Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

Robert E Lee was very pro-black.
I hope you were being sarcastic.

Nope. Dead serious.

Jackson, a man who, before the war, defied his neighbors to start a Sunday school for blacks; who broke Virginia law by teaching slaves and free blacks to read; and who saved slaves from being sold into the Deep South. (Virginians, such as General-to-be Robert Rodes, were appalled by the treatment of slaves in the Cotton Belt.)


Not every soldier, not every general, was fighting for slavery.

Activists beware: Today, you remove the statues others cherish, but tomorrow the statues you revere may go.

Actually Lincoln and most of the abolitionists ran for office promising to keep black people out of the North and new territories altogether, not for 'ending slavery'; there were almost as many slave states in the North as there were in the South. Lincoln and they in fact lost votes in the mid-terms of 1862 because many in the North were beginning to think Lincoln and the Republicans were too concerned about slavery rather than keeping blacks out of the new states and territories.
Only white people could make involuntary sharecropping a "good thing". SMDH.

Slavery was better; just ask those freed slaves who went back to Africa and started Liberia, and set themselves up as slave plantation owners as soon as they set foot back in 'Da Homey Land'.
I dont have to ask anyone. I heard all the stories from my grandparents about slavery and the time afterwards already. So much so I know youre full of shit as usual.

You know squat, and neither did your grandparents. All you know is that some rich white people who don't pay taxes will give you losers money for sniveling. Your parents would be slave owners today if it were legal, and so would you if you could afford them.
Youre a lice head white boy. Nothing you say can change the facts. My grandparents told me about slavery and Jim Crow so I dont have to get the story from anyone else.

You're a liar; they never told you anything.

Why did the vast of majority of black people stay in the South after they were allegedly 'freed', Stupid? Jim Crow was copied from states like Illinois, where Lincoln sponsored a whole new raft of anti-black laws in the 1850's. Same for most of the Midwest and mid-Atlantic states, Stupid. If they told you anything it was how some rich white people who never paid taxes would give black people govt. money and bennies if they sniveled enough and voted their way.
My ideology?
Hardly, The Southerners brought in Negroes like you, hardly anything I'd support.

This is the reason most white nationalists hate southern plantation owners and love the white nationalist Lincoln; the vast majority of the abolitionists in the North wanted to send them all back to Africa, no exceptions. Northerners were far more racist than southerners, and still are; they just make a lot of hypocritical noises trying to cover up that fact.

But the side who won ended slavery --- but if you want to say that the northern whites were more racist than the southern whites -- enjoy that

......However, its still the Southern whites who are still trying to revise history and make the claim that slavery wasn't so bad..what a bunch of sore losers -- the South lost deal with it

Hey Biff, why did black people overwhelmiingly stay in the South after the war was over, Biff? lol you're clueless.
Fuck you dumbass, it's in the post you quoted, retard. That's how stupid you are.


Soldiers' Unclaimed Medals, W.Va. State Archives

Addison, Mark; 30 Apr 1864; Killed 07 Oct 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, Edmund; 28 Jul 1864; b Carolina Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, George [Gustavus]; 26 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Anderson, George; 25 Apr 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Ankrum, Charles; 07 Sep 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Atkins, Robert; 22 Feb 1865; b Franklin Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Augustus, Charles; 05 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Bailey, James; 07 Sep 1864; b Surrey Co., Va.
Baker, Harvey; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Beckwood, David; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Benett (Bennet/Bennett), Doctor; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Billops, Hiram; 22 May 1864
Blad, Presley; 05 May 1864
Boggess, Isaac; 05 Jun 1864
Bolden, Andrew; 22 Aug 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit
Bolen (Bollen), William A.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Bowie, Tip; 22 Sep 1864; Drafted
Boyd, James; 01 Aug 1864; b Cherokee Co., Va.
Brady, James; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Brady, Jared; 13 Oct 1864; Substitute
Brown, Jesse; 12 May 1864
Brown, Rufus; 22 May 1864
Burke, George W.; 22 May 1864
Burks, Charles; 22 May 1864
Burks, James; 22 May 1864
Burks, Tyler; 22 May 1864
Butler, Julius; 25 Apr 1864
Callinder (Collender), George W.; 25 May 1864
Campbell, Henry; 16 Aug 1864; Substitute
Campbell, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Chile, Selp (Selt; Sell); 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Clark, George; 28 Feb 1865; b. Va.
Clark, Mitchell T.; 22 May 1864
Clay, Henry; 15 Feb 1865; b Greenbrier Co., (W)Va.
Copeland, David; 16 Feb 1865; Recruit; b Norfolk, Va.
Crawford, John W.; 09 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.
Crenehall (Crenchall), Charles; 01 Aug 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Davis, George W.; 07 Jul 1864; b Fauquier Co., VA.
Davis, Jonathan; 03 Sep 1864; b Crawford Co., Va.
Dennis, Alexander; 07 Jul 1864; b Prince Edward Co., Va.
*Dennis, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Dodd, Bur (Burr); 21 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.
Dunott, George; 12 May 1864
Edmundson, George; 22 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit
Ellis, James; 11 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.
Fairfax, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Farmer, Augustus; 22 May 1864
Field (Fields), Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Ford, Isaac; 07 Jul 1864; b Lynchburg, N.C.
Foster, Samuel; 25 Aug 1864; b Ohio Co., (W)Va.
Galbrath, George; 22 May 1864
Gates (Gater), Job; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Gordon, Zachariah; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.
Graham, Lee; 18 Feb 1865; Substitute; not on U.S. Archives film
Grant, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Grason, David; 07 Jul 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Laborer
Gray, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Green, Joseph; 08 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Grimes, Sawney (Lawney); 07 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.; Not assigned; Servant
Hall, Basil; 27 Feb 1865; b Washington Co., Va.; Recruit; Servant
Hall, John P.; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Hall, Philip; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Harris, David E.; 03 Mar 1865; Substitute
Harris, Scott; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Harrison, Levi; 22 May 1864
Hayes (Hays), Alfred; 15 Aug 1864; Substitute
Henry, Daniel; 07 Jul 1864; b Santee, N.C.; Laborer
Hickman, Floyd; 22 May 1864
Hickman, George W.; 22 May 1864
Hickman, Lewis; 22 May 1864
Hill, Henry B. (Henry P.); 13 Aug 1864; Substitute
Holliway, James (Charles??); (Charles 01 Jun 1864)
Hopkins, Campbell; 01 Jun 1864
Hunter, Nimrod; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton County, (W)Va.; Farmer; Recruit
Hyson, Freeland; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Farmer; Unassigned
Ironton, John Y.; 25 Aug 1864; b Amherst, Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Jackson, Henry; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Jasper, Shadrack (Shadrach); 07 Jul 1864; b Henrico Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Jenkins, Thomas; 07 Sep 1864
Johnson, Jesse; 25 Oct 1864; Substitute; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
*Johnson, William; 22 May 1864
Jones, Chadrick; 06 Apr 1865; Substitute; not on Archives film
Jones, Edward; 09 Apr 1865; Drafted
Jones, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Jones, John Y.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Jones (Gones), Thomas; 15 Aug 1864; b Jefferson Co., (W)Va.
Kerchenberry (Kerchenberg), Noah; 22 Nov 1864; Substitute
Kinney, Joseph (John); 08 Aug 1864; b Louisa Co., Va.; Recruit; Blacksmith
Kinney, Lee; 07 Sep 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Kyle, George W.; 25 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Lane, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Lawrentz, Joshua; 22 Aug 1864; b Edgecomb Co., N.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Lee, Ludwell; 25 Apr 1864
Leigh, Whedan; 30 Apr 1864
Lewis, Cruwley (Crawley); 14 Mar 1865; Drafted
Lewis, Henry; 08 Aug 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
*Lewis, Isaac; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, John; 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, Samuel; 03 Sep 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Lewis, William; 16 Aug 1864
Lowry (Lowery), Sandy; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lynn, Henry M.; 22 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Madison, George; 01 Apr 1865; b Nelson Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Malone (Mahone in 1865 AG Report), John H. (Henry); 25 Apr 1864
Marshall, George; 11 Feb 1865; Substitute
Marshall, Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b in Fauquier Co., Va.; Laborer
Mason, George; 13 Aug 1864; b Louden Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
McCoy, Jeremiah; 14 Feb 1865; Recruit
Minness, Calihill; 25 Oct 1864; b Nicholas Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Mitchell, Lewis; 10 May 1864
Monroe, James; 28 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Farmer
Monroe, Jefferson; 08 Aug 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Wagoner
Moplington, John G.; 15 Mar 1865; b Hampshire Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Newland, George; 23 Mar 1865; Drafted
Nichols, George; 07 Sep 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Farmer
Page, Stephen; 22 May 1864
Parish, Anderson; 07 Apr 1865; Substitute
Parish, James; 09 Aug 1864; b Nelson Co., Va.; Farmer
Parish, Reuben; 24 Feb 1865; Substitute
Paxton, Samuel; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Pendelton (Pendleton), John; 07 Jul 1864; b b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Price, Anthony; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Ranste (Rauste in 1865 AG Report)(Ransle), Morton; 31 May 1864
Reed, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Revels, George; 09 Apr 1865; Substitute
Richardson, Pleasat (Pleasant); 20 Feb 1865; Substitute
Ritchards, John; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute; not on Archives film
Robinson, Jack; 01 Sep 1864; b Lewis Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Elisha L.; 29 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Milo; 25 Mar 1865; Substitute
Rose (Ross), Thomas; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Sandy, Vincent; 29 Aug 1864; Substitute
Scott, Aaron; 07 Sep 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Sebastipol (Sebastepool), Leman; 22 May 1864
Shannon, Edward; 22 May 1864
Simmons, Henry; 28 Jul 1864; b Bath Co., Va.; Unassigned; Waiter
Simms, John S.; 29 Mar 1865; b Edgefield Dist., S.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Siuer (Siner), John; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Slaughter, Henry; 01 Mar 1865; b Madison Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Smith, James W.; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Smith, Reuben; 16 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stark, George; 10 Apr 1865; Substitute
Stave, Benjamin; 15 Aug 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stevens, George; 28 Jul 1864<; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Stewart, George; 22 Mar 1865; Substitute
Strother (Strothers), Erastus; 23 Aug 1864; Substitute
Suel, Parker; 07 Jul 1864; b Raleigh Co., N.C.; Unassigned; Laborer
Taylor, Timothy; 22 May 1864
Tenner, John; 31 May 1864
Thaxton, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Thomas, Charles; 31 May 1864
Thomas, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Thompson, Dallas; 22 May 1864
Tyler, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Vass, Frederick; 30 Aug 1864; Substitute
Vinson, James; 05 Sep 1864; Substitute
Wade, Benjamin; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wade, John; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wades, Wesley; 07 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Washington, Granville (G.); 22 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Laborer
Watson, Frederick; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
White, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilkes (Wilks), Albert; 07 Jul 1864; b Campbell Co., Va.; Unassigned
Wilkinson, James; 03 Apr 1865; Substitute
Williams, Abraham; 20 Apr 1864
Williams, John K.; 07 Jul 1864; b in Pensacola,Florida; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Peter; 28 Jul 1864; b Petersburg, Va.; Farmer
Williams, Preston; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Samuel H.; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned
Williams, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wilson; 11 Jul 1864; b Bottebourt Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wyatt; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilson, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Servant - SERVICE RECORD
Withers, William; 26 Sep 1864; b b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer - SERVICE RECORD
Young, John H.; 25 May 1864 - SERVICE RECORD

Now fuck off and die, pls.

West Virginia was in the Confederacy now?

Hey why not, as long as we're in total rewrite mode....



When the new emoties came out I predicted that would be the least-used one.

You're the first poster I've seen with the cojones to use it. Good on ya.

It is what it is, those guys fought for the Union. Somehow I thought everything Maryland South fought for the Confederacy. Learned something new today.

Rarely is that admission made here.

West Virginia formed in 1861 when it seceded from Virginia after Virginia seceded from the US (and admitted 1863). As with many areas within the original Confederacy those northwestern counties wanted no part of it. Right over these mountains (pointing west) East Tennessee, which also voted heavily against seceding, tried to do the same thing but were prevented by occupying Confederate troops. During the war, pockets of anti-Confederate resistance communities such as the Free State of Jones (MIssissippi), the Free State of Winston (Alabama), Searcy County Arkansas and Scott County Tennessee resisted the CSA and supplied personnel to the Union army. The South was having an inner civil war within as well as without, between the "Haves", the rich indolent planters who incited the war, and the "Have Nots" who despised that element.

>> Wartime disaffection among Southerners had solid roots in the early secession crisis. Most white Southerners, three-fourths of whom owned no slaves, made it clear in the winter 1860-61 elections for state convention delegates that they opposed immediate secession. Nevertheless, state conventions across the South, all of them dominated by slaveholders, ultimately ignored majority will and took their states out of the Union. One Texas politician conceded that ambitious colleagues had engineered secession without strong backing from “the mass of the people.” A staunch South Carolina secessionist admitted the same. “But,” he asked, “whoever waited for the common people when a great move was to be made—we must make the move and force them to follow.”[2]

... In October 1861, one worried Confederate wrote to his governor that “our people don’t seem to be inclined to offer their services.” That same month, a recruiter from Columbus, Georgia, reported to the war department that it was almost impossible to find volunteers. In February 1862, W. H. Byrd of Augusta, Georgia, wrote that he had been trying for two weeks to raise a company in what he called “this ‘Yankee City,’ but I regret to say every effort has failed.” That failure did not result from a lack of potential recruits. The Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel had noted a week earlier that “one who walks Broad street and sees the number of young men, would come to the conclusion that no war . . . was now waging.”[4]

The Confederacy’s response to its recruitment problems served only to weaken its support among plain folk. In April 1862 the Confederate Congress passed the first general conscription act in American history. But men of wealth could avoid the draft by hiring a substitute or paying an exemption fee. For planters, Congress also exempted one white male of draft age for every twenty slaves owned. This twenty slave law was the most widely hated act ever imposed by the Confederacy. Said Private Sam Watkins of Tennessee, “It gave us the blues; we wanted twenty negroes. Negro property suddenly became very valuable, and there was raised the howl of ‘rich man’s war, poor man’s fight.’”[5]

.... Women defied Confederate authorities by staging food riots from Richmond, Virginia, to Galveston, Texas. Soldiers deserted by the tens of thousands, and draft evasion became commonplace. By 1864, the draft law was practically impossible to enforce and two-thirds of the Confederate army was absent with or without leave. Many deserters and draft dodgers formed armed bands that controlled vast areas of the Southern countryside.<< -- Southern Unionism

Exaggerated rubbish. the North faced the same problems with conscripts, and even had violent riots. Pogo is just beig sleective and lying by ommission here as usual with these 'revisionist' anecdotes.​

West Virginia with its poor soil and dependence on mining would have been in the "Have Not" camp like East Tennessee and most of Appalachia. So within the South the War was at least as much about the rich waging war at the expense of the poor and working class as any latter-day contrived "states rights" issue.

Another lie; it was indeed about states' rights, period, not 'slavery'. the South had already won all the battles over slavery; the order and causes of secession make it even more clear why they seceded. We know Lincoln deliberately started an illegal war. No amount of lying and ass covering by northern hacks will ever cover that up.

This is another way the whole Lost Cause mythology with its imagery of wall-to-wall Gone With the Wind lazy plantations with happy slaves, tells a great big lie about what was really going on. And again, this mythology was propagated by the UDC, who came from the same element --- the Southern aristocracy --- that incited the War in the first place, trying to sanitize their legacy. Well, the rest of the South didn't appreciate that either.

lol the only 'sanitizing' going on is yours and your fellow liars. So why did most black people stay in the South after the war, and continue to today as well? And where are the missing 700,000 or so black people from the 1870 Census? Why so few going north even during the so-called 'Great Migration' from the 1890's to 1910, and why so many moving right back south from 1916 on?

What legislation did Congress focus on from 1861 to 1864? Certainly wasn't slavery ...

In your case these are rhetorical questions, since we know you will never answer honestly, being a typical lying racist 'progressive' with zero credibility, shilling for assorted deviants and sociopaths; they're facts for the Peanut Gallery to look into.
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"With the entire MSM on their side, and in the face of only 20 idiot white supremacists, all the Left had to do was not be crazy this weekend

General Lee was widely respected and revered by both the North and the South.

For some little brainwashed leftists to come and claim some "traitor" crap after 140+ years is ridiculous.

Actually it's not, because leftist professors started skewing facts about The Civil War and putting it in textbooks around the 70s.

It'd take 50 of those lemmings to equal 1 Robert E. Lee.

Happy birthday Gen. Robert E. Lee

He was a traitor to the United States.
General Lee was widely respected and revered by both the North and the South.

For some little brainwashed leftists to come and claim some "traitor" crap after 140+ years is ridiculous.

Actually it's not, because leftist professors started skewing facts about The Civil War and putting it in textbooks around the 70s.

It'd take 50 of those lemmings to equal 1 Robert E. Lee.

Happy birthday Gen. Robert E. Lee

He was a traitor to the United States.

All Democrats are traitors, as was Obama. This isn't something that actually bothers your ilk.
Kessler is told reporters that he’s a “moderate,” “voted for Obama”

This shit is all so weird
Kessler is told reporters that he’s a “moderate,” “voted for Obama”

This shit is all so weird

He's a racist, too, that's why. Frazier Glenn Miller, the Nazi who shot up the synagogue in Kansas, also urged his followers to vote for Obama at one point as well, in both the 2008 and 2012 elections. they tend to vote Democrat mostly.
"Other than the fact that they're out of shape, dress badly, have bad haircuts and are covered in tattoos, antifa looks like the Greenwich Polo Club" - Funny Ann Coulter

"Anyone else notice that "antifa" is about 90% white? Maybe that's why Mitt Romney like them so much."
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Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.
And for that matter there was already a United States before Washington.

Actually George Washington was born in 1732, the United States doesn't start officially until 1776.

Even if you were talking about the beginning of the end the Stamp act congress of 1765 as being the "U.S.A'" it's still not before George Washington because he was born in 1732.

See, two can play the OCD nitpicking game.
Democrats have always been against giving guns to Negroes.

The Confederacy had no political parties. It deliberately abolished them.

Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Robert E. Lee were all Democrats, and Confederates.

It is pretty odd.

If the Confederates engaged in politics, how could they have no political parties?

I think you're going nuts again.
If elements of the civil war bother you so much, then you ought to simply avoid visiting them, but have enough respect for your fellow man not to impose your values on others by force, and find something useful enough to do with your life other than create and escalate a rather useless, pointless "war" over a matter settled 153 years ago as if we have nothing more important to worry about, but if you really have nothing better to do with your life than to pick a fight and beat people's heads in or get yours beat in over a statue in a park, then perhaps you ought to do it soon to relieve the earth of the burden of caring for all your dumb asses so that the normal, sane people can get on with the business of the world.

If the people of this country had the wherewithal to spend even half as much effort working together on common causes rather than fighting each other on stupid and useless ones, we could end suffering, poverty and all be leading much better lives.

Worthy thoughts. Recalling (finally) the topic of this thread.

As I noted in my first post here,"why Charlottesville happened" was a bunch of jagoffs from out of town waddling in to Charlottesville to.

Into is one word in this case.

Is that enough for you Mr. OCD?
My ideology?
Hardly, The Southerners brought in Negroes like you, hardly anything I'd support.

This is the reason most white nationalists hate southern plantation owners and love the white nationalist Lincoln; the vast majority of the abolitionists in the North wanted to send them all back to Africa, no exceptions. Northerners were far more racist than southerners, and still are; they just make a lot of hypocritical noises trying to cover up that fact.

But the side who won ended slavery --- but if you want to say that the northern whites were more racist than the southern whites -- enjoy that

......However, its still the Southern whites who are still trying to revise history and make the claim that slavery wasn't so bad..what a bunch of sore losers -- the South lost deal with it

Hey Biff, why did black people overwhelmiingly stay in the South after the war was over, Biff? lol you're clueless.
Because they were not cowards -- they faced their enemies head on and they defeated them -- and reduced them to pathetic arguments like the one you are making...

You racists have lost, deal with it --- you can re-brand your racism, you can re-package it to try to make it more easily digested -- you will still lose...because those black people who stayed in the south -- those black people who migrated to the north -- those black people who migrated to the west -- all of them were not cowards and they stood their ground -- so fuck you and your racist psycho-babble
1. I don't know. Why did it take 50 fucking years for the US to put up a national WWII memorial in DC? Your assumption that the answer is something Evul is unsupported.

2. Your question on the violent protests is very unclear and misleading. A protest from White SOutherns as their heritage is being literally torn down, was certainly called for. The Nazis, and Antifa, both had their own agenda of violence. THe mayor did too, as he ordered the cops to stand down so Antifa could attack their outnumbered enemies. What part of this is confusing to you?
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.
If your heritage goes against american principals then yes. No reason to pay homage to traitors, losers, and racists.

Your excuses for your cultural bigotry are noted and dismissed.
Certain things are beyond human decency. If you want to honor losers, traitors, and racists be my guest. Just dont expect me to pay tax dollars for your homage.

Your excuses for you cultural bigotry are noted and dismissed.

Are you denying that slavery was a settled issue by 19 fucking 16?
Evidently not

The South will rise again was still drawing support. The KKK came back stronger than ever

Ok. Now support your argument, that there was a serious move to re institute slavery, and that the statues were part of it.

In 19 fucking 16.


Pretty much smack dab in the peak activity of the UDC who worked so hard to rewrite that history and feverishly put up all these monuments as propaganda transmitters. The previous year the Klan was re-founded into it much larger and more widespread version. The following year the UDC put up along with its many other monuments a plaque commemorating the origin spot of the original Ku Klux Klan with the founders' names. That plaque was turned backward in the 1990s so it now shows a blank side.

Also in the peak of the "Birth of a Nation" film (1915), innumerable lynchings and race riots including the "Red Summer" (1919) and Tulsa (1921) where a black neighborhood was literally wiped off the map including air bombings. AIR BOMBINGS, in 1921.

So yes, very much an effort to reinstitute slavery/segregation/racism. It was rampant. And these UDC propaganda transmitters were plunked down where they were, not in cemeteries or battlefields but in public squares and high-traffic areas ---- to send the message in that pre-electronic age of who was in charge here and who would stay in charge.

That's while they were spending even more time and effort literally rewriting history books to cover up the whole slavery basis for the War itself. You know --- as every Confederate state specifically spelled out in its articles of secession.

That'll be all for now. You can take your blinders off and retreat to your bubbly safe space where you can pull the covers over your head and pretend none of this just happened.

Your attempt to move the goal posts from "slavery" to "racism" is noted and denied.

That you tried to move the goal post is an admission that you agree, that RW, was talking out his ass.

YOu spend a lot of time focusing on how racist the Deep south was, one hundred years ago.

That does not prove that the raising of the statues was not a normal desire from people who fought a war to remember those that fought and/or died.

"Moving the goalposts from slavery to racism....because racism is SO MUCH better.........:71:

Well, yes, yes it is.

Are you really arguing that being forced to sit at the back of the bus is equivalent to slavery?

LOL!! Obviously not.

You were just dismissing my point, because you could not challenge it.

YOu spend a lot of time focusing on how racist the Deep south was, one hundred years ago.

That does not prove that the raising of the statues was not a normal desire from people who fought a war to remember those that fought and/or died.
1. I don't know. Why did it take 50 fucking years for the US to put up a national WWII memorial in DC? Your assumption that the answer is something Evul is unsupported.

2. Your question on the violent protests is very unclear and misleading. A protest from White SOutherns as their heritage is being literally torn down, was certainly called for. The Nazis, and Antifa, both had their own agenda of violence. THe mayor did too, as he ordered the cops to stand down so Antifa could attack their outnumbered enemies. What part of this is confusing to you?
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?

As much right as the whites had a hundred years ago when they disenfranchisec blacks


So, you agree that it is wrong. Good. That was my point.

So, why are you supporting it?

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