Let's Say It >> Democrats = Crime

How much more evidence do we need to see the contempt that Democrats have for law in the United States ? The list of examples is far too long for an OP in this forum, but I'll mention some of them, anyway.

1. Democrats want to eradicate the criminal part of US Code 8, Section 1325, which makes it criminal for illegal aliens to cross the US border without authorization from US immigration officials. Keyword >> Decriminalize.

2. Democrats voted overwhelming to give sanctuary to illegal aliens (a violation of US Code 8, Section 1324)

3. Democrat mayors and governors all across America, repeatedly order police to stand down, allowing criminals to engage in crime (ex. Baltimore riots, Ferguson riots/looting/arson, San Jose, Chicago, New York City, Tampa, Portland, Minneapolis, etc)

4. Who can ever forget Judge Joseph Charles allowing a Muslim husband to rape and beat his wife, when the guy claimed it was OK, because Islam said so ? Denied restraining order. :rolleyes:

5. Kamala Harris, et al, calling for the abolition of ICE.

6. Elizabeth Warren ludicrously claiming the thug Michael Brown was murdered by police officer Darren Wilson.


Meanwhile back in reality….Trump flutters like yourself are mailing bombs to people, running over them with their cars, and shooting up Wal*Marts.

Trump supporters crave violence and spread hate. Always.
Oh my god, someone call a doctor.
This shows that California has a lower murder rate than every southern state.
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia
Of course, southern states have high murder rates. That's where the highest %s of blacks live.
You racist Nazi. Most black people are decent.
Of course. Like Chris Rock says, black people are good, but it's the niggaz that fuck everything up.
That sounds like something a racist Nazi would say.

This doesn't happen in cities with Republican mayors.

Somehow this is GOP Trump fault.... Democrats are never accountable. It’s always someone else’s fault.
This shows that California has a lower murder rate than every southern state.
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia
Of course, southern states have high murder rates. That's where the highest %s of blacks live.
You racist Nazi. Most black people are decent.
Of course. Like Chris Rock says, black people are good, but it's the niggaz that fuck everything up.
That sounds like something a racist Nazi would say.
Ahh a conservative playing the race card. Shocking!
That's not the race card. The race card is when you try to get away with something by hiding behind another person's fear of being called a racist.

I merely cited facts. :biggrin:
You racist Nazi. Most black people are decent.
HA HA. Well, I see you're in step with the looney left and their looney methodology of late.

Actually, YOU were the one who started citing murder rates relative to regions , while showing off your anti-southern bigotry. Clean your own kitchen.

And I didn't say most black people were NOT decent, YOU mentioned that notion.
How much more evidence do we need to see the contempt that Democrats have for law in the United States ? The list of examples is far too long for an OP in this forum, but I'll mention some of them, anyway.

1. Democrats want to eradicate the criminal part of US Code 8, Section 1325, which makes it criminal for illegal aliens to cross the US border without authorization from US immigration officials. Keyword >> Decriminalize.

2. Democrats voted overwhelming to give sanctuary to illegal aliens (a violation of US Code 8, Section 1324)

3. Democrat mayors and governors all across America, repeatedly order police to stand down, allowing criminals to engage in crime (ex. Baltimore riots, Ferguson riots/looting/arson, San Jose, Chicago, New York City, Tampa, Portland, Minneapolis, etc)

4. Who can ever forget Judge Joseph Charles allowing a Muslim husband to rape and beat his wife, when the guy claimed it was OK, because Islam said so ? Denied restraining order. :rolleyes:

5. Kamala Harris, et al, calling for the abolition of ICE.

6. Elizabeth Warren ludicrously claiming the thug Michael Brown was murdered by police officer Darren Wilson.

Let's Say It >> Republicans = Lies.

This thread being one of many examples.
Everything he said is 100% true.

And your media has no answer for them so don't even try to go there either.
Let's Say It >> Republicans = Lies.

This thread being one of many examples.
Problem is, this thread SHOWS examples of Democrat criminality. You show NOTHING.

How is it "Lies" ?....to say that Democrats allow crime, when we have SEEN it over and over in riots, traffic blocking, attacking Trump supporters, etc. You do nothing here but make a fool out of yourself. YOU are the liar.

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When white people riot it’s because their team lost. When black people riot it’s because they’re tired of being shot for walking down the street.
All Democrats.

The way to stop this >> stop electing Democrat mayors.

"Protesters who block traffic should be arrested" is TOTAL BULLS••• !

Protesters who block traffic should be run the f••• over......

Your right to protest doesn't supersede my right to get to wherever the hell I'm going without a bunch of dickweeds intentionally barring my path.

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The way to stop this >> stop electing Democrat mayors.

"Protesters who block traffic should be arrested" is TOTAL BULLS••• !

Protesters who block traffic should be run the f••• over......

Your right to protest doesn't supersede my right to get to wherever the hell I'm going without a bunch of dickweeds intentionally barring my path.

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Man I wish some leftists would dare to try to block traffic here.

I would run right through them and then back up to hit any of the fuckers who tried to help them.
Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.

I wouldn't say "smart" necessarily. Educated/indoctrinated yes. The wise educated ones are able to think for themselves. Aside from large urban areas, the most successful tend to vote Republican. That should tell you something about their overall intelligence.
More like Republicans are idiots who skated on white privilege, and luck. While Democrats are both divided between the smart, and hard working. As well as people in need of help. The reason why crime is higher in Democrats is because of people in need of help who may, or may not have conservative values like antiabortion, or anti illegal immigrant views, still need help like food stamps, welfare, medicaid. This includes people who can't find jobs, the mentally ill, the people who are victims of racism. They vote Democrat because they live bad, and just happen to commit more crime.

Actually poverty = crime. People who are poor commit crime. That's why rural white America now has higher violent crime rates than most inner cities. Republican fiscal policies are so bad, they're turning white people into criminals.

Poor people vote for Democrats. They'd be idiots to do otherwise. Republican policies have stripped the workers of America of their wealth and their jobs, and left them with empty promises. Anyone who makes less than $500,000 per year and still votes Republican, is a fool of the first order.
Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.

I wouldn't say "smart" necessarily. Educated/indoctrinated yes. The wise educated ones are able to think for themselves. Aside from large urban areas, the most successful tend to vote Republican. That should tell you something about their overall intelligence.
More like Republicans are idiots who skated on white privilege, and luck. While Democrats are both divided between the smart, and hard working. As well as people in need of help. The reason why crime is higher in Democrats is because of people in need of help who may, or may not have conservative values like antiabortion, or anti illegal immigrant views, still need help like food stamps, welfare, medicaid. This includes people who can't find jobs, the mentally ill, the people who are victims of racism. They vote Democrat because they live bad, and just happen to commit more crime.

Actually poverty = crime. People who are poor commit crime. That's why rural white America now has higher violent crime rates than most inner cities. Republican fiscal policies are so bad, they're turning white people into criminals.

Poor people vote for Democrats. They'd be idiots to do otherwise. Republican policies have stripped the workers of America of their wealth and their jobs, and left them with empty promises. Anyone who makes less than $500,000 per year and still votes Republican, is a fool of the first order.

Actually anyone that makes more that 75k/yr is idiotic to vote for Democrats. It is getting to the point where anyone that actually works at all should shy away from the Democratic Party. They don't want you, they want the non-working. Bottom line, my family does much, much better economically under Repubican presidents than Democratic presidents. Not to mention the astoundingly ignorant social policies of the Democratic Party, in which anyone with an IQ above 75 can poke gaping holes. Democrats are ideologues, not pragmatist. That is their major flaw.
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Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.

I wouldn't say "smart" necessarily. Educated/indoctrinated yes. The wise educated ones are able to think for themselves. Aside from large urban areas, the most successful tend to vote Republican. That should tell you something about their overall intelligence.
More like Republicans are idiots who skated on white privilege, and luck. While Democrats are both divided between the smart, and hard working. As well as people in need of help. The reason why crime is higher in Democrats is because of people in need of help who may, or may not have conservative values like antiabortion, or anti illegal immigrant views, still need help like food stamps, welfare, medicaid. This includes people who can't find jobs, the mentally ill, the people who are victims of racism. They vote Democrat because they live bad, and just happen to commit more crime.

Actually poverty = crime. People who are poor commit crime. That's why rural white America now has higher violent crime rates than most inner cities. Republican fiscal policies are so bad, they're turning white people into criminals.

Poor people vote for Democrats. They'd be idiots to do otherwise. Republican policies have stripped the workers of America of their wealth and their jobs, and left them with empty promises. Anyone who makes less than $500,000 per year and still votes Republican, is a fool of the first order.

Actually anyone that makes more that 75k/yr is idiotic to vote for Democrats. It is getting to the point where anyone that actually works at all should shy away from the Democratic Party. They don't want you, they want the non-working. Bottom line, my family does much, much better economically under Repubican presidents than Democratic presidents. Not to mention the astoundingly ignorant social policies of the Democratic Party, in which anyone with an IQ above 75 can poke gaping holes. Democrats are ideologues, not pragmatist. That is their major flaw.

Boy, you've really drunk that Kool-Aid haven't you. I have universal health care with no co-pays, some of the best infrastructure in the world, training if I am unemployed, two weeks mandated vacation, maternity leave, job security for pregnant people, and all kinds of programs and income supports for working class people, all of which makes my country the best place in the world to live. The USA used to be #1 but after 40 years of Republican fiscal policies, you're barely in the top 20.

Democratic's war on poverty lifted 10% of your population out of poverty - that's 30 million people. Reagan ended the war on poverty and poverty has been creeping up since then. You've got racial divisions, increasing poverty, and a culture so toxic that life expectancy is going DOWN not up. And you think Republicans aren't responsible for this.
Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.

I wouldn't say "smart" necessarily. Educated/indoctrinated yes. The wise educated ones are able to think for themselves. Aside from large urban areas, the most successful tend to vote Republican. That should tell you something about their overall intelligence.
More like Republicans are idiots who skated on white privilege, and luck. While Democrats are both divided between the smart, and hard working. As well as people in need of help. The reason why crime is higher in Democrats is because of people in need of help who may, or may not have conservative values like antiabortion, or anti illegal immigrant views, still need help like food stamps, welfare, medicaid. This includes people who can't find jobs, the mentally ill, the people who are victims of racism. They vote Democrat because they live bad, and just happen to commit more crime.

Actually poverty = crime. People who are poor commit crime. That's why rural white America now has higher violent crime rates than most inner cities. Republican fiscal policies are so bad, they're turning white people into criminals.

Poor people vote for Democrats. They'd be idiots to do otherwise. Republican policies have stripped the workers of America of their wealth and their jobs, and left them with empty promises. Anyone who makes less than $500,000 per year and still votes Republican, is a fool of the first order.
Yes a leading cause of crime is poverty. The reason why people in poverty go with Democrats, is the same reason why people drowning go with lifeguards. Absolutely Republican policies lead to more crime. But many criminals who are in poverty go with Democrats just because they see Democrats as helping them get out of homeless, see Democrats as helping them get food, seeing Democrats helping them with healthcare, or mental health programs, or substance abuse programs. Republicans actually create crime by causing more poverty, and allowing the homeless, mentally ill, and substance abusers to not be treated.
Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.
Look at bit closer at those photos in this thread.

Those are Democrats and they are the furthest thing from smart.
Democrats are more likely to be educated. Most of the smart people in the United States are Democrats. Most scientists are Democrats. The richest, and most powerful business people in the United States are mostly Democrats like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Larry Ellison among various others.
Democrats mostly appeal to the smart, and people in need. It just happens to be people in need are more likely to commit crime.

I wouldn't say "smart" necessarily. Educated/indoctrinated yes. The wise educated ones are able to think for themselves. Aside from large urban areas, the most successful tend to vote Republican. That should tell you something about their overall intelligence.
More like Republicans are idiots who skated on white privilege, and luck. While Democrats are both divided between the smart, and hard working. As well as people in need of help. The reason why crime is higher in Democrats is because of people in need of help who may, or may not have conservative values like antiabortion, or anti illegal immigrant views, still need help like food stamps, welfare, medicaid. This includes people who can't find jobs, the mentally ill, the people who are victims of racism. They vote Democrat because they live bad, and just happen to commit more crime.

Actually poverty = crime. People who are poor commit crime. That's why rural white America now has higher violent crime rates than most inner cities. Republican fiscal policies are so bad, they're turning white people into criminals.

Poor people vote for Democrats. They'd be idiots to do otherwise. Republican policies have stripped the workers of America of their wealth and their jobs, and left them with empty promises. Anyone who makes less than $500,000 per year and still votes Republican, is a fool of the first order.

Actually anyone that makes more that 75k/yr is idiotic to vote for Democrats. It is getting to the point where anyone that actually works at all should shy away from the Democratic Party. They don't want you, they want the non-working. Bottom line, my family does much, much better economically under Repubican presidents than Democratic presidents. Not to mention the astoundingly ignorant social policies of the Democratic Party, in which anyone with an IQ above 75 can poke gaping holes. Democrats are ideologues, not pragmatist. That is their major flaw.

Boy, you've really drunk that Kool-Aid haven't you. I have universal health care with no co-pays, some of the best infrastructure in the world, training if I am unemployed, two weeks mandated vacation, maternity leave, job security for pregnant people, and all kinds of programs and income supports for working class people, all of which makes my country the best place in the world to live. The USA used to be #1 but after 40 years of Republican fiscal policies, you're barely in the top 20.

Democratic's war on poverty lifted 10% of your population out of poverty - that's 30 million people. Reagan ended the war on poverty and poverty has been creeping up since then. You've got racial divisions, increasing poverty, and a culture so toxic that life expectancy is going DOWN not up. And you think Republicans aren't responsible for this.

If the US is barely in the top 20 of the best places to live, why is it so many people still seek to come here? Is it only because our immigration laws are not nearly as strict as other countries? Why do people from all over the world still come to the US for life saving healthcare? It is not me that has drunk the Kool-Aid. My standard of living is far better than the average around the world and it isn't even close. Granted, my family does well economically speaking, but we would not be doing as well in many other countries that have bought into the Robin Hood philosophy.

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