Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

"The heritage"....what kind of loser wants to make "heritage" out of a lost war they started that only lasted 4 years and was over their wanting to enslave other people because they thought they are sub-human? That's YOUR heritage? That's pretty pathetic, broflake, if true.

What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
That victory has s what we are talking about

The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic
Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.
Has anyone stopped you from being proud to be white?

Did someone cancel St Patricks Day --- isn't everyone still allowed to wear Kiss Me I'm Irish T-shirts -- Does Chicago not turn its waterways green anymore because of white oppression?

Did they outlaw Oktoberfest? Are people not allowed to walk around in lederhosen anymore?

Did anti-white supremacy result in them burning down all the polish neighborhoods across the country and didn't tell me?

Stop all that cry baby ass whinning about "why can't whites be proud??" --- your insecurity isn't my problem, be proud, I ain't stopping you....Now if you claim Irish, German, Italian, Polish isn't white --- then what is white? since it is a made up term to begin with

These (mostly) distant ethnic ancestries are not how White Americans define themselves, nor the real culture that White American have.

Southern Culture is a real regional and major White sub-culture here in America, and many or most liberals do not want to see it celebrated at all.

AND that is just the start. They feel the same way about the rest of White CUltures.

You don't believe me, ask them. A good portion of them will deny that whites HAVE a culture.
.the part of that "culture" that feels they should hold supremacy over people of a different color is not so much a part of culture as it is a part of a flaw of the human condition -- a flaw that with time is being corrected -- not my fault that others have evolved and the racists you defend haven't

What examples of racial equality do you have?

If there's no racial equality, why is it a flaw to react to the inferior coming into your country?
A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?

As much right as the whites had a hundred years ago when they disenfranchisec blacks


So, you agree that it is wrong. Good. That was my point.

So, why are you supporting it?
That is the way politics work

After centuries of white rule, when blacks assume and exercise political power.....whites like you whine.....But what about my racist heritage?

Damn. So close. You admit everything but still have to include a sad little excuse for the tyrants.


Now that you have come to see that "multiculturalism" means the marginalization and eradication of heritage and culture and political power for the largest single ethnic group in this country,

will you stop supporting it?

and if not, how do you justify your support of oppression? And why do you want the obvious strife and conflict that this will bring?
That heritage you are so proud of attempted to make multiculturism illegal

Nobody is seeking to irradicate the white race. Only not honor one of its most despicable memories

Remember the good ole days when we kept the darkies in their place?
What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
That victory has s what we are talking about

The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

So, you don't care about hanging's of the modern era, but rather about ones going back many decades?

Oh, I get it, you just hate it when Whites do hanging's.
What would you want them to do? By them I mean white people in general

Die and give him all the money and assets, fuck that piece of shit motherfucker!

He's one of the biggest turds to ever walk the planet.

He deserves the misery he has coming.
He has been civil and respectful to me in our conversations, and he knows I’m white. I see him spit back with some ugly stuff at the emotional haters that attack him, I don’t really blame him for that.

We have completely different viewpoints but I find that interesting and I enjoy learning about how and why he thinks they way he does. Why are you so angry?
Because he pissed me off, saying an elderly woman deserved to have her home invaded, pistol-whipped, then lighter fluid thrown on her and set on fire by 5 niggas. He thinks that's cool, because she was white.

She's dead now, and he's a diarrhea turd.

Robert E Lee was not fighting for slavery. He was fighting for his state, Virginia.

Lee and his wife supported the American Colonization Society before the war but resisted the abolitionist movement. Lee later insisted that his decision to support the Confederacy was not founded on a defense of slavery. During both the Maryland (1862) and Gettysburg (1863) campaigns, Lee's officers kidnapped free blacks and sold them into slavery. By 1865, Lee supported the enlistment of African Americans into the Confederate army, but he surrendered before a plan could be implemented.

Lee, Robert E. and Slavery
Of course he claimed he was not supporting slavery after he got his ass kicked. The point is he fought for the confederacy that supported and started a war over slavery.

STFU you sub-human piece of shit.

You're not qualified to comment on Robert E. Lee, you're not even a man, you're a depraved turd.
There it is..."you're not even a man".......pretty much what the con-federacy was fighting about...that blacks were not human.

No, he's basing that judgement of you on your actions and character as an individual.

Completely opposite of judging and treating people as groups.

It is telling that you can't distinguish between the two.
Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.
Has anyone stopped you from being proud to be white?

Did someone cancel St Patricks Day --- isn't everyone still allowed to wear Kiss Me I'm Irish T-shirts -- Does Chicago not turn its waterways green anymore because of white oppression?

Did they outlaw Oktoberfest? Are people not allowed to walk around in lederhosen anymore?

Did anti-white supremacy result in them burning down all the polish neighborhoods across the country and didn't tell me?

Stop all that cry baby ass whinning about "why can't whites be proud??" --- your insecurity isn't my problem, be proud, I ain't stopping you....Now if you claim Irish, German, Italian, Polish isn't white --- then what is white? since it is a made up term to begin with

These (mostly) distant ethnic ancestries are not how White Americans define themselves, nor the real culture that White American have.

Southern Culture is a real regional and major White sub-culture here in America, and many or most liberals do not want to see it celebrated at all.

AND that is just the start. They feel the same way about the rest of White CUltures.

You don't believe me, ask them. A good portion of them will deny that whites HAVE a culture.
.the part of that "culture" that feels they should hold supremacy over people of a different color is not so much a part of culture as it is a part of a flaw of the human condition -- a flaw that with time is being corrected -- not my fault that others have evolved and the racists you defend haven't

What examples of racial equality do you have?

If there's no racial equality, why is it a flaw to react to the inferior coming into your country?
What is it about language comprehension do you struggle with? Maybe you should use Google translate or something but I will attempt to dumb it down for you...

The guy made the claim that people in the south can't enjoy their culture, he obviously doesn't live in the south because if he did, he would know that nothing is stopping him from enjoying his culture -- but when racists claim their culture is being suppressed -- what they mean is, they can't be overtly racist anymore -- and that is not a culture issue, that is an insecurity issue --- don't use culture to dress up your racism
A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?
"The heritage"....what kind of loser wants to make "heritage" out of a lost war they started that only lasted 4 years and was over their wanting to enslave other people because they thought they are sub-human? That's YOUR heritage? That's pretty pathetic, broflake, if true.

What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
That victory has s what we are talking about

Err, what? "s"? What are you talking about? Was that a typo?
Stupid auto correct makes wild guesses
That victory has s what we are talking about

The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

So, you don't care about hanging's of the modern era, but rather about ones going back many decades?

Oh, I get it, you just hate it when Whites do hanging's.
Have we sanctioned Saudi Arabia for holding public hangings? No?

Have we sanctioned Japan for public hangings? No?

I care about America first, remember when that was a thing you Trump supporters were about -- except when it comes to you idiots trying to deflect from the racial injustice that you support
ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?

As much right as the whites had a hundred years ago when they disenfranchisec blacks


So, you agree that it is wrong. Good. That was my point.

So, why are you supporting it?
That is the way politics work

After centuries of white rule, when blacks assume and exercise political power.....whites like you whine.....But what about my racist heritage?

Damn. So close. You admit everything but still have to include a sad little excuse for the tyrants.


Now that you have come to see that "multiculturalism" means the marginalization and eradication of heritage and culture and political power for the largest single ethnic group in this country,

will you stop supporting it?

and if not, how do you justify your support of oppression? And why do you want the obvious strife and conflict that this will bring?
That heritage you are so proud of attempted to make multiculturism illegal

Nobody is seeking to irradicate the white race. Only not honor one of its most despicable memories

Remember the good ole days when we kept the darkies in their place?

The horrors of making multiculturalism illegal, talk about a nightmare. (Rolls eyes)
My ideology?
Hardly, The Southerners brought in Negroes like you, hardly anything I'd support.

This is the reason most white nationalists hate southern plantation owners and love the white nationalist Lincoln; the vast majority of the abolitionists in the North wanted to send them all back to Africa, no exceptions. Northerners were far more racist than southerners, and still are; they just make a lot of hypocritical noises trying to cover up that fact.

But the side who won ended slavery --- but if you want to say that the northern whites were more racist than the southern whites -- enjoy that

......However, its still the Southern whites who are still trying to revise history and make the claim that slavery wasn't so bad..what a bunch of sore losers -- the South lost deal with it

Hey Biff, why did black people overwhelmiingly stay in the South after the war was over, Biff? lol you're clueless.
You've not heard of the Exodusters? Hardly staying in the South...and as for those in the South...you haven't heard of involuntary sharecropping and the newly introduced vagrancies laws that were used on them?
Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.
Has anyone stopped you from being proud to be white?

Did someone cancel St Patricks Day --- isn't everyone still allowed to wear Kiss Me I'm Irish T-shirts -- Does Chicago not turn its waterways green anymore because of white oppression?

Did they outlaw Oktoberfest? Are people not allowed to walk around in lederhosen anymore?

Did anti-white supremacy result in them burning down all the polish neighborhoods across the country and didn't tell me?

Stop all that cry baby ass whinning about "why can't whites be proud??" --- your insecurity isn't my problem, be proud, I ain't stopping you....Now if you claim Irish, German, Italian, Polish isn't white --- then what is white? since it is a made up term to begin with

These (mostly) distant ethnic ancestries are not how White Americans define themselves, nor the real culture that White American have.

Southern Culture is a real regional and major White sub-culture here in America, and many or most liberals do not want to see it celebrated at all.

AND that is just the start. They feel the same way about the rest of White CUltures.

You don't believe me, ask them. A good portion of them will deny that whites HAVE a culture.
This southern sub culture you speak of still exists -- I live in the south, no one is preventing them from partaking in their culture -- but you also seem to believe that culture is stagnant and never changing, which is silly...the part of that "culture" that feels they should hold supremacy over people of a different color is not so much a part of culture as it is a part of a flaw of the human condition -- a flaw that with time is being corrected -- not my fault that others have evolved and the racists you defend haven't


Southern Culture has evolved away from that aspect of their past.

You see it in even The Lost Cause movement, with their attempts to minimize slavery as a factor in the war.

It is you lefties that want to judge Southern Culture and Heritage as though it was still 1860.

It is not racist to think that the Southern soldiers were brave and true, or that they deserve memorials.
The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

So, you don't care about hanging's of the modern era, but rather about ones going back many decades?

Oh, I get it, you just hate it when Whites do hanging's.
Have we sanctioned Saudi Arabia for holding public hangings? No?

Have we sanctioned Japan for public hangings? No?

I care about America first, remember when that was a thing you Trump supporters were about -- except when it comes to you idiots trying to deflect from the racial injustice that you support

A.) I'm not a Trump supporter.

B.) I do support racial justice, one where White people, Native Americans, and other vulnerable peoples don't go extinct from integration.
General Lee was widely respected and revered by both the North and the South.

For some little brainwashed leftists to come and claim some "traitor" crap after 140+ years is ridiculous.

Actually it's not, because leftist professors started skewing facts about The Civil War and putting it in textbooks around the 70s.

It'd take 50 of those lemmings to equal 1 Robert E. Lee.

Happy birthday Gen. Robert E. Lee

He was a traitor to the United States.

All Democrats are traitors, as was Obama. This isn't something that actually bothers your ilk.
So said by someone who claims that slavery wasn't that bad.
"The heritage"....what kind of loser wants to make "heritage" out of a lost war they started that only lasted 4 years and was over their wanting to enslave other people because they thought they are sub-human? That's YOUR heritage? That's pretty pathetic, broflake, if true.

What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
That victory has s what we are talking about

The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia

Hanging done right is a nearly instant death. More humane that electrocution or firing squad. Mabye even more than lethal injection.

The above picture? Obvious very poorly done.
The Confederacy had no political parties. It deliberately abolished them.

Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Robert E. Lee were all Democrats, and Confederates.

It is pretty odd.

If the Confederates engaged in politics, how could they have no political parties?

I think you're going nuts again.
Who said the con-federates engaged in politics?
What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
That victory has s what we are talking about

The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia

Hanging done right is a nearly instant death. More humane that electrocution or firing squad. Mabye even more than lethal injection.

The above picture? Obvious very poorly done.
The above picture is poorly done? So if it was done in a way that was more "humane" -- then you would be ok with men being hung without due process? got it
What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
That victory has s what we are talking about

The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

It is unclear what your point was. IS someone defending lynching?
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

So, you don't care about hanging's of the modern era, but rather about ones going back many decades?

Oh, I get it, you just hate it when Whites do hanging's.
Have we sanctioned Saudi Arabia for holding public hangings? No?

Have we sanctioned Japan for public hangings? No?

I care about America first, remember when that was a thing you Trump supporters were about -- except when it comes to you idiots trying to deflect from the racial injustice that you support

A.) I'm not a Trump supporter.

B.) I do support racial justice, one where White people, Native Americans, and other vulnerable peoples don't go extinct from integration.

If you think integration is what wiped out a large population of Native Americans, you are more delusional than I thought -- it was the mass murdering that wiped out a huge portion of the Native American population, not integration..

I guess you are pissed when you see white woman with a black man huh?
That victory has s what we are talking about

The South obviously won the 'Peace', right up to the 1960's, thanks to your fake 'freedum' and 'Reconstruction' thuggery and criminal thefts.
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia

Hanging done right is a nearly instant death. More humane that electrocution or firing squad. Mabye even more than lethal injection.

The above picture? Obvious very poorly done.
The above picture is poorly done? So if it was done in a way that was more "humane" -- then you would be ok with men being hung without due process? got it

No, not the picture. I'm sure it was very difficult conditions for a photo with the tech of the time. What year was that? 1910? Earlier?

No, the hanging. Obvious they did not even try to get the "Break neck, Instant Death" goal.

Mm, your odd little strawman that my comment was a support for lynching is noted and laughed at.

Normally I am fairly positive about discussing that strawmen you lefties create.

But yours is not a good one. It is a quite painful reach.

And of course, it is all yours. It has nothing to do with me.

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