Lets see where COVID is going


Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2014

Can we have a thread that doesn't mention one side or the other... Please keep the finger point out of it...

This is how big is the hole and how bad will it get.

First lets look at US Numbers right now.

Lets to Europe Numbers .


What can we take...
Europe at 50,000 cases was growing slower (18%) than US is today (mainly in the 30%) (that latest number don't seem to be that clear.).
US are ten days behind Europe on these numbers.


This just shows how bad New York have it ...

Comapre this to the smart countries in this

Norway, Singapora, South Korea,.....

Spain has it pretty bad but can see they are loading on major testing and have 7000 (0.7% of pop) per million...

Lets look at South Korea:


South Korea is democracy and they are probably showing the best way to handle it. They where caught early on but within two weeks they got it down to single digit growth.

So looking at South Korea

Viewing Korea's COVID-19 in Germany

How to cut asymptomatic virus spread.
ZDF, a major public broadcaster in Germany, assessed that Korea's COVID-19 management, conducting massive inspections daily, is the fastest but hardest way to transparently disclose the confirmed COVID-19 cases.[205] It was now emphasized that it would be necessary to conduct an aggressive test similar to South Korea for COVID-19. Public German broadcaster ARD praised the efficiency of the testing methods developed by South Korea, such as the drive-through COVID-19 screening.[206] Since March 8, Germany has been operating drive-through inspection stations in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, where the number of infected people is increasing. Drive-through inspection stations were also installed in several places in the UK two weeks ago[when?]. Germany has a medical infrastructure capable of testing 16,000 people per day.[207][208][209][210]

The low death rate in South Korea
Bloomberg L.P. analyzed the reason for the low death rate in South Korea. South Korea experienced serious difficulties during the outbreak of MERS in 2015 due to a lack of test kits. Afterwards, the country approved rapid deployment of COVID-19 test kits, and now they are able to test more than 10,000 people a day. In neighboring Japan, only about 2,700 people in total have been tested for COVID-19 as of March 3. Officials in Seoul operate "drive-thru" testing stations for quick testing. Diagnostics company Seegene Inc. is also exporting its test kits to other countries including China, Europe and the USA.[211][212]

AFP attributed the factors behind the low death rate of South Korea to the rigorous testing and the infected population profile. South Korea's widespread testing leads mild or asymptomatic cases to be identified so the proportion of dying goes down. Moreover, the infected population in the South Korea has a unique profile. Most of the country's infections are linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus and most of its members are young women. Statistics show that the virus is most deadly among older generations and men. So the death rate in South Korea is lower than other countries

Germany and South Korea are having fairly low death rates.

This is not a Right or Left issue, Trump or no Trump.... What is best way to go forward. This can be controlled in a democracy. What should we be doing?
Warm thanks for that effort in the OP and the tone.. I think in most USMB hearts, this is what we want right now out of social media of any kind..

The deaths and recoveries LAG by anywhere from 7 to 21 days.. You'll be seeing a lot more blue in those charts in the days to come like you see in the South Korea one.. I'd just to caution members about a couple things.. I've been reading several threads and maybe we can avoid some mistakes in this one..

1) You can not take the "deaths" and divide by the "diagnosed cases" to get a death rate.. Diagnosed cases are NOT "all infections". You'd have to include those infections that are NOT reported, resolve on their own without serious symptoms or are so mild that doctors can't differentiate them from the HIGHER TOTAL of respiratory diseases during a "flu season".. I've learned that CDC and others ESTIMATE the "total infections" right now to be somewhere equal to the "diagnosed cases".. So the 0.75% death rate that Fauci and others have cited is based on DOUBLING the "diagnosed" cases to calculate mortality.. And it's an ESTIMATE -- not hard data.. That data is likely not be resolved until months after this quiets down...

2) The 0.75% ESTIMATE has been REDUCED from estimates of anywhere from 2% to 4% that prevailed just about a week ago..

3) There WILL BE A PEAK, albeit a temp one for most countries be proactive about this in the next month. But I personally feel, that just the guidance on HYGIENE and behavior is saving a lot of lives. If we DID this for ALL flu seasons -- we wouldn't be losing 15 to 30 thousand people a year. So I believe that we are NAILING this shut before those scary "modeling" guesses even approach the numbers that some folks are irresponsibly tossing out...

If you WANTED -- Moderation could move this thread to the CDZ and we would HELP you keep this great start at a thread intact... If you want this to be apolitical and I do also -- it probably shouldn't be in Politics... Just sayin'... :laugh:

Can we have a thread that doesn't mention one side or the other... Please keep the finger point out of it...

This is how big is the hole and how bad will it get.

First lets look at US Numbers right now.
View attachment 314944

Lets to Europe Numbers .

View attachment 314942

What can we take...
Europe at 50,000 cases was growing slower (18%) than US is today (mainly in the 30%) (that latest number don't seem to be that clear.).
US are ten days behind Europe on these numbers.

View attachment 314948

This just shows how bad New York have it ...

Comapre this to the smart countries in this
View attachment 314949

Norway, Singapora, South Korea,.....

Spain has it pretty bad but can see they are loading on major testing and have 7000 (0.7% of pop) per million...

Lets look at South Korea:

View attachment 314951

South Korea is democracy and they are probably showing the best way to handle it. They where caught early on but within two weeks they got it down to single digit growth.

So looking at South Korea

Viewing Korea's COVID-19 in Germany

How to cut asymptomatic virus spread.
ZDF, a major public broadcaster in Germany, assessed that Korea's COVID-19 management, conducting massive inspections daily, is the fastest but hardest way to transparently disclose the confirmed COVID-19 cases.[205] It was now emphasized that it would be necessary to conduct an aggressive test similar to South Korea for COVID-19. Public German broadcaster ARD praised the efficiency of the testing methods developed by South Korea, such as the drive-through COVID-19 screening.[206] Since March 8, Germany has been operating drive-through inspection stations in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, where the number of infected people is increasing. Drive-through inspection stations were also installed in several places in the UK two weeks ago[when?]. Germany has a medical infrastructure capable of testing 16,000 people per day.[207][208][209][210]

The low death rate in South Korea
Bloomberg L.P. analyzed the reason for the low death rate in South Korea. South Korea experienced serious difficulties during the outbreak of MERS in 2015 due to a lack of test kits. Afterwards, the country approved rapid deployment of COVID-19 test kits, and now they are able to test more than 10,000 people a day. In neighboring Japan, only about 2,700 people in total have been tested for COVID-19 as of March 3. Officials in Seoul operate "drive-thru" testing stations for quick testing. Diagnostics company Seegene Inc. is also exporting its test kits to other countries including China, Europe and the USA.[211][212]

AFP attributed the factors behind the low death rate of South Korea to the rigorous testing and the infected population profile. South Korea's widespread testing leads mild or asymptomatic cases to be identified so the proportion of dying goes down. Moreover, the infected population in the South Korea has a unique profile. Most of the country's infections are linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus and most of its members are young women. Statistics show that the virus is most deadly among older generations and men. So the death rate in South Korea is lower than other countries

Germany and South Korea are having fairly low death rates.

This is not a Right or Left issue, Trump or no Trump.... What is best way to go forward. This can be controlled in a democracy. What should we be doing?
Well, we blew it on the early testing. So now that the horse is out of the barn, what can be done? Do you think a whole bunch of testing now would work?

Can we have a thread that doesn't mention one side or the other... Please keep the finger point out of it...

This is how big is the hole and how bad will it get.

First lets look at US Numbers right now.
View attachment 314944

Lets to Europe Numbers .

View attachment 314942

What can we take...
Europe at 50,000 cases was growing slower (18%) than US is today (mainly in the 30%) (that latest number don't seem to be that clear.).
US are ten days behind Europe on these numbers.

View attachment 314948

This just shows how bad New York have it ...

Comapre this to the smart countries in this
View attachment 314949

Norway, Singapora, South Korea,.....

Spain has it pretty bad but can see they are loading on major testing and have 7000 (0.7% of pop) per million...

Lets look at South Korea:

View attachment 314951

South Korea is democracy and they are probably showing the best way to handle it. They where caught early on but within two weeks they got it down to single digit growth.

So looking at South Korea

Viewing Korea's COVID-19 in Germany

How to cut asymptomatic virus spread.
ZDF, a major public broadcaster in Germany, assessed that Korea's COVID-19 management, conducting massive inspections daily, is the fastest but hardest way to transparently disclose the confirmed COVID-19 cases.[205] It was now emphasized that it would be necessary to conduct an aggressive test similar to South Korea for COVID-19. Public German broadcaster ARD praised the efficiency of the testing methods developed by South Korea, such as the drive-through COVID-19 screening.[206] Since March 8, Germany has been operating drive-through inspection stations in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, where the number of infected people is increasing. Drive-through inspection stations were also installed in several places in the UK two weeks ago[when?]. Germany has a medical infrastructure capable of testing 16,000 people per day.[207][208][209][210]

The low death rate in South Korea
Bloomberg L.P. analyzed the reason for the low death rate in South Korea. South Korea experienced serious difficulties during the outbreak of MERS in 2015 due to a lack of test kits. Afterwards, the country approved rapid deployment of COVID-19 test kits, and now they are able to test more than 10,000 people a day. In neighboring Japan, only about 2,700 people in total have been tested for COVID-19 as of March 3. Officials in Seoul operate "drive-thru" testing stations for quick testing. Diagnostics company Seegene Inc. is also exporting its test kits to other countries including China, Europe and the USA.[211][212]

AFP attributed the factors behind the low death rate of South Korea to the rigorous testing and the infected population profile. South Korea's widespread testing leads mild or asymptomatic cases to be identified so the proportion of dying goes down. Moreover, the infected population in the South Korea has a unique profile. Most of the country's infections are linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus and most of its members are young women. Statistics show that the virus is most deadly among older generations and men. So the death rate in South Korea is lower than other countries

Germany and South Korea are having fairly low death rates.

This is not a Right or Left issue, Trump or no Trump.... What is best way to go forward. This can be controlled in a democracy. What should we be doing?
Well, we blew it on the early testing. So now that the horse is out of the barn, what can be done? Do you think a whole bunch of testing now would work?

I disagree that "we blew it on early testing".. You need adequate samples of the virus to even start.. Especially because COVID seemed to come in 2 mutated strains.. The only "glitch" was the CDC "early released" kits that were not reliable and COULD NOT be "scaled up" to the numbers required.

So -- the mountain of PRIVATE expertise was RELEASED by CHANGING bureaucratic procedures, and there were MULTIPLE SOLUTIONS within a span of 3 or 5 weeks... That's the MINIMUM that anyone should expect this to happen...

If China hadn't "rounded up" the med experts there that were TRYING to warn us, we would have gained nearly a 3 or 6 week EARLIER start...

STILL now -- testing should be reserved to those that are symptomatic, working in healthcare, living in med nursing/assisted facilities. There is nothing to gain but ACADEMIC information with blanket testing..

Can we have a thread that doesn't mention one side or the other... Please keep the finger point out of it...

This is how big is the hole and how bad will it get.

First lets look at US Numbers right now.
View attachment 314944

Lets to Europe Numbers .

View attachment 314942

What can we take...
Europe at 50,000 cases was growing slower (18%) than US is today (mainly in the 30%) (that latest number don't seem to be that clear.).
US are ten days behind Europe on these numbers.

View attachment 314948

This just shows how bad New York have it ...

Comapre this to the smart countries in this
View attachment 314949

Norway, Singapora, South Korea,.....

Spain has it pretty bad but can see they are loading on major testing and have 7000 (0.7% of pop) per million...

Lets look at South Korea:

View attachment 314951

South Korea is democracy and they are probably showing the best way to handle it. They where caught early on but within two weeks they got it down to single digit growth.

So looking at South Korea

Viewing Korea's COVID-19 in Germany

How to cut asymptomatic virus spread.
ZDF, a major public broadcaster in Germany, assessed that Korea's COVID-19 management, conducting massive inspections daily, is the fastest but hardest way to transparently disclose the confirmed COVID-19 cases.[205] It was now emphasized that it would be necessary to conduct an aggressive test similar to South Korea for COVID-19. Public German broadcaster ARD praised the efficiency of the testing methods developed by South Korea, such as the drive-through COVID-19 screening.[206] Since March 8, Germany has been operating drive-through inspection stations in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, where the number of infected people is increasing. Drive-through inspection stations were also installed in several places in the UK two weeks ago[when?]. Germany has a medical infrastructure capable of testing 16,000 people per day.[207][208][209][210]

The low death rate in South Korea
Bloomberg L.P. analyzed the reason for the low death rate in South Korea. South Korea experienced serious difficulties during the outbreak of MERS in 2015 due to a lack of test kits. Afterwards, the country approved rapid deployment of COVID-19 test kits, and now they are able to test more than 10,000 people a day. In neighboring Japan, only about 2,700 people in total have been tested for COVID-19 as of March 3. Officials in Seoul operate "drive-thru" testing stations for quick testing. Diagnostics company Seegene Inc. is also exporting its test kits to other countries including China, Europe and the USA.[211][212]

AFP attributed the factors behind the low death rate of South Korea to the rigorous testing and the infected population profile. South Korea's widespread testing leads mild or asymptomatic cases to be identified so the proportion of dying goes down. Moreover, the infected population in the South Korea has a unique profile. Most of the country's infections are linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus and most of its members are young women. Statistics show that the virus is most deadly among older generations and men. So the death rate in South Korea is lower than other countries

Germany and South Korea are having fairly low death rates.

This is not a Right or Left issue, Trump or no Trump.... What is best way to go forward. This can be controlled in a democracy. What should we be doing?
Well, we blew it on the early testing. So now that the horse is out of the barn, what can be done? Do you think a whole bunch of testing now would work?
I agree with moving this if possible to CDZ...

Because test have been such short supply, testing above 1% of you population is considered high even in Italy.

The target is for an area to have 10 days with a new case and no one to have entered that area in 10 days(Let's cal these 'Clean' Areas). That is utopia and not happening for many reasons mainly logistical.

Clean areas can return to normal behaviour and would have no restrictions internally or traveling to other clean areas.

There areas which haven't been infected or have very little cases. Hammering those areas now with a lockdown could make them clean. For people to go from infected area to clean area involves quarantine, 10 days but advancement in testing will bring that down.

Then take the health resources and move the virus back clearing one are at a time.. With intensive testing, lockdown and treatment...

Well that is a possible plan..

Can we have a thread that doesn't mention one side or the other... Please keep the finger point out of it...

This is how big is the hole and how bad will it get.

First lets look at US Numbers right now.
View attachment 314944

Lets to Europe Numbers .

View attachment 314942

What can we take...
Europe at 50,000 cases was growing slower (18%) than US is today (mainly in the 30%) (that latest number don't seem to be that clear.).
US are ten days behind Europe on these numbers.

View attachment 314948

This just shows how bad New York have it ...

Comapre this to the smart countries in this
View attachment 314949

Norway, Singapora, South Korea,.....

Spain has it pretty bad but can see they are loading on major testing and have 7000 (0.7% of pop) per million...

Lets look at South Korea:

View attachment 314951

South Korea is democracy and they are probably showing the best way to handle it. They where caught early on but within two weeks they got it down to single digit growth.

So looking at South Korea

Viewing Korea's COVID-19 in Germany

How to cut asymptomatic virus spread.
ZDF, a major public broadcaster in Germany, assessed that Korea's COVID-19 management, conducting massive inspections daily, is the fastest but hardest way to transparently disclose the confirmed COVID-19 cases.[205] It was now emphasized that it would be necessary to conduct an aggressive test similar to South Korea for COVID-19. Public German broadcaster ARD praised the efficiency of the testing methods developed by South Korea, such as the drive-through COVID-19 screening.[206] Since March 8, Germany has been operating drive-through inspection stations in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, where the number of infected people is increasing. Drive-through inspection stations were also installed in several places in the UK two weeks ago[when?]. Germany has a medical infrastructure capable of testing 16,000 people per day.[207][208][209][210]

The low death rate in South Korea
Bloomberg L.P. analyzed the reason for the low death rate in South Korea. South Korea experienced serious difficulties during the outbreak of MERS in 2015 due to a lack of test kits. Afterwards, the country approved rapid deployment of COVID-19 test kits, and now they are able to test more than 10,000 people a day. In neighboring Japan, only about 2,700 people in total have been tested for COVID-19 as of March 3. Officials in Seoul operate "drive-thru" testing stations for quick testing. Diagnostics company Seegene Inc. is also exporting its test kits to other countries including China, Europe and the USA.[211][212]

AFP attributed the factors behind the low death rate of South Korea to the rigorous testing and the infected population profile. South Korea's widespread testing leads mild or asymptomatic cases to be identified so the proportion of dying goes down. Moreover, the infected population in the South Korea has a unique profile. Most of the country's infections are linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus and most of its members are young women. Statistics show that the virus is most deadly among older generations and men. So the death rate in South Korea is lower than other countries

Germany and South Korea are having fairly low death rates.

This is not a Right or Left issue, Trump or no Trump.... What is best way to go forward. This can be controlled in a democracy. What should we be doing?
Well, we blew it on the early testing. So now that the horse is out of the barn, what can be done? Do you think a whole bunch of testing now would work?

I disagree that "we blew it on early testing".. You need adequate samples of the virus to even start.. Especially because COVID seemed to come in 2 mutated strains.. The only "glitch" was the CDC "early released" kits that were not reliable and COULD NOT be "scaled up" to the numbers required.

So -- the mountain of PRIVATE expertise was RELEASED by CHANGING bureaucratic procedures, and there were MULTIPLE SOLUTIONS within a span of 3 or 5 weeks... That's the MINIMUM that anyone should expect this to happen...

If China hadn't "rounded up" the med experts there that were TRYING to warn us, we would have gained nearly a 3 or 6 week EARLIER start...

STILL now -- testing should be reserved to those that are symptomatic, working in healthcare, living in med nursing/assisted facilities. There is nothing to gain but ACADEMIC information with blanket testing..
We blew it cause CDC fucked up the test. So, we were unable to test to see early on where infection rates were higher and do early quarantine. So, we have no option but to try and lock down areas, but we are not locking down, or even restricting travel in places like Hou and Fla were there were people ingnoring social distancing. We STILL don't have tests to determine what infection rates are in places like that, let alone in places like Iowa

And if anyone is mildly curious, Trump fired the director of CDC who was there for Ebola and Zika, and hired Fitzgerald who had to resign after it was learned she was trading in tobacco stocks while heading CDC, and Trump briefly brought back the Obama appointee, only to replace him with the current Redfiled, who wrote AIDS is God's punishment for gays … yes that is the person in charge of our response to infectious viruses TODAY
Why? Is Trump's response not relevant to politics? Is Trump somehow arguing his response is a-poltical, as he comments on his "enemies" like Romney and Cuomo?

Now if we wanted a non-political thread only for science/medical news …. but how long would the Trumpanzees let that be?

Can we have a thread that doesn't mention one side or the other... Please keep the finger point out of it...

This is how big is the hole and how bad will it get.

First lets look at US Numbers right now.
View attachment 314944

Lets to Europe Numbers .

View attachment 314942

What can we take...
Europe at 50,000 cases was growing slower (18%) than US is today (mainly in the 30%) (that latest number don't seem to be that clear.).
US are ten days behind Europe on these numbers.

View attachment 314948

This just shows how bad New York have it ...

Comapre this to the smart countries in this
View attachment 314949

Norway, Singapora, South Korea,.....

Spain has it pretty bad but can see they are loading on major testing and have 7000 (0.7% of pop) per million...

Lets look at South Korea:

View attachment 314951

South Korea is democracy and they are probably showing the best way to handle it. They where caught early on but within two weeks they got it down to single digit growth.

So looking at South Korea

Viewing Korea's COVID-19 in Germany

How to cut asymptomatic virus spread.
ZDF, a major public broadcaster in Germany, assessed that Korea's COVID-19 management, conducting massive inspections daily, is the fastest but hardest way to transparently disclose the confirmed COVID-19 cases.[205] It was now emphasized that it would be necessary to conduct an aggressive test similar to South Korea for COVID-19. Public German broadcaster ARD praised the efficiency of the testing methods developed by South Korea, such as the drive-through COVID-19 screening.[206] Since March 8, Germany has been operating drive-through inspection stations in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, where the number of infected people is increasing. Drive-through inspection stations were also installed in several places in the UK two weeks ago[when?]. Germany has a medical infrastructure capable of testing 16,000 people per day.[207][208][209][210]

The low death rate in South Korea
Bloomberg L.P. analyzed the reason for the low death rate in South Korea. South Korea experienced serious difficulties during the outbreak of MERS in 2015 due to a lack of test kits. Afterwards, the country approved rapid deployment of COVID-19 test kits, and now they are able to test more than 10,000 people a day. In neighboring Japan, only about 2,700 people in total have been tested for COVID-19 as of March 3. Officials in Seoul operate "drive-thru" testing stations for quick testing. Diagnostics company Seegene Inc. is also exporting its test kits to other countries including China, Europe and the USA.[211][212]

AFP attributed the factors behind the low death rate of South Korea to the rigorous testing and the infected population profile. South Korea's widespread testing leads mild or asymptomatic cases to be identified so the proportion of dying goes down. Moreover, the infected population in the South Korea has a unique profile. Most of the country's infections are linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus and most of its members are young women. Statistics show that the virus is most deadly among older generations and men. So the death rate in South Korea is lower than other countries

Germany and South Korea are having fairly low death rates.

This is not a Right or Left issue, Trump or no Trump.... What is best way to go forward. This can be controlled in a democracy. What should we be doing?

There are numbers missing, or just not reported. Take those deaths in all those countries above. How many of those people were over say, 50 and what underlying health issues did they have? Same thing I Italy. See, the biggest harm corona virus caused was giving the media something to wring their hands over until hurricane season starts. In the end the govrenments can do nothing about corona virus. That falls on us. Wash your hands, caugh into your elbow, wipe down surfaces, do your social distancing and so on, and most importantly, stop watching cable news.
We STILL don't have tests to determine what infection rates are in places like that, let alone in places like Iowa

Infection rates are ALWAYS gonna be a guesstimate. No way of telling how many infected were asymptomic AFTER they "recover".. Or how many misdiagnosed cases there were for peeps with mild symptoms that were NOT differentiated from "normal" flu/allergy seasons diseases..

Can't test asymptomatic peeps right now for "academic" reasons..

Can we have a thread that doesn't mention one side or the other... Please keep the finger point out of it...

This is how big is the hole and how bad will it get.

First lets look at US Numbers right now.
View attachment 314944

Lets to Europe Numbers .

View attachment 314942

What can we take...
Europe at 50,000 cases was growing slower (18%) than US is today (mainly in the 30%) (that latest number don't seem to be that clear.).
US are ten days behind Europe on these numbers.

View attachment 314948

This just shows how bad New York have it ...

Comapre this to the smart countries in this
View attachment 314949

Norway, Singapora, South Korea,.....

Spain has it pretty bad but can see they are loading on major testing and have 7000 (0.7% of pop) per million...

Lets look at South Korea:

View attachment 314951

South Korea is democracy and they are probably showing the best way to handle it. They where caught early on but within two weeks they got it down to single digit growth.

So looking at South Korea

Viewing Korea's COVID-19 in Germany

How to cut asymptomatic virus spread.
ZDF, a major public broadcaster in Germany, assessed that Korea's COVID-19 management, conducting massive inspections daily, is the fastest but hardest way to transparently disclose the confirmed COVID-19 cases.[205] It was now emphasized that it would be necessary to conduct an aggressive test similar to South Korea for COVID-19. Public German broadcaster ARD praised the efficiency of the testing methods developed by South Korea, such as the drive-through COVID-19 screening.[206] Since March 8, Germany has been operating drive-through inspection stations in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, where the number of infected people is increasing. Drive-through inspection stations were also installed in several places in the UK two weeks ago[when?]. Germany has a medical infrastructure capable of testing 16,000 people per day.[207][208][209][210]

The low death rate in South Korea
Bloomberg L.P. analyzed the reason for the low death rate in South Korea. South Korea experienced serious difficulties during the outbreak of MERS in 2015 due to a lack of test kits. Afterwards, the country approved rapid deployment of COVID-19 test kits, and now they are able to test more than 10,000 people a day. In neighboring Japan, only about 2,700 people in total have been tested for COVID-19 as of March 3. Officials in Seoul operate "drive-thru" testing stations for quick testing. Diagnostics company Seegene Inc. is also exporting its test kits to other countries including China, Europe and the USA.[211][212]

AFP attributed the factors behind the low death rate of South Korea to the rigorous testing and the infected population profile. South Korea's widespread testing leads mild or asymptomatic cases to be identified so the proportion of dying goes down. Moreover, the infected population in the South Korea has a unique profile. Most of the country's infections are linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus and most of its members are young women. Statistics show that the virus is most deadly among older generations and men. So the death rate in South Korea is lower than other countries

Germany and South Korea are having fairly low death rates.

This is not a Right or Left issue, Trump or no Trump.... What is best way to go forward. This can be controlled in a democracy. What should we be doing?
Well, we blew it on the early testing. So now that the horse is out of the barn, what can be done? Do you think a whole bunch of testing now would work?

I disagree that "we blew it on early testing".. You need adequate samples of the virus to even start.. Especially because COVID seemed to come in 2 mutated strains.. The only "glitch" was the CDC "early released" kits that were not reliable and COULD NOT be "scaled up" to the numbers required.

So -- the mountain of PRIVATE expertise was RELEASED by CHANGING bureaucratic procedures, and there were MULTIPLE SOLUTIONS within a span of 3 or 5 weeks... That's the MINIMUM that anyone should expect this to happen...

If China hadn't "rounded up" the med experts there that were TRYING to warn us, we would have gained nearly a 3 or 6 week EARLIER start...

STILL now -- testing should be reserved to those that are symptomatic, working in healthcare, living in med nursing/assisted facilities. There is nothing to gain but ACADEMIC information with blanket testing..
We blew it cause CDC fucked up the test. So, we were unable to test to see early on where infection rates were higher and do early quarantine. So, we have no option but to try and lock down areas, but we are not locking down, or even restricting travel in places like Hou and Fla were there were people ingnoring social distancing. We STILL don't have tests to determine what infection rates are in places like that, let alone in places like Iowa

And if anyone is mildly curious, Trump fired the director of CDC who was there for Ebola and Zika, and hired Fitzgerald who had to resign after it was learned she was trading in tobacco stocks while heading CDC, and Trump briefly brought back the Obama appointee, only to replace him with the current Redfiled, who wrote AIDS is God's punishment for gays … yes that is the person in charge of our response to infectious viruses TODAY

Don't know what part of houston you are in, but in my part no one is doing shit. I can make down town in 15 minutes at 7:30 AM for the fact no one is on the roads. The rest of the post is drivel.
And if anyone is mildly curious, Trump fired the director of CDC who was there for Ebola and Zika, and hired Fitzgerald who had to resign after it was learned she was trading in tobacco stocks while heading CDC, and Trump briefly brought back the Obama appointee, only to replace him with the current Redfiled, who wrote AIDS is God's punishment for gays … yes that is the person in charge of our response to infectious viruses TODAY

You talking about White House NSC advisors?? Should have been sent back to the NIH and CDC to work their REAL jobs.. Which is what happened when the NSC staff was reduced BACK to realistic levels..

Let's NOT make THIS thread political --- OK???? Can you comment on the crisis around you WITHOUT being a partisan whore????

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