Let's Say It >> Democrats = Crime

Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.

Which correlates to Dems prefer people who are needy! So allow crime to flourish and encourage it, so more people will be needy. Who are the Smart People ? And Please don't say AOC I'll piss myself for real!
That is nonsense. Democrats keep people fed, off the streets, and prop up programs to help the mentally ill, or substance abusers. Without all these helpful programs crime would balloon up.
Democrats in charge of california have more homeless on the street than they can handle. People are crapping on the sidewalks and the wacky democrats wont allow the use of hoses to clean it up calling it racist. You lie.
This shows that California has a lower murder rate than every southern state.
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia
You conservatives are bitching about the Democrats and trying to say that they support crime.

Well...................guess what? Trump ALSO supports people who break the law. He said as much when he said that if people broke environmental laws or other laws by seizing land to build the border wall, he would pardon them. He actually said that he would pardon people who broke the law if they were doing it on his orders.

Trump offers pardons to people who carry out orders on border wall: report

President Trump has privately suggested that he would pardon officials who carry out orders connected to construction of a wall at the southern border that could be illegal, The Washington Post is reporting.

“Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,” Trump has told officials when discussing the wall, according to the Post.

An unnamed former official told the Post that Trump has underscored that “people expected him to build a wall, and it had to be done by the election.”
Breaking bad laws is the thing to do. Terrorist trash like you need to mind your own business.
Pilot1 said:
Democrats are also soft on crime, as they don't want to alienate their inner city base.
No, No, No
Democrats Are Better Educated And More Sophisticated
AOC Is A Prime Example Of Today's Cum Laude Ediemukayshuns
Let's Say It >> Republicans = Lies.

This thread being one of many examples.
Problem is, this thread SHOWS examples of Democrat criminality. You show NOTHING.

How is it "Lies" ?....to say that Democrats allow crime, when we have SEEN it over and over in riots, traffic blocking, attacking Trump supporters, etc. You do nothing here but make a fool out of yourself. YOU are the liar.

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When white people riot it’s because their team lost. When black people riot it’s because they’re tired of being shot for walking down the street.
Let's Say It >> Republicans = Lies.

This thread being one of many examples.
Problem is, this thread SHOWS examples of Democrat criminality. You show NOTHING.

How is it "Lies" ?....to say that Democrats allow crime, when we have SEEN it over and over in riots, traffic blocking, attacking Trump supporters, etc. You do nothing here but make a fool out of yourself. YOU are the liar.

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When white people riot it’s because their team lost. When black people riot it’s because they’re tired of being shot for walking down the street.
Shoot more of them.
Pilot1 said:
Democrats are also soft on crime, as they don't want to alienate their inner city base.
No, No, No
Democrats Are Better Educated And More Sophisticated
AOC Is A Prime Example Of Today's Cum Laude Ediemukayshuns
This is what Republicans call a stable genius.



How much more evidence do we need to see the contempt that Democrats have for law in the United States ? The list of examples is far too long for an OP in this forum, but I'll mention some of them, anyway.

1. Democrats want to eradicate the criminal part of US Code 8, Section 1325, which makes it criminal for illegal aliens to cross the US border without authorization from US immigration officials. Keyword >> Decriminalize.

2. Democrats voted overwhelming to give sanctuary to illegal aliens (a violation of US Code 8, Section 1324)

3. Democrat mayors and governors all across America, repeatedly order police to stand down, allowing criminals to engage in crime (ex. Baltimore riots, Ferguson riots/looting/arson, San Jose, Chicago, New York City, Tampa, Portland, Minneapolis, etc)

4. Who can ever forget Judge Joseph Charles allowing a Muslim husband to rape and beat his wife, when the guy claimed it was OK, because Islam said so ? Denied restraining order. :rolleyes:

5. Kamala Harris, et al, calling for the abolition of ICE.

6. Elizabeth Warren ludicrously claiming the thug Michael Brown was murdered by police officer Darren Wilson.

Called for boycott against Israel

Gave Soro Foundation money to "fix" Central Europe election and to stop riots in the area.

Ukrainian court found that high ranking officials inside its government sought to help Hillary Clinton win the election. There’s also an admission from Bruce Ohr that a Ukrainian lawmaker was feeding phony, anti-Trump dirt to Fusion GPS, the firm that, well, yes, Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie worked for, the firm responsible for the bought and paid for, Russian lies to influence the 2016 election.
Pilot1 said:
Democrats are also soft on crime, as they don't want to alienate their inner city base.
No, No, No
Democrats Are Better Educated And More Sophisticated
AOC Is A Prime Example Of Today's Cum Laude Ediemukayshuns
This is what Republicans call a stable genius.



We finally agree, you imbecile.
Then we agree that this is what Republicans call a stable genius. Not the rest of the world, just Republicans.
Pilot1 said:
Democrats are also soft on crime, as they don't want to alienate their inner city base.
No, No, No
Democrats Are Better Educated And More Sophisticated
AOC Is A Prime Example Of Today's Cum Laude Ediemukayshuns
This is what Republicans call a stable genius.



We finally agree, you imbecile.
Then we agree that this is what Republicans call a stable genius. Not the rest of the world, just Republicans.
Like you know anything about what the rest of the world thinks you deranged idiot.
When white people riot it’s because their team lost. When black people riot it’s because they’re tired of being shot for walking down the street.
Then they're rioting for NO REASON, because they're NOT shot for walking down the street. That is a propaganda lie spread by black MISleaders for many decades, most recently by Obama, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, etc.

And the amount of damage done by white "rioters" whose team lost, is a drop in the bucket compared to black rioters, who riot because of lies told by liberals and liberal media (ex. LA riots in 1993 connected to Rodney KING and KTLA's doctored video tapes)
How much more evidence do we need to see the contempt that Democrats have for law in the United States ? The list of examples is far too long for an OP in this forum, but I'll mention some of them, anyway.

1. Democrats want to eradicate the criminal part of US Code 8, Section 1325, which makes it criminal for illegal aliens to cross the US border without authorization from US immigration officials. Keyword >> Decriminalize.

2. Democrats voted overwhelming to give sanctuary to illegal aliens (a violation of US Code 8, Section 1324)

3. Democrat mayors and governors all across America, repeatedly order police to stand down, allowing criminals to engage in crime (ex. Baltimore riots, Ferguson riots/looting/arson, San Jose, Chicago, New York City, Tampa, Portland, Minneapolis, etc)

4. Who can ever forget Judge Joseph Charles allowing a Muslim husband to rape and beat his wife, when the guy claimed it was OK, because Islam said so ? Denied restraining order. :rolleyes:

5. Kamala Harris, et al, calling for the abolition of ICE.

6. Elizabeth Warren ludicrously claiming the thug Michael Brown was murdered by police officer Darren Wilson.


Meanwhile back in reality….Trump flutters like yourself are mailing bombs to people, running over them with their cars, and shooting up Wal*Marts.

Trump supporters crave violence and spread hate. Always.
How much more evidence do we need to see the contempt that Democrats have for law in the United States ? The list of examples is far too long for an OP in this forum, but I'll mention some of them, anyway.

1. Democrats want to eradicate the criminal part of US Code 8, Section 1325, which makes it criminal for illegal aliens to cross the US border without authorization from US immigration officials. Keyword >> Decriminalize.

2. Democrats voted overwhelming to give sanctuary to illegal aliens (a violation of US Code 8, Section 1324)

3. Democrat mayors and governors all across America, repeatedly order police to stand down, allowing criminals to engage in crime (ex. Baltimore riots, Ferguson riots/looting/arson, San Jose, Chicago, New York City, Tampa, Portland, Minneapolis, etc)

4. Who can ever forget Judge Joseph Charles allowing a Muslim husband to rape and beat his wife, when the guy claimed it was OK, because Islam said so ? Denied restraining order. :rolleyes:

5. Kamala Harris, et al, calling for the abolition of ICE.

6. Elizabeth Warren ludicrously claiming the thug Michael Brown was murdered by police officer Darren Wilson.

Let's Say It >> Republicans = Lies.

This thread being one of many examples.

Not one thing he posted, was incorrect.
Let's Say It >> Republicans = Lies.

This thread being one of many examples.
Problem is, this thread SHOWS examples of Democrat criminality. You show NOTHING.

How is it "Lies" ?....to say that Democrats allow crime, when we have SEEN it over and over in riots, traffic blocking, attacking Trump supporters, etc. You do nothing here but make a fool out of yourself. YOU are the liar.

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View attachment 276506



When white people riot it’s because their team lost. When black people riot it’s because they’re tired of being shot for walking down the street.

No one is shot for walking down the street. So a better post is.... "When a left-winger posts on a forum... he's lying. When a conservative posts a lie, he's quoting a left-winger."... case and point, this post.
Meanwhile back in reality….Trump flutters like yourself are mailing bombs to people, running over them with their cars, and shooting up Wal*Marts.

Trump supporters crave violence and spread hate. Always.
Highest murder rates are among Democrat blacks, and in cities with Democrat mayors.

Here's the top 10 murder rate cities in US.. All have Democrat mayor.

  • #1. St. Louis, Missouri.
  • #2. Baltimore, Maryland.
  • #3. Detroit, Michigan.
  • #4. New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • #5. Birmingham, Alabama.
  • #6. Jackson, Mississippi.
  • #7. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  • #8. Hartford, Connecticut.
  • #9. Salinas, California.
  • #10. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  • #11. Washington, District Of Columbia.
list of cities by homicide rate - Bing
Last edited:
Meanwhile back in reality….Trump flutters like yourself are mailing bombs to people, running over them with their cars, and shooting up Wal*Marts.

Trump supporters crave violence and spread hate. Always.
Highest murder rates are among Democrat blacks, and in cities with Democrat mayors.

Here's the top 10 murder rate cities in US.. All have Democrat mayor.

  • #1. St. Louis, Missouri.
  • #2. Baltimore, Maryland.
  • #3. Detroit, Michigan.
  • #4. New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • #5. Birmingham, Alabama.
  • #6. Jackson, Mississippi.
  • #7. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  • #8. Hartford, Connecticut.
  • #9. Salinas, California.
  • #10. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  • #11. Washington, District Of Columbia.
list of cities by homicide rate - Bing

Ahh a conservative playing the race card. Shocking!
Democrats are also soft on crime, as they don't want to alienate their inner city base. Look at all the Democrat run cities. Violent FELONS often do little or no jail time as Democrat DA's just want quick conviction numbers and plea down charges to next to nothing.

Yet they all want more gun laws to disarm the law abiding. It is criminal.

There are more stories than the MSM wishes to report of Violent Criminals who were let out early from long Prison sentences go unsupervised and commit more violent crimes. I would like to see a report on that stat!

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