Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

That victory has s what we are talking about

The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

It is unclear what your point was. IS someone defending lynching?

Lynching's still go on in the brutal parts of the World including Nigeria, India, Mexico, Guatemala, Afghanistan, and yes Israel.

Lynching - Wikipedia
That victory has s what we are talking about

The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

It is unclear what your point was. IS someone defending lynching?
This is what my point is -- one of your racist defenders said this about the period of time in the south between the end of the civil war and the civil rights act:

"The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's"

So all I wanted someone to do was explain to me what was peaceful about the indiscriminate murders of thousands of black people during that "peaceful" time the South supposedly won -- even tho they lost the Civil War already??

Can you defend the Jim Crow era?
That victory has s what we are talking about

The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

It is unclear what your point was. IS someone defending lynching?

No, it's just Biff dodging answering direct questions as usual and pulling more topic changes out of his ass. He hate it when he gets his ass handed to him since he knows no history, much less any context, and relies entirely on fake emotional rubbish as a defense for his own racist idiocy.
ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?

As much right as the whites had a hundred years ago when they disenfranchisec blacks


So, you agree that it is wrong. Good. That was my point.

So, why are you supporting it?
That is the way politics work

After centuries of white rule, when blacks assume and exercise political power.....whites like you whine.....But what about my racist heritage?

Damn. So close. You admit everything but still have to include a sad little excuse for the tyrants.


Now that you have come to see that "multiculturalism" means the marginalization and eradication of heritage and culture and political power for the largest single ethnic group in this country,

will you stop supporting it?

and if not, how do you justify your support of oppression? And why do you want the obvious strife and conflict that this will bring?
That heritage you are so proud of attempted to make multiculturism illegal

Nobody is seeking to irradicate the white race. Only not honor one of its most despicable memories

Remember the good ole days when we kept the darkies in their place?

1. Yes and they failed. That has nothing to do with your admission that multiculturalism was a lie.

2. Funny, I said nothing about eradicating the White Race. I spoke of culture and heritage. But you read Race....

3. YOur race baiting as an attempt to distract from your admissions is noted and dismissed.

4. My question stands.

Now that you have come to see that "multiculturalism" means the marginalization and eradication of heritage and culture and political power for the largest single ethnic group in this country,

will you stop supporting it?

and if not, how do you justify your support of oppression? And why do you want the obvious strife and conflict that this will bring?
Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

So, you don't care about hanging's of the modern era, but rather about ones going back many decades?

Oh, I get it, you just hate it when Whites do hanging's.
Have we sanctioned Saudi Arabia for holding public hangings? No?

Have we sanctioned Japan for public hangings? No?

I care about America first, remember when that was a thing you Trump supporters were about -- except when it comes to you idiots trying to deflect from the racial injustice that you support

A.) I'm not a Trump supporter.

B.) I do support racial justice, one where White people, Native Americans, and other vulnerable peoples don't go extinct from integration.

If you think integration is what wiped out a large population of Native Americans, you are more delusional than I thought -- it was the mass murdering that wiped out a huge portion of the Native American population, not integration..

I guess you are pissed when you see white woman with a black man huh?

Integration has clearly hit Native Americans hard, for a long time they've been marrying Whites, and Blacks, a pattern which still goes on.

The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

It is unclear what your point was. IS someone defending lynching?

Lynching's still go on in the brutal parts of the World including Nigeria, India, Mexico, Guatemala, Afghanistan, and yes Israel.

Lynching - Wikipedia
Let's take Nigeria

Is it legal to go grab people from a different "group" and lynch them? No? then fuck what you are talking about

How about in Afghanistan? Since we have been there for over 17 years -- is it legal for someone in Afghanistan to lynch others simply because they are from another group? if so, how come our military presence hasn't stopped it?

Lastly, why do you keep going "but other countries do it" when we are talking about THIS COUNTRY -- this is the greatest country on Earth, why can't we be anti-apologizing for lynching?
Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

So, you don't care about hanging's of the modern era, but rather about ones going back many decades?

Oh, I get it, you just hate it when Whites do hanging's.
Have we sanctioned Saudi Arabia for holding public hangings? No?

Have we sanctioned Japan for public hangings? No?

I care about America first, remember when that was a thing you Trump supporters were about -- except when it comes to you idiots trying to deflect from the racial injustice that you support

A.) I'm not a Trump supporter.

B.) I do support racial justice, one where White people, Native Americans, and other vulnerable peoples don't go extinct from integration.

If you think integration is what wiped out a large population of Native Americans, you are more delusional than I thought -- it was the mass murdering that wiped out a huge portion of the Native American population, not integration..

I guess you are pissed when you see white woman with a black man huh?

ah, now Biff has moved on to even more fake history and rubbish. lol what a poor debater and ignorant puppet.

So tell us biff, about these 'mass murders'; you mean the ones started by Lincoln and later conducted by 'The Victorious and Noble Northern 'Winners' and Lincolns' Generals?
Last edited:
The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

It is unclear what your point was. IS someone defending lynching?

Lynching's still go on in the brutal parts of the World including Nigeria, India, Mexico, Guatemala, Afghanistan, and yes Israel.

Lynching - Wikipedia

I'm suspicious of your "isreal" but thanks.
The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

It is unclear what your point was. IS someone defending lynching?
This is what my point is -- one of your racist defenders said this about the period of time in the south between the end of the civil war and the civil rights act:

"The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's"

So all I wanted someone to do was explain to me what was peaceful about the indiscriminate murders of thousands of black people during that "peaceful" time the South supposedly won -- even tho they lost the Civil War already??

Can you defend the Jim Crow era?

Wow. That is a huge stretch.

So are we not going with Obama is the most anti-white racist president in the history of ever this week?

The more you keep trying to defend racism and white supremacy, the stupider you look --- why do you think the klan wore hoods? even they knew....

I made a point, any American President would have been there, at that Blue and Gray reunion.

NOthing in your stupid post addressed that.

As you did not address what I said, you do not get the respect of having what you said addressed.

Run along now.

If you grow a pair, you can go back and address what I said.

Oh, and you are a race baiting asshole.
Why do you keep avoiding my question?

It's almost like the South is vicariously losing again thru you

It is referencing an event that occurred after the end of the civil war.

Why do you call it a Confederate Statue?
Because your racist confederate revisionist circle jerk team members call it a confederate statue

There are many more "confederate statues" that affirm their commitment to white supremacy

but your deflection is both noted and expected --- keep on defending white supremacy, and you will keep on losing

Did the statue of Lee who's attempted removal led to Charlottesville have such a comment on it?
Why do you object to the city of Charlottesville's City Council going thru the correct legal procedure to remove a statue that they own and no longer want on city property?
The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

It is unclear what your point was. IS someone defending lynching?
This is what my point is -- one of your racist defenders said this about the period of time in the south between the end of the civil war and the civil rights act:

"The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's"

So all I wanted someone to do was explain to me what was peaceful about the indiscriminate murders of thousands of black people during that "peaceful" time the South supposedly won -- even tho they lost the Civil War already??

Can you defend the Jim Crow era?

Why don't answer as to why blacks stayed in the South instead of leaving? Your 'captive sharecropper' nonsense was pretty funny, especially since you were being serious, but it's just as stupid and false as the rest of your tripe. Besides, half of sharecroppers were whites, by the way. Try and do better this time. As in admitting Jim Crow was far more racist and discriminatory in the north.

And, you have less than zero credibility, so nobody cares about your dumbass opinions about 'da racists'; you're a racist yourself.
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

So, you don't care about hanging's of the modern era, but rather about ones going back many decades?

Oh, I get it, you just hate it when Whites do hanging's.
Have we sanctioned Saudi Arabia for holding public hangings? No?

Have we sanctioned Japan for public hangings? No?

I care about America first, remember when that was a thing you Trump supporters were about -- except when it comes to you idiots trying to deflect from the racial injustice that you support

A.) I'm not a Trump supporter.

B.) I do support racial justice, one where White people, Native Americans, and other vulnerable peoples don't go extinct from integration.

If you think integration is what wiped out a large population of Native Americans, you are more delusional than I thought -- it was the mass murdering that wiped out a huge portion of the Native American population, not integration..

I guess you are pissed when you see white woman with a black man huh?

Integration has clearly hit Native Americans hard, for a long time they've been marrying Whites, and Blacks, a pattern which still goes on.

Maybe you are too stupid to understand the point -- Native Americans were killed by the hundreds of thousands, that decimated their population -- and guess what, they didn't choose it

Your fear of interracial marriage is typical white racist tripe -- but aside from that, no one is forcing Native Americans into interracial marriage -- its a free country, you can marry or not marry who you wish

Why do you need government to force you not to marry a black person? can't you do that yourself? are you saying without government, you may actually end up marrying another man? Do you see how silly your racism sounds when I expose it -- just stop typing and take a nap
Last edited:
I made a point, any American President would have been there, at that Blue and Gray reunion.

NOthing in your stupid post addressed that.

As you did not address what I said, you do not get the respect of having what you said addressed.

Run along now.

If you grow a pair, you can go back and address what I said.

Oh, and you are a race baiting asshole.
Why do you keep avoiding my question?

It's almost like the South is vicariously losing again thru you

It is referencing an event that occurred after the end of the civil war.

Why do you call it a Confederate Statue?
Because your racist confederate revisionist circle jerk team members call it a confederate statue

There are many more "confederate statues" that affirm their commitment to white supremacy

but your deflection is both noted and expected --- keep on defending white supremacy, and you will keep on losing

Did the statue of Lee who's attempted removal led to Charlottesville have such a comment on it?
Why do you object to the city of Charlottesville's City Council going thru the correct legal procedure to remove a statue that they own and no longer want on city property?

Because it is cultural bigotry and discrimination.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

It is unclear what your point was. IS someone defending lynching?

Lynching's still go on in the brutal parts of the World including Nigeria, India, Mexico, Guatemala, Afghanistan, and yes Israel.

Lynching - Wikipedia

Lastly, why do you keep going "but other countries do it" when we are talking about THIS COUNTRY -- this is the greatest country on Earth, why can't we be anti-apologizing for lynching?

Why should I apologize for lynching's?

My Polish ancestors came here in the 20th Century, I don't really want to consider myself as belonging to the British, and German mobs who made the past America White, and brutal, and now make America brown, and sissy.

I don't really understand Western Europeans, and quite frankly, I don't really want to.
Biff doesn't know the Civil Rights Acts were pushed through by an Evul Southern Pol from a former slave state, not Yankees. Biff is a clueless hick.
So, you don't care about hanging's of the modern era, but rather about ones going back many decades?

Oh, I get it, you just hate it when Whites do hanging's.
Have we sanctioned Saudi Arabia for holding public hangings? No?

Have we sanctioned Japan for public hangings? No?

I care about America first, remember when that was a thing you Trump supporters were about -- except when it comes to you idiots trying to deflect from the racial injustice that you support

A.) I'm not a Trump supporter.

B.) I do support racial justice, one where White people, Native Americans, and other vulnerable peoples don't go extinct from integration.

If you think integration is what wiped out a large population of Native Americans, you are more delusional than I thought -- it was the mass murdering that wiped out a huge portion of the Native American population, not integration..

I guess you are pissed when you see white woman with a black man huh?

Integration has clearly hit Native Americans hard, for a long time they've been marrying Whites, and Blacks, a pattern which still goes on.

Maybe you are too stupid to understand the point -- Native Americans were killed by the hundreds of thousands, that decimated their population -- and guess what, they didn't choose it

Your fear of interracial marriage is typical white racist tripe -- but aside from that, no one is forcing Native Americans to interracially marriage -- its a free country, you can marry or not marry who you wish

Why do you need government to force you not to marry a black person? can't you do that yourself? are you saying without government, you may actually end up marrying another man? Do you see how silly your racism sounds when I expose it -- just stop typing and take a nap

A lot of Whites, and a lot of Blacks in this country claim to be mixed with Native American.

It really does seem like integration has harmed Native American population numbers, and culture as much as mass-murder.

In fact, arguably a lot more, considering in Latin America they became Hispanic, and in America they became English speakers.

The bottom-line is regardless of choice, or not, Native Americans are walking on egg-shells, because they do marry non-Natives the majority of the time, if not for their population growth, they'd be in a lot deeper trouble.
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?
"The heritage"....what kind of loser wants to make "heritage" out of a lost war they started that only lasted 4 years and was over their wanting to enslave other people because they thought they are sub-human? That's YOUR heritage? That's pretty pathetic, broflake, if true.

What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
I gloat over American victories over their enemies. Looks like you don't. Were you cheering for the NAZIs too?
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.

I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.

I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.

I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
America was built on multiculturalism....apparently that isn't your thing. When are you leaving? Or are you already residing in......let's see......Moscow, Comrade?d

How is tearing down the historical statues of one group, multiculturalism?

Oh, and shove your red baiting, lefty, up you ass.

These statues only represent one minority group and have nothing to do with the American heritage. The only "culture" that they represent is a white-supremacist group from the south during the civil war and beyond. Try putting them in a museum.. It is not appropriate to have things on public property that do not represent We The People.

Under the concept of multiculturalism, the fact that a group is a minority is no justification for tearing down their heritage.

Your smearing of the South, or the denial of the fact that the South, at least SOuthern Whites, have and celebrate their regional heritage is noted and dismissed.

Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.
I have no problem with you showing your heritage on your private property or in a museum.

Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?
You don't really understand or appreciate the concept of peace.
Your Southern graveyards are pretty peaceful.

Gloating over killing your enemies, is a great way to ensure more war.

Thank GOD, our ancestors had far more sense than modern lefties.
So...us gloating over the Germans and Japanese after WWII ensured more war? No...we crushed them and occupied them and forced them to run things the way we wanted AND we held war crime trials and executed a lot of them. Not hearing about any "Lost Cause" heritage crap from them, are we?

I think it's high time to tell Bodey she's retarded.

The war between the states was not a foreign war, dumbass.

Unless you accept without question or reservation the legal argument for secession.

IN that scenario, it would have been a foreign war.

It is quite funny how often, liberals, in their desire to marginalize those they don't like, in this case Southerns, accept and use the arguments of their supposed enemies.

Like denying that they were Americans.

THe lack of awareness found in them, is often breath taking.

If it was a mountain, it would make a mole hill of Everest.
Secession didn't start the war....who knows how it would legally have turned out. But NO...those Southern morons had to start a war.

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