Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

Why don't answer as to why blacks stayed in the South instead of leaving? Your 'captive sharecropper' nonsense was pretty funny, especially since you were being serious, but it's just as stupid and false as the rest of your tripe. Besides, half of sharecroppers were whites, by the way. Try and do better this time. As in admitting Jim Crow was far more racist and discriminatory in the north.

I then went on to further demolish your racist BS by adding "You racists have lost, deal with it -- you can re-brand your racism, you can try to repackage it to try to make it more easily digested -- you will still lose -- because those black people who stayed in the South, those black people who migrated North, those black people who migrated West -- all of them were not cowards and they stood their ground and were willing to fight and die for what was and is right -- so fuck you and your racist psycho-babble"

If racists lose, then White people lose.

We're losing our heritage, and somehow very, very stupid White people. (Almost always Western Europeans, and their descendants)
fight against their own heritage, in favor of others.

Not very logical, to say the very least.
"If racists lose, then White people lose." <<<<<<< enforces the confusing belief that all racists are white.

A lot of true Black, Muslim, Asian, and Latino supremacists are separatists, they'll lose from Globalism too, just after Whitey's gone, then they'll be the targets.
If elements of the civil war bother you so much, then you ought to simply avoid visiting them, but have enough respect for your fellow man not to impose your values on others by force, and find something useful enough to do with your life other than create and escalate a rather useless, pointless "war" over a matter settled 153 years ago as if we have nothing more important to worry about, but if you really have nothing better to do with your life than to pick a fight and beat people's heads in or get yours beat in over a statue in a park, then perhaps you ought to do it soon to relieve the earth of the burden of caring for all your dumb asses so that the normal, sane people can get on with the business of the world.

If the people of this country had the wherewithal to spend even half as much effort working together on common causes rather than fighting each other on stupid and useless ones, we could end suffering, poverty and all be leading much better lives.

Worthy thoughts. Recalling (finally) the topic of this thread.

As I noted in my first post here,"why Charlottesville happened" was a bunch of jagoffs from out of town waddling in to Charlottesville to, as you put it, "impose their values by force" on a city that had already decided what to do with its own property. Including the David Dukes and Richard Spencers and other "very fine people", come in to start some shit.
Good to see you're on the right side on this one.
Having a rally to present your beliefs imposes nothing on anyone.
That's as fast a 180 as anyone's ever done. Kind of like a rhetorical handbrake turn.
Way to stand behind your position. Or as I like to put it, "Having it both ways --- Priceless".

The funny thing is my position hasn't changed one bit! You totally misread it to begin with and when I clarified it further that you might understand it, now you think MY position has changed. My position is the only tenable one here, the one that preserves history and the peace and both sides. I find it amusing that it hasn't garnered a single "like." Apparently the idea of civility and common sense is just not very popular and you idiots are determined to polarize yourself and fight like children until time's end because your hate has gone past reconciliation.

On the contrary, you were correct the first time, in that these "very fine" wackos from way out of town (Spencer, Boston; Duke, Louisiana, Fields, Ohio et al) came in to stir the shit in the local affairs of a town they had no business stirring the shit of they proved your point, which was the same point I made upon entry here.

And when I pointed out what it means in practice you went "give me forty acres and I'll turn this post around". We call that hoist with your own petard.
Why don't answer as to why blacks stayed in the South instead of leaving? Your 'captive sharecropper' nonsense was pretty funny, especially since you were being serious, but it's just as stupid and false as the rest of your tripe. Besides, half of sharecroppers were whites, by the way. Try and do better this time. As in admitting Jim Crow was far more racist and discriminatory in the north.

I then went on to further demolish your racist BS by adding "You racists have lost, deal with it -- you can re-brand your racism, you can try to repackage it to try to make it more easily digested -- you will still lose -- because those black people who stayed in the South, those black people who migrated North, those black people who migrated West -- all of them were not cowards and they stood their ground and were willing to fight and die for what was and is right -- so fuck you and your racist psycho-babble"

If racists lose, then White people lose.

We're losing our heritage, and somehow very, very stupid White people. (Almost always Western Europeans, and their descendants)
fight against their own heritage, in favor of others.

Not very logical, to say the very least.
"If racists lose, then White people lose." <<<<<<< enforces the confusing belief that all racists are white.

Yeah that pretty much seals his ass. Ain't no way around that one.
If elements of the civil war bother you so much, then you ought to simply avoid visiting them, but have enough respect for your fellow man not to impose your values on others by force, and find something useful enough to do with your life other than create and escalate a rather useless, pointless "war" over a matter settled 153 years ago as if we have nothing more important to worry about, but if you really have nothing better to do with your life than to pick a fight and beat people's heads in or get yours beat in over a statue in a park, then perhaps you ought to do it soon to relieve the earth of the burden of caring for all your dumb asses so that the normal, sane people can get on with the business of the world.

If the people of this country had the wherewithal to spend even half as much effort working together on common causes rather than fighting each other on stupid and useless ones, we could end suffering, poverty and all be leading much better lives.

Worthy thoughts. Recalling (finally) the topic of this thread.

As I noted in my first post here,"why Charlottesville happened" was a bunch of jagoffs from out of town waddling in to Charlottesville to, as you put it, "impose their values by force" on a city that had already decided what to do with its own property. Including the David Dukes and Richard Spencers and other "very fine people", come in to start some shit.
Good to see you're on the right side on this one.
Having a rally to present your beliefs imposes nothing on anyone.
That's as fast a 180 as anyone's ever done. Kind of like a rhetorical handbrake turn.
Way to stand behind your position. Or as I like to put it, "Having it both ways --- Priceless".

The funny thing is my position hasn't changed one bit! You totally misread it to begin with and when I clarified it further that you might understand it, now you think MY position has changed. My position is the only tenable one here, the one that preserves history and the peace and both sides. I find it amusing that it hasn't garnered a single "like." Apparently the idea of civility and common sense is just not very popular and you idiots are determined to polarize yourself and fight like children until time's end because your hate has gone past reconciliation.

On the contrary, you were correct the first time. And when I pointed out what it means in practice you went "give me forty acres and I'll turn this post around". We call that hoist with your own petard.

So now you think you know what people mean in their posts more than the person who actually wrote them, eh? Frankly, when you wrote thanking me for finally getting it right, I had to figure you only read every other word and filled in between the lines what you thought you wanted me to say. No matter, the sentiment stands. It is foolish and futile to fight over a statue. Leave the damn statues alone for future generations to take from them their own meaning and find worthwhile things to fight over if you can't find anything to work together on.
Only white people could make involuntary sharecropping a "good thing". SMDH.

Slavery was better; just ask those freed slaves who went back to Africa and started Liberia, and set themselves up as slave plantation owners as soon as they set foot back in 'Da Homey Land'.
"Slavery was better"....words spoken by a person who would never have been a slave.

Many Irish chose slavery (Indentured Servitude) over starvation in Ireland.

Oh you mean the captives, rounded up by Henry Cromwell and shipped to the West Indies?. The political prisoners and defiant pagans taken prisoner while England was raping Irleland?

You have a floating definition of "choice" I see.
Only white people could make involuntary sharecropping a "good thing". SMDH.

Slavery was better; just ask those freed slaves who went back to Africa and started Liberia, and set themselves up as slave plantation owners as soon as they set foot back in 'Da Homey Land'.
"Slavery was better"....words spoken by a person who would never have been a slave.

Many Irish chose slavery (Indentured Servitude) over starvation in Ireland.

Oh you mean the captives, rounded up by Henry Cromwell and shipped to the West Indies?. The political prisoners and defiant pagans taken prisoner while England was raping Irleland?

You have a floating definition of "choice" I see.

There's a long history of indentured servant Irish in the U.S.A, long after Cromwell too.

Irish Immigration to America Timeline ***

Irish Immigration to America Timeline

1641 Protestant Oliver Cromwell ruled England and between 1641 and 1652 he reduced the Irish population by two thirds either in battle or by forced migration as involuntary indentured Servants

1695 Strict Anti-Catholic Laws were introduced and by the early 1700's Irish Catholics held just 7% of land in Ireland. The law prevented the immigration of Catholics to America.

1700's The Presbyterian Scots-Irish had emigrated from the Scottish lowlands to the Ulster region of Northern Ireland to escape religious prosecution. The majority of immigrants in this period were Scots-Irish from Ulster who wanted to escape from British rule.

1740 In the 1740s the Irish made up 9 out of 10 indentured servants in some of the colonies. The reason was the Irish Famine of 1740 - 1741 also known as the Year of Slaughter or the Great Frost in which an estimated 38% o the population died
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That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?
"The heritage"....what kind of loser wants to make "heritage" out of a lost war they started that only lasted 4 years and was over their wanting to enslave other people because they thought they are sub-human? That's YOUR heritage? That's pretty pathetic, broflake, if true.

What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
I gloat over American victories over their enemies. Looks like you don't. Were you cheering for the NAZIs too?

Americans traditionally have not been gloaters.

Our ancestors who won against the Confederates were far more concerned with making a lasting peace, than taking a victory lap.

Who are you to revoke their choices?

Oh, and you can shove your Gowining up you ass, you asshole.

My point about you being a loser for having to gloat over the victories of your great great great grand fathers, stands.

YOu are a little, mean and petty person.

Not worth of the Great Men that came before you.
A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is

ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?
"The heritage"....what kind of loser wants to make "heritage" out of a lost war they started that only lasted 4 years and was over their wanting to enslave other people because they thought they are sub-human? That's YOUR heritage? That's pretty pathetic, broflake, if true.

What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
I gloat over American victories over their enemies. Looks like you don't. Were you cheering for the NAZIs too?

Americans traditionally have not been gloaters.

Our ancestors who won against the Confederates were far more concerned with making a lasting peace, than taking a victory lap.

Who are you to revoke their choices?

Oh, and you can shove your Gowining up you ass, you asshole.

My point about you being a loser for having to gloat over the victories of your great great great grand fathers, stands.

YOu are a little, mean and petty person.

Not worth of the Great Men that came before you.
We've ALWAYS been gloaters. We gloated over betting the British in the Revolutionary War....we couldn't gloat over the War of 1812, but did gloat over the Battle of New Orleans....we gloated over every Indian massacre and broken treaty....we gloated over the Mexicans and took their land after the Mexican American War with a paltry payment to make our guilt a little easier to handle...we gloated over crushing the Spanish in the Spanish-American War...we gloated over "saving the English and French" in both World Wars......of course the North gloats over kicking the South's ass.....a well deserved ass kicking.
I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
I'm not the one digging at old, long healed wounds. That is you.

Those statues have been standing there, harmless for generations.

It is you who are making it a racial issue, tearing this nation apart, using it as an excuse to smear your enemies as racist and to rile up your allies.

I want America's diverse population to live in peace, respecting each other.

YOu want one group to live in shame and humiliation, not allowed to show pride in their heritage.

We will not put up with that. YOu are setting yourself and your descendants up for permanent strife and conflict.
How is tearing down the historical statues of one group, multiculturalism?

Oh, and shove your red baiting, lefty, up you ass.

These statues only represent one minority group and have nothing to do with the American heritage. The only "culture" that they represent is a white-supremacist group from the south during the civil war and beyond. Try putting them in a museum.. It is not appropriate to have things on public property that do not represent We The People.

Under the concept of multiculturalism, the fact that a group is a minority is no justification for tearing down their heritage.

Your smearing of the South, or the denial of the fact that the South, at least SOuthern Whites, have and celebrate their regional heritage is noted and dismissed.

Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.
I have no problem with you showing your heritage on your private property or in a museum.

Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Your Southern graveyards are pretty peaceful.

Gloating over killing your enemies, is a great way to ensure more war.

Thank GOD, our ancestors had far more sense than modern lefties.
So...us gloating over the Germans and Japanese after WWII ensured more war? No...we crushed them and occupied them and forced them to run things the way we wanted AND we held war crime trials and executed a lot of them. Not hearing about any "Lost Cause" heritage crap from them, are we?

I think it's high time to tell Bodey she's retarded.

The war between the states was not a foreign war, dumbass.

Unless you accept without question or reservation the legal argument for secession.

IN that scenario, it would have been a foreign war.

It is quite funny how often, liberals, in their desire to marginalize those they don't like, in this case Southerns, accept and use the arguments of their supposed enemies.

Like denying that they were Americans.

THe lack of awareness found in them, is often breath taking.

If it was a mountain, it would make a mole hill of Everest.
Secession didn't start the war....who knows how it would legally have turned out. But NO...those Southern morons had to start a war.

You are the one that made the analogy of the CIvil War with a foreign war.

If you didn't understand the implications of that, because you were too stupid, admit that now, and we can move on.

Otherwise, then by your own logic, secession was legal, and Lincoln was in the wrong not pulling US troops out of the new nation.
You are welcome to shove your insults up your ass.

And you are correct. "Cuck" is a word the Alt Right came up with to smear various weak and submissive men, often "cuckservatives", but also liberals.

It is sometimes fitting.

You libs, you can't seem to get it right. Not even close. There is probably a pretty funny reason for that.
Poor poor trumpanzees....broflakes for sure.

REally? You insult me, and then act like my insulting you back is a problem with me?

Fuck you.
I have harmed your delicate feelings. I thought you were made of sterner stuff. I was wrong. I certainly apologize if I made you cry. Tissues all around, folks.

REally? You insult me, and then act like my insulting you back is a problem with me?

Fuck you.
You have this delicate nature and go on about being insulted all the time. You need to cowgirl up a little and stop crying so much. Just a bit of friendly advice, Mary.

NO, I just respond in kind when you cocksuckers do it.

You are the one that make an issue out of it, by acting shocked, shocked I tell you, that a conservatives insults you back.

The difference of course, is that you fucktards, insult to dodge and deflect from issues you have lost, and you lie when you do,

where as I just point out the truth about what KIND of pieces of shit you libs are.
That is a good question.

DOes one group have the right to destroy the heritage of another group, in our society?

As our society is structured, right now, they have the Legal Right and the power to do it.

IMO, that is wrong.

AND it demonstrates that Multiculturalism was always a lie.

A city has a right to display its heritage and decide what that heritage is
You mean until that city decides to erase its own history and even its own name to the point that no one will know “Austin” even existed 40 years from now....
What would be the harm in that? Things are renamed all the time.

You are stupid, but you are not that stupid. Stop playing games.
^ Cries about being insulted yet insults others. The Trumpanzee Way...for real.

I have been weakening on my previous commitment to default to civility and wait for the libs to inevitably default to being assholes.

More and more, especially with certain individual libs, whom I know for a fact are nothing but scum, I don't feel like giving them, the benefit of a doubt, even for a moment.

"I've studied the history of Confederate memorials. Here's what to do about them."

The Confederate monuments in New Orleans; Charlottesville, Virginia; Durham, North Carolina, and elsewhere did not organically pop up like mushrooms. The installation of the 1,000-plus memorials across the US was the result of the orchestrated efforts of white Southerners and a few Northerners with clear political objectives: They tended to be erected at times when the South was fighting to resist political rights for black citizens. The preservation of these monuments has likewise reflected a clear political agenda.

But the story of the monuments is even stranger than many people realize. Few if any of the monuments went through any of the approval procedures that we now commonly apply to public art. Typically, groups like the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), which claimed to represent local community sentiment (whether they did or did not), funded, erected, and dedicated the monuments. As a consequence, contemporaries, especially African Americans, who objected to the erection of monuments had no realistic opportunity to voice their opposition.

Wow. That is some weak ass shit.

Where was the political battle for/against Jim Crow, that you implied the statues were a weapon in?
There was no need for a political battle
The racists ruled the south. They decided how public spaces would be used

Now, those of a different view are running the cities. They want the monuments gone

Lol rubbish. Blacks voted in Harlem at the same percentages they voted in Mississippi. Your fake history is nothing but deflections from the rest of the country's issues, singling out the South simply because they quit voting solid Democrat and went GOP. That's the entire game here, not 'racism' or anything else. You Hillary puppets are just habitual liars and spammers.

The 'racists' ruled Chicago, New York, and California, too, places where Klan membership was also historically higher than in the South.

Interesting point.

The arguments used against the Confederate Statues could be applied to ANY statues or monuments or symbols of heritage or culture, pre dating, say,

well, whenever, cause libs lie.
And would you whine about those if city/county councils vote to remove those?

If you want to ask a question, save the dishonest and coward spin, such as "whine" you cowardly piece of shit.
Wow. That is some weak ass shit.

Where was the political battle for/against Jim Crow, that you implied the statues were a weapon in?
There was no need for a political battle
The racists ruled the south. They decided how public spaces would be used

Now, those of a different view are running the cities. They want the monuments gone

Lol rubbish. Blacks voted in Harlem at the same percentages they voted in Mississippi. Your fake history is nothing but deflections from the rest of the country's issues, singling out the South simply because they quit voting solid Democrat and went GOP. That's the entire game here, not 'racism' or anything else. You Hillary puppets are just habitual liars and spammers.

The 'racists' ruled Chicago, New York, and California, too, places where Klan membership was also historically higher than in the South.

Interesting point.

The arguments used against the Confederate Statues could be applied to ANY statues or monuments or symbols of heritage or culture, pre dating, say,

well, whenever, cause libs lie.

The Civil rights Acts passed in 1964 and 1965 only applied to 7 southern states; the Acts wouldn't have passed if they had applied to the entire country; that's because New York, California, Pennsylvania, most of the Midwestern states, etc.Congressional delegations would never have voted for them. !4 states outside the South had literacy tests, including New York and California. Black votes there were about the same percentages as they were in the 'Jim Crow' south. then there are the even more segregated northern schools systems, and the busing riots under Nixon's forced segregation programs in the northern states. Most race riots occur in the north or 'liberal' states like California.
Wow...what a load of lies in that post.

You claim, yet present no supporting argument or evidence.

You lose.
ANd if the demographics of that city changes, do they have a right to destroy the heritage of groups that might not be the majority there now?
"The heritage"....what kind of loser wants to make "heritage" out of a lost war they started that only lasted 4 years and was over their wanting to enslave other people because they thought they are sub-human? That's YOUR heritage? That's pretty pathetic, broflake, if true.

What kind of loser has to gloat about a victory that her ancestors won 5 generations before she was born? And in quite an asshole manner at that?
I gloat over American victories over their enemies. Looks like you don't. Were you cheering for the NAZIs too?

Americans traditionally have not been gloaters.

Our ancestors who won against the Confederates were far more concerned with making a lasting peace, than taking a victory lap.

Who are you to revoke their choices?

Oh, and you can shove your Gowining up you ass, you asshole.

My point about you being a loser for having to gloat over the victories of your great great great grand fathers, stands.

YOu are a little, mean and petty person.

Not worth of the Great Men that came before you.
We've ALWAYS been gloaters. We gloated over betting the British in the Revolutionary War....we couldn't gloat over the War of 1812, but did gloat over the Battle of New Orleans....we gloated over every Indian massacre and broken treaty....we gloated over the Mexicans and took their land after the Mexican American War with a paltry payment to make our guilt a little easier to handle...we gloated over crushing the Spanish in the Spanish-American War...we gloated over "saving the English and French" in both World Wars......of course the North gloats over kicking the South's ass.....a well deserved ass kicking.

You want to support that novel claim, lefty?
The fact that this is your idea of the peace the South won up to the 60's is why I have ZERO respect for racists like yourself -- and no, none of the folks responsible for the deaths of these men were charged -- which why they posed for the pic with just such joy and glee -- but you call that peaceful, like a true racist would.

Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

So, you don't care about hanging's of the modern era, but rather about ones going back many decades?

Oh, I get it, you just hate it when Whites do hanging's.
Have we sanctioned Saudi Arabia for holding public hangings? No?

Have we sanctioned Japan for public hangings? No?

I care about America first, remember when that was a thing you Trump supporters were about -- except when it comes to you idiots trying to deflect from the racial injustice that you support

A.) I'm not a Trump supporter.

B.) I do support racial justice, one where White people, Native Americans, and other vulnerable peoples don't go extinct from integration.
Out of all the countries in the world which do you feel is the greatest?
Only white people could make involuntary sharecropping a "good thing". SMDH.

Slavery was better; just ask those freed slaves who went back to Africa and started Liberia, and set themselves up as slave plantation owners as soon as they set foot back in 'Da Homey Land'.
"Slavery was better"....words spoken by a person who would never have been a slave.

Many Irish chose slavery (Indentured Servitude) over starvation in Ireland.

Oh you mean the captives, rounded up by Henry Cromwell and shipped to the West Indies?. The political prisoners and defiant pagans taken prisoner while England was raping Irleland?

You have a floating definition of "choice" I see.

There's a long history of indentured servant Irish in the U.S.A, long after Cromwell too.

Irish Immigration to America Timeline ***

Irish Immigration to America Timeline

1641 Protestant Oliver Cromwell ruled England and between 1641 and 1652 he reduced the Irish population by two thirds either in battle or by forced migration as involuntary indentured Servants

1695 Strict Anti-Catholic Laws were introduced and by the early 1700's Irish Catholics held just 7% of land in Ireland. The law prevented the immigration of Catholics to America.

1700's The Presbyterian Scots-Irish had emigrated from the Scottish lowlands to the Ulster region of Northern Ireland to escape religious prosecution. The majority of immigrants in this period were Scots-Irish from Ulster who wanted to escape from British rule.

1740 In the 1740s the Irish made up 9 out of 10 indentured servants in some of the colonies. The reason was the Irish Famine of 1740 - 1741 also known as the Year of Slaughter or the Great Frost in which an estimated 38% o the population died

Yyyyeeah I'm actually Irish so I don't need all this.
Tell you what I won't presume to lecture you on Poland. Deal?
Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

So, you don't care about hanging's of the modern era, but rather about ones going back many decades?

Oh, I get it, you just hate it when Whites do hanging's.
Have we sanctioned Saudi Arabia for holding public hangings? No?

Have we sanctioned Japan for public hangings? No?

I care about America first, remember when that was a thing you Trump supporters were about -- except when it comes to you idiots trying to deflect from the racial injustice that you support

A.) I'm not a Trump supporter.

B.) I do support racial justice, one where White people, Native Americans, and other vulnerable peoples don't go extinct from integration.
Out of all the countries in the world which do you feel is the greatest?

Greatest, how?

Greatest in genocide?
Anglo-Saxons (English - Germans) whom expand from Germany, and British atrocities, right into the American atrocities since they are two biggies in this country.

Greatest in promoting White suicide?
Anglo-Saxons (English - Germans-)

Greatest in scientific achievement for it's small size?
Scotland, followed by Prussians (East Germans)

Greatest in classical composers?
Germans, followed by Poles.

Greatest in literature?
English, followed by Poles.

Greatest in rocket science?
Ukrainians, and Prussians (East Germans)

In terms of the best track record in morality probably Poland, in terms of the greatest number of battles won when outnumbered Poland again, in terms of resisting Islam probably Poland, in terms of resisting White replacement probably Poland, again.
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These statues only represent one minority group and have nothing to do with the American heritage. The only "culture" that they represent is a white-supremacist group from the south during the civil war and beyond. Try putting them in a museum.. It is not appropriate to have things on public property that do not represent We The People.

Under the concept of multiculturalism, the fact that a group is a minority is no justification for tearing down their heritage.

Your smearing of the South, or the denial of the fact that the South, at least SOuthern Whites, have and celebrate their regional heritage is noted and dismissed.

Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.
I have no problem with you showing your heritage on your private property or in a museum.

Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage
Hanging's are still going on in recent years in Muslim nations, India, and even Japan.

Hanging - Wikipedia
Let me know when you want to address any point I made

Your deflections are annoying and pathetic

So, you don't care about hanging's of the modern era, but rather about ones going back many decades?

Oh, I get it, you just hate it when Whites do hanging's.
Have we sanctioned Saudi Arabia for holding public hangings? No?

Have we sanctioned Japan for public hangings? No?

I care about America first, remember when that was a thing you Trump supporters were about -- except when it comes to you idiots trying to deflect from the racial injustice that you support

A.) I'm not a Trump supporter.

B.) I do support racial justice, one where White people, Native Americans, and other vulnerable peoples don't go extinct from integration.
Out of all the countries in the world which do you feel is the greatest?
The US is great enough to admit it’s midtakes

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