Let's review WHY Flynn and Papadopolus are NOW felons....

Ima can't wait for 2018 elections Wonder what you'll come up with then when dems kick ass

Ed, your guys narrative has been going for over a year; and to your credit, it has worked.

But sadly for your side, the narrative is soon to be reversed! What effect will that have? I can only speculate, but if history is any barometer, it will be all bad-)
perhaps both parties overdo it, Dems helping the middle class and republicans helping the rich Notice the millions trump corker and many repubs and yes some dems too are saving millions with this tax fraud? And trump looks you in the eye and says he and friends will be losing money??? Come on Ima
Ima can't wait for 2018 elections Wonder what you'll come up with then when dems kick ass

Ed, your guys narrative has been going for over a year; and to your credit, it has worked.

But sadly for your side, the narrative is soon to be reversed! What effect will that have? I can only speculate, but if history is any barometer, it will be all bad-)
perhaps both parties overdo it, Dems helping the middle class and republicans helping the rich Notice the millions trump corker and many repubs and yes some dems too are saving millions with this tax fraud? And trump looks you in the eye and says he and friends will be losing money??? Come on Ima

I like you Ed, honestly. So I hate to use what you might perceive to be a slight, to answer your post.

Truth is------->I have NEVER worked for a poor guy. (although I used to work for the DNC in Indiana when I was younger, true statement) I need the GREED to work for others, and expand their business to make more money.

If we do NOT believe that greed creates jobs for workers, then we do not believe in Ford, GM, Dupont, Amazon, or any of the other greedy people who expanded to make oodles of money. We must give them that opportunity, so that they give everyone else an opportunity!

And just think Ed, while those on the right and left get opportunity, you and I also get opportunity, to invest in the ventures. And why do we invest and hope the market keeps rising, and we chose the correct places to put our money? Because we are not only needy, we are GREEDY!

So ya see, money moving is a good thing. We will reap the rewards if we plot correctly. And if you make your 2nd million this year Ed, will you hope your capital gains taxes rise, or fall?

Be careful on your choice Ed, I wouldn't want you to be labeled a GREEDY type person, share the wealth ya know-)
Ima can't wait for 2018 elections Wonder what you'll come up with then when dems kick ass

Ed, your guys narrative has been going for over a year; and to your credit, it has worked.

But sadly for your side, the narrative is soon to be reversed! What effect will that have? I can only speculate, but if history is any barometer, it will be all bad-)
perhaps both parties overdo it, Dems helping the middle class and republicans helping the rich Notice the millions trump corker and many repubs and yes some dems too are saving millions with this tax fraud? And trump looks you in the eye and says he and friends will be losing money??? Come on Ima

I like you Ed, honestly. So I hate to use what you might perceive to be a slight, to answer your post.

Truth is------->I have NEVER worked for a poor guy. (although I used to work for the DNC in Indiana when I was younger, true statement) I need the GREED to work for others, and expand their business to make more money.

If we do NOT believe that greed creates jobs for workers, then we do not believe in Ford, GM, Dupont, Amazon, or any of the other greedy people who expanded to make oodles of money. We must give them that opportunity, so that they give everyone else an opportunity!

And just think Ed, while those on the right and left get opportunity, you and I also get opportunity, to invest in the ventures. And why do we invest and hope the market keeps rising, and we chose the correct places to put our money? Because we are not only needy, we are GREEDY!

So ya see, money moving is a good thing. We will reap the rewards if we plot correctly. And if you make your 2nd million this year Ed, will you hope your capital gains taxes rise, or fall?

Be careful on your choice Ed, I wouldn't want you to be labeled a GREEDY type person, share the wealth ya know-)
Ima you crack me up You're a good person and enjoy your posts I was a Repub .even voted for gwb in 2000 but never again will I vote Repub.... I owned my own business for 40 some odd years and never saw a union I liked BUT I still despise trump as a man and as a president and I'm not thrilled about the treatment repubs give those who struggle in life ,and I still have some greed left in this old body so let cap gains go to 10%
It seems that to Trump cultists, folks like Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Papadopulous, Page and a host of others, were only hired by Pence as "coffee boys".....

Escapism of reality is a possible way to assuage one's delusional tendencies....but reality has a way of filtering back in.

Flynn and Papadopolus had to OPENLY state in court that they LIED to the FBI, thereby officially making them FELONS .....

Now, right wingers will say,"so what?"..."So they lied"...."that has nothing to do with Trump"

But, of course, these Trump acolytes are wrong.......
What were the real reasons why these 2 lied?

Well, they lied about their overtures to Russian spies, not only for personal gains, but they lied ON BEHALF OF THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. .........THAT is the proverbial "smoking gun".....

Trump openly stated that he fired Flynn because he lied to Pence AND to the FBI....which then makes Trump's attempts to get Flynn "off the hook" with Comey....and the subsequent refusal by Comey to do Trump's bidding and Comey's firing....MAKES TRUMP the primary culprit in obstructing the pursuit of justice.

Same with Papadopuous.......and the indictment for money-laundering by Manafort and Gates also makes Trump into....at the very LEAST.....an idiot for hiring them....and at WORST an accessory.

So, my dear right wingers, feign to yourself that there's no there there.....and reap the consequences.


FBI Handling of Michael Flynn Case Is Disturbing: New at Reason
Why didn't the FBI charge Flynn with an underlying crime? It might be because there was none.

Ima can't wait for 2018 elections Wonder what you'll come up with then when dems kick ass

Ed, your guys narrative has been going for over a year; and to your credit, it has worked.

But sadly for your side, the narrative is soon to be reversed! What effect will that have? I can only speculate, but if history is any barometer, it will be all bad-)
perhaps both parties overdo it, Dems helping the middle class and republicans helping the rich Notice the millions trump corker and many repubs and yes some dems too are saving millions with this tax fraud? And trump looks you in the eye and says he and friends will be losing money??? Come on Ima

I like you Ed, honestly. So I hate to use what you might perceive to be a slight, to answer your post.

Truth is------->I have NEVER worked for a poor guy. (although I used to work for the DNC in Indiana when I was younger, true statement) I need the GREED to work for others, and expand their business to make more money.

If we do NOT believe that greed creates jobs for workers, then we do not believe in Ford, GM, Dupont, Amazon, or any of the other greedy people who expanded to make oodles of money. We must give them that opportunity, so that they give everyone else an opportunity!

And just think Ed, while those on the right and left get opportunity, you and I also get opportunity, to invest in the ventures. And why do we invest and hope the market keeps rising, and we chose the correct places to put our money? Because we are not only needy, we are GREEDY!

So ya see, money moving is a good thing. We will reap the rewards if we plot correctly. And if you make your 2nd million this year Ed, will you hope your capital gains taxes rise, or fall?

Be careful on your choice Ed, I wouldn't want you to be labeled a GREEDY type person, share the wealth ya know-)
Ima you crack me up You're a good person and enjoy your posts I was a Repub .even voted for gwb in 2000 but never again will I vote Repub.... I owned my own business for 40 some odd years and never saw a union I liked BUT I still despise trump as a man and as a president and I'm not thrilled about the treatment repubs give those who struggle in life ,and I still have some greed left in this old body so let cap gains go to 10%

LOL, cap gains to 10%. I am with ya, we agree on something, lol. Have a great New Year. Enjoy the family, and if I ever get to your neck of the woods, (wherever that might be) I will buy you dinner, we will laugh, and count our money-)
Ima can't wait for 2018 elections Wonder what you'll come up with then when dems kick ass

Ed, your guys narrative has been going for over a year; and to your credit, it has worked.

But sadly for your side, the narrative is soon to be reversed! What effect will that have? I can only speculate, but if history is any barometer, it will be all bad-)
perhaps both parties overdo it, Dems helping the middle class and republicans helping the rich Notice the millions trump corker and many repubs and yes some dems too are saving millions with this tax fraud? And trump looks you in the eye and says he and friends will be losing money??? Come on Ima

I like you Ed, honestly. So I hate to use what you might perceive to be a slight, to answer your post.

Truth is------->I have NEVER worked for a poor guy. (although I used to work for the DNC in Indiana when I was younger, true statement) I need the GREED to work for others, and expand their business to make more money.

If we do NOT believe that greed creates jobs for workers, then we do not believe in Ford, GM, Dupont, Amazon, or any of the other greedy people who expanded to make oodles of money. We must give them that opportunity, so that they give everyone else an opportunity!

And just think Ed, while those on the right and left get opportunity, you and I also get opportunity, to invest in the ventures. And why do we invest and hope the market keeps rising, and we chose the correct places to put our money? Because we are not only needy, we are GREEDY!

So ya see, money moving is a good thing. We will reap the rewards if we plot correctly. And if you make your 2nd million this year Ed, will you hope your capital gains taxes rise, or fall?

Be careful on your choice Ed, I wouldn't want you to be labeled a GREEDY type person, share the wealth ya know-)
Ima you crack me up You're a good person and enjoy your posts I was a Repub .even voted for gwb in 2000 but never again will I vote Repub.... I owned my own business for 40 some odd years and never saw a union I liked BUT I still despise trump as a man and as a president and I'm not thrilled about the treatment repubs give those who struggle in life ,and I still have some greed left in this old body so let cap gains go to 10%

LOL, cap gains to 10%. I am with ya, we agree on something, lol. Have a great New Year. Enjoy the family, and if I ever get to your neck of the woods, (wherever that might be) I will buy you dinner, we will laugh, and count our money-)
I'm on LI in NY and it'd be my treat
Why didn't the FBI charge Flynn with an underlying crime? It might be because there was none.

Or, Flynn (as he surely had to relay to the judge when he admitted that he lied) IS SINGING OPERA ARIAS to Mueller's team.........LOL
Ima can't wait for 2018 elections Wonder what you'll come up with then when dems kick ass

Ed, your guys narrative has been going for over a year; and to your credit, it has worked.

But sadly for your side, the narrative is soon to be reversed! What effect will that have? I can only speculate, but if history is any barometer, it will be all bad-)
perhaps both parties overdo it, Dems helping the middle class and republicans helping the rich Notice the millions trump corker and many repubs and yes some dems too are saving millions with this tax fraud? And trump looks you in the eye and says he and friends will be losing money??? Come on Ima

I like you Ed, honestly. So I hate to use what you might perceive to be a slight, to answer your post.

Truth is------->I have NEVER worked for a poor guy. (although I used to work for the DNC in Indiana when I was younger, true statement) I need the GREED to work for others, and expand their business to make more money.

If we do NOT believe that greed creates jobs for workers, then we do not believe in Ford, GM, Dupont, Amazon, or any of the other greedy people who expanded to make oodles of money. We must give them that opportunity, so that they give everyone else an opportunity!

And just think Ed, while those on the right and left get opportunity, you and I also get opportunity, to invest in the ventures. And why do we invest and hope the market keeps rising, and we chose the correct places to put our money? Because we are not only needy, we are GREEDY!

So ya see, money moving is a good thing. We will reap the rewards if we plot correctly. And if you make your 2nd million this year Ed, will you hope your capital gains taxes rise, or fall?

Be careful on your choice Ed, I wouldn't want you to be labeled a GREEDY type person, share the wealth ya know-)
Ima you crack me up You're a good person and enjoy your posts I was a Repub .even voted for gwb in 2000 but never again will I vote Repub.... I owned my own business for 40 some odd years and never saw a union I liked BUT I still despise trump as a man and as a president and I'm not thrilled about the treatment repubs give those who struggle in life ,and I still have some greed left in this old body so let cap gains go to 10%

LOL, cap gains to 10%. I am with ya, we agree on something, lol. Have a great New Year. Enjoy the family, and if I ever get to your neck of the woods, (wherever that might be) I will buy you dinner, we will laugh, and count our money-)

P.S. By the way, if we count our money and I find out you have more, YOU will end up buying the dinner! Transfer of wealth ya know, gotta practice what ya preach, lol-)

Happy New Year to you and your family again Ed. And just for your information, I actually shook Hubert Humphrey's hand when I was 19 or 20. Before you ask, yes, I was paid to be there, lol. That was the start of my political education! That is how I know some of how the swamp works. That, and the the Indiana DNC took 2% of my gross pay in CASH, to have the honor of working for them.........and just in case she is on this board...........isn't that correct, Mz Ellen Priesol-)
You have to be convicted to be a felon...

Once his guilty plea (nolo contendere) was accepted and entered by the Judge, Flynn became a Convicted Felon (permanently ineligible to own a firearm, btw.)
Why didn't the FBI charge Flynn with an underlying crime? It might be because there was none.

Or, Flynn (as he surely had to relay to the judge when he admitted that he lied) IS SINGING OPERA ARIAS to Mueller's team.........LOL

Stupid fuck

"When the FBI questioned Flynn about his conversations with Kislyak, it already had the transcripts of those conversations—the government eavesdrops on the representatives of foreign governments, among others, and Flynn had been identified, or "unmasked," as the ambassador's conversation partner. The FBI could have simply told Flynn the transcripts contained evidence of a crime (assuming for the sake of argument they did) and charged him with violating the Logan Act or whatever else the FBI had in mind.

But that's not what happened. Instead, the FBI asked Flynn about his conversations with Kislyak, apparently to test him. If he lied (which would mean he's pretty stupid since he once ran the Defense Intelligence Agency and must have known about the transcripts!) or had a bad memory, he could have been charged with lying to the FBI."

Why didn't the FBI charge Flynn with an underlying crime? It might be because there was none.

Or, Flynn (as he surely had to relay to the judge when he admitted that he lied) IS SINGING OPERA ARIAS to Mueller's team.........LOL

Stupid fuck

"When the FBI questioned Flynn about his conversations with Kislyak, it already had the transcripts of those conversations—the government eavesdrops on the representatives of foreign governments, among others, and Flynn had been identified, or "unmasked," as the ambassador's conversation partner. The FBI could have simply told Flynn the transcripts contained evidence of a crime (assuming for the sake of argument they did) and charged him with violating the Logan Act or whatever else the FBI had in mind.

But that's not what happened. Instead, the FBI asked Flynn about his conversations with Kislyak, apparently to test him. If he lied (which would mean he's pretty stupid since he once ran the Defense Intelligence Agency and must have known about the transcripts!) or had a bad memory, he could have been charged with lying to the FBI."

Flynn is singing his heart out against the criminal in Chief to keep himself and son out of jail.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Ed, your guys narrative has been going for over a year; and to your credit, it has worked.

But sadly for your side, the narrative is soon to be reversed! What effect will that have? I can only speculate, but if history is any barometer, it will be all bad-)
perhaps both parties overdo it, Dems helping the middle class and republicans helping the rich Notice the millions trump corker and many repubs and yes some dems too are saving millions with this tax fraud? And trump looks you in the eye and says he and friends will be losing money??? Come on Ima

I like you Ed, honestly. So I hate to use what you might perceive to be a slight, to answer your post.

Truth is------->I have NEVER worked for a poor guy. (although I used to work for the DNC in Indiana when I was younger, true statement) I need the GREED to work for others, and expand their business to make more money.

If we do NOT believe that greed creates jobs for workers, then we do not believe in Ford, GM, Dupont, Amazon, or any of the other greedy people who expanded to make oodles of money. We must give them that opportunity, so that they give everyone else an opportunity!

And just think Ed, while those on the right and left get opportunity, you and I also get opportunity, to invest in the ventures. And why do we invest and hope the market keeps rising, and we chose the correct places to put our money? Because we are not only needy, we are GREEDY!

So ya see, money moving is a good thing. We will reap the rewards if we plot correctly. And if you make your 2nd million this year Ed, will you hope your capital gains taxes rise, or fall?

Be careful on your choice Ed, I wouldn't want you to be labeled a GREEDY type person, share the wealth ya know-)
Ima you crack me up You're a good person and enjoy your posts I was a Repub .even voted for gwb in 2000 but never again will I vote Repub.... I owned my own business for 40 some odd years and never saw a union I liked BUT I still despise trump as a man and as a president and I'm not thrilled about the treatment repubs give those who struggle in life ,and I still have some greed left in this old body so let cap gains go to 10%

LOL, cap gains to 10%. I am with ya, we agree on something, lol. Have a great New Year. Enjoy the family, and if I ever get to your neck of the woods, (wherever that might be) I will buy you dinner, we will laugh, and count our money-)

P.S. By the way, if we count our money and I find out you have more, YOU will end up buying the dinner! Transfer of wealth ya know, gotta practice what ya preach, lol-)

Happy New Year to you and your family again Ed. And just for your information, I actually shook Hubert Humphrey's hand when I was 19 or 20. Before you ask, yes, I was paid to be there, lol. That was the start of my political education! That is how I know some of how the swamp works. That, and the the Indiana DNC took 2% of my gross pay in CASH, to have the honor of working for them.........and just in case she is on this board...........isn't that correct, Mz Ellen Priesol-)
And I sat at the same table as trump in the 90's in an atlantic city casino where my friend was talking boxing with him My pal was connected to Boom Boom Mancini back then And no, I said goodbye but never shook his hand
Why didn't the FBI charge Flynn with an underlying crime? It might be because there was none.

Or, Flynn (as he surely had to relay to the judge when he admitted that he lied) IS SINGING OPERA ARIAS to Mueller's team.........LOL

Stupid fuck

"When the FBI questioned Flynn about his conversations with Kislyak, it already had the transcripts of those conversations—the government eavesdrops on the representatives of foreign governments, among others, and Flynn had been identified, or "unmasked," as the ambassador's conversation partner. The FBI could have simply told Flynn the transcripts contained evidence of a crime (assuming for the sake of argument they did) and charged him with violating the Logan Act or whatever else the FBI had in mind.

But that's not what happened. Instead, the FBI asked Flynn about his conversations with Kislyak, apparently to test him. If he lied (which would mean he's pretty stupid since he once ran the Defense Intelligence Agency and must have known about the transcripts!) or had a bad memory, he could have been charged with lying to the FBI."

Flynn is singing his heart out against the criminal in Chief to keep himself and son out of jail.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.

We are afraid, truth be told Nat! We are afraid that after 40% of the Democrats have to resign because of collusion with Hilly, we will have a mess on our hands that will take 25 hrs to solve, out of a 24hr day-)
perhaps both parties overdo it, Dems helping the middle class and republicans helping the rich Notice the millions trump corker and many repubs and yes some dems too are saving millions with this tax fraud? And trump looks you in the eye and says he and friends will be losing money??? Come on Ima

I like you Ed, honestly. So I hate to use what you might perceive to be a slight, to answer your post.

Truth is------->I have NEVER worked for a poor guy. (although I used to work for the DNC in Indiana when I was younger, true statement) I need the GREED to work for others, and expand their business to make more money.

If we do NOT believe that greed creates jobs for workers, then we do not believe in Ford, GM, Dupont, Amazon, or any of the other greedy people who expanded to make oodles of money. We must give them that opportunity, so that they give everyone else an opportunity!

And just think Ed, while those on the right and left get opportunity, you and I also get opportunity, to invest in the ventures. And why do we invest and hope the market keeps rising, and we chose the correct places to put our money? Because we are not only needy, we are GREEDY!

So ya see, money moving is a good thing. We will reap the rewards if we plot correctly. And if you make your 2nd million this year Ed, will you hope your capital gains taxes rise, or fall?

Be careful on your choice Ed, I wouldn't want you to be labeled a GREEDY type person, share the wealth ya know-)
Ima you crack me up You're a good person and enjoy your posts I was a Repub .even voted for gwb in 2000 but never again will I vote Repub.... I owned my own business for 40 some odd years and never saw a union I liked BUT I still despise trump as a man and as a president and I'm not thrilled about the treatment repubs give those who struggle in life ,and I still have some greed left in this old body so let cap gains go to 10%

LOL, cap gains to 10%. I am with ya, we agree on something, lol. Have a great New Year. Enjoy the family, and if I ever get to your neck of the woods, (wherever that might be) I will buy you dinner, we will laugh, and count our money-)

P.S. By the way, if we count our money and I find out you have more, YOU will end up buying the dinner! Transfer of wealth ya know, gotta practice what ya preach, lol-)

Happy New Year to you and your family again Ed. And just for your information, I actually shook Hubert Humphrey's hand when I was 19 or 20. Before you ask, yes, I was paid to be there, lol. That was the start of my political education! That is how I know some of how the swamp works. That, and the the Indiana DNC took 2% of my gross pay in CASH, to have the honor of working for them.........and just in case she is on this board...........isn't that correct, Mz Ellen Priesol-)
And I sat at the same table as trump in the 90's in an atlantic city casino where my friend was talking boxing with him My pal was connected to Boom Boom Mancini back then And no, I said goodbye but never shook his hand

Wow, Boom-Boom Mancini! Now I would have enjoyed that for sure. Isn't it surprising that boxing has gone into the tank? I remember taking off work, (for which I got punished for in my wallet) to watch Looney Clooney, fight The Easton Assassin, Larry Holmes.

I loved boxing, I really did. Never wanted to do it, but watched those who made it a living.

Good ole Boom-Boom. Have any idea what happened to him?
I like you Ed, honestly. So I hate to use what you might perceive to be a slight, to answer your post.

Truth is------->I have NEVER worked for a poor guy. (although I used to work for the DNC in Indiana when I was younger, true statement) I need the GREED to work for others, and expand their business to make more money.

If we do NOT believe that greed creates jobs for workers, then we do not believe in Ford, GM, Dupont, Amazon, or any of the other greedy people who expanded to make oodles of money. We must give them that opportunity, so that they give everyone else an opportunity!

And just think Ed, while those on the right and left get opportunity, you and I also get opportunity, to invest in the ventures. And why do we invest and hope the market keeps rising, and we chose the correct places to put our money? Because we are not only needy, we are GREEDY!

So ya see, money moving is a good thing. We will reap the rewards if we plot correctly. And if you make your 2nd million this year Ed, will you hope your capital gains taxes rise, or fall?

Be careful on your choice Ed, I wouldn't want you to be labeled a GREEDY type person, share the wealth ya know-)
Ima you crack me up You're a good person and enjoy your posts I was a Repub .even voted for gwb in 2000 but never again will I vote Repub.... I owned my own business for 40 some odd years and never saw a union I liked BUT I still despise trump as a man and as a president and I'm not thrilled about the treatment repubs give those who struggle in life ,and I still have some greed left in this old body so let cap gains go to 10%

LOL, cap gains to 10%. I am with ya, we agree on something, lol. Have a great New Year. Enjoy the family, and if I ever get to your neck of the woods, (wherever that might be) I will buy you dinner, we will laugh, and count our money-)

P.S. By the way, if we count our money and I find out you have more, YOU will end up buying the dinner! Transfer of wealth ya know, gotta practice what ya preach, lol-)

Happy New Year to you and your family again Ed. And just for your information, I actually shook Hubert Humphrey's hand when I was 19 or 20. Before you ask, yes, I was paid to be there, lol. That was the start of my political education! That is how I know some of how the swamp works. That, and the the Indiana DNC took 2% of my gross pay in CASH, to have the honor of working for them.........and just in case she is on this board...........isn't that correct, Mz Ellen Priesol-)
And I sat at the same table as trump in the 90's in an atlantic city casino where my friend was talking boxing with him My pal was connected to Boom Boom Mancini back then And no, I said goodbye but never shook his hand

Wow, Boom-Boom Mancini! Now I would have enjoyed that for sure. Isn't it surprising that boxing has gone into the tank? I remember taking off work, (for which I got punished for in my wallet) to watch Looney Clooney, fight The Easton Assassin, Larry Holmes.

I loved boxing, I really did. Never wanted to do it, but watched those who made it a living.

Good ole Boom-Boom. Have any idea what happened to him?
I saw that Cooney Holmes fight in Vegas A guy named Rappaport was Cooneys manager and we lived in the same apartment so we had a free trip Holmes kicked his butt in 7 I think it was Boom Boom came to my store with his manager and I gave him a leather jacket From what I heard last he's still in his little town in Ohio I believe it is
But that's not what happened. Instead, the FBI asked Flynn about his conversations with Kislyak, apparently to test him. If he lied (which would mean he's pretty stupid since he once ran the Defense Intelligence Agency and must have known about the transcripts!) or had a bad memory, he could have been charged with lying to the FBI."

Exactly......Ergo, Flynn is screwed.....and if Flynn is screwed and looking for a way out.......he has to tell Mueller WHY he met with Russian spies....

He could fall on his own sward and say he met with the Russians on his OWN initiative and the Logan Act gets thrown at him.....(so that's no way out)....OR Flynn will say that he was ordered and encouraged to meet with the Russians and, you know where THAT leads next.
I like you Ed, honestly. So I hate to use what you might perceive to be a slight, to answer your post.

Truth is------->I have NEVER worked for a poor guy. (although I used to work for the DNC in Indiana when I was younger, true statement) I need the GREED to work for others, and expand their business to make more money.

If we do NOT believe that greed creates jobs for workers, then we do not believe in Ford, GM, Dupont, Amazon, or any of the other greedy people who expanded to make oodles of money. We must give them that opportunity, so that they give everyone else an opportunity!

And just think Ed, while those on the right and left get opportunity, you and I also get opportunity, to invest in the ventures. And why do we invest and hope the market keeps rising, and we chose the correct places to put our money? Because we are not only needy, we are GREEDY!

So ya see, money moving is a good thing. We will reap the rewards if we plot correctly. And if you make your 2nd million this year Ed, will you hope your capital gains taxes rise, or fall?

Be careful on your choice Ed, I wouldn't want you to be labeled a GREEDY type person, share the wealth ya know-)
Ima you crack me up You're a good person and enjoy your posts I was a Repub .even voted for gwb in 2000 but never again will I vote Repub.... I owned my own business for 40 some odd years and never saw a union I liked BUT I still despise trump as a man and as a president and I'm not thrilled about the treatment repubs give those who struggle in life ,and I still have some greed left in this old body so let cap gains go to 10%

LOL, cap gains to 10%. I am with ya, we agree on something, lol. Have a great New Year. Enjoy the family, and if I ever get to your neck of the woods, (wherever that might be) I will buy you dinner, we will laugh, and count our money-)

P.S. By the way, if we count our money and I find out you have more, YOU will end up buying the dinner! Transfer of wealth ya know, gotta practice what ya preach, lol-)

Happy New Year to you and your family again Ed. And just for your information, I actually shook Hubert Humphrey's hand when I was 19 or 20. Before you ask, yes, I was paid to be there, lol. That was the start of my political education! That is how I know some of how the swamp works. That, and the the Indiana DNC took 2% of my gross pay in CASH, to have the honor of working for them.........and just in case she is on this board...........isn't that correct, Mz Ellen Priesol-)
And I sat at the same table as trump in the 90's in an atlantic city casino where my friend was talking boxing with him My pal was connected to Boom Boom Mancini back then And no, I said goodbye but never shook his hand

Wow, Boom-Boom Mancini! Now I would have enjoyed that for sure. Isn't it surprising that boxing has gone into the tank? I remember taking off work, (for which I got punished for in my wallet) to watch Looney Clooney, fight The Easton Assassin, Larry Holmes.

I loved boxing, I really did. Never wanted to do it, but watched those who made it a living.

Good ole Boom-Boom. Have any idea what happened to him?
Mancini has a son also called Ray who appears in the YouTube reality series SummerBreak.

Mancini appeared in and produced a handful of films, and became a fight analyst for the Fox reality series Celebrity Boxing. Mancini, who as of 2007 resides in Los Angeles, owns the El Campeon Cigar Company and operates two movie production companies.[18]

Mancini practices Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and holds a purple belt in the martial art.[19] He appeared in David Mamet's MMA film Redbelt.

Mancini produced Youngstown: Still Standing in 2010, which premiered at the 34th Cleveland International Film Festival on March 24. The documentary film featured his hometown friend, actor Ed O'Neill and included Jim Cummings, Kelly Pavlik, Jay Williams, Andrea Wood and Mancini himself, among many other Youngstown natives and locals. John Chechitelli – another Youngstown native – directed and edited the 89-minute-long film. It recounts the history of Youngstown, Ohio from its founding in 1797 to the present.[20]

Mancini is fluent in Italian. He and Orlando Romero reunited in 2013 at Lima, Peru.[21]
Ima you crack me up You're a good person and enjoy your posts I was a Repub .even voted for gwb in 2000 but never again will I vote Repub.... I owned my own business for 40 some odd years and never saw a union I liked BUT I still despise trump as a man and as a president and I'm not thrilled about the treatment repubs give those who struggle in life ,and I still have some greed left in this old body so let cap gains go to 10%

LOL, cap gains to 10%. I am with ya, we agree on something, lol. Have a great New Year. Enjoy the family, and if I ever get to your neck of the woods, (wherever that might be) I will buy you dinner, we will laugh, and count our money-)

P.S. By the way, if we count our money and I find out you have more, YOU will end up buying the dinner! Transfer of wealth ya know, gotta practice what ya preach, lol-)

Happy New Year to you and your family again Ed. And just for your information, I actually shook Hubert Humphrey's hand when I was 19 or 20. Before you ask, yes, I was paid to be there, lol. That was the start of my political education! That is how I know some of how the swamp works. That, and the the Indiana DNC took 2% of my gross pay in CASH, to have the honor of working for them.........and just in case she is on this board...........isn't that correct, Mz Ellen Priesol-)
And I sat at the same table as trump in the 90's in an atlantic city casino where my friend was talking boxing with him My pal was connected to Boom Boom Mancini back then And no, I said goodbye but never shook his hand

Wow, Boom-Boom Mancini! Now I would have enjoyed that for sure. Isn't it surprising that boxing has gone into the tank? I remember taking off work, (for which I got punished for in my wallet) to watch Looney Clooney, fight The Easton Assassin, Larry Holmes.

I loved boxing, I really did. Never wanted to do it, but watched those who made it a living.

Good ole Boom-Boom. Have any idea what happened to him?
I saw that Cooney Holmes fight in Vegas A guy named Rappaport was Cooneys manager and we lived in the same apartment so we had a free trip Holmes kicked his butt in 7 I think it was Boom Boom came to my store with his manager and I gave him a leather jacket From what I heard last he's still in his little town in Ohio I believe it is

I had a lot of respect for Mancini. He fought his way up through the ranks and contenders. Most boxers do not! They avoided the top ranked contenders, and tried to bypass them for a big payday with a title shot, while padding their records.

To this day, the best match I believe I have ever seen......albeit on television.......was Arron the Hawk Pryor, versus Alexis Argueyo I. They beat the hell out of each other, just Pryor beat the hell out of Alexis a little more.

I seen in the last year or two, an expose' on Pryor. He may have won that fight, but I would not want to be him now. Same with the last years of Ali. I guess when we are young, we don't understand the consequences of what we are doing.

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