Lets review the “case” the DA has on Trump. Statutes and violatons

Trump banged Stormy Daniels.

In 2016, Trump paid SD $130k to not speak about the affair.

Trump paid $130k to his attorney, Michael Cohen, who in turn gave the money to SD.

The transaction was recorded in the books as “legal expenses”.

The Manhattan DA‘s case is based on New York penal law 175.05. That is a statute makes it a crime to enter a false entry in the business records of an enterprise…a 2nd degree misdemeanor.

It basically means do not keep false books. This HAS A 2YEAR STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.

DA cannot charge Trump with this, as the incident occured in 2016.

So, there is New York penal law 175.10…….a felony….if the intent to defraud by the false entry was in the commission of a crime.

The DA is trying to say it is a federal campaign violation to pay hush money to someone.

Mueller already looked at this and decided it was NOT.

This case is bullshit.

The DA also has no authority to attempt to try a FEDERAL campaign finance case.

His 'star witness' is a professed Trump hater who reportedly carries a grudge against Trump and wants to see im ho to jail. This 'witness' had been caught TWICE committing Perjury against Trump.

The first time resulted in his felony conviction and sentence to jail time.

The second time was on his way to jail, when Democrats again attempted to use his testimony against Trump.
-- It was uncoveted that D-Schiff coached Cohen on his testimony for approx 12 hours prior to testifying against Trump.
The DA also has no authority to attempt to try a FEDERAL campaign finance case.

His 'star witness' is a professed Trump hater who reportedly carries a grudge against Trump and wants to see im ho to jail. This 'witness' had been caught TWICE committing Perjury against Trump.

The first time resulted in his felony conviction and sentence to jail time.

The second time was on his way to jail, when Democrats again attempted to use his testimony against Trump.
-- It was uncoveted that D-Schiff coached Cohen on his testimony for approx 12 hours prior to testifying against Trump.

I thought I had EDITED federal before. I did not hit save.

I typed FEDERAL by mistake. Post has been edited.
It's your contention that this 3 year old article in your post proves the OP has all the evidence and testimony in the case now?

Are there new witnesses? The same people seem to be testifying about the same incident. How much new information could that possibly have?
I said we do not know what the DA has but then you ask me to present what the DA has.
Again. Same people testifying about the same incident. The only thing that's changed is the incident is farther in the past than the last time they testified about it. How does that equate to new information?
The DA also has no authority to attempt to try a FEDERAL campaign finance case.

His 'star witness' is a professed Trump hater who reportedly carries a grudge against Trump and wants to see im ho to jail. This 'witness' had been caught TWICE committing Perjury against Trump.

The first time resulted in his felony conviction and sentence to jail time.

The second time was on his way to jail, when Democrats again attempted to use his testimony against Trump.
-- It was uncoveted that D-Schiff coached Cohen on his testimony for approx 12 hours prior to testifying against Trump.

His star witness is Trump's long time "fixer". Yes, I imagine he does hold a grudge. Being sent to prison will do that to you. If there are any secrets though, he knows what they are and where they are.
His star witness is Trump's long time "fixer". Yes, I imagine he does hold a grudge. Being sent to prison will do that to you. If there are any secrets though, he knows what they are and where they are.

Every lawyer is a “FIXER”.

What a stupid term.
So you believe that Michael Cohen just forgot to tell federal investigators a bunch of information that would have made this a felony instead of a misdemeanor?
No. I think that all the testimony and evidence hasn't been made available to the public.

Speculation makes for great discussions but we just need to remember, we are only speculating.
News broke last night saying the last-minute witness called in to testify after Trump's pending arrest was made public is a 'highly respected' lawyer - Cohen's former legal advisor.

What he is reportedly going to testify to is that Cohen informed him he (Cohen) had no evidence against Trumpin regards to this case.

If this is indeed who this 2nd witness is and what he is going to testify to ... and if Cohen is Bragg's 'star' (only) witness, his case is shot / done.

A 'highly respected' lawyer's testimony versus that ogmf a 2 time Perjuror / 1 time convicted felon perjuror?

Then again, the DA / Democrats could be hoping for a Trump-hating jury that will find Trump guilty without any evidence.
News broke last night saying the last-minute witness called in to testify after Trump's pending arrest was made public is a 'highly respected' lawyer - Cohen's former legal advisor.

What he is reportedly going to testify to is that Cohen informed him he (Cohen) had no evidence against Trumpin regards to this case.

If this is indeed who this 2nd witness is and what he is going to testify to ... and if Cohen is Bragg's 'star' (only) witness, his case is shot / done.

A 'highly respected' lawyer's testimony versus that ogmf a 2 time Perjuror / 1 time convicted felon perjuror?

Then again, the DA / Democrats could be hoping for a Trump-hating jury that will find Trump guilty without any evidence.

Jury nulification is the issue. Like when Hillary’s lawyer was acquitted when he was 100% guilty.
Trump banged Stormy Daniels.

In 2016, Trump paid SD $130k to not speak about the affair.

Trump paid $130k to his attorney, Michael Cohen, who in turn gave the money to SD.

The transaction was recorded in the books as “legal expenses”.

The Manhattan DA‘s case is based on New York penal law 175.05. That is a statute makes it a crime to enter a false entry in the business records of an enterprise…a 2nd degree misdemeanor.

It basically means do not keep false books. This HAS A 2YEAR STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.

DA cannot charge Trump with this, as the incident occured in 2016.

So, there is New York penal law 175.10…….a felony….if the intent to defraud by the false entry was in the commission of a crime.

The DA is trying to say it is a campaign finance law violation to pay hush money to someone.

Mueller already looked at this and decided it was NOT.

This case is bullshit.

Special Counsel Mueller never looked at the Daniels and McDougal pay off case, it was never a part of his Russian Influence investigation? A president can't be charged with a crime while sitting as president....

That is why the prosecutors in the Cohen case, used the term, Individual One, for whom he conspired with.

Note! No one knows what Trump will allegedly be indicted for.....
Didnt this DA take money from Soros? :auiqs.jpg:

What a fucking joke.
Soros is 94 years old, close to meeting his Maker...

Who ya gonna try to blame for everything when he takes his last breath??? Do y'all have someone lined up already??
Every lawyer is a “FIXER”.

What a stupid term.

It applied to Cohen. It's why he went to prison. That is not so common. He even had his license pulled. He wasn't simply a lawyer.

It's a valid reason to hold a grudge and dig up the bones.

Do any of you have information that indicates that this case isnt about the Stormy Daniels hush money? It seems all the news outlets dont.

Arent the facts of the case relatively well known? Michael Cohen hasnt been exactly shy about talking about it on TV.

Unless Vox is a right wing site now. This has been hashed over and over again. What new information could there be? It's the same people giving testimony now as then.

I was asking for the case number ... for Cohen this would be United States vs. Cohen, No. 15-4789 (4th Cir, 2018) ... so this should be something like State of New York vs. Trump and some numbers after that ...

CNN has a 1st Amendment right to lie ... whereas prosecutors are prohibited from lying in their court filings ... or do we need to go over the "Russian Collusion" affair again? ...

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