Let's repeal the Lautenberg Amendment!


Gold Member
Jul 12, 2011
In particular wherein it makes it illegal for anyone convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence to EVER own a gun for the REST OF THEIR LIVES. Or even to have ACCESS to a gun. This is the case even if no gun was involved in the incident.

What this means is that if you have no criminal record whatsoever, not even a parking ticket, but you slap your boyfriend, you can be convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence. The Lautenberg Amendment stipulates that you would never be able to own a gun again for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

For those of you who are concerned about our rights to bear arms, this is how they will tear that down...one scenario at a time.

It is absolutely ridiculous to have such a severe penalty for a first-time misdemeanor.

If you live in a state where a crime can be expunged, that is your only way out. My state has no expungement as an option.

Many police officers and military people lost their jobs when this amendment went into effect. There are people who depended on hunting to feed their families, who can now only do so illegally, or with a bow and arrow. And if they are caught with a gun, it is a felony.

This is oppression of the people, pure and simple. And there is question if it's even Constitutional.

Just getting the word out. It surprises me how many people don't even know about this.
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Hmmm. Everybody's supposedly so into gun rights, but don't care about this amendment?

Okay, then. I got your number. I suppose it's that old thing, if it's not my problem I don't care. The thing is, whose gun rights will they take away next? When they take gun rights away from a whole group of people for insufficient reason, it's everyone's problem.

Or are there some of you who didn't know about this and are in shock, realizing that you have access to firearms when it's illegal for you? Watch out, you could end up in jail with a felony conviction. That'd be a bummer, eh?
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Old news. I complained about it when it happened and got ignored. No one seems to care that this invasion of our rights occurred. They didn't care then and they don't care now.

According to the law you don't even need to be related or in a relationship. If you are room mates the law is used.
Yeah, I know. No one seems to pay any attention. But that's how our rights will be chipped away, one inappropriate law or amendment at a time.
Many Americans are in the same boat and have lost their 2nd amendment right by either wrongful accusations or even messing up just one time. A misdemeanor is not a serious enough charge to lose any of your civil rights. You can still vote, serve as a juror and exercise any other right except for the 2nd Amendment right thanks to the "Lautenberg Amendment". If a crime committed is so severe that it results in a citizen losing his/her rights, it should be charged as a Felony not a misdemeanor. However, if a person is convicted of a Felony DV even they are eligible to regain their 2nd amendment rights. This in my opinion is very a$$ backwards and needs fixed. Please help get this fixed by telling everyone you know to sign a petition to repeal the "Lautenberg Amendment".
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Hi Folks
Lets get to writing our Elected Congressman and Senators. The squeaky wheel gets greased. Copy and paste this letter.
I request you to pass legislation to Repeal the Lautenberg Amendment
(section section 658 of Public Law 104-208 ) that Bill Clinton signed into
law back in 1996. It serves no purpose other than to create very thin and
questionable criteria to permanently ban citizens from their "Right to
Keep and Bear Arms".
Soldiers, police officers, and anyone who has been judged to have
committed a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence has incurred a lifetime
ban to own or possess firearms.
As you know, a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence need not involved a
physical crime, but a mere verbal exchange, with the punishment sometimes
being only a $10 fine. In many metro areas, a second phone call to a
house over a family altercation will result in the standard police
procedure of automatically arresting the male occupant, regardless of who
is at fault or whether any threats were made.
Just as bad, this legislation associates gun owners with "wife beaters" as
if the two are some how linked, which they are not. It is an intentional
slander to law abiding citizens, a breach of Consitutional freedoms, and a
hindrance to our military and law enforcement services. Many soldiers and
police officers have lost their jobs over their legal ban on carrying
weapons because of this dishonest law.
And I won't even bother going into its unconstitutional ex-post-facto
Please work to repeal the Lautenberg Amendment.
Sorry, but I do not oppose this law.

If you cannot control yourself enough not to get physically violent with someone you supposedly care deeply about, I don't particularly want you to have a firearm.

This isn't like banning a gun due to the actions of another.

You lost control.

Now, that said...a lifetime ban might be extreme. I don't know. I have exactly zero respect or sympathy for wife beaters. In my opinion, men who hit women are lower than whale excrement at the bottom of the ocean.
Sorry, but I do not oppose this law.

If you cannot control yourself enough not to get physically violent with someone you supposedly care deeply about, I don't particularly want you to have a firearm.
Yeah but you know, sometimes that bitch just won't listen.
Sorry, but I do not oppose this law.

If you cannot control yourself enough not to get physically violent with someone you supposedly care deeply about, I don't particularly want you to have a firearm.

This isn't like banning a gun due to the actions of another.

You lost control.

Now, that said...a lifetime ban might be extreme. I don't know. I have exactly zero respect or sympathy for wife beaters. In my opinion, men who hit women are lower than whale excrement at the bottom of the ocean.

I would propose a simple solution to this: Remove domestic abuse from the misdemenor catagory. Make domestic abuse felony assault, and then you can remove the law and still deny rights to wife/girlfriend beating assholes.
If you feel you must beat women you should not have guns

The issue is any other misdemeanor does not entail a loss of rights after your punishment has been served.

It would be simpler just to make domestic assault a felony, thus making it like any other felony. You lose your right to vote, and your right to own firearms.
If you feel you must beat women you should not have guns

The issue is any other misdemeanor does not entail a loss of rights after your punishment has been served.

It would be simpler just to make domestic assault a felony, thus making it like any other felony. You lose your right to vote, and your right to own firearms.

I don't really care

Domestic violence is a leading cause of murder in this country. Those who have proven themselves to be prone to beat women should not have access to guns
In particular wherein it makes it illegal for anyone convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence to EVER own a gun for the REST OF THEIR LIVES. Or even to have ACCESS to a gun. This is the case even if no gun was involved in the incident.

What this means is that if you have no criminal record whatsoever, not even a parking ticket, but you slap your boyfriend, you can be convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence. The Lautenberg Amendment stipulates that you would never be able to own a gun again for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

For those of you who are concerned about our rights to bear arms, this is how they will tear that down...one scenario at a time.

It is absolutely ridiculous to have such a severe penalty for a first-time misdemeanor.

If you live in a state where a crime can be expunged, that is your only way out. My state has no expungement as an option.

Many police officers and military people lost their jobs when this amendment went into effect. There are people who depended on hunting to feed their families, who can now only do so illegally, or with a bow and arrow. And if they are caught with a gun, it is a felony.

This is oppression of the people, pure and simple. And there is question if it's even Constitutional.

Just getting the word out. It surprises me how many people don't even know about this.

As someone who wrote and managed VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) Grants, managed and supervised a unit of LEO's whose job was to respond to and investigate DV crimes, and worked with other public agencies and private sector support groups to educate the public, victims and perps, I disagree with you completely.

I don't know the extent of your crime, but to dismiss consequences for DV offenders - even when filed as a misdemeanor - puts victims, children and others at risk. I've read over a thousand reports, police, probation, coroner and news articles on incidents of DV. I interviewed hundreds of offenders, victims and relatives of victims and recognize the vast majority of DV offenders blame the victim for their behavior and rarely accept full responsibility for the crime they committed. Even after 12 months of weekly treatment - mandated for those on Probation upon a DV convictions in CA. and upon parole for those released from St. Prison - most remain in denial.

If you want to own, possess or have in your custody and control a firearm, keep your hands, feet, teeth, head, elbow, forearm to yourself. Don't harm or kill you SO's dog, cat or bird; don't stalk a former lover, wife, boy/girl, friend or casual date; don't threaten harm to the parents, kids, siblings, current or past boy/girl friend of anyone. If you do, you will surely lose your liberty for a time and your Second Amendment Rights.

Making all DV matters felonies is a fiscal impossiblity. DA's can get convictions without a trial in most DV cases if there is no great bodily injury, the cirme is not heinous (I recall one case wherein the perp. held his victim face down in a bathtub, she only survived 'casue she had the composure to pull the plug, another where the perp. threw an infant out an open window, the child survived when a passer by caught the infant). A misdemeanor conviction is easily secured and the offender is often placed on probaton for three years and does an average of 30-days in the county jail. In both of the matters I noted parenthetically the former actually got a year in the County Jail and five years supervised probation with St. Prison suspended, the latter went to St. Prison.
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In particular wherein it makes it illegal for anyone convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence to EVER own a gun for the REST OF THEIR LIVES. Or even to have ACCESS to a gun. This is the case even if no gun was involved in the incident.

What this means is that if you have no criminal record whatsoever, not even a parking ticket, but you slap your boyfriend, you can be convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence. The Lautenberg Amendment stipulates that you would never be able to own a gun again for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

I could see you're point if the law included people accused but not convicted of violence like in an ex-parte order of protection. But I am firmly against allowing someone who has been convicted of losing control or violence to possess a gun even if it was only a misdemeanor. That indicates that person can not restrain themselves when provoked. Violent gun owners reflect poorly on us rational "Good Guy" gun owners. Do us all a favor & stay away from guns.
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I agree female beating should be a Felony. However.
Not everyone convicted of Misdemeanor Domestic violence is a wife beater.
Google Lautenburg Horror Stories. Yelling, pushing can get you a conviction. Next any Misdemeanor will result in a lifetime ban

Domestic Violence does not automatically mean wife beater.

VAWA fails to protect male victims and that ends up harming women. The organization that tracks domestic violence policy, Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (S.A.V.E.), calculates that less than 2 percent of VAWA funding goes to help male victims or female perpetrators despite the fact that 50 percent of the victims of domestic violence are men. That unwillingness to help women who hit, or men who are hit, increases the number of women who suffer at the hands of an abuser.

Why? As the social science on domestic violence has long revealed, about half of domestic violence is “reciprocal.” That means that it’s not just John hitting Mary or Mary hitting John, but one hits and the other hits back. According to a study for the Centers for Disease Control, in about 70 percent of reciprocal cases, it was the woman who hit first and the man who retaliated. Combine that with the fact that women are about twice as likely as men to be injured in a domestic violence incident and we’re forced to conclude that one of the most important things we can do to protect women is teach them “don’t hit first.”

Read more: thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/judicial/280897-vawa-must-be-reformed-for-domestic-violence-rates-to-come-down#ixzz2KKHqyGpl
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I agree female beating should be a Felony. However.
Not everyone convicted of Misdemeanor Domestic violence is a wife beater.
Google Lautenburg Horror Stories. Yelling, pushing can get you a conviction. Next any Misdemeanor will result in a lifetime ban

I would rather err on the side of women who are beaten by assholes who can't control their temper
I agree female beating should be a Felony. However.
Not everyone convicted of Misdemeanor Domestic violence is a wife beater.
Google Lautenburg Horror Stories. Yelling, pushing can get you a conviction. Next any Misdemeanor will result in a lifetime ban

You only get convicted if you are the aggressor. It's better that a few high risk citizens lose their gun rights that all of us. A few bad apples make us all look bad.
I agree female beating should be a Felony. However.
Not everyone convicted of Misdemeanor Domestic violence is a wife beater.
Google Lautenburg Horror Stories. Yelling, pushing can get you a conviction. Next any Misdemeanor will result in a lifetime ban

You only get convicted if you are the aggressor. It's better that a few high risk citizens lose their gun rights that all of us. A few bad apples make us all look bad.

What there should be is a legal mechanism to get your gun rights/franchise back. I am not a fan of permanent loss of rights except when your ass gets life/the death penalty.

Just set the bar really high, say 10-20 years without another violation.
It is interesting to see people who decide that because someone who is convicted of a DV is automatically a deranged, violent person, there are many cases that the person convicted is innocent. I have always been against men abusing or beating women and I am still that way to this day.

I can't wait to see the replies to the post I'm about to make..:)

I was involved in an 18 year relationship with a women who I loved very much, and during those years I was actually the one being battered, she was an alcoholic with a temper. Not once during her violent episodes did I ever hit her back. I would actually restrain her by holding her literally for hours until she either calmed down or passed out. In the 18th year of our relationship she had gone on another drunk and became violent, I put myself in a room and locked the door to keep from having to deal with the obvious, she tried to break the door down.. she threw her fit and finally she left.. I packed my things and left.. a few days later I had LEO's show up at my door and arrested me for DV.. I was stupid and waved a jury trial and lost...

Now to make a long rant short.. my point is not everyone is guilty of the crime...

In Texas the Texas laws says after 5 years from the end of the punishment if completed as directed your rights to own guns is returned,, now the federal law trumps this of course, but 5 years is plenty of time to see a person is not a threat... I'll stop here and see what people have to say..

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