Let's Say It >> Democrats = Crime

Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.
Democrats are proven lying scum! They repeatedly release violent offenders to prey on us. And it's been proven. Problem is the media is always keeping the focus off that, and liars like you assist.
Democrats are also soft on crime, as they don't want to alienate their inner city base. Look at all the Democrat run cities. Violent FELONS often do little or no jail time as Democrat DA's just want quick conviction numbers and plea down charges to next to nothing.

Yet they all want more gun laws to disarm the law abiding. It is criminal.
I love how the democrat utopias run hip deep in poop and needles because they won't let the cops arrest anyone. Democrat does equal crime. Letting killers go free is also a bit of bad policy. All I can figure is that they love crime.
Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.

I wouldn't say "smart" necessarily. Educated/indoctrinated yes. The wise educated ones are able to think for themselves. Aside from large urban areas, the most successful tend to vote Republican. That should tell you something about their overall intelligence.
More like Republicans are idiots who skated on white privilege, and luck. While Democrats are both divided between the smart, and hard working. As well as people in need of help. The reason why crime is higher in Democrats is because of people in need of help who may, or may not have conservative values like antiabortion, or anti illegal immigrant views, still need help like food stamps, welfare, medicaid. This includes people who can't find jobs, the mentally ill, the people who are victims of racism. They vote Democrat because they live bad, and just happen to commit more crime.

I have never been rich! I've lived in both Dem and Rep run cities. Can't remember a time when it was ever legal to destroy a Police vehicle and face no criminal consequences. However I do have a friend who spent 90 days in jail for removing some flowers/ and signs from his Murdered parents grave. That was in a Dem run city, Population 45,000, with 50 Heroin overdose deaths and numerous unsolved homicides. There were 80,000 people 15 yrs ago. All Dem admins in this time period. High crime, low growth and Squandered tax money is what Dems had to offer and smart people including myself fled by the thousands.
Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.

Which correlates to Dems prefer people who are needy! So allow crime to flourish and encourage it, so more people will be needy. Who are the Smart People ? And Please don't say AOC I'll piss myself for real!
There are basically 2 types of Democrats.

The first are communist who hate America and Americans and aim to destroy America so they can fundamentally transform it into a global socialist police state run by oligarchs out of Europe.

The second type are the ignorant fools and useful idiots who believe and repeat the propaganda spewed by the first type.
Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.

I wouldn't say "smart" necessarily. Educated/indoctrinated yes. The wise educated ones are able to think for themselves. Aside from large urban areas, the most successful tend to vote Republican. That should tell you something about their overall intelligence.
More like Republicans are idiots who skated on white privilege, and luck. While Democrats are both divided between the smart, and hard working. As well as people in need of help. The reason why crime is higher in Democrats is because of people in need of help who may, or may not have conservative values like antiabortion, or anti illegal immigrant views, still need help like food stamps, welfare, medicaid. This includes people who can't find jobs, the mentally ill, the people who are victims of racism. They vote Democrat because they live bad, and just happen to commit more crime.

They vote For the Democratic Party because they live bad and commit more crime, so you are saying that good people commit less crime vote for Republican. Interesting view.
Democrats want criminals to vote because they know most criminals are Democrats.

Democrats have no standards and behave accordingly.
Dem's have created the hopeless, lawless conditions that lead to crime. Then Dem's send millions of minorities to prison from their dem run cities.
Without Democrats there would be way more crime. Democrats put up money to treat substance abuse, the mentally ill, and the homeless. Without that crime would be much higher.
Dem's have created the hopeless, lawless conditions that lead to crime. Then Dem's send millions of minorities to prison from their dem run cities.
Without Democrats there would be way more crime. Democrats put up money to treat substance abuse, the mentally ill, and the homeless. Without that crime would be much higher.

Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.
why is that?
Smart people know the Democrats help society, the downtrodden know Democrats help them.

Without democrats crime would be a fraction of what it is. You lie.
Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.

Which correlates to Dems prefer people who are needy! So allow crime to flourish and encourage it, so more people will be needy. Who are the Smart People ? And Please don't say AOC I'll piss myself for real!
That is nonsense. Democrats keep people fed, off the streets, and prop up programs to help the mentally ill, or substance abusers. Without all these helpful programs crime would balloon up.
"Tricia Taylor didn’t die, but the 18-year-old had to have her legs amputated almost to the hip after a drunk driving illegal alien from El Salvador swerved his car onto a sidewalk in Pontiac, Michigan, and rammed her against the wall. It was a miracle that she lived, suffering through multiple surgeries and a lifetime of pain medications. At Jose Carcamo’s sentencing, Taylor said, “What you give him won't come close to the sentence he gave me for the rest of my life."

D.J. and Wendy Corcoran began 2019 by burying their 22-year-old son, Pierce, senselessly killed when a 44-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, Francisco Eduardo Franco-Cambrany, swerved headfirst across a double yellow line, straight into oncoming traffic. Echoing the media, Alexander De La Espriella tweeted of Pierce’s horrible death, “Accidents happen, by anyone to anyone ... ” -- as quoted in the Knoxville News. At least we didn’t have to hear about the great tacos this time.

Six-year-old Annie Cumpston was walking hand-in-hand with her mother in 2003, after attending the Ringling Brothers Circus in Baltimore with her family, when a drunk Mexican plowed into the crosswalk, killing the little girl. The intoxicated illegal, Guillermo Diaz-Lopez, fled the scene, dragging a pedestrian on his truck, and was finally apprehended while trying to break through a police barrier.

Today, you can visit “Annie’s Playground,” a beautiful 60,000-square-foot wonderland built in the victim’s honor in Fallston, Maryland -- at least until Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris demand its demolition to show their support for “undocumented immigrants.”

Second friendly holiday tip: Always remember -- diversity is a strength! " - Wacky Ann Coulter
Dem's have created the hopeless, lawless conditions that lead to crime. Then Dem's send millions of minorities to prison from their dem run cities.
Without Democrats there would be way more crime. Democrats put up money to treat substance abuse, the mentally ill, and the homeless. Without that crime would be much higher.

Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.
why is that?
Smart people know the Democrats help society, the downtrodden know Democrats help them.

Without democrats crime would be a fraction of what it is. You lie.
A lot of Republican regions have a lot of crime too. New York City has less murder than just about the whole Southern states. That is because New York City has less guns, and a bunch of good programs, and housing for people in need.
Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.

Which correlates to Dems prefer people who are needy! So allow crime to flourish and encourage it, so more people will be needy. Who are the Smart People ? And Please don't say AOC I'll piss myself for real!
That is nonsense. Democrats keep people fed, off the streets, and prop up programs to help the mentally ill, or substance abusers. Without all these helpful programs crime would balloon up.
Democrats in charge of california have more homeless on the street than they can handle. People are crapping on the sidewalks and the wacky democrats wont allow the use of hoses to clean it up calling it racist. You lie.
Dem's have created the hopeless, lawless conditions that lead to crime. Then Dem's send millions of minorities to prison from their dem run cities.
Without Democrats there would be way more crime. Democrats put up money to treat substance abuse, the mentally ill, and the homeless. Without that crime would be much higher.

Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.
why is that?
Smart people know the Democrats help society, the downtrodden know Democrats help them.

Without democrats crime would be a fraction of what it is. You lie.
A lot of Republican regions have a lot of crime too. New York City has less murder than just about the whole Southern states. That is because New York City has less guns, and a bunch of good programs, and housing for people in need.
You lie out your troll ass.
EduardBernstein said:
They vote Democrat because they live bad, and just happen to commit more crime.
Criminals Are Naturally Democrat
Confirms The Thread Banner
You conservatives are bitching about the Democrats and trying to say that they support crime.

Well...................guess what? Trump ALSO supports people who break the law. He said as much when he said that if people broke environmental laws or other laws by seizing land to build the border wall, he would pardon them. He actually said that he would pardon people who broke the law if they were doing it on his orders.

Trump offers pardons to people who carry out orders on border wall: report

President Trump has privately suggested that he would pardon officials who carry out orders connected to construction of a wall at the southern border that could be illegal, The Washington Post is reporting.

“Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,” Trump has told officials when discussing the wall, according to the Post.

An unnamed former official told the Post that Trump has underscored that “people expected him to build a wall, and it had to be done by the election.”

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