Let's Say They All Start Taking Polls.Three Way Race.All Results Have Democrat Around 25%.Then What?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:hellno: :hyper: :smoke: If Howard does run, you know that even before he runs, there will be polls. And odds are that the generic Democrat will likely always poll about 25-30%, and Trump will likely be around 40 to 45%, and Howard is probably also going to be around 25 to 30%. And they keep taking these polls right through next year.
Odds are the Democrat choice never gets passed 30% so long as Howard is in the race, and Trump always leads the three way race by a safe margin.
What will the Dem's do? Register about 8 million illegals and dead people?
:puhleeze: :goodposting:
They will most likely gripe about Trump for another four years on USMB and post their daily "gotcha" stories.

There is no way in hell that the left is ever going to accept the fact that he's President, and he's doing a great job. They are all afflicted with Permanent Melancholy Syndrome (PMS) over his being President, and it's pushed them over the edge.
Pelosi will start registering every rat in the country
Crawl back into your hole, you little freakazoid.

:hellno: :hyper: :smoke: If Howard does run, you know that even before he runs, there will be polls. And odds are that the generic Democrat will likely always poll about 25-30%, and Trump will likely be around 40 to 45%, and Howard is probably also going to be around 25 to 30%. And they keep taking these polls right through next year.
Odds are the Democrat choice never gets passed 30% so long as Howard is in the race, and Trump always leads the three way race by a safe margin.
What will the Dem's do? Register about 8 million illegals and dead people?
:puhleeze: :goodposting:
Claim its a conspiracy between Schultz and Trump. Dems love making excuses for why Americans won't vote for them
The good news is that polls don't matter. The only one that does is election day. The MSM and their fake news and fake urban plantation polls didn't matter in 2016, remember this?

:hellno: :hyper: :smoke: If Howard does run, you know that even before he runs, there will be polls. And odds are that the generic Democrat will likely always poll about 25-30%, and Trump will likely be around 40 to 45%, and Howard is probably also going to be around 25 to 30%. And they keep taking these polls right through next year.
Odds are the Democrat choice never gets passed 30% so long as Howard is in the race, and Trump always leads the three way race by a safe margin.
What will the Dem's do? Register about 8 million illegals and dead people?
:puhleeze: :goodposting:

Trump won the last election by less than 1% of the vote in 3 key states, that is what tipped the scale in his direction. That was against the most flawed candidate ever who quit campaigning in August and who had an FBI investigation re-opened on her 10 days before the election.

If I were you I would not feel to comfortable...but I have a brain so I am not sure what you will do
the Dem's will find another 7 states to add to the current 57, and register all new peoples as Democrats
the Dem's will find another 7 states to add to the current 57, and register all new peoples as Democrats

Hope they don't forget the state of disarray and the state of confusion. There are a lot of Democratic votes just waiting to be had.
I doubt he will run. He is a democrat candidate - that is pretty obvious - but as a billionaire businessman he is exactly the target of democrat hate. IOW, he has no base to draw on at all. If he ran I would be surprised if he gains any real votes at all. Just look at the reception. He is focused on trying to downplay his wealth as well because even he sees the obvious - success outside of government is a DETRIMENT in the democrat party these days.

Further, even if he did run I doubt it would have real impacts on the dems chance of winning. He may even cut deeper into Trumps base - the ones that actually support having a billionaire businessman as president - over the dems who see billionaires at the bogyman.

Smerconish also did a good short analysis on the idea that independent runs are devastating to the party they lean towards.
Sorry, Howard Schultz, you're a billionaire (opinion) - CNN

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