Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

The media has been lying about Charlottesville ever since it took place...totally misinformed the nation about what took place and when and what president trump said....they took his words and twisted them for their own gain....
Jews will not replace us!
General Lee was widely respected and revered by both the North and the South.

For some little brainwashed leftists to come and claim some "traitor" crap after 140+ years is ridiculous.

Actually it's not, because leftist professors started skewing facts about The Civil War and putting it in textbooks around the 70s.

It'd take 50 of those lemmings to equal 1 Robert E. Lee.

Happy birthday Gen. Robert E. Lee
Lee is a symbol of the Confederate Nation

A nation built to sustain the institution of slavery forever
These monuments are to men who defended the right of their state to secede if they felt federal government was acting in an inappropriate manner. Most northerners never felt the War was a bout slavery. They could give a shit less at the time. Revisionist history has made it about slavery. Most abolitionist were viewed as radical , hot headed weirdo’s like then domestic terrorist John Brown.

They felt the federal government was acting to restrict their ability to own slaves and spread slavery to new states

They thought it was worth killing 600,000 people over
Slavery had nothing to do with it.

Sure it didn’t

Tell us more about a States right to own slaves
No, I just listed a few of mine and only one had to do with money. So is Poland your answer? You think Poland has built the greatest country that exists in this would?

Where did you list your "Greatest nations"?
I just listed a few criteria. I think the USA is by far the greatest nation. Of course I’m biased and a bit ignorant as I was born here and have not visited or experienced many other countries. But from what I have seen and experienced and studied, the good ol USA sits on top. How about you? Is Poland your answer?

The U.S.A makes up some of the greatest achievements in war, genocide, slavery, science, finance, and the arts.

Okay, I can see your point.

I mean, how are much smaller nations supposed to compete?
That kind of goes to my point. The US is not the largest country as far as land, nor is it the oldest country, in fact it is the youngest of most developed nations. It was built as a multi-cultural melting pot of immigrants from all over the world and it achieved amazing progress is most areas of development making it a world leader in economics, entertainment, pop culture, military, technology etc etc etc.

You’re fighting against the tide trying to change something that is a basic principle of what our country stands for, what it was built on, and what has accelerated it to the top spot in the world.

Now I understand you might have personal feelings about race and culture that go against the values of this nation and a place like Poland may fit your personality better. I’m curious why you don’t live there?

A.) The U.S.A Founding Fathers were White Supremacists, for a White nation, as their immigration act the Naturalization Act of 1790 specifically stated, that only free Whites of good character were to become U.S.A citizens.

If you believe otherwise, why do you follow the values against the Founding Fathers?

B.) Singular European countries of much smaller sizes still can beat the U.S.A when outnumbered.

For example, who's the American physicists like Sir Isaac Newton, who's America's astronomer like Copernicus, who's the American classical composer like Mozart, who's the American philosopher like Nietzsche, who's the American writer like Shakespeare, who's the American artist like Monet, who's the American poet like Adam Mickiewicz, why does Germany make more cars than the U.S.A etc. etc.

C.) Many of the greatest Americans, were recent immigrants from Europe, including Nikola Tesla, Wernher Von Braun, Enrico Fermi, Alexander Graham Bell, Einstein, Igor Sikorsky, Miecyslaw G. Bekker, George Garnow, Oppenheimer, Henryk Magnuski, Louis Chevrolet, Zworykin, Anthony Francis Lukas
etc. etc.
from recent immigrant White families like Henry Ford, Frank Piasecki, James Watson, Thomas Edison, Steven Wozniak, Steve Jobs, John Atanasoff, Walter Golaski, Harley, and Davidson.
See I’m talking about what our country has evolved to since it’s inception which is only a few hundred years. I’m talking about modern day. You are flashing back to the 1700s and before so I don’t think your arguments apply. I’m making a simple point that the youngest of the worlds devolved countries has skyrocketed past the rest in many areas, which youve acknowledged. We’ve done that with a multicultural melting pot of a society. I don’t see how you can deny that.
The media has been lying about Charlottesville ever since it took place...totally misinformed the nation about what took place and when and what president trump said....they took his words and twisted them for their own gain....
We all saw first hand what happened in Charlottesville. We all heard with our own ears what Trump said. Didn’t need the media to translate anything
Where did you list your "Greatest nations"?
I just listed a few criteria. I think the USA is by far the greatest nation. Of course I’m biased and a bit ignorant as I was born here and have not visited or experienced many other countries. But from what I have seen and experienced and studied, the good ol USA sits on top. How about you? Is Poland your answer?

The U.S.A makes up some of the greatest achievements in war, genocide, slavery, science, finance, and the arts.

Okay, I can see your point.

I mean, how are much smaller nations supposed to compete?
That kind of goes to my point. The US is not the largest country as far as land, nor is it the oldest country, in fact it is the youngest of most developed nations. It was built as a multi-cultural melting pot of immigrants from all over the world and it achieved amazing progress is most areas of development making it a world leader in economics, entertainment, pop culture, military, technology etc etc etc.

You’re fighting against the tide trying to change something that is a basic principle of what our country stands for, what it was built on, and what has accelerated it to the top spot in the world.

Now I understand you might have personal feelings about race and culture that go against the values of this nation and a place like Poland may fit your personality better. I’m curious why you don’t live there?

A.) The U.S.A Founding Fathers were White Supremacists, for a White nation, as their immigration act the Naturalization Act of 1790 specifically stated, that only free Whites of good character were to become U.S.A citizens.

If you believe otherwise, why do you follow the values against the Founding Fathers?

B.) Singular European countries of much smaller sizes still can beat the U.S.A when outnumbered.

For example, who's the American physicists like Sir Isaac Newton, who's America's astronomer like Copernicus, who's the American classical composer like Mozart, who's the American philosopher like Nietzsche, who's the American writer like Shakespeare, who's the American artist like Monet, who's the American poet like Adam Mickiewicz, why does Germany make more cars than the U.S.A etc. etc.

C.) Many of the greatest Americans, were recent immigrants from Europe, including Nikola Tesla, Wernher Von Braun, Enrico Fermi, Alexander Graham Bell, Einstein, Igor Sikorsky, Miecyslaw G. Bekker, George Garnow, Oppenheimer, Henryk Magnuski, Louis Chevrolet, Zworykin, Anthony Francis Lukas
etc. etc.
from recent immigrant White families like Henry Ford, Frank Piasecki, James Watson, Thomas Edison, Steven Wozniak, Steve Jobs, John Atanasoff, Walter Golaski, Harley, and Davidson.
See I’m talking about what our country has evolved to since it’s inception which is only a few hundred years. I’m talking about modern day. You are flashing back to the 1700s and before so I don’t think your arguments apply. I’m making a simple point that the youngest of the worlds devolved countries has skyrocketed past the rest in many areas, which youve acknowledged. We’ve done that with a multicultural melting pot of a society. I don’t see how you can deny that.

More like the U.S.A has degenerated, and fallen apart since it's inception.
I just listed a few criteria. I think the USA is by far the greatest nation. Of course I’m biased and a bit ignorant as I was born here and have not visited or experienced many other countries. But from what I have seen and experienced and studied, the good ol USA sits on top. How about you? Is Poland your answer?

The U.S.A makes up some of the greatest achievements in war, genocide, slavery, science, finance, and the arts.

Okay, I can see your point.

I mean, how are much smaller nations supposed to compete?
That kind of goes to my point. The US is not the largest country as far as land, nor is it the oldest country, in fact it is the youngest of most developed nations. It was built as a multi-cultural melting pot of immigrants from all over the world and it achieved amazing progress is most areas of development making it a world leader in economics, entertainment, pop culture, military, technology etc etc etc.

You’re fighting against the tide trying to change something that is a basic principle of what our country stands for, what it was built on, and what has accelerated it to the top spot in the world.

Now I understand you might have personal feelings about race and culture that go against the values of this nation and a place like Poland may fit your personality better. I’m curious why you don’t live there?

A.) The U.S.A Founding Fathers were White Supremacists, for a White nation, as their immigration act the Naturalization Act of 1790 specifically stated, that only free Whites of good character were to become U.S.A citizens.

If you believe otherwise, why do you follow the values against the Founding Fathers?

B.) Singular European countries of much smaller sizes still can beat the U.S.A when outnumbered.

For example, who's the American physicists like Sir Isaac Newton, who's America's astronomer like Copernicus, who's the American classical composer like Mozart, who's the American philosopher like Nietzsche, who's the American writer like Shakespeare, who's the American artist like Monet, who's the American poet like Adam Mickiewicz, why does Germany make more cars than the U.S.A etc. etc.

C.) Many of the greatest Americans, were recent immigrants from Europe, including Nikola Tesla, Wernher Von Braun, Enrico Fermi, Alexander Graham Bell, Einstein, Igor Sikorsky, Miecyslaw G. Bekker, George Garnow, Oppenheimer, Henryk Magnuski, Louis Chevrolet, Zworykin, Anthony Francis Lukas
etc. etc.
from recent immigrant White families like Henry Ford, Frank Piasecki, James Watson, Thomas Edison, Steven Wozniak, Steve Jobs, John Atanasoff, Walter Golaski, Harley, and Davidson.
See I’m talking about what our country has evolved to since it’s inception which is only a few hundred years. I’m talking about modern day. You are flashing back to the 1700s and before so I don’t think your arguments apply. I’m making a simple point that the youngest of the worlds devolved countries has skyrocketed past the rest in many areas, which youve acknowledged. We’ve done that with a multicultural melting pot of a society. I don’t see how you can deny that.

More like the U.S.A has degenerated, and fallen apart since it's inception.
It’s degenerated? How exactly does that statement fit with this one that you just made a few posts ago?
The U.S.A makes up some of the greatest achievements in war, genocide, slavery, science, finance, and the arts.[\quote]
The U.S.A makes up some of the greatest achievements in war, genocide, slavery, science, finance, and the arts.

Okay, I can see your point.

I mean, how are much smaller nations supposed to compete?
That kind of goes to my point. The US is not the largest country as far as land, nor is it the oldest country, in fact it is the youngest of most developed nations. It was built as a multi-cultural melting pot of immigrants from all over the world and it achieved amazing progress is most areas of development making it a world leader in economics, entertainment, pop culture, military, technology etc etc etc.

You’re fighting against the tide trying to change something that is a basic principle of what our country stands for, what it was built on, and what has accelerated it to the top spot in the world.

Now I understand you might have personal feelings about race and culture that go against the values of this nation and a place like Poland may fit your personality better. I’m curious why you don’t live there?

A.) The U.S.A Founding Fathers were White Supremacists, for a White nation, as their immigration act the Naturalization Act of 1790 specifically stated, that only free Whites of good character were to become U.S.A citizens.

If you believe otherwise, why do you follow the values against the Founding Fathers?

B.) Singular European countries of much smaller sizes still can beat the U.S.A when outnumbered.

For example, who's the American physicists like Sir Isaac Newton, who's America's astronomer like Copernicus, who's the American classical composer like Mozart, who's the American philosopher like Nietzsche, who's the American writer like Shakespeare, who's the American artist like Monet, who's the American poet like Adam Mickiewicz, why does Germany make more cars than the U.S.A etc. etc.

C.) Many of the greatest Americans, were recent immigrants from Europe, including Nikola Tesla, Wernher Von Braun, Enrico Fermi, Alexander Graham Bell, Einstein, Igor Sikorsky, Miecyslaw G. Bekker, George Garnow, Oppenheimer, Henryk Magnuski, Louis Chevrolet, Zworykin, Anthony Francis Lukas
etc. etc.
from recent immigrant White families like Henry Ford, Frank Piasecki, James Watson, Thomas Edison, Steven Wozniak, Steve Jobs, John Atanasoff, Walter Golaski, Harley, and Davidson.
See I’m talking about what our country has evolved to since it’s inception which is only a few hundred years. I’m talking about modern day. You are flashing back to the 1700s and before so I don’t think your arguments apply. I’m making a simple point that the youngest of the worlds devolved countries has skyrocketed past the rest in many areas, which youve acknowledged. We’ve done that with a multicultural melting pot of a society. I don’t see how you can deny that.

More like the U.S.A has degenerated, and fallen apart since it's inception.
It’s degenerated? How exactly does that statement fit with this one that you just made a few posts ago?
The U.S.A makes up some of the greatest achievements in war, genocide, slavery, science, finance, and the arts.[\quote]

Let's see, out of all White nations, we're also at the top of the list for murder, gangs, for divorce, for drug abuse, for hate crimes etc. etc. etc.

Go America, hip hip hurrah.
That kind of goes to my point. The US is not the largest country as far as land, nor is it the oldest country, in fact it is the youngest of most developed nations. It was built as a multi-cultural melting pot of immigrants from all over the world and it achieved amazing progress is most areas of development making it a world leader in economics, entertainment, pop culture, military, technology etc etc etc.

You’re fighting against the tide trying to change something that is a basic principle of what our country stands for, what it was built on, and what has accelerated it to the top spot in the world.

Now I understand you might have personal feelings about race and culture that go against the values of this nation and a place like Poland may fit your personality better. I’m curious why you don’t live there?

A.) The U.S.A Founding Fathers were White Supremacists, for a White nation, as their immigration act the Naturalization Act of 1790 specifically stated, that only free Whites of good character were to become U.S.A citizens.

If you believe otherwise, why do you follow the values against the Founding Fathers?

B.) Singular European countries of much smaller sizes still can beat the U.S.A when outnumbered.

For example, who's the American physicists like Sir Isaac Newton, who's America's astronomer like Copernicus, who's the American classical composer like Mozart, who's the American philosopher like Nietzsche, who's the American writer like Shakespeare, who's the American artist like Monet, who's the American poet like Adam Mickiewicz, why does Germany make more cars than the U.S.A etc. etc.

C.) Many of the greatest Americans, were recent immigrants from Europe, including Nikola Tesla, Wernher Von Braun, Enrico Fermi, Alexander Graham Bell, Einstein, Igor Sikorsky, Miecyslaw G. Bekker, George Garnow, Oppenheimer, Henryk Magnuski, Louis Chevrolet, Zworykin, Anthony Francis Lukas
etc. etc.
from recent immigrant White families like Henry Ford, Frank Piasecki, James Watson, Thomas Edison, Steven Wozniak, Steve Jobs, John Atanasoff, Walter Golaski, Harley, and Davidson.
See I’m talking about what our country has evolved to since it’s inception which is only a few hundred years. I’m talking about modern day. You are flashing back to the 1700s and before so I don’t think your arguments apply. I’m making a simple point that the youngest of the worlds devolved countries has skyrocketed past the rest in many areas, which youve acknowledged. We’ve done that with a multicultural melting pot of a society. I don’t see how you can deny that.

More like the U.S.A has degenerated, and fallen apart since it's inception.
It’s degenerated? How exactly does that statement fit with this one that you just made a few posts ago?
The U.S.A makes up some of the greatest achievements in war, genocide, slavery, science, finance, and the arts.[\quote]

Let's see, out of all White nations, we're also at the top of the list for murder, gangs, for divorce, for drug abuse, for hate crimes etc. etc. etc.

Go America, hip hip hurrah.
We can talk about the other side of the coin in a second if you’d like... but despite that stuff I for one still feel that the USA is the greatest country on earth. If we look at progress and productivity we have grown the largest and richest economy, the strongest defense, the most technological advancements, top level medical and scientific research facilities, and lead the world in entertainment and pop culture. 500 years ago our country was nothing but open land while the rest of the world had cities and societies centuries old.

Just face facts and be honest. You can still have your seperatist opinions, but let’s have a transparent conversation about it. Multiculturalism and immigration contributed to the great achievements I just listed.
A.) The U.S.A Founding Fathers were White Supremacists, for a White nation, as their immigration act the Naturalization Act of 1790 specifically stated, that only free Whites of good character were to become U.S.A citizens.

If you believe otherwise, why do you follow the values against the Founding Fathers?

B.) Singular European countries of much smaller sizes still can beat the U.S.A when outnumbered.

For example, who's the American physicists like Sir Isaac Newton, who's America's astronomer like Copernicus, who's the American classical composer like Mozart, who's the American philosopher like Nietzsche, who's the American writer like Shakespeare, who's the American artist like Monet, who's the American poet like Adam Mickiewicz, why does Germany make more cars than the U.S.A etc. etc.

C.) Many of the greatest Americans, were recent immigrants from Europe, including Nikola Tesla, Wernher Von Braun, Enrico Fermi, Alexander Graham Bell, Einstein, Igor Sikorsky, Miecyslaw G. Bekker, George Garnow, Oppenheimer, Henryk Magnuski, Louis Chevrolet, Zworykin, Anthony Francis Lukas
etc. etc.
from recent immigrant White families like Henry Ford, Frank Piasecki, James Watson, Thomas Edison, Steven Wozniak, Steve Jobs, John Atanasoff, Walter Golaski, Harley, and Davidson.
See I’m talking about what our country has evolved to since it’s inception which is only a few hundred years. I’m talking about modern day. You are flashing back to the 1700s and before so I don’t think your arguments apply. I’m making a simple point that the youngest of the worlds devolved countries has skyrocketed past the rest in many areas, which youve acknowledged. We’ve done that with a multicultural melting pot of a society. I don’t see how you can deny that.

More like the U.S.A has degenerated, and fallen apart since it's inception.
It’s degenerated? How exactly does that statement fit with this one that you just made a few posts ago?
The U.S.A makes up some of the greatest achievements in war, genocide, slavery, science, finance, and the arts.[\quote]

Let's see, out of all White nations, we're also at the top of the list for murder, gangs, for divorce, for drug abuse, for hate crimes etc. etc. etc.

Go America, hip hip hurrah.
Just face facts and be honest. You can still have your seperatist opinions, but let’s have a transparent conversation about it. Multiculturalism and immigration contributed to the great achievements I just listed.

Name all the Hispanic, Black, Muslim, and Asian innovation achievements to the U.S.A?

Okay... err.. err... Rap music (Not really) A Swede produced the first rap music record

... err. err... Potato chip (Not really) that was Anglo Kitchener

.... err.. err... the Super-soaker (Yes really) he was Black..

..... err.. err.... Peanut butter (Not really) the Meso-American Natives did.

....err....err.. Fried Cola (Yes really) a Mexican invented that .

... err... er... Jazz (Yes really) . Blacks did.

... err. err... Michio Kaku (Yes really) . He's Japanese.

... err.. err.. (Neil Degrasse Tyson). (Yes really) He's Black like Mulatto Obama.

... err. err.. Fried butter (Yes really) a Mexican invented that.
Last edited:
See I’m talking about what our country has evolved to since it’s inception which is only a few hundred years. I’m talking about modern day. You are flashing back to the 1700s and before so I don’t think your arguments apply. I’m making a simple point that the youngest of the worlds devolved countries has skyrocketed past the rest in many areas, which youve acknowledged. We’ve done that with a multicultural melting pot of a society. I don’t see how you can deny that.

More like the U.S.A has degenerated, and fallen apart since it's inception.
It’s degenerated? How exactly does that statement fit with this one that you just made a few posts ago?
The U.S.A makes up some of the greatest achievements in war, genocide, slavery, science, finance, and the arts.[\quote]

Let's see, out of all White nations, we're also at the top of the list for murder, gangs, for divorce, for drug abuse, for hate crimes etc. etc. etc.

Go America, hip hip hurrah.
Just face facts and be honest. You can still have your seperatist opinions, but let’s have a transparent conversation about it. Multiculturalism and immigration contributed to the great achievements I just listed.

Name all the Hispanic, Black, Muslim, and Asian achievements to the U.S.A?

Okay... err.. err... Rap music (Not really) A Swede produced the first rap music record

... err. err... Potato chip (Not really) that was Anglo Kitchener

.... err.. err... the Super-soaker (Yes really) he was Black..

..... err.. err.... Peanut butter (Not really) the Meso-American Natives did.

....err....err.. Fried Cola (Yes really) a Mexican invented that .

... err... er... Jazz (Yes really) . Blacks did.

... err. err... Michio Kaku (Yes really) . He's Japanese.

... err.. err.. (Neil Degrasse Tyson). (Yes really) He's Black like Mulatto Obama.

... err. err.. Fried butter (Yes really) a Mexican invented that.
That’s outside my point. Are you not understanding or are you just trying to be difficult and change the subject? The make up of our country has been one of multiculturalism and diversity, with that we have built an incredible nation that leads the world in many areas. Do you acknowledge that?
More like the U.S.A has degenerated, and fallen apart since it's inception.
It’s degenerated? How exactly does that statement fit with this one that you just made a few posts ago?
The U.S.A makes up some of the greatest achievements in war, genocide, slavery, science, finance, and the arts.[\quote]

Let's see, out of all White nations, we're also at the top of the list for murder, gangs, for divorce, for drug abuse, for hate crimes etc. etc. etc.

Go America, hip hip hurrah.
Just face facts and be honest. You can still have your seperatist opinions, but let’s have a transparent conversation about it. Multiculturalism and immigration contributed to the great achievements I just listed.

Name all the Hispanic, Black, Muslim, and Asian achievements to the U.S.A?

Okay... err.. err... Rap music (Not really) A Swede produced the first rap music record

... err. err... Potato chip (Not really) that was Anglo Kitchener

.... err.. err... the Super-soaker (Yes really) he was Black..

..... err.. err.... Peanut butter (Not really) the Meso-American Natives did.

....err....err.. Fried Cola (Yes really) a Mexican invented that .

... err... er... Jazz (Yes really) . Blacks did.

... err. err... Michio Kaku (Yes really) . He's Japanese.

... err.. err.. (Neil Degrasse Tyson). (Yes really) He's Black like Mulatto Obama.

... err. err.. Fried butter (Yes really) a Mexican invented that.
That’s outside my point. Are you not understanding or are you just trying to be difficult and change the subject? The make up of our country has been one of multiculturalism and diversity, with that we have built an incredible nation that leads the world in many areas. Do you acknowledge that?

As I pointed out earlier, a heck of a lot of Americans come from recent White immigrants, and, or their White children.

Germany produces more cars than the U.S.A, the Germans definitely have for their smaller size a lot more good companies per capita than the U.S.A.

I think you're grossly exaggerating, of course no White population is anywhere as big as the U.S.A.
We all saw first hand what happened in Charlottesville. We all heard with our own ears what Trump said. Didn’t need the media to translate anything
No you didn't...you saw what the media wanted you to see....the hate Trump media...
It’s degenerated? How exactly does that statement fit with this one that you just made a few posts ago?

Let's see, out of all White nations, we're also at the top of the list for murder, gangs, for divorce, for drug abuse, for hate crimes etc. etc. etc.

Go America, hip hip hurrah.
Just face facts and be honest. You can still have your seperatist opinions, but let’s have a transparent conversation about it. Multiculturalism and immigration contributed to the great achievements I just listed.

Name all the Hispanic, Black, Muslim, and Asian achievements to the U.S.A?

Okay... err.. err... Rap music (Not really) A Swede produced the first rap music record

... err. err... Potato chip (Not really) that was Anglo Kitchener

.... err.. err... the Super-soaker (Yes really) he was Black..

..... err.. err.... Peanut butter (Not really) the Meso-American Natives did.

....err....err.. Fried Cola (Yes really) a Mexican invented that .

... err... er... Jazz (Yes really) . Blacks did.

... err. err... Michio Kaku (Yes really) . He's Japanese.

... err.. err.. (Neil Degrasse Tyson). (Yes really) He's Black like Mulatto Obama.

... err. err.. Fried butter (Yes really) a Mexican invented that.
That’s outside my point. Are you not understanding or are you just trying to be difficult and change the subject? The make up of our country has been one of multiculturalism and diversity, with that we have built an incredible nation that leads the world in many areas. Do you acknowledge that?

As I pointed out earlier, a heck of a lot of Americans come from recent White immigrants, and, or their White children.

Germany produces more cars than the U.S.A, the Germans definitely have for their smaller size a lot more good companies per capita than the U.S.A.

I think you're grossly exaggerating, of course no White population is anywhere as big as the U.S.A.
Oh come on, now your just being stupid. Germany’s economy produces 3.6 trillion with 82 million people. California alone produces 2.7 trillion with 40 million people.

We both know that the US dominates the world economy, technological advancements, military strength and many other areas. You are just too hard headed to admit that a multicultural society can achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time because it flies in the face of the arguement youve been making. Maybe you should open yourself to the reality that you might just be wrong.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.
You mean protect monuments in favor of slavery
Yes, those Democrats didn't want to give up their slaves without a fight.
So who are the Confederates today? Republicans or Democrats?
Let's see, out of all White nations, we're also at the top of the list for murder, gangs, for divorce, for drug abuse, for hate crimes etc. etc. etc.

Go America, hip hip hurrah.
Just face facts and be honest. You can still have your seperatist opinions, but let’s have a transparent conversation about it. Multiculturalism and immigration contributed to the great achievements I just listed.

Name all the Hispanic, Black, Muslim, and Asian achievements to the U.S.A?

Okay... err.. err... Rap music (Not really) A Swede produced the first rap music record

... err. err... Potato chip (Not really) that was Anglo Kitchener

.... err.. err... the Super-soaker (Yes really) he was Black..

..... err.. err.... Peanut butter (Not really) the Meso-American Natives did.

....err....err.. Fried Cola (Yes really) a Mexican invented that .

... err... er... Jazz (Yes really) . Blacks did.

... err. err... Michio Kaku (Yes really) . He's Japanese.

... err.. err.. (Neil Degrasse Tyson). (Yes really) He's Black like Mulatto Obama.

... err. err.. Fried butter (Yes really) a Mexican invented that.
That’s outside my point. Are you not understanding or are you just trying to be difficult and change the subject? The make up of our country has been one of multiculturalism and diversity, with that we have built an incredible nation that leads the world in many areas. Do you acknowledge that?

As I pointed out earlier, a heck of a lot of Americans come from recent White immigrants, and, or their White children.

Germany produces more cars than the U.S.A, the Germans definitely have for their smaller size a lot more good companies per capita than the U.S.A.

I think you're grossly exaggerating, of course no White population is anywhere as big as the U.S.A.
Oh come on, now your just being stupid. Germany’s economy produces 3.6 trillion with 82 million people. California alone produces 2.7 trillion with 40 million people.

We both know that the US dominates the world economy, technological advancements, military strength and many other areas. You are just too hard headed to admit that a multicultural society can achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time because it flies in the face of the arguement youve been making. Maybe you should open yourself to the reality that you might just be wrong.

What do Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have to do with the U.S.A economy, much if at all?

Germany's caught up to the U.S.A significantly since it lay in ruins from allied bombing + the East German Soviet fiasco.

But, absolutely Germany has produced many good companies, and brands, including to name a few Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, T-Mobile, Adidas, Puma, Bayer-Aspirin, Bosch.
Just face facts and be honest. You can still have your seperatist opinions, but let’s have a transparent conversation about it. Multiculturalism and immigration contributed to the great achievements I just listed.

Name all the Hispanic, Black, Muslim, and Asian achievements to the U.S.A?

Okay... err.. err... Rap music (Not really) A Swede produced the first rap music record

... err. err... Potato chip (Not really) that was Anglo Kitchener

.... err.. err... the Super-soaker (Yes really) he was Black..

..... err.. err.... Peanut butter (Not really) the Meso-American Natives did.

....err....err.. Fried Cola (Yes really) a Mexican invented that .

... err... er... Jazz (Yes really) . Blacks did.

... err. err... Michio Kaku (Yes really) . He's Japanese.

... err.. err.. (Neil Degrasse Tyson). (Yes really) He's Black like Mulatto Obama.

... err. err.. Fried butter (Yes really) a Mexican invented that.
That’s outside my point. Are you not understanding or are you just trying to be difficult and change the subject? The make up of our country has been one of multiculturalism and diversity, with that we have built an incredible nation that leads the world in many areas. Do you acknowledge that?

As I pointed out earlier, a heck of a lot of Americans come from recent White immigrants, and, or their White children.

Germany produces more cars than the U.S.A, the Germans definitely have for their smaller size a lot more good companies per capita than the U.S.A.

I think you're grossly exaggerating, of course no White population is anywhere as big as the U.S.A.
Oh come on, now your just being stupid. Germany’s economy produces 3.6 trillion with 82 million people. California alone produces 2.7 trillion with 40 million people.

We both know that the US dominates the world economy, technological advancements, military strength and many other areas. You are just too hard headed to admit that a multicultural society can achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time because it flies in the face of the arguement youve been making. Maybe you should open yourself to the reality that you might just be wrong.

What do Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have to do with the U.S.A economy, much if at all?

Germany's caught up to the U.S.A significantly since it lay in ruins from allied bombing + the East German Soviet fiasco.

But, absolutely Germany has produced many good companies, and brands, including to name a few Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, T-Mobile, Adidas, Puma, Bayer-Aspirin, Bosch.
Muslims are a tiny portion of the population

Blacks and Hispanics provided low cost labor for which billions of dollars of profit was made
Just face facts and be honest. You can still have your seperatist opinions, but let’s have a transparent conversation about it. Multiculturalism and immigration contributed to the great achievements I just listed.

Name all the Hispanic, Black, Muslim, and Asian achievements to the U.S.A?

Okay... err.. err... Rap music (Not really) A Swede produced the first rap music record

... err. err... Potato chip (Not really) that was Anglo Kitchener

.... err.. err... the Super-soaker (Yes really) he was Black..

..... err.. err.... Peanut butter (Not really) the Meso-American Natives did.

....err....err.. Fried Cola (Yes really) a Mexican invented that .

... err... er... Jazz (Yes really) . Blacks did.

... err. err... Michio Kaku (Yes really) . He's Japanese.

... err.. err.. (Neil Degrasse Tyson). (Yes really) He's Black like Mulatto Obama.

... err. err.. Fried butter (Yes really) a Mexican invented that.
That’s outside my point. Are you not understanding or are you just trying to be difficult and change the subject? The make up of our country has been one of multiculturalism and diversity, with that we have built an incredible nation that leads the world in many areas. Do you acknowledge that?

As I pointed out earlier, a heck of a lot of Americans come from recent White immigrants, and, or their White children.

Germany produces more cars than the U.S.A, the Germans definitely have for their smaller size a lot more good companies per capita than the U.S.A.

I think you're grossly exaggerating, of course no White population is anywhere as big as the U.S.A.
Oh come on, now your just being stupid. Germany’s economy produces 3.6 trillion with 82 million people. California alone produces 2.7 trillion with 40 million people.

We both know that the US dominates the world economy, technological advancements, military strength and many other areas. You are just too hard headed to admit that a multicultural society can achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time because it flies in the face of the arguement youve been making. Maybe you should open yourself to the reality that you might just be wrong.

What do Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have to do with the U.S.A economy, much if at all?

Germany's caught up to the U.S.A significantly since it lay in ruins from allied bombing + the East German Soviet fiasco.

But, absolutely Germany has produced many good companies, and brands, including to name a few Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, T-Mobile, Adidas, Puma, Bayer-Aspirin, Bosch.
I’m not dogging on Germany, they’ve done great, but their economy doesn’t hold a candle to the US economy. Their military doesn’t hold a candle to the US military. That’s the truth.

Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and everybody else have everything to do with the US economy because they are all part of a multicultiral nation that has achieved great success.
Name all the Hispanic, Black, Muslim, and Asian achievements to the U.S.A?

Okay... err.. err... Rap music (Not really) A Swede produced the first rap music record

... err. err... Potato chip (Not really) that was Anglo Kitchener

.... err.. err... the Super-soaker (Yes really) he was Black..

..... err.. err.... Peanut butter (Not really) the Meso-American Natives did.

....err....err.. Fried Cola (Yes really) a Mexican invented that .

... err... er... Jazz (Yes really) . Blacks did.

... err. err... Michio Kaku (Yes really) . He's Japanese.

... err.. err.. (Neil Degrasse Tyson). (Yes really) He's Black like Mulatto Obama.

... err. err.. Fried butter (Yes really) a Mexican invented that.
That’s outside my point. Are you not understanding or are you just trying to be difficult and change the subject? The make up of our country has been one of multiculturalism and diversity, with that we have built an incredible nation that leads the world in many areas. Do you acknowledge that?

As I pointed out earlier, a heck of a lot of Americans come from recent White immigrants, and, or their White children.

Germany produces more cars than the U.S.A, the Germans definitely have for their smaller size a lot more good companies per capita than the U.S.A.

I think you're grossly exaggerating, of course no White population is anywhere as big as the U.S.A.
Oh come on, now your just being stupid. Germany’s economy produces 3.6 trillion with 82 million people. California alone produces 2.7 trillion with 40 million people.

We both know that the US dominates the world economy, technological advancements, military strength and many other areas. You are just too hard headed to admit that a multicultural society can achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time because it flies in the face of the arguement youve been making. Maybe you should open yourself to the reality that you might just be wrong.

What do Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have to do with the U.S.A economy, much if at all?

Germany's caught up to the U.S.A significantly since it lay in ruins from allied bombing + the East German Soviet fiasco.

But, absolutely Germany has produced many good companies, and brands, including to name a few Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, T-Mobile, Adidas, Puma, Bayer-Aspirin, Bosch.
I’m not dogging on Germany, they’ve done great, but their economy doesn’t hold a candle to the US economy. Their military doesn’t hold a candle to the US military. That’s the truth.

Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and everybody else have everything to do with the US economy because they are all part of a multicultiral nation that has achieved great success.

You're very delusional if you think Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have done much, if anything for the U.S.A economy.

The truth of the matter is around the World War period the U.S.A climbed way ahead, as Europe laid in ruins.

That gap has since been closed quite a bit.

Also the U.S.A has a much bigger amount of resources than Germany, in the fact that they have more oil, coal, minerals, more farming, more logging. etc. etc. by a long shot.

Also the U.S.A has a massive amount of military production factories, as well as a prison system industry that adds jobs which also that's not beaten in the World.
Name all the Hispanic, Black, Muslim, and Asian achievements to the U.S.A?

Okay... err.. err... Rap music (Not really) A Swede produced the first rap music record

... err. err... Potato chip (Not really) that was Anglo Kitchener

.... err.. err... the Super-soaker (Yes really) he was Black..

..... err.. err.... Peanut butter (Not really) the Meso-American Natives did.

....err....err.. Fried Cola (Yes really) a Mexican invented that .

... err... er... Jazz (Yes really) . Blacks did.

... err. err... Michio Kaku (Yes really) . He's Japanese.

... err.. err.. (Neil Degrasse Tyson). (Yes really) He's Black like Mulatto Obama.

... err. err.. Fried butter (Yes really) a Mexican invented that.
That’s outside my point. Are you not understanding or are you just trying to be difficult and change the subject? The make up of our country has been one of multiculturalism and diversity, with that we have built an incredible nation that leads the world in many areas. Do you acknowledge that?

As I pointed out earlier, a heck of a lot of Americans come from recent White immigrants, and, or their White children.

Germany produces more cars than the U.S.A, the Germans definitely have for their smaller size a lot more good companies per capita than the U.S.A.

I think you're grossly exaggerating, of course no White population is anywhere as big as the U.S.A.
Oh come on, now your just being stupid. Germany’s economy produces 3.6 trillion with 82 million people. California alone produces 2.7 trillion with 40 million people.

We both know that the US dominates the world economy, technological advancements, military strength and many other areas. You are just too hard headed to admit that a multicultural society can achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time because it flies in the face of the arguement youve been making. Maybe you should open yourself to the reality that you might just be wrong.

What do Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have to do with the U.S.A economy, much if at all?

Germany's caught up to the U.S.A significantly since it lay in ruins from allied bombing + the East German Soviet fiasco.

But, absolutely Germany has produced many good companies, and brands, including to name a few Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, T-Mobile, Adidas, Puma, Bayer-Aspirin, Bosch.
Muslims are a tiny portion of the population

Blacks and Hispanics provided low cost labor for which billions of dollars of profit was made

Profit that the big boys got, at the expense of the White working class masses.

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