Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

The elected President of the United States, with Union vets and Confederate vets together.

No president would have done anything but be there.

Are you aware that Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial in Arlington?
So are we not going with Obama is the most anti-white racist president in the history of ever this week?

The more you keep trying to defend racism and white supremacy, the stupider you look --- why do you think the klan wore hoods? even they knew....

I made a point, any American President would have been there, at that Blue and Gray reunion.

NOthing in your stupid post addressed that.

As you did not address what I said, you do not get the respect of having what you said addressed.

Run along now.

If you grow a pair, you can go back and address what I said.

Oh, and you are a race baiting asshole.
Why do you keep avoiding my question?

It's almost like the South is vicariously losing again thru you

It is referencing an event that occurred after the end of the civil war.

Why do you call it a Confederate Statue?
Because your racist confederate revisionist circle jerk team members call it a confederate statue

There are many more "confederate statues" that affirm their commitment to white supremacy

but your deflection is both noted and expected --- keep on defending white supremacy, and you will keep on losing

Did the statue of Lee who's attempted removal led to Charlottesville have such a comment on it?
1. I don't know. Why did it take 50 fucking years for the US to put up a national WWII memorial in DC? Your assumption that the answer is something Evul is unsupported.

2. Your question on the violent protests is very unclear and misleading. A protest from White SOutherns as their heritage is being literally torn down, was certainly called for. The Nazis, and Antifa, both had their own agenda of violence. THe mayor did too, as he ordered the cops to stand down so Antifa could attack their outnumbered enemies. What part of this is confusing to you?
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?
"The heritage"....what kind of loser wants to make "heritage" out of a lost war they started that only lasted 4 years and was over their wanting to enslave other people because they thought they are sub-human? That's YOUR heritage? That's pretty pathetic, broflake, if true.

What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
Its funny how you never see people arguing about how great a British general Thomas Gage and William Howe was -- and how much better they were than George Washington..

Or how great a German general Herman Goering or Erich Raeder were and how much better they were than Patton

Only when it comes to defending the confederate cause to maintain slavery in this country, do they feel sad that it was a war that the United States won
As I said earlier....perhaps the North was too easy on them afterwards....a few hangings might have kept the Lost Cause from raising its ugly head.

You don't really understand or appreciate the concept of peace.
Your Southern graveyards are pretty peaceful.

Gloating over killing your enemies, is a great way to ensure more war.

Thank GOD, our ancestors had far more sense than modern lefties.
So...us gloating over the Germans and Japanese after WWII ensured more war? No...we crushed them and occupied them and forced them to run things the way we wanted AND we held war crime trials and executed a lot of them. Not hearing about any "Lost Cause" heritage crap from them, are we?

We crushed them militarily and politically, much like the Confederates.

Then we rebuilt them, and set them free, exactly opposite of the South.

We never told the Germans or the Japanese that they could not be German or Japanese anymore, nor attacked them for being German or Japanese like you are doing with white Southerns, nor do we gloat over our ancestors victory over them, like you are doing now, nor do we put Blood Guilt on them for the crimes of their ancestors.

If you were an Evul Supervillian, who was TRYING to tear America apart, Bod, what exactly would you being doing, that is different from what you are doing now?
I addressed your supporting article. It did not do what you claimed it did.

YOur race baiting is your response to being unable to support your position with logic or evidence.

Your are the asshole here, not me.
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.

I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
I addressed your supporting article. It did not do what you claimed it did.

YOur race baiting is your response to being unable to support your position with logic or evidence.

Your are the asshole here, not me.
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.

I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
I addressed your supporting article. It did not do what you claimed it did.

YOur race baiting is your response to being unable to support your position with logic or evidence.

Your are the asshole here, not me.
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.

I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
White supremacists? wtf?

Don't change the subject. We were talking about historical statues, and regional culture.

My point stands, though,

Thanks for admitting that multiculturalism was always a lie.
America was built on multiculturalism....apparently that isn't your thing. When are you leaving? Or are you already residing in......let's see......Moscow, Comrade?d

How is tearing down the historical statues of one group, multiculturalism?

Oh, and shove your red baiting, lefty, up you ass.

These statues only represent one minority group and have nothing to do with the American heritage. The only "culture" that they represent is a white-supremacist group from the south during the civil war and beyond. Try putting them in a museum.. It is not appropriate to have things on public property that do not represent We The People.

Under the concept of multiculturalism, the fact that a group is a minority is no justification for tearing down their heritage.

Your smearing of the South, or the denial of the fact that the South, at least SOuthern Whites, have and celebrate their regional heritage is noted and dismissed.

Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.
I have no problem with you showing your heritage on your private property or in a museum.

Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
As I said earlier....perhaps the North was too easy on them afterwards....a few hangings might have kept the Lost Cause from raising its ugly head.

You don't really understand or appreciate the concept of peace.
Your Southern graveyards are pretty peaceful.

Gloating over killing your enemies, is a great way to ensure more war.

Thank GOD, our ancestors had far more sense than modern lefties.
So...us gloating over the Germans and Japanese after WWII ensured more war? No...we crushed them and occupied them and forced them to run things the way we wanted AND we held war crime trials and executed a lot of them. Not hearing about any "Lost Cause" heritage crap from them, are we?

I think it's high time to tell Bodey she's retarded.

The war between the states was not a foreign war, dumbass.

Unless you accept without question or reservation the legal argument for secession.

IN that scenario, it would have been a foreign war.

It is quite funny how often, liberals, in their desire to marginalize those they don't like, in this case Southerns, accept and use the arguments of their supposed enemies.

Like denying that they were Americans.

THe lack of awareness found in them, is often breath taking.

If it was a mountain, it would make a mole hill of Everest.
Libs look stupid, when they try to use the word "cuck".
We know....you alt-righties, INCEL, and trumpanzees own it....

You are welcome to shove your insults up your ass.

And you are correct. "Cuck" is a word the Alt Right came up with to smear various weak and submissive men, often "cuckservatives", but also liberals.

It is sometimes fitting.

You libs, you can't seem to get it right. Not even close. There is probably a pretty funny reason for that.
Poor poor trumpanzees....broflakes for sure.

REally? You insult me, and then act like my insulting you back is a problem with me?

Fuck you.
I have harmed your delicate feelings. I thought you were made of sterner stuff. I was wrong. I certainly apologize if I made you cry. Tissues all around, folks.

REally? You insult me, and then act like my insulting you back is a problem with me?

Fuck you.
The elected President of the United States, with Union vets and Confederate vets together.

No president would have done anything but be there.

Are you aware that Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial in Arlington?
So are we not going with Obama is the most anti-white racist president in the history of ever this week?

The more you keep trying to defend racism and white supremacy, the stupider you look --- why do you think the klan wore hoods? even they knew....

I made a point, any American President would have been there, at that Blue and Gray reunion.

NOthing in your stupid post addressed that.

As you did not address what I said, you do not get the respect of having what you said addressed.

Run along now.

If you grow a pair, you can go back and address what I said.

Oh, and you are a race baiting asshole.
Why do you keep avoiding my question?

It's almost like the South is vicariously losing again thru you

It is referencing an event that occurred after the end of the civil war.

Why do you call it a Confederate Statue?

That thing is part of the very same Lost Cause we're talking about here.

If you think the Civil War "ended" in April of 1865, you're clueless. That's only when official hostilities ended. This one above commemorates one of the unofficial ones.

In effect none of these statues/monuments are "Confederate" monuments, since that's not their purpose. Let's call them by their function, and that is propaganda tools for the Lost Cause Cult.

That is an insane claim.

NONE of the statues are "Confederate monuments"?

The Lost Cause is an ideological movement that wants to have the Confederacy viewed in a positive light, and minimize the role of slavery in the Civil War.

It certainly makes sense that such a movement would sincerely put up Confederate Monuments.

(Interestingly, by the very act of minimizing the role of slavery, they are quite clearly admitting that slavery was wrong.)

What part of this do you disagree with?
So...why put up statues in the 1910's and beyond? Why hold violent protests and run people down when city counsels legally vote to remove statues from public parks...like the process is SUPPOSED to work?

1. I don't know. Why did it take 50 fucking years for the US to put up a national WWII memorial in DC? Your assumption that the answer is something Evul is unsupported.

2. Your question on the violent protests is very unclear and misleading. A protest from White SOutherns as their heritage is being literally torn down, was certainly called for. The Nazis, and Antifa, both had their own agenda of violence. THe mayor did too, as he ordered the cops to stand down so Antifa could attack their outnumbered enemies. What part of this is confusing to you?
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is
You mean until that city decides to erase its own history and even its own name to the point that no one will know “Austin” even existed 40 years from now....

If Demographic change allows one culture to erase the history of another,

then EVERYTHING about multiculturalism and diversity, was a lie and has utterly failed.
1. I don't know. Why did it take 50 fucking years for the US to put up a national WWII memorial in DC? Your assumption that the answer is something Evul is unsupported.

2. Your question on the violent protests is very unclear and misleading. A protest from White SOutherns as their heritage is being literally torn down, was certainly called for. The Nazis, and Antifa, both had their own agenda of violence. THe mayor did too, as he ordered the cops to stand down so Antifa could attack their outnumbered enemies. What part of this is confusing to you?
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is
You mean until that city decides to erase its own history and even its own name to the point that no one will know “Austin” even existed 40 years from now....
What would be the harm in that? Things are renamed all the time.

You are stupid, but you are not that stupid. Stop playing games.
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is
You mean until that city decides to erase its own history and even its own name to the point that no one will know “Austin” even existed 40 years from now....

Fuck it, let all the whites that want to leave, and let Mexico have it back, fuck 'em!
It is the dumbass white Antifa types destroying Austin, not really the Mexicans

Don't kid yourself. THe mexicans voting dem, give the leadership to the white liberals who empower Antifa by preventing law enforcement from doing their jobs.
Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.
Has anyone stopped you from being proud to be white?

Did someone cancel St Patricks Day --- isn't everyone still allowed to wear Kiss Me I'm Irish T-shirts -- Does Chicago not turn its waterways green anymore because of white oppression?

Did they outlaw Oktoberfest? Are people not allowed to walk around in lederhosen anymore?

Did anti-white supremacy result in them burning down all the polish neighborhoods across the country and didn't tell me?

Stop all that cry baby ass whinning about "why can't whites be proud??" --- your insecurity isn't my problem, be proud, I ain't stopping you....Now if you claim Irish, German, Italian, Polish isn't white --- then what is white? since it is a made up term to begin with

These (mostly) distant ethnic ancestries are not how White Americans define themselves, nor the real culture that White American have.

Southern Culture is a real regional and major White sub-culture here in America, and many or most liberals do not want to see it celebrated at all.

AND that is just the start. They feel the same way about the rest of White CUltures.

You don't believe me, ask them. A good portion of them will deny that whites HAVE a culture.
Let's make this very clear.

When the Alt Right rises up in violence, it will always be smashed down. Always.
Yeah, but sometimes you violent lefties will get run over by one of those violent Alt Right guys. Its a fun back and forth relationship you guys have. I guess you weirdos will be duking it out for eternity.
As long as it results in UnitetheWhiteRight national rallies of 25 people, I imagine the anti-UnitetheWhiteRight, which is the rest of Real America, will take the trade off.
In 1916, the war was long over, the issue of slavery was settled.....yet still they saw a need to ressurect the issue throughout the south

Though slavery was gone, Jim Crow was in its place. Statues were erected to remind blacks of their continued status

I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?

"I've studied the history of Confederate memorials. Here's what to do about them."

The Confederate monuments in New Orleans; Charlottesville, Virginia; Durham, North Carolina, and elsewhere did not organically pop up like mushrooms. The installation of the 1,000-plus memorials across the US was the result of the orchestrated efforts of white Southerners and a few Northerners with clear political objectives: They tended to be erected at times when the South was fighting to resist political rights for black citizens. The preservation of these monuments has likewise reflected a clear political agenda.

But the story of the monuments is even stranger than many people realize. Few if any of the monuments went through any of the approval procedures that we now commonly apply to public art. Typically, groups like the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), which claimed to represent local community sentiment (whether they did or did not), funded, erected, and dedicated the monuments. As a consequence, contemporaries, especially African Americans, who objected to the erection of monuments had no realistic opportunity to voice their opposition.

Wow. That is some weak ass shit.

Where was the political battle for/against Jim Crow, that you implied the statues were a weapon in?
There was no need for a political battle
The racists ruled the south. They decided how public spaces would be used

Now, those of a different view are running the cities. They want the monuments gone

Lol rubbish. Blacks voted in Harlem at the same percentages they voted in Mississippi. Your fake history is nothing but deflections from the rest of the country's issues, singling out the South simply because they quit voting solid Democrat and went GOP. That's the entire game here, not 'racism' or anything else. You Hillary puppets are just habitual liars and spammers.

The 'racists' ruled Chicago, New York, and California, too, places where Klan membership was also historically higher than in the South.

Interesting point.

The arguments used against the Confederate Statues could be applied to ANY statues or monuments or symbols of heritage or culture, pre dating, say,

well, whenever, cause libs lie.
I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?

"I've studied the history of Confederate memorials. Here's what to do about them."

The Confederate monuments in New Orleans; Charlottesville, Virginia; Durham, North Carolina, and elsewhere did not organically pop up like mushrooms. The installation of the 1,000-plus memorials across the US was the result of the orchestrated efforts of white Southerners and a few Northerners with clear political objectives: They tended to be erected at times when the South was fighting to resist political rights for black citizens. The preservation of these monuments has likewise reflected a clear political agenda.

But the story of the monuments is even stranger than many people realize. Few if any of the monuments went through any of the approval procedures that we now commonly apply to public art. Typically, groups like the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), which claimed to represent local community sentiment (whether they did or did not), funded, erected, and dedicated the monuments. As a consequence, contemporaries, especially African Americans, who objected to the erection of monuments had no realistic opportunity to voice their opposition.

Wow. That is some weak ass shit.

Where was the political battle for/against Jim Crow, that you implied the statues were a weapon in?
There was no need for a political battle
The racists ruled the south. They decided how public spaces would be used

Now, those of a different view are running the cities. They want the monuments gone

Lol rubbish. Blacks voted in Harlem at the same percentages they voted in Mississippi. Your fake history is nothing but deflections from the rest of the country's issues, singling out the South simply because they quit voting solid Democrat and went GOP. That's the entire game here, not 'racism' or anything else. You Hillary puppets are just habitual liars and spammers.
Look! >>>>> Over there! >>>>>> A Hillary Clinton reference!

Oh fer fuxsake GROW UP. You keep trotting out bullshit, keep getting called on it, and then want to piss and moan that it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter then don't bring it in here in the first place because it WILL get shot down.


It was both Democrat, and Confederacy policy to disarm Blacks, and keep Blacks as slaves, the Democrats became the Confederacy.

You're just angry, because I'm calling out your Parties bullshit.

-I don't have a "Parties". I just happen to know the history. Obviously you do not.

For a ready example --- slavery had nothing to do with political parties. You didn't need a party to own a slave at all. Slavery was a socioeconomic institution and existed LONG before there were any political parties or even a country here.

There were politics to keep slaves, and there were politics to give up slaves, it just happens to be most of them were Democrats who wanted to keep their slaves.

Why so much desperation, obsessiveness, and nitpicking?
Slavery existed for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

It was an institution of the south......not the party

Actually it was an institution of British/French/Spanish/Portuguese/Dutch slave traders.

Many more Africans were shipped to Brazil than here for instance and it began in the 16th century.
In this country, it was a peculiar institution of the south
Well established and critical to the southern economy in the 1830s when the Democratic Party was formed.
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?

As much right as the whites had a hundred years ago when they disenfranchisec blacks


So, you agree that it is wrong. Good. That was my point.

So, why are you supporting it?
That is the way politics work

After centuries of white rule, when blacks assume and exercise political power.....whites like you whine.....But what about my racist heritage?
That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?

As much right as the whites had a hundred years ago when they disenfranchisec blacks


So, you agree that it is wrong. Good. That was my point.

So, why are you supporting it?
That is the way politics work

After centuries of white rule, when blacks assume and exercise political power.....whites like you whine.....But what about my racist heritage?

Damn. So close. You admit everything but still have to include a sad little excuse for the tyrants.


Now that you have come to see that "multiculturalism" means the marginalization and eradication of heritage and culture and political power for the largest single ethnic group in this country,

will you stop supporting it?

and if not, how do you justify your support of oppression? And why do you want the obvious strife and conflict that this will bring?
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?
"The heritage"....what kind of loser wants to make "heritage" out of a lost war they started that only lasted 4 years and was over their wanting to enslave other people because they thought they are sub-human? That's YOUR heritage? That's pretty pathetic, broflake, if true.

What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
That victory is what we are talking about
Last edited:
That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?
"The heritage"....what kind of loser wants to make "heritage" out of a lost war they started that only lasted 4 years and was over their wanting to enslave other people because they thought they are sub-human? That's YOUR heritage? That's pretty pathetic, broflake, if true.

What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
That victory has s what we are talking about

Err, what? "s"? What are you talking about? Was that a typo?

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