Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

That’s outside my point. Are you not understanding or are you just trying to be difficult and change the subject? The make up of our country has been one of multiculturalism and diversity, with that we have built an incredible nation that leads the world in many areas. Do you acknowledge that?

As I pointed out earlier, a heck of a lot of Americans come from recent White immigrants, and, or their White children.

Germany produces more cars than the U.S.A, the Germans definitely have for their smaller size a lot more good companies per capita than the U.S.A.

I think you're grossly exaggerating, of course no White population is anywhere as big as the U.S.A.
Oh come on, now your just being stupid. Germany’s economy produces 3.6 trillion with 82 million people. California alone produces 2.7 trillion with 40 million people.

We both know that the US dominates the world economy, technological advancements, military strength and many other areas. You are just too hard headed to admit that a multicultural society can achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time because it flies in the face of the arguement youve been making. Maybe you should open yourself to the reality that you might just be wrong.

What do Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have to do with the U.S.A economy, much if at all?

Germany's caught up to the U.S.A significantly since it lay in ruins from allied bombing + the East German Soviet fiasco.

But, absolutely Germany has produced many good companies, and brands, including to name a few Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, T-Mobile, Adidas, Puma, Bayer-Aspirin, Bosch.
I’m not dogging on Germany, they’ve done great, but their economy doesn’t hold a candle to the US economy. Their military doesn’t hold a candle to the US military. That’s the truth.

Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and everybody else have everything to do with the US economy because they are all part of a multicultiral nation that has achieved great success.

You're very delusional if you think Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have done much, if anything for the U.S.A economy.

The truth of the matter is around the World War period the U.S.A climbed way ahead, as Europe laid in ruins.

That gap has since been closed quite a bit.

Also the U.S.A has a much bigger amount of resources than Germany, in the fact that they have more oil, coal, minerals, more farming, more logging. etc. etc. by a long shot.

Also the U.S.A has a massive amount of military production factories, as well as a prison system industry that adds jobs which also that's not beaten in the World.
I’ve already established that the USA is not the largest land mass yet it blows larger nations away in many areas. I dont really care what you think about who contributed or not. The point is the country has been a multicultural melting pot and has accelerated to the top. Just because the CEO or patent holder name might not be a minority doesn’t mean minorities didn't play a part. We are what we are and that is a diverse society. This divers society is dominating the world. I know that’s hard for you to deal with and you want to poke holes wherever you can but the truth is the truth and you can’t hide from it.
That’s outside my point. Are you not understanding or are you just trying to be difficult and change the subject? The make up of our country has been one of multiculturalism and diversity, with that we have built an incredible nation that leads the world in many areas. Do you acknowledge that?

As I pointed out earlier, a heck of a lot of Americans come from recent White immigrants, and, or their White children.

Germany produces more cars than the U.S.A, the Germans definitely have for their smaller size a lot more good companies per capita than the U.S.A.

I think you're grossly exaggerating, of course no White population is anywhere as big as the U.S.A.
Oh come on, now your just being stupid. Germany’s economy produces 3.6 trillion with 82 million people. California alone produces 2.7 trillion with 40 million people.

We both know that the US dominates the world economy, technological advancements, military strength and many other areas. You are just too hard headed to admit that a multicultural society can achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time because it flies in the face of the arguement youve been making. Maybe you should open yourself to the reality that you might just be wrong.

What do Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have to do with the U.S.A economy, much if at all?

Germany's caught up to the U.S.A significantly since it lay in ruins from allied bombing + the East German Soviet fiasco.

But, absolutely Germany has produced many good companies, and brands, including to name a few Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, T-Mobile, Adidas, Puma, Bayer-Aspirin, Bosch.
Muslims are a tiny portion of the population

Blacks and Hispanics provided low cost labor for which billions of dollars of profit was made

Profit that the big boys got, at the expense of the White working class masses.
WTF are you babbling about?

Do you think before you post or just type whatever bizarre thought pops in your head?
As I pointed out earlier, a heck of a lot of Americans come from recent White immigrants, and, or their White children.

Germany produces more cars than the U.S.A, the Germans definitely have for their smaller size a lot more good companies per capita than the U.S.A.

I think you're grossly exaggerating, of course no White population is anywhere as big as the U.S.A.
Oh come on, now your just being stupid. Germany’s economy produces 3.6 trillion with 82 million people. California alone produces 2.7 trillion with 40 million people.

We both know that the US dominates the world economy, technological advancements, military strength and many other areas. You are just too hard headed to admit that a multicultural society can achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time because it flies in the face of the arguement youve been making. Maybe you should open yourself to the reality that you might just be wrong.

What do Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have to do with the U.S.A economy, much if at all?

Germany's caught up to the U.S.A significantly since it lay in ruins from allied bombing + the East German Soviet fiasco.

But, absolutely Germany has produced many good companies, and brands, including to name a few Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, T-Mobile, Adidas, Puma, Bayer-Aspirin, Bosch.
I’m not dogging on Germany, they’ve done great, but their economy doesn’t hold a candle to the US economy. Their military doesn’t hold a candle to the US military. That’s the truth.

Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and everybody else have everything to do with the US economy because they are all part of a multicultiral nation that has achieved great success.

You're very delusional if you think Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have done much, if anything for the U.S.A economy.

The truth of the matter is around the World War period the U.S.A climbed way ahead, as Europe laid in ruins.

That gap has since been closed quite a bit.

Also the U.S.A has a much bigger amount of resources than Germany, in the fact that they have more oil, coal, minerals, more farming, more logging. etc. etc. by a long shot.

Also the U.S.A has a massive amount of military production factories, as well as a prison system industry that adds jobs which also that's not beaten in the World.
I’ve already established that the USA is not the largest land mass yet it blows larger nations away in many areas. I dont really care what you think about who contributed or not. The point is the country has been a multicultural melting pot and has accelerated to the top. Just because the CEO or patent holder name might not be a minority doesn’t mean minorities didn't play a part. We are what we are and that is a diverse society. This divers society is dominating the world. I know that’s hard for you to deal with and you want to poke holes wherever you can but the truth is the truth and you can’t hide from it.

What about the fact that there's White multicultural countries which have been horrors where everybody fights, and kills each other, like Yugoslavia, Russia, or Poland during, and prior to WW2.

Multiculturalism is a drain, only the very foolish, and clueless think otherwise.

You are obsessive about America's wealth, which isn't even #1, in fact in terms of GDP per capita income some much smaller countries in Europe than the U.S.A come out ahead, like Ireland, Norway, and Switzerland etc.
but then you somehow ignore that the U.S.A has a high murder rate, and a high rate of gangs, and a high rate of terrorism because of Black murderers, Hispanic gangsters, and Islamic terrorism.

All which are let in by stupid multiculturalist's like you.
As I pointed out earlier, a heck of a lot of Americans come from recent White immigrants, and, or their White children.

Germany produces more cars than the U.S.A, the Germans definitely have for their smaller size a lot more good companies per capita than the U.S.A.

I think you're grossly exaggerating, of course no White population is anywhere as big as the U.S.A.
Oh come on, now your just being stupid. Germany’s economy produces 3.6 trillion with 82 million people. California alone produces 2.7 trillion with 40 million people.

We both know that the US dominates the world economy, technological advancements, military strength and many other areas. You are just too hard headed to admit that a multicultural society can achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time because it flies in the face of the arguement youve been making. Maybe you should open yourself to the reality that you might just be wrong.

What do Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have to do with the U.S.A economy, much if at all?

Germany's caught up to the U.S.A significantly since it lay in ruins from allied bombing + the East German Soviet fiasco.

But, absolutely Germany has produced many good companies, and brands, including to name a few Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, T-Mobile, Adidas, Puma, Bayer-Aspirin, Bosch.
Muslims are a tiny portion of the population

Blacks and Hispanics provided low cost labor for which billions of dollars of profit was made

Profit that the big boys got, at the expense of the White working class masses.
WTF are you babbling about?

Do you think before you post or just type whatever bizarre thought pops in your head?

How does taking a job ,and giving it to Hispanic Illegal immigrants who work cheaper, somehow give profits to the White working class masses, rather than the big boys?

Why don't you explain that one?

Democrats claim to be for the working man, and then many of them like yourself, apparently love to f*ck all the American working men except illegal immigrants who aren't even supposed to be here.

People like you are an embarrassment, I don't know how people can be so dumb.
Why don't answer as to why blacks stayed in the South instead of leaving? Your 'captive sharecropper' nonsense was pretty funny, especially since you were being serious, but it's just as stupid and false as the rest of your tripe. Besides, half of sharecroppers were whites, by the way. Try and do better this time. As in admitting Jim Crow was far more racist and discriminatory in the north.

I answered your silly ass question back on Post #537 -- but since you haven't mastered the use of a computer yet, I will repost it for you..

They stayed "Because they were not cowards -- they faced their enemies head on and they defeated them -- and reduced them to pathetic arguments like the one you are making..."

I then went on to further demolish your racist BS by adding "You racists have lost, deal with it -- you can re-brand your racism, you can try to repackage it to try to make it more easily digested -- you will still lose -- because those black people who stayed in the South, those black people who migrated North, those black people who migrated West -- all of them were not cowards and they stood their ground and were willing to fight and die for what was and is right -- so fuck you and your racist psycho-babble"

I will go even further than that -- those black people you try to mock or shame for remaining in the south -- those same black folks later went on to fight in WW1, WW2, etc -- even tho they were still treated as second class citizens -- we can go before that and we can talk about Crispus Attucks, he died for this country back during the Revolutionary, when blacks were slaves -- blacks have always went above and beyond to show their patriotism to a country that at the time did not view them as humans -- so yes, these folks stayed where they were hated and fought because the blood that was shed by those before them was worth it

but a racist wouldn't KNOW shit about courage or patriotism.

You didn't answer the question then, and you can't now, can you Biff? Just keep throwing out those strawmen there, Biff, you're just too much of a lying weasel to bother with the real facts now. This is of course more humorous and stupid than 'Post 537' was, though. Honesty is beyond all Democrats and 'Progressives' a this point, anyway.
Only white people could make involuntary sharecropping a "good thing". SMDH.

Slavery was better; just ask those freed slaves who went back to Africa and started Liberia, and set themselves up as slave plantation owners as soon as they set foot back in 'Da Homey Land'.
"Slavery was better"....words spoken by a person who would never have been a slave.

So tell us all about your experience as a slave. This should be funny ...
I have no experience as a slave. That's why I would never ever presume to say that "slavery was better"....as you did.

Yes, you know squat about it; we already knew that. You know squat about the lifestyles of the waves of poor immigrant labor, so you can't refute what I said, much less post honestly, any more than your hubby Biff can; you're not here for that anyway, right? You're just here to spam and parrot rubbish and fake revisionist history. Thanks for your concession.
WHO ? ME? (rosie) My education "sucked" ? People ---especially
IMPOVERISHED people and functionally almost illiterate people----tend to stay
where they are. ALSO lots of black people DID migrate UP NORTH-----in the
late 19th century and 20th century DESPITE discrimination against them "up
north" Did I suggest that ALL BLACKS or even MOST BLACKS were being lynched and whipped all day? Your premise is IDIOTIC-----why is CALCUTTA
(now Kolkata) GLUTTED with impoverished starving people lying in the gutters? Why don't they all up and move to PALM SPRINGS? Well---they ARE WHERE THEY ARE. You were able to discuss TARIFFs at age 8?
When did you start college? age 11?

Oh really? Define ' a lot'. The vast majority stayed, so obviously they weren't impressed with the 'enlightenment' of northern bigots, then. Thanks for avoiding a real answer, you're in good company with the other bigots and spammers.
Biff doesn't know the Civil Rights Acts were pushed through by an Evul Southern Pol from a former slave state, not Yankees. Biff is a clueless hick.
You are so stupid its almost worthy of someone starting a go-fund me campaign to reimburse your family for your upcoming funeral costs

To recap, your idiotic claim is that the Civil Rights Act only affected 7 states?

So can I legally discriminate against a black person in Minnesota on the basis of his race? If you say no, then you have destroyed your own dumb ass argument.

lol now Biff has to distort with yet more strawmen; Biff doesn't know shit about the Civil Rights Acts passed in the 1960's and who they were limited to. Typical of Biff and his ilk, just spammers and parrots. Biff is a ignorant moron, and Democrats desperately need all the Biffs they can sucker in, maybe even get Bodecea to have his children.
Why don't answer as to why blacks stayed in the South instead of leaving? Your 'captive sharecropper' nonsense was pretty funny, especially since you were being serious, but it's just as stupid and false as the rest of your tripe. Besides, half of sharecroppers were whites, by the way. Try and do better this time. As in admitting Jim Crow was far more racist and discriminatory in the north.

I then went on to further demolish your racist BS by adding "You racists have lost, deal with it -- you can re-brand your racism, you can try to repackage it to try to make it more easily digested -- you will still lose -- because those black people who stayed in the South, those black people who migrated North, those black people who migrated West -- all of them were not cowards and they stood their ground and were willing to fight and die for what was and is right -- so fuck you and your racist psycho-babble"

If racists lose, then White people lose.

We're losing our heritage, and somehow very, very stupid White people. (Almost always Western Europeans, and their descendants)
fight against their own heritage, in favor of others.

Not very logical, to say the very least.

Biff has a great imagination; he thinks it makes up for his stupidity, though, which is typical for American Burb Brats who need a 'Cause' as a substitute for genuine human empathy.
Why don't answer as to why blacks stayed in the South instead of leaving? Your 'captive sharecropper' nonsense was pretty funny, especially since you were being serious, but it's just as stupid and false as the rest of your tripe. Besides, half of sharecroppers were whites, by the way. Try and do better this time. As in admitting Jim Crow was far more racist and discriminatory in the north.

I then went on to further demolish your racist BS by adding "You racists have lost, deal with it -- you can re-brand your racism, you can try to repackage it to try to make it more easily digested -- you will still lose -- because those black people who stayed in the South, those black people who migrated North, those black people who migrated West -- all of them were not cowards and they stood their ground and were willing to fight and die for what was and is right -- so fuck you and your racist psycho-babble"

If racists lose, then White people lose.

We're losing our heritage, and somehow very, very stupid White people. (Almost always Western Europeans, and their descendants)
fight against their own heritage, in favor of others.

Not very logical, to say the very least.

Name me another country where the "bad guys" are fighting to preserve their nation's history and the "good guys" are wearing black hoods wanting to tear it all down? The Left sure have FUCKED UP this country!

Of course they have; that's their whole reason for existence.
Under the concept of multiculturalism, the fact that a group is a minority is no justification for tearing down their heritage.

Your smearing of the South, or the denial of the fact that the South, at least SOuthern Whites, have and celebrate their regional heritage is noted and dismissed.

Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.
I have no problem with you showing your heritage on your private property or in a museum.

Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

Lynchings in Illinois inspired a certain organization. Guess which one.
So, no south bashers can can admit why blacks didn't all swarm north, not a single one of them. No surprise there, they're just parroting their Party's standard revisionist lies, and having little or no education makes it easy for them.
I have no problem with you showing your heritage on your private property or in a museum.

Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

Lynchings in Illinois inspired a certain organization. Guess which one.

Chicago White Sox? :dunno:
Oh come on, now your just being stupid. Germany’s economy produces 3.6 trillion with 82 million people. California alone produces 2.7 trillion with 40 million people.

We both know that the US dominates the world economy, technological advancements, military strength and many other areas. You are just too hard headed to admit that a multicultural society can achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time because it flies in the face of the arguement youve been making. Maybe you should open yourself to the reality that you might just be wrong.

What do Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have to do with the U.S.A economy, much if at all?

Germany's caught up to the U.S.A significantly since it lay in ruins from allied bombing + the East German Soviet fiasco.

But, absolutely Germany has produced many good companies, and brands, including to name a few Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, T-Mobile, Adidas, Puma, Bayer-Aspirin, Bosch.
Muslims are a tiny portion of the population

Blacks and Hispanics provided low cost labor for which billions of dollars of profit was made

Profit that the big boys got, at the expense of the White working class masses.
WTF are you babbling about?

Do you think before you post or just type whatever bizarre thought pops in your head?

How does taking a job ,and giving it to Hispanic Illegal immigrants who work cheaper, somehow give profits to the White working class masses, rather than the big boys?

Why don't you explain that one?

Democrats claim to be for the working man, and then many of them like yourself, apparently love to f*ck all the American working men except illegal immigrants who aren't even supposed to be here.

People like you are an embarrassment, I don't know how people can be so dumb.
In case you haven’t noticed

Whites have done very well in our society with lower, menial jobs reserved for blacks and Mexicans
General Lee was widely respected and revered by both the North and the South.

For some little brainwashed leftists to come and claim some "traitor" crap after 140+ years is ridiculous.

Actually it's not, because leftist professors started skewing facts about The Civil War and putting it in textbooks around the 70s.

It'd take 50 of those lemmings to equal 1 Robert E. Lee.

Happy birthday Gen. Robert E. Lee
Lee is a symbol of the Confederate Nation

A nation built to sustain the institution of slavery forever
These monuments are to men who defended the right of their state to secede if they felt federal government was acting in an inappropriate manner. Most northerners never felt the War was a bout slavery. They could give a shit less at the time. Revisionist history has made it about slavery. Most abolitionist were viewed as radical , hot headed weirdo’s like then domestic terrorist John Brown.

They felt the federal government was acting to restrict their ability to own slaves and spread slavery to new states

They thought it was worth killing 600,000 people over
Slavery had nothing to do with it.

Maybe you should tell the state of Georgia, who made reference to it no fewer than 35 (thirty-five) times in its Declaration of Causes for Secession.

Maybe you should also get the word to the state of Mississippi, which wrote:

>> Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. <<​

--- in its first paragraph of its corresponding document.

And then maybe you should clue in Texas, which wrote in its: "She [Texas] was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time". But then Texas makes only 22 references to slavery.

Maybe you should rush to get the word to Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the CSA, before he gives this speech outlining the future and what the CSA would stand for:

>> The constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last, and hence no argument can be justly urged against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the “storm came and the wind blew.”

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.

... Many governments have been founded upon the principle of the subordination and serfdom of certain classes of the same race; such were and are in violation of the laws of nature. Our system commits no such violation of nature’s laws. With us, all of the white race, however high or low, rich or poor, are equal in the eye of the law. Not so with the negro. Subordination is his place. He, by nature, or by the curse against Canaan, is fitted for that condition which he occupies in our system. The architect, in the construction of buildings, lays the foundation with the proper material-the granite; then comes the brick or the marble. The substratum of our society is made of the material fitted by nature for it, and by experience we know that it is best, not only for the superior, but for the inferior race, that it should be so.

It is, indeed, in conformity with the ordinance of the Creator. It is not for us to inquire into the wisdom of His ordinances, or to question them. For His own purposes, He has made one race to differ from another, as He has made “one star to differ from another star in glory.” The great objects of humanity are best attained when there is conformity to His laws and decrees, in the formation of governments as well as in all things else. Our confederacy is founded upon principles in strict conformity with these laws. << --- "Cornerstone Speech", March 21, 1861

Oops. Too late, that speech already happened. You missed your chance by a scant 157 years and change.

Wassup, history revisionist?
Last edited:
Oh come on, now your just being stupid. Germany’s economy produces 3.6 trillion with 82 million people. California alone produces 2.7 trillion with 40 million people.

We both know that the US dominates the world economy, technological advancements, military strength and many other areas. You are just too hard headed to admit that a multicultural society can achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time because it flies in the face of the arguement youve been making. Maybe you should open yourself to the reality that you might just be wrong.

What do Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have to do with the U.S.A economy, much if at all?

Germany's caught up to the U.S.A significantly since it lay in ruins from allied bombing + the East German Soviet fiasco.

But, absolutely Germany has produced many good companies, and brands, including to name a few Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, T-Mobile, Adidas, Puma, Bayer-Aspirin, Bosch.
I’m not dogging on Germany, they’ve done great, but their economy doesn’t hold a candle to the US economy. Their military doesn’t hold a candle to the US military. That’s the truth.

Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and everybody else have everything to do with the US economy because they are all part of a multicultiral nation that has achieved great success.

You're very delusional if you think Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims have done much, if anything for the U.S.A economy.

The truth of the matter is around the World War period the U.S.A climbed way ahead, as Europe laid in ruins.

That gap has since been closed quite a bit.

Also the U.S.A has a much bigger amount of resources than Germany, in the fact that they have more oil, coal, minerals, more farming, more logging. etc. etc. by a long shot.

Also the U.S.A has a massive amount of military production factories, as well as a prison system industry that adds jobs which also that's not beaten in the World.
I’ve already established that the USA is not the largest land mass yet it blows larger nations away in many areas. I dont really care what you think about who contributed or not. The point is the country has been a multicultural melting pot and has accelerated to the top. Just because the CEO or patent holder name might not be a minority doesn’t mean minorities didn't play a part. We are what we are and that is a diverse society. This divers society is dominating the world. I know that’s hard for you to deal with and you want to poke holes wherever you can but the truth is the truth and you can’t hide from it.

What about the fact that there's White multicultural countries which have been horrors where everybody fights, and kills each other, like Yugoslavia, Russia, or Poland during, and prior to WW2.

Multiculturalism is a drain, only the very foolish, and clueless think otherwise.

You are obsessive about America's wealth, which isn't even #1, in fact in terms of GDP per capita income some much smaller countries in Europe than the U.S.A come out ahead, like Ireland, Norway, and Switzerland etc.
but then you somehow ignore that the U.S.A has a high murder rate, and a high rate of gangs, and a high rate of terrorism because of Black murderers, Hispanic gangsters, and Islamic terrorism.

All which are let in by stupid multiculturalist's like you.
Crime is a by product of poverty not skin color. And none of those “multicultural” countries that you listed have the demographic make up of the USA nor were they built by a collective of immigrants
WHO ? ME? (rosie) My education "sucked" ? People ---especially
IMPOVERISHED people and functionally almost illiterate people----tend to stay
where they are. ALSO lots of black people DID migrate UP NORTH-----in the
late 19th century and 20th century DESPITE discrimination against them "up
north" Did I suggest that ALL BLACKS or even MOST BLACKS were being lynched and whipped all day? Your premise is IDIOTIC-----why is CALCUTTA
(now Kolkata) GLUTTED with impoverished starving people lying in the gutters? Why don't they all up and move to PALM SPRINGS? Well---they ARE WHERE THEY ARE. You were able to discuss TARIFFs at age 8?
When did you start college? age 11?

Oh really? Define ' a lot'. The vast majority stayed, so obviously they weren't impressed with the 'enlightenment' of northern bigots, then. Thanks for avoiding a real answer, you're in good company with the other bigots and spammers.

you are DISGUSTING------your theory that the impoverished and destitute and
oppressed are at FAULT FOR NOT CREATING THEIR OWN NEW WORLD----is typical of the complacent self aggrandizing shit of Rome
Under the concept of multiculturalism, the fact that a group is a minority is no justification for tearing down their heritage.

Your smearing of the South, or the denial of the fact that the South, at least SOuthern Whites, have and celebrate their regional heritage is noted and dismissed.

Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.
I have no problem with you showing your heritage on your private property or in a museum.

Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

It is not credible that you have not noticed that the South has not been celebrating THAT aspect of their heritage, so stop being an fucking asshole.
Only white people could make involuntary sharecropping a "good thing". SMDH.

Slavery was better; just ask those freed slaves who went back to Africa and started Liberia, and set themselves up as slave plantation owners as soon as they set foot back in 'Da Homey Land'.
"Slavery was better"....words spoken by a person who would never have been a slave.

So tell us all about your experience as a slave. This should be funny ...
I have no experience as a slave. That's why I would never ever presume to say that "slavery was better"....as you did.

Yes, you know squat about it; we already knew that. You know squat about the lifestyles of the waves of poor immigrant labor, so you can't refute what I said, much less post honestly, any more than your hubby Biff can; you're not here for that anyway, right? You're just here to spam and parrot rubbish and fake revisionist history. Thanks for your concession.
Dear me....and now I've gone and upset you.....so sorry to have intimidated you to the point that you rambled on with that silly post that really said nothing of content.

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