Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

We know....you alt-righties, INCEL, and trumpanzees own it....

You are welcome to shove your insults up your ass.

And you are correct. "Cuck" is a word the Alt Right came up with to smear various weak and submissive men, often "cuckservatives", but also liberals.

It is sometimes fitting.

You libs, you can't seem to get it right. Not even close. There is probably a pretty funny reason for that.
Poor poor trumpanzees....broflakes for sure.

REally? You insult me, and then act like my insulting you back is a problem with me?

Fuck you.
I have harmed your delicate feelings. I thought you were made of sterner stuff. I was wrong. I certainly apologize if I made you cry. Tissues all around, folks.

REally? You insult me, and then act like my insulting you back is a problem with me?

Fuck you.
You have this delicate nature and go on about being insulted all the time. You need to cowgirl up a little and stop crying so much. Just a bit of friendly advice, Mary.
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?

That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is
You mean until that city decides to erase its own history and even its own name to the point that no one will know “Austin” even existed 40 years from now....
What would be the harm in that? Things are renamed all the time.

You are stupid, but you are not that stupid. Stop playing games.
^ Cries about being insulted yet insults others. The Trumpanzee Way...for real.
Why don't answer as to why blacks stayed in the South instead of leaving? Your 'captive sharecropper' nonsense was pretty funny, especially since you were being serious, but it's just as stupid and false as the rest of your tripe. Besides, half of sharecroppers were whites, by the way. Try and do better this time. As in admitting Jim Crow was far more racist and discriminatory in the north.

I answered your silly ass question back on Post #537 -- but since you haven't mastered the use of a computer yet, I will repost it for you..

They stayed "Because they were not cowards -- they faced their enemies head on and they defeated them -- and reduced them to pathetic arguments like the one you are making..."

I then went on to further demolish your racist BS by adding "You racists have lost, deal with it -- you can re-brand your racism, you can try to repackage it to try to make it more easily digested -- you will still lose -- because those black people who stayed in the South, those black people who migrated North, those black people who migrated West -- all of them were not cowards and they stood their ground and were willing to fight and die for what was and is right -- so fuck you and your racist psycho-babble"

I will go even further than that -- those black people you try to mock or shame for remaining in the south -- those same black folks later went on to fight in WW1, WW2, etc -- even tho they were still treated as second class citizens -- we can go before that and we can talk about Crispus Attucks, he died for this country back during the Revolutionary, when blacks were slaves -- blacks have always went above and beyond to show their patriotism to a country that at the time did not view them as humans -- so yes, these folks stayed where they were hated and fought because the blood that was shed by those before them was worth it

but a racist wouldn't KNOW shit about courage or patriotism.
I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?

"I've studied the history of Confederate memorials. Here's what to do about them."

The Confederate monuments in New Orleans; Charlottesville, Virginia; Durham, North Carolina, and elsewhere did not organically pop up like mushrooms. The installation of the 1,000-plus memorials across the US was the result of the orchestrated efforts of white Southerners and a few Northerners with clear political objectives: They tended to be erected at times when the South was fighting to resist political rights for black citizens. The preservation of these monuments has likewise reflected a clear political agenda.

But the story of the monuments is even stranger than many people realize. Few if any of the monuments went through any of the approval procedures that we now commonly apply to public art. Typically, groups like the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), which claimed to represent local community sentiment (whether they did or did not), funded, erected, and dedicated the monuments. As a consequence, contemporaries, especially African Americans, who objected to the erection of monuments had no realistic opportunity to voice their opposition.

Wow. That is some weak ass shit.

Where was the political battle for/against Jim Crow, that you implied the statues were a weapon in?
There was no need for a political battle
The racists ruled the south. They decided how public spaces would be used

Now, those of a different view are running the cities. They want the monuments gone

Lol rubbish. Blacks voted in Harlem at the same percentages they voted in Mississippi. Your fake history is nothing but deflections from the rest of the country's issues, singling out the South simply because they quit voting solid Democrat and went GOP. That's the entire game here, not 'racism' or anything else. You Hillary puppets are just habitual liars and spammers.

The 'racists' ruled Chicago, New York, and California, too, places where Klan membership was also historically higher than in the South.

Interesting point.

The arguments used against the Confederate Statues could be applied to ANY statues or monuments or symbols of heritage or culture, pre dating, say,

well, whenever, cause libs lie.
And would you whine about those if city/county councils vote to remove those?
"Compare coverage of Unite the Right to coverage of the jihadist training camp last week and you'll understand why Fake News is the enemy of the people

The entire media reported that 20 lunatics screaming in a park were a bigger threat than the jihadist school assault training compound found last week, that they barely reported" - Wacky Jacky Posobiecky
Only white people could make involuntary sharecropping a "good thing". SMDH.

Slavery was better; just ask those freed slaves who went back to Africa and started Liberia, and set themselves up as slave plantation owners as soon as they set foot back in 'Da Homey Land'.
"Slavery was better"....words spoken by a person who would never have been a slave.

So tell us all about your experience as a slave. This should be funny ...
I have no experience as a slave. That's why I would never ever presume to say that "slavery was better"....as you did.
If elements of the civil war bother you so much, then you ought to simply avoid visiting them, but have enough respect for your fellow man not to impose your values on others by force, and find something useful enough to do with your life other than create and escalate a rather useless, pointless "war" over a matter settled 153 years ago as if we have nothing more important to worry about, but if you really have nothing better to do with your life than to pick a fight and beat people's heads in or get yours beat in over a statue in a park, then perhaps you ought to do it soon to relieve the earth of the burden of caring for all your dumb asses so that the normal, sane people can get on with the business of the world.

If the people of this country had the wherewithal to spend even half as much effort working together on common causes rather than fighting each other on stupid and useless ones, we could end suffering, poverty and all be leading much better lives.

Worthy thoughts. Recalling (finally) the topic of this thread.

As I noted in my first post here,"why Charlottesville happened" was a bunch of jagoffs from out of town waddling in to Charlottesville to, as you put it, "impose their values by force" on a city that had already decided what to do with its own property. Including the David Dukes and Richard Spencers and other "very fine people", come in to start some shit.
Good to see you're on the right side on this one.
Having a rally to present your beliefs imposes nothing on anyone.
That's as fast a 180 as anyone's ever done. Kind of like a rhetorical handbrake turn.
Way to stand behind your position. Or as I like to put it, "Having it both ways --- Priceless".

The funny thing is my position hasn't changed one bit! You totally misread it to begin with and when I clarified it further that you might understand it, now you think MY position has changed. My position is the only tenable one here, the one that preserves history and the peace and both sides. I find it amusing that it hasn't garnered a single "like." Apparently the idea of civility and common sense is just not very popular and you idiots are determined to polarize yourself and fight like children until time's end because your hate has gone past reconciliation.
Translation "Biff stop blowing up our racist talking points, its a real downer"

by the way, Fire your comedy writer and hire a liberal --- conservatives suck at it

It's really important to Biff that we all keep in mind he's retarded at all times. Thanks to you all in advance for making Biff feel at home here.
View attachment 209958 Look....another one surrendering like Lee surrendered to Grant.

Show us the roster of Black Confederate Infantry that saw action. This outta be good.

Fuck you dumbass, it's in the post you quoted, retard. That's how stupid you are.


Soldiers' Unclaimed Medals, W.Va. State Archives

Addison, Mark; 30 Apr 1864; Killed 07 Oct 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, Edmund; 28 Jul 1864; b Carolina Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, George [Gustavus]; 26 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Anderson, George; 25 Apr 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Ankrum, Charles; 07 Sep 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Atkins, Robert; 22 Feb 1865; b Franklin Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Augustus, Charles; 05 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Bailey, James; 07 Sep 1864; b Surrey Co., Va.
Baker, Harvey; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Beckwood, David; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Benett (Bennet/Bennett), Doctor; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Billops, Hiram; 22 May 1864
Blad, Presley; 05 May 1864
Boggess, Isaac; 05 Jun 1864
Bolden, Andrew; 22 Aug 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit
Bolen (Bollen), William A.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Bowie, Tip; 22 Sep 1864; Drafted
Boyd, James; 01 Aug 1864; b Cherokee Co., Va.
Brady, James; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Brady, Jared; 13 Oct 1864; Substitute
Brown, Jesse; 12 May 1864
Brown, Rufus; 22 May 1864
Burke, George W.; 22 May 1864
Burks, Charles; 22 May 1864
Burks, James; 22 May 1864
Burks, Tyler; 22 May 1864
Butler, Julius; 25 Apr 1864
Callinder (Collender), George W.; 25 May 1864
Campbell, Henry; 16 Aug 1864; Substitute
Campbell, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Chile, Selp (Selt; Sell); 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Clark, George; 28 Feb 1865; b. Va.
Clark, Mitchell T.; 22 May 1864
Clay, Henry; 15 Feb 1865; b Greenbrier Co., (W)Va.
Copeland, David; 16 Feb 1865; Recruit; b Norfolk, Va.
Crawford, John W.; 09 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.
Crenehall (Crenchall), Charles; 01 Aug 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Davis, George W.; 07 Jul 1864; b Fauquier Co., VA.
Davis, Jonathan; 03 Sep 1864; b Crawford Co., Va.
Dennis, Alexander; 07 Jul 1864; b Prince Edward Co., Va.
*Dennis, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Dodd, Bur (Burr); 21 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.
Dunott, George; 12 May 1864
Edmundson, George; 22 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit
Ellis, James; 11 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.
Fairfax, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Farmer, Augustus; 22 May 1864
Field (Fields), Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Ford, Isaac; 07 Jul 1864; b Lynchburg, N.C.
Foster, Samuel; 25 Aug 1864; b Ohio Co., (W)Va.
Galbrath, George; 22 May 1864
Gates (Gater), Job; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Gordon, Zachariah; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.
Graham, Lee; 18 Feb 1865; Substitute; not on U.S. Archives film
Grant, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Grason, David; 07 Jul 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Laborer
Gray, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Green, Joseph; 08 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Grimes, Sawney (Lawney); 07 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.; Not assigned; Servant
Hall, Basil; 27 Feb 1865; b Washington Co., Va.; Recruit; Servant
Hall, John P.; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Hall, Philip; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Harris, David E.; 03 Mar 1865; Substitute
Harris, Scott; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Harrison, Levi; 22 May 1864
Hayes (Hays), Alfred; 15 Aug 1864; Substitute
Henry, Daniel; 07 Jul 1864; b Santee, N.C.; Laborer
Hickman, Floyd; 22 May 1864
Hickman, George W.; 22 May 1864
Hickman, Lewis; 22 May 1864
Hill, Henry B. (Henry P.); 13 Aug 1864; Substitute
Holliway, James (Charles??); (Charles 01 Jun 1864)
Hopkins, Campbell; 01 Jun 1864
Hunter, Nimrod; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton County, (W)Va.; Farmer; Recruit
Hyson, Freeland; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Farmer; Unassigned
Ironton, John Y.; 25 Aug 1864; b Amherst, Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Jackson, Henry; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Jasper, Shadrack (Shadrach); 07 Jul 1864; b Henrico Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Jenkins, Thomas; 07 Sep 1864
Johnson, Jesse; 25 Oct 1864; Substitute; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
*Johnson, William; 22 May 1864
Jones, Chadrick; 06 Apr 1865; Substitute; not on Archives film
Jones, Edward; 09 Apr 1865; Drafted
Jones, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Jones, John Y.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Jones (Gones), Thomas; 15 Aug 1864; b Jefferson Co., (W)Va.
Kerchenberry (Kerchenberg), Noah; 22 Nov 1864; Substitute
Kinney, Joseph (John); 08 Aug 1864; b Louisa Co., Va.; Recruit; Blacksmith
Kinney, Lee; 07 Sep 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Kyle, George W.; 25 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Lane, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Lawrentz, Joshua; 22 Aug 1864; b Edgecomb Co., N.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Lee, Ludwell; 25 Apr 1864
Leigh, Whedan; 30 Apr 1864
Lewis, Cruwley (Crawley); 14 Mar 1865; Drafted
Lewis, Henry; 08 Aug 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
*Lewis, Isaac; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, John; 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, Samuel; 03 Sep 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Lewis, William; 16 Aug 1864
Lowry (Lowery), Sandy; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lynn, Henry M.; 22 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Madison, George; 01 Apr 1865; b Nelson Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Malone (Mahone in 1865 AG Report), John H. (Henry); 25 Apr 1864
Marshall, George; 11 Feb 1865; Substitute
Marshall, Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b in Fauquier Co., Va.; Laborer
Mason, George; 13 Aug 1864; b Louden Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
McCoy, Jeremiah; 14 Feb 1865; Recruit
Minness, Calihill; 25 Oct 1864; b Nicholas Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Mitchell, Lewis; 10 May 1864
Monroe, James; 28 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Farmer
Monroe, Jefferson; 08 Aug 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Wagoner
Moplington, John G.; 15 Mar 1865; b Hampshire Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Newland, George; 23 Mar 1865; Drafted
Nichols, George; 07 Sep 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Farmer
Page, Stephen; 22 May 1864
Parish, Anderson; 07 Apr 1865; Substitute
Parish, James; 09 Aug 1864; b Nelson Co., Va.; Farmer
Parish, Reuben; 24 Feb 1865; Substitute
Paxton, Samuel; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Pendelton (Pendleton), John; 07 Jul 1864; b b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Price, Anthony; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Ranste (Rauste in 1865 AG Report)(Ransle), Morton; 31 May 1864
Reed, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Revels, George; 09 Apr 1865; Substitute
Richardson, Pleasat (Pleasant); 20 Feb 1865; Substitute
Ritchards, John; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute; not on Archives film
Robinson, Jack; 01 Sep 1864; b Lewis Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Elisha L.; 29 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Milo; 25 Mar 1865; Substitute
Rose (Ross), Thomas; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Sandy, Vincent; 29 Aug 1864; Substitute
Scott, Aaron; 07 Sep 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Sebastipol (Sebastepool), Leman; 22 May 1864
Shannon, Edward; 22 May 1864
Simmons, Henry; 28 Jul 1864; b Bath Co., Va.; Unassigned; Waiter
Simms, John S.; 29 Mar 1865; b Edgefield Dist., S.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Siuer (Siner), John; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Slaughter, Henry; 01 Mar 1865; b Madison Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Smith, James W.; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Smith, Reuben; 16 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stark, George; 10 Apr 1865; Substitute
Stave, Benjamin; 15 Aug 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stevens, George; 28 Jul 1864<; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Stewart, George; 22 Mar 1865; Substitute
Strother (Strothers), Erastus; 23 Aug 1864; Substitute
Suel, Parker; 07 Jul 1864; b Raleigh Co., N.C.; Unassigned; Laborer
Taylor, Timothy; 22 May 1864
Tenner, John; 31 May 1864
Thaxton, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Thomas, Charles; 31 May 1864
Thomas, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Thompson, Dallas; 22 May 1864
Tyler, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Vass, Frederick; 30 Aug 1864; Substitute
Vinson, James; 05 Sep 1864; Substitute
Wade, Benjamin; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wade, John; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wades, Wesley; 07 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Washington, Granville (G.); 22 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Laborer
Watson, Frederick; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
White, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilkes (Wilks), Albert; 07 Jul 1864; b Campbell Co., Va.; Unassigned
Wilkinson, James; 03 Apr 1865; Substitute
Williams, Abraham; 20 Apr 1864
Williams, John K.; 07 Jul 1864; b in Pensacola,Florida; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Peter; 28 Jul 1864; b Petersburg, Va.; Farmer
Williams, Preston; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Samuel H.; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned
Williams, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wilson; 11 Jul 1864; b Bottebourt Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wyatt; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilson, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Servant - SERVICE RECORD
Withers, William; 26 Sep 1864; b b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer - SERVICE RECORD
Young, John H.; 25 May 1864 - SERVICE RECORD

Now fuck off and die, pls.
Um....where's their race listed. Let's remember...for the most part, black people in the South had no last names.

BTW.... I like all of them listed as "laborer"....if they were black, you just proved what I said....that they were used to dig trenches and other earthworks....not fight.
as usual you make no sense, and still can't stay on topic, especially since you lose every single argument.

lol @ 'no last names!' Where did you get that rubbish? no wonder your Party is losing badly all across the board in the elections; with your ilk out here stumping for it, it's bound to crash and burn very fast.
I can notice here in your reply no indication that those were black men. Where does it say they were? And yes....slaves had no last name. After the war, when they were freed, they were scrambling to come up with last names.....some used their master's names.....but not all.

And as usual you never offer any evidence for your stupid propaganda, and like the rst of your fake' anti-racist' cronies here you will never ever answer direct questions, much less admit you're just frauds.
"Anti-racist" cronies. I'll wear that label proudly, thank you.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

Dude - You're like a comic book character.
Is your real name Christopher Cantwell?

"Compare coverage of Unite the Right to coverage of the jihadist training camp last week and you'll understand why Fake News is the enemy of the people

The entire media reported that 20 lunatics screaming in a park were a bigger threat than the jihadist school assault training compound found last week, that they barely reported" - Wacky Jacky Posobiecky

What "barely reported"? It was all over the news.
Slavery existed for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

It was an institution of the south......not the party

Actually it was an institution of British/French/Spanish/Portuguese/Dutch slave traders.

Many more Africans were shipped to Brazil than here for instance and it began in the 16th century.
In this country, it was a peculiar institution of the south
Well established and critical to the southern economy in the 1830s when the Democratic Party was formed.

Most plantations were in debt to northern bankers and brokers. No complaints about 'slavery' from them, and of course they didn't get behind Lincoln's 'war plans' until the news got back to the U.S. that the southern cotton brokers were negotiating in Europe for direct shipments of cotton and indigo for southern ports and bypassing the Yankee monopoly on coastal shipping. And then, as Lincoln complained about right before he deliberately started the war,, the southern tariffs were only around 10%, which meant southern ports, especially New Orleans, would take away most northern trade and the south would dominate the Mississippi River trade and thus the West economically. that's when you see Yankees suddenly all about 'preserving the Union n Stuff'. You liars would never ever admit that and in fact lobby hard to keep it from being taught in grade schools.

taught in grade school? When I was 8 years old I did not know what a TARIFF

I don't doubt your education sucked. Did your school ever tell you why the vast majority of black people stayed in the south, and to this day still prefer it? I mean, considering all they do is get lynched and whipped all day, according to you gimps and deviants.

WHO ? ME? (rosie) My education "sucked" ? People ---especially
IMPOVERISHED people and functionally almost illiterate people----tend to stay
where they are. ALSO lots of black people DID migrate UP NORTH-----in the
late 19th century and 20th century DESPITE discrimination against them "up
north" Did I suggest that ALL BLACKS or even MOST BLACKS were being lynched and whipped all day? Your premise is IDIOTIC-----why is CALCUTTA
(now Kolkata) GLUTTED with impoverished starving people lying in the gutters? Why don't they all up and move to PALM SPRINGS? Well---they ARE WHERE THEY ARE. You were able to discuss TARIFFs at age 8?
When did you start college? age 11?
"I've studied the history of Confederate memorials. Here's what to do about them."

The Confederate monuments in New Orleans; Charlottesville, Virginia; Durham, North Carolina, and elsewhere did not organically pop up like mushrooms. The installation of the 1,000-plus memorials across the US was the result of the orchestrated efforts of white Southerners and a few Northerners with clear political objectives: They tended to be erected at times when the South was fighting to resist political rights for black citizens. The preservation of these monuments has likewise reflected a clear political agenda.

But the story of the monuments is even stranger than many people realize. Few if any of the monuments went through any of the approval procedures that we now commonly apply to public art. Typically, groups like the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), which claimed to represent local community sentiment (whether they did or did not), funded, erected, and dedicated the monuments. As a consequence, contemporaries, especially African Americans, who objected to the erection of monuments had no realistic opportunity to voice their opposition.

Wow. That is some weak ass shit.

Where was the political battle for/against Jim Crow, that you implied the statues were a weapon in?
There was no need for a political battle
The racists ruled the south. They decided how public spaces would be used

Now, those of a different view are running the cities. They want the monuments gone

Lol rubbish. Blacks voted in Harlem at the same percentages they voted in Mississippi. Your fake history is nothing but deflections from the rest of the country's issues, singling out the South simply because they quit voting solid Democrat and went GOP. That's the entire game here, not 'racism' or anything else. You Hillary puppets are just habitual liars and spammers.

The 'racists' ruled Chicago, New York, and California, too, places where Klan membership was also historically higher than in the South.

Interesting point.

The arguments used against the Confederate Statues could be applied to ANY statues or monuments or symbols of heritage or culture, pre dating, say,

well, whenever, cause libs lie.

The Civil rights Acts passed in 1964 and 1965 only applied to 7 southern states; the Acts wouldn't have passed if they had applied to the entire country; that's because New York, California, Pennsylvania, most of the Midwestern states, etc.Congressional delegations would never have voted for them. !4 states outside the South had literacy tests, including New York and California. Black votes there were about the same percentages as they were in the 'Jim Crow' south. then there are the even more segregated northern schools systems, and the busing riots under Nixon's forced segregation programs in the northern states. Most race riots occur in the north or 'liberal' states like California.
Wow...what a load of lies in that post.
"Compare coverage of Unite the Right to coverage of the jihadist training camp last week and you'll understand why Fake News is the enemy of the people

The entire media reported that 20 lunatics screaming in a park were a bigger threat than the jihadist school assault training compound found last week, that they barely reported" - Wacky Jacky Posobiecky

I caught mention of the event on the news last night from an independent news source. Sounded to me like a mere 30 people showed up to have their rally, one guy well dressed saying fairly rational things over his megaphone, the group far outnumbered by a mob of angry protesters surrounding them. The police were protecting the 30 from the mob, not the other way around.
Biff doesn't know the Civil Rights Acts were pushed through by an Evul Southern Pol from a former slave state, not Yankees. Biff is a clueless hick.
You are so stupid its almost worthy of someone starting a go-fund me campaign to reimburse your family for your upcoming funeral costs

To recap, your idiotic claim is that the Civil Rights Act only affected 7 states?

So can I legally discriminate against a black person in Minnesota on the basis of his race? If you say no, then you have destroyed your own dumb ass argument.
much of what ails white folks is tied up with what ails black folks.

we are tied together in what Dr King called a single garment of destiny.

yet sewed into that garment are pockets of misery and suffering that seem to be filled with disproportionate number of black folks.
Why don't answer as to why blacks stayed in the South instead of leaving? Your 'captive sharecropper' nonsense was pretty funny, especially since you were being serious, but it's just as stupid and false as the rest of your tripe. Besides, half of sharecroppers were whites, by the way. Try and do better this time. As in admitting Jim Crow was far more racist and discriminatory in the north.

I then went on to further demolish your racist BS by adding "You racists have lost, deal with it -- you can re-brand your racism, you can try to repackage it to try to make it more easily digested -- you will still lose -- because those black people who stayed in the South, those black people who migrated North, those black people who migrated West -- all of them were not cowards and they stood their ground and were willing to fight and die for what was and is right -- so fuck you and your racist psycho-babble"

If racists lose, then White people lose.

We're losing our heritage, and somehow very, very stupid White people. (Almost always Western Europeans, and their descendants)
fight against their own heritage, in favor of others.

Not very logical, to say the very least.
Why don't answer as to why blacks stayed in the South instead of leaving? Your 'captive sharecropper' nonsense was pretty funny, especially since you were being serious, but it's just as stupid and false as the rest of your tripe. Besides, half of sharecroppers were whites, by the way. Try and do better this time. As in admitting Jim Crow was far more racist and discriminatory in the north.

I then went on to further demolish your racist BS by adding "You racists have lost, deal with it -- you can re-brand your racism, you can try to repackage it to try to make it more easily digested -- you will still lose -- because those black people who stayed in the South, those black people who migrated North, those black people who migrated West -- all of them were not cowards and they stood their ground and were willing to fight and die for what was and is right -- so fuck you and your racist psycho-babble"

If racists lose, then White people lose.

We're losing our heritage, and somehow very, very stupid White people. (Almost always Western Europeans, and their descendants)
fight against their own heritage, in favor of others.

Not very logical, to say the very least.

Name me another country where the "bad guys" are fighting to preserve their nation's history and the "good guys" are wearing black hoods wanting to tear it all down? The Left sure have FUCKED UP this country!
Why don't answer as to why blacks stayed in the South instead of leaving? Your 'captive sharecropper' nonsense was pretty funny, especially since you were being serious, but it's just as stupid and false as the rest of your tripe. Besides, half of sharecroppers were whites, by the way. Try and do better this time. As in admitting Jim Crow was far more racist and discriminatory in the north.

I then went on to further demolish your racist BS by adding "You racists have lost, deal with it -- you can re-brand your racism, you can try to repackage it to try to make it more easily digested -- you will still lose -- because those black people who stayed in the South, those black people who migrated North, those black people who migrated West -- all of them were not cowards and they stood their ground and were willing to fight and die for what was and is right -- so fuck you and your racist psycho-babble"

If racists lose, then White people lose.

We're losing our heritage, and somehow very, very stupid White people. (Almost always Western Europeans, and their descendants)
fight against their own heritage, in favor of others.

Not very logical, to say the very least.
"If racists lose, then White people lose." <<<<<<< enforces the confusing belief that all racists are white.
Why don't answer as to why blacks stayed in the South instead of leaving? Your 'captive sharecropper' nonsense was pretty funny, especially since you were being serious, but it's just as stupid and false as the rest of your tripe. Besides, half of sharecroppers were whites, by the way. Try and do better this time. As in admitting Jim Crow was far more racist and discriminatory in the north.

I then went on to further demolish your racist BS by adding "You racists have lost, deal with it -- you can re-brand your racism, you can try to repackage it to try to make it more easily digested -- you will still lose -- because those black people who stayed in the South, those black people who migrated North, those black people who migrated West -- all of them were not cowards and they stood their ground and were willing to fight and die for what was and is right -- so fuck you and your racist psycho-babble"

If racists lose, then White people lose.

We're losing our heritage, and somehow very, very stupid White people. (Almost always Western Europeans, and their descendants)
fight against their own heritage, in favor of others.

Not very logical, to say the very least.
How is anyone "fighting against their own heritage"? But then again, on another thread, you came across as accepting discrimination against European people who are Jewish.
Why don't answer as to why blacks stayed in the South instead of leaving? Your 'captive sharecropper' nonsense was pretty funny, especially since you were being serious, but it's just as stupid and false as the rest of your tripe. Besides, half of sharecroppers were whites, by the way. Try and do better this time. As in admitting Jim Crow was far more racist and discriminatory in the north.

I then went on to further demolish your racist BS by adding "You racists have lost, deal with it -- you can re-brand your racism, you can try to repackage it to try to make it more easily digested -- you will still lose -- because those black people who stayed in the South, those black people who migrated North, those black people who migrated West -- all of them were not cowards and they stood their ground and were willing to fight and die for what was and is right -- so fuck you and your racist psycho-babble"

If racists lose, then White people lose.

We're losing our heritage, and somehow very, very stupid White people. (Almost always Western Europeans, and their descendants)
fight against their own heritage, in favor of others.

Not very logical, to say the very least.
How is anyone "fighting against their own heritage"? But then again, on another thread, you came across as accepting discrimination against European people who are Jewish.

A.) Jews are not my heritage, they're your heritage.

B.) Jews are rather Middle-Eastern by both phenotype, and genotype. (AKA not exactly very European)

C.) I didn't mock Jews, but rather Western Europeans in this post, but you switch over to defending Jews, anyways, because you are Jewish.

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