
America was built on multiculturalism....apparently that isn't your thing. When are you leaving? Or are you already residing in......let's see......Moscow, Comrade?d

How is tearing down the historical statues of one group, multiculturalism?

Oh, and shove your red baiting, lefty, up you ass.

These statues only represent one minority group and have nothing to do with the American heritage. The only "culture" that they represent is a white-supremacist group from the south during the civil war and beyond. Try putting them in a museum.. It is not appropriate to have things on public property that do not represent We The People.

Under the concept of multiculturalism, the fact that a group is a minority is no justification for tearing down their heritage.

Your smearing of the South, or the denial of the fact that the South, at least SOuthern Whites, have and celebrate their regional heritage is noted and dismissed.

Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.
So...why put up statues in the 1910's and beyond? Why hold violent protests and run people down when city counsels legally vote to remove statues from public parks...like the process is SUPPOSED to work?

1. I don't know. Why did it take 50 fucking years for the US to put up a national WWII memorial in DC? Your assumption that the answer is something Evul is unsupported.

2. Your question on the violent protests is very unclear and misleading. A protest from White SOutherns as their heritage is being literally torn down, was certainly called for. The Nazis, and Antifa, both had their own agenda of violence. THe mayor did too, as he ordered the cops to stand down so Antifa could attack their outnumbered enemies. What part of this is confusing to you?
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?
"The heritage"....what kind of loser wants to make "heritage" out of a lost war they started that only lasted 4 years and was over their wanting to enslave other people because they thought they are sub-human? That's YOUR heritage? That's pretty pathetic, broflake, if true.
I'd like to see a picture of your logic grade. :rolleyes:

I'm thinking it wasn't more than a C.


That's right. Black people fought for The Confederacy, too.

Take your ass to Georgia and ask some older blacks what they think of General Sherman and Yankees.
Bullshit. There were no Black people that fought for the confederacy. Being forced to hold someones gun while they took a shit or getting them some food doesnt count as combat action.

I'm a black daughter of the Confederacy, and this is how we should deal with all those General Lees

Hold on, faggot. I got this.

"It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, “saw the elephant” also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, “Will you fight?” Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that “biracial units” were frequently organized “by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids”. Dr. Leonard Haynes, an African-American professor at Southern University, stated, “When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you’ve eliminated the a part of the history of the South.”

Black History Facts 365"

65K out of 600K in those days seems an accurate representation to me.
Read More Here The African American Soldier
Hey faggot. All you got is some bullshit and gossip. The facts are that no Black person every fought for the confederacy.

Its funny how you never see people arguing about how great a British general Thomas Gage and William Howe was -- and how much better they were than George Washington..

Or how great a German general Herman Goering or Erich Raeder were and how much better they were than Patton

Only when it comes to defending the confederate cause to maintain slavery in this country, do they feel sad that it was a war that the United States won
As I said earlier....perhaps the North was too easy on them afterwards....a few hangings might have kept the Lost Cause from raising its ugly head.

You don't really understand or appreciate the concept of peace.
Your Southern graveyards are pretty peaceful.

Gloating over killing your enemies, is a great way to ensure more war.

Thank GOD, our ancestors had far more sense than modern lefties.
So...us gloating over the Germans and Japanese after WWII ensured more war? No...we crushed them and occupied them and forced them to run things the way we wanted AND we held war crime trials and executed a lot of them. Not hearing about any "Lost Cause" heritage crap from them, are we?
I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?
Answer this question then:

Why would you put up a statue of Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson in 1948 in Baltimore?

Yes. Very much so. It would be a great way to showcase the unity of the nation.

Hey, you ever see this picture from the 1913 joint civil war reunion?


The lack of requiring the South to grovel in shame and humiliation was a big part of how and why the US was not permanently split and weakened by the Civil War.
With Wilson who helped encourage the KKK revival. Thanks for proving the point.

The elected President of the United States, with Union vets and Confederate vets together.

No president would have done anything but be there.

Are you aware that Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial in Arlington?
Arlington is a cemetary.....not a town square that the TOWN COUNCIL voted to remove a statue from. But you do bring up one good point...those statues could all go in cemetaries.

My point stands. To have unity, especially in a multicultural setting, you cannot expect one group to be denied to have a heritage and culture and to show pride in and celebrate that heritage and culture.

Trying to do so, will result is endless strife and conflict.

Why are you purposefully and actively tearing this nation apart?
I have supported my point

Your inability to man up and admit it shows you are little more than a race baiting redneck supporting racist southern heritage

I addressed your supporting article. It did not do what you claimed it did.

YOur race baiting is your response to being unable to support your position with logic or evidence.

Your are the asshole here, not me.
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.

I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
I have supported my point

Your inability to man up and admit it shows you are little more than a race baiting redneck supporting racist southern heritage

I addressed your supporting article. It did not do what you claimed it did.

YOur race baiting is your response to being unable to support your position with logic or evidence.

Your are the asshole here, not me.
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.

I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
I have supported my point

Your inability to man up and admit it shows you are little more than a race baiting redneck supporting racist southern heritage

I addressed your supporting article. It did not do what you claimed it did.

YOur race baiting is your response to being unable to support your position with logic or evidence.

Your are the asshole here, not me.
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.

I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
Well, it sure makes white supremacists uncomfortable considering they can lose...and badly with the competition.

White supremacists? wtf?

Don't change the subject. We were talking about historical statues, and regional culture.

My point stands, though,

Thanks for admitting that multiculturalism was always a lie.
America was built on multiculturalism....apparently that isn't your thing. When are you leaving? Or are you already residing in......let's see......Moscow, Comrade?d

How is tearing down the historical statues of one group, multiculturalism?

Oh, and shove your red baiting, lefty, up you ass.

These statues only represent one minority group and have nothing to do with the American heritage. The only "culture" that they represent is a white-supremacist group from the south during the civil war and beyond. Try putting them in a museum.. It is not appropriate to have things on public property that do not represent We The People.

Under the concept of multiculturalism, the fact that a group is a minority is no justification for tearing down their heritage.

Your smearing of the South, or the denial of the fact that the South, at least SOuthern Whites, have and celebrate their regional heritage is noted and dismissed.

Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.
I have no problem with you showing your heritage on your private property or in a museum.
YOu are the one trying to tear this nation apart.

Lee surrendered, and then worked to heal the wounds of the nation.

As did just about everyone of that time period.

Wtf do you think you are accomplishing with your hate?
So...why put up statues in the 1910's and beyond? Why hold violent protests and run people down when city counsels legally vote to remove statues from public parks...like the process is SUPPOSED to work?

1. I don't know. Why did it take 50 fucking years for the US to put up a national WWII memorial in DC? Your assumption that the answer is something Evul is unsupported.

2. Your question on the violent protests is very unclear and misleading. A protest from White SOutherns as their heritage is being literally torn down, was certainly called for. The Nazis, and Antifa, both had their own agenda of violence. THe mayor did too, as he ordered the cops to stand down so Antifa could attack their outnumbered enemies. What part of this is confusing to you?
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.
If your heritage goes against american principals then yes. No reason to pay homage to traitors, losers, and racists.

So, Abraham Lincoln wasn't a loser, nor a racist?
A Confederate veteran on what the monuments honor: White power and the Southern cause

Equally important, after the war he joined the cause of Redemption, the campaign to restore white rule in Mississippi, which culminated in stealing the elections of 1875 by violence or the threat of it, keeping most blacks from voting. “Victory for the vanquished” is how Nash described it 110 years ago in Lexington.

Among his fulsome remarks, which run to roughly 7,000 words, he included a clear, concise, nine-point, itemized list on what the monuments actually mean.

Monuments honor “the Southern cause” and its “brave defenders, the living and the dead” (item one), and also "keep honored and honorable" the "present and future dominant and ruling Southern Anglo-Saxon element" (item two).

They "keep the white people of the South united — a thing so necessary — to keep, protect, preserve and transmit our true Southern social system, our cherished Southern civilization” (item six).

The ruddy leaping joy of perpetual white power is item seven: “The white people of the South shall rule and govern the Southern states forever.”

From the text:

>> Among his fulsome remarks, which run to roughly 7,000 words, he included a clear, concise, nine-point, itemized list on what the monuments actually mean.

Monuments honor “the Southern cause” and its “brave defenders, the living and the dead” (item one), and also "keep honored and honorable" the "present and future dominant and ruling Southern Anglo-Saxon element" (item two).

They "keep the white people of the South united — a thing so necessary — to keep, protect, preserve and transmit our true Southern social system, our cherished Southern civilization” (item six).

The ruddy leaping joy of perpetual white power is item seven: “The white people of the South shall rule and govern the Southern states forever.”

The final item, number nine: Monuments “will teach the South through all the ages to love the Southern Cause.” <<​

Not at all unlike the speech of another Confederate veteran at another monumnent unveiling in, as was typical, the early 20th century (1913, Durham North Carolina):

>> "The present generation, I am persuaded, scarcely takes note of what the Confederate soldier meant to the welfare of the Anglo Saxon race during the four years immediately succeeding the war, when the facts are that their courage and steadfastness saved the very life of the Anglo Saxon race in the South -- When "the bottom rail was on top" all over the Southern states, and to-day, as a consequence, the purest strain of the Anglo Saxon is to be found in the 13 Southern states -- Praise God. <<
Note the allusion to "the four years immediately succeeding the war". This is the exact period that the Ku Klux Klan and dozens of similar groups (including the White League referenced above at the New Orleans obelisk), usually founded/run by ex-Confederate soldiers, were doing what they could to normalize life in a war-torn occupied territory by terrorizing the black people that had until then been human property.

Carr's speech continues, without edit:

>> I trust I may be pardoned for one allusion, howbeit it is rather personal. One hundred yards from where we stand, less than ninety days perhaps after my return from Appomatox, I horse-whipped a negro wench until her skirts hung in shreds, because upon the streets of this quiet village she had publicly insulted and maligned a Southern lady, and then rushed for protection to these University buildings where was stationed a garrison of 100 Federal soldiers. I performed the pleasing duty in the immediate presence of the entire garrison, and for thirty night afterwards slept with a double-barrel shot gun under my head. <<​

Doesn't get much more straightforward than that.

Or does it? Let's check in with the proclamation of Alexander Stephens, the Vice President of the CSA, on the day the War began, specifying what they were fighting for:

>> "Many governments have been founded upon the principle of the subordination and serfdom of certain classes of the same race; such were and are in violation of the laws of nature. Our system commits no such violation of nature’s laws. With us, all of the white race, however high or low, rich or poor, are equal in the eye of the law. Not so with the negro. Subordination is his place. He, by nature, or by the curse against Canaan, is fitted for that condition which he occupies in our system. The architect, in the construction of buildings, lays the foundation with the proper material — the granite; then comes the brick or the marble. The substratum of our society is made of the material fitted by nature for it, and by experience we know that it is best, not only for the superior, but for the inferior race, that it should be so." <<​

--- that's lifted directly from my much-longer post here in yet another Odious thread where he tried to sell the same revisionist history bullshit, expecting different results.
So...why put up statues in the 1910's and beyond? Why hold violent protests and run people down when city counsels legally vote to remove statues from public parks...like the process is SUPPOSED to work?

1. I don't know. Why did it take 50 fucking years for the US to put up a national WWII memorial in DC? Your assumption that the answer is something Evul is unsupported.

2. Your question on the violent protests is very unclear and misleading. A protest from White SOutherns as their heritage is being literally torn down, was certainly called for. The Nazis, and Antifa, both had their own agenda of violence. THe mayor did too, as he ordered the cops to stand down so Antifa could attack their outnumbered enemies. What part of this is confusing to you?
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.
If your heritage goes against american principals then yes. No reason to pay homage to traitors, losers, and racists.

So, Abraham Lincoln wasn't a loser, nor a racist?
He was a racist but he kicked the asses of losers with your ideology.
I'd like to see a picture of your logic grade. :rolleyes:

I'm thinking it wasn't more than a C.


That's right. Black people fought for The Confederacy, too.

Take your ass to Georgia and ask some older blacks what they think of General Sherman and Yankees.
Bullshit. There were no Black people that fought for the confederacy. Being forced to hold someones gun while they took a shit or getting them some food doesnt count as combat action.

I'm a black daughter of the Confederacy, and this is how we should deal with all those General Lees

Hold on, faggot. I got this.

"It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, “saw the elephant” also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, “Will you fight?” Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that “biracial units” were frequently organized “by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids”. Dr. Leonard Haynes, an African-American professor at Southern University, stated, “When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you’ve eliminated the a part of the history of the South.”

Black History Facts 365"

65K out of 600K in those days seems an accurate representation to me.
Read More Here The African American Soldier
Hey faggot. All you got is some bullshit and gossip. The facts are that no Black person every fought for the confederacy.
Many were forced into manual labor on the front lines.....but very very few were allowed a gun...probably for a good reason.
So you can't answer his question without lying. We thought so.
Baltimore removes Confederate statues in wake of Charlottesville

Just because you are ignorant of the facts doesn't make me a liar --- so I will ask again..why would you put up a statue of Stonewall Jackson in Baltimore?

Dodge my question again and show everyone why you are a racist cuck..

Libs look stupid, when they try to use the word "cuck".
We know....you alt-righties, INCEL, and trumpanzees own it....

You are welcome to shove your insults up your ass.

And you are correct. "Cuck" is a word the Alt Right came up with to smear various weak and submissive men, often "cuckservatives", but also liberals.

It is sometimes fitting.

You libs, you can't seem to get it right. Not even close. There is probably a pretty funny reason for that.
Poor poor trumpanzees....broflakes for sure.

REally? You insult me, and then act like my insulting you back is a problem with me?

Fuck you.
1. I don't know. Why did it take 50 fucking years for the US to put up a national WWII memorial in DC? Your assumption that the answer is something Evul is unsupported.

2. Your question on the violent protests is very unclear and misleading. A protest from White SOutherns as their heritage is being literally torn down, was certainly called for. The Nazis, and Antifa, both had their own agenda of violence. THe mayor did too, as he ordered the cops to stand down so Antifa could attack their outnumbered enemies. What part of this is confusing to you?
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.
If your heritage goes against american principals then yes. No reason to pay homage to traitors, losers, and racists.

So, Abraham Lincoln wasn't a loser, nor a racist?
He was a racist but he kicked the asses of losers with your ideology.

My ideology?
Hardly, The Southerners brought in Negroes like you, hardly anything I'd support.
Its funny how you never see people arguing about how great a British general Thomas Gage and William Howe was -- and how much better they were than George Washington..

Or how great a German general Herman Goering or Erich Raeder were and how much better they were than Patton

Only when it comes to defending the confederate cause to maintain slavery in this country, do they feel sad that it was a war that the United States won
As I said earlier....perhaps the North was too easy on them afterwards....a few hangings might have kept the Lost Cause from raising its ugly head.

You don't really understand or appreciate the concept of peace.
Your Southern graveyards are pretty peaceful.

Gloating over killing your enemies, is a great way to ensure more war.

Thank GOD, our ancestors had far more sense than modern lefties.
So...us gloating over the Germans and Japanese after WWII ensured more war? No...we crushed them and occupied them and forced them to run things the way we wanted AND we held war crime trials and executed a lot of them. Not hearing about any "Lost Cause" heritage crap from them, are we?

I think it's high time to tell Bodey she's retarded.

The war between the states was not a foreign war, dumbass.

That's right. Black people fought for The Confederacy, too.

Take your ass to Georgia and ask some older blacks what they think of General Sherman and Yankees.
Bullshit. There were no Black people that fought for the confederacy. Being forced to hold someones gun while they took a shit or getting them some food doesnt count as combat action.

I'm a black daughter of the Confederacy, and this is how we should deal with all those General Lees

Hold on, faggot. I got this.

"It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, “saw the elephant” also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, “Will you fight?” Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that “biracial units” were frequently organized “by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids”. Dr. Leonard Haynes, an African-American professor at Southern University, stated, “When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you’ve eliminated the a part of the history of the South.”

Black History Facts 365"

65K out of 600K in those days seems an accurate representation to me.
Read More Here The African American Soldier
Hey faggot. All you got is some bullshit and gossip. The facts are that no Black person every fought for the confederacy.

You just showed me another opinion piece instead of an official military listing of Black soilders or even photos of Black confederate solders that fought for the south.

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