Lets Summarize Obama's Good Legacy...OK, Thats About All Of It


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Obama is demonstrably the worst President the USA has EVER had EVER in its entire history to include the short period of the Articles of Confederation.

He used up his legislative advantage of his first two years to pass the biggest disaster in economic reform that the modern world has ever witnessed outside of fascist or communist totalitarian regimes, which is a pretty low fucking bar, dude.

But Obamacare, the big signature item of the Obama 8 year regime is kaput, over, done, nada, zip-ity-doo-dah-done. Nothing to be left but the subsidized abortions.

Obamas executive orders he has ruled with for 4 years are all going to be reversed with the stroke of a pen in about the first fifteen minutes of Trump being in the White House.

His rule has been so bad and resented by normal Americans that his successor lost by an Electoral College landslide. Obama sucks so bad, you couldnt put enough lipstick on that pig to pass for anything that wouldnt make most people reflexively puke.

So what that is Good and positive for this nation has Obama accomplished?


But here is a more in depth look at he scandals and fuckups of the Obama Regime for the past eight years, just in case you have forgotten.

'Legacy': 10 Ways Barack Obama Broke the American System

1. The stimulus. On the campaign trail, Obama promised a $50 billion stimulus and criticized George W. Bush for building up the national debt. In office, Obama passed a nearly $1 trillion stimulus, over Republican objections, that failed to keep unemployment from below 8% (as promised), and went largely to pet projects and state and local governments. The profligate spending shocked voters who feared that the country was now on an irreversible path to fiscal ruin. The Tea Party was born.

2. Fast and Furious. The Obama administration smuggled guns across the Mexican border, ostensibly to trace them to drug cartels. Unlike the Bush administration’s Wide Receiver, Obama’s Operation Fast and Furious happened without the Mexican government’s knowledge. The likely goal was to create a pretext for reducing gun ownership in the U.S. It led to the murders of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexicans. Afterwards, Obama used “executive privilege” to cover it up.

3. Betraying allies. Obama picked public fights with Israel in a deliberate effort to establish “distance” between the allies. He also broke agreements with the Czechs and the Poles on missile defense, infamously informing the Polish prime minister on the 70th anniversary of the Katyn Massacre. He snubbed the British in ways small (returning a Churchill bust) and big (using the Argentinian term “Malvinas” for the Falklands). And he spied on foreign allies, including Germany’s Angela Merkel.

4. Obamacare. The sweeping plan for “universal” health insurance sought, fundamentally, to make individuals dependent on the state, the better to open the door to even more sweeping changes. But it was the process of passing the bill that caused the real damage. To pass Obamacare, Obama bent and broke procedural rules; lied, repeatedly, about the policy; disguised a tax as a fee; and bullied the Supreme Court into compliance. It was the first major entitlement passed without bipartisan support.

5. Debt ceiling. Few of the Republicans who rode the Tea Party wave in 2010 made an issue out of the debt ceiling. But the Obama administration believed that a confrontation would help it regain full control of Congress. So it picked a fight over the debt, and forced a confrontation in the summer of 2011 that brought the country to the brink of default. Obama scuttled a “grand bargain” with Republicans by demanding higher taxes. The result: a hated budget “sequester” and a credit downgrade......

History will record Obama as the high point of Libtardism and the lowest point in American power, wealth and prestige globally.

Obama is demonstrably the worst President the USA has EVER had EVER in its entire history to include the short period of the Articles of Confederation.

He used up his legislative advantage of his first two years to pass the biggest disaster in economic reform that the modern world has ever witnessed outside of fascist or communist totalitarian regimes, which is a pretty low fucking bar, dude.

But Obamacare, the big signature item of the Obama 8 year regime is kaput, over, done, nada, zip-ity-doo-dah-done. Nothing to be left but the subsidized abortions.

Obamas executive orders he has ruled with for 4 years are all going to be reversed with the stroke of a pen in about the first fifteen minutes of Trump being in the White House.

His rule has been so bad and resented by normal Americans that his successor lost by an Electoral College landslide. Obama sucks so bad, you couldnt put enough lipstick on that pig to pass for anything that wouldnt make most people reflexively puke.

So what that is Good and positive for this nation has Obama accomplished?


But here is a more in depth look at he scandals and fuckups of the Obama Regime for the past eight years, just in case you have forgotten.

'Legacy': 10 Ways Barack Obama Broke the American System

1. The stimulus. On the campaign trail, Obama promised a $50 billion stimulus and criticized George W. Bush for building up the national debt. In office, Obama passed a nearly $1 trillion stimulus, over Republican objections, that failed to keep unemployment from below 8% (as promised), and went largely to pet projects and state and local governments. The profligate spending shocked voters who feared that the country was now on an irreversible path to fiscal ruin. The Tea Party was born.

2. Fast and Furious. The Obama administration smuggled guns across the Mexican border, ostensibly to trace them to drug cartels. Unlike the Bush administration’s Wide Receiver, Obama’s Operation Fast and Furious happened without the Mexican government’s knowledge. The likely goal was to create a pretext for reducing gun ownership in the U.S. It led to the murders of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexicans. Afterwards, Obama used “executive privilege” to cover it up.

3. Betraying allies. Obama picked public fights with Israel in a deliberate effort to establish “distance” between the allies. He also broke agreements with the Czechs and the Poles on missile defense, infamously informing the Polish prime minister on the 70th anniversary of the Katyn Massacre. He snubbed the British in ways small (returning a Churchill bust) and big (using the Argentinian term “Malvinas” for the Falklands). And he spied on foreign allies, including Germany’s Angela Merkel.

4. Obamacare. The sweeping plan for “universal” health insurance sought, fundamentally, to make individuals dependent on the state, the better to open the door to even more sweeping changes. But it was the process of passing the bill that caused the real damage. To pass Obamacare, Obama bent and broke procedural rules; lied, repeatedly, about the policy; disguised a tax as a fee; and bullied the Supreme Court into compliance. It was the first major entitlement passed without bipartisan support.

5. Debt ceiling. Few of the Republicans who rode the Tea Party wave in 2010 made an issue out of the debt ceiling. But the Obama administration believed that a confrontation would help it regain full control of Congress. So it picked a fight over the debt, and forced a confrontation in the summer of 2011 that brought the country to the brink of default. Obama scuttled a “grand bargain” with Republicans by demanding higher taxes. The result: a hated budget “sequester” and a credit downgrade......

History will record Obama as the high point of Libtardism and the lowest point in American power, wealth and prestige globally.

View attachment 103268

Damn that was a great meme!! They will never show their faces. The word is Coward, but if there is anything better to describe the depth of their stupidity, oh God please tell me I'd love to use it. lol
Some people are very happy about his presidency. Jimmy Carter for instance is ecstatic. He has been considered the worst president since he left office and now he may lose that title.
When he laughed about his "shovel-ready" jobs never materializing, I threw a shoe at the TV...lucky for the TV (and me) I missed high and a little to the right. The second time I readied a shoe to wing at his smirking face, my lady jumped in front of the TV like a hockey goalie...I damn near pissed myself laughing.
Obama was a classy, responsible warden of the republic. He took over after an absolute disaster of a Presidency that helped collapse the entire world's economy (dubya), and managed us through the storm.

And less than 10 years later this country, that's apparently full of incomparably stupid morons, voted to turn us around and go back to finishing the job the neo-cons started. What a shame.
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president
The only thing the meat puppet faggot did I can agree with was declining to undermine the pot legalization I CO and WA.

Otherwise I wish he hadn't missed Roe V. Wade.

Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president

Obama killed Bin Laden? I thought we had photographic evidence of a faked photo of Obama in the "ready room" of the white house watching as seal team 6 got Bin Laden.

If Obama got Bin Laden, Bush got Saddam.
Obama was a classy, responsible warden of the republic. He took over after an absolute disaster of a Presidency that helped collapse the entire world's economy (dubya), and managed us through the storm.

And less than 10 years later this country, that's apparently full of incomparably stupid morons, voted to turn us around and go back to finishing the job the neo-cons started. What a shame.
The only shame is that lying douches like you still breathe.
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president

Obama killed Bin Laden? I thought we had photographic evidence of a faked photo of Obama in the "ready room" of the white house watching as seal team 6 got Bin Laden.

If Obama got Bin Laden, Bush got Saddam.
He ordered it.....Same thing as pulling the trigger

Yes...Bush got Saddam
Cost 6000 American lives to do it
Obama is really the epitome of the well educated maladaptive idiot.

He and his allies passed the Affordable Care Act with not a bit of Republican support or input. They wrote that piece of legislation all of their own imagination and disdained any input from other perspectives on the problem, a foolish endeavor if there ever was one, especially legislation with such broad impact.

He has contented himself with going around Congress using highly reversible Executive Orders when he could have use a little compromise and at least attained half a loaf of what he wanted that was codified into actual law.

But no, he did none of that because he is so full of himself and his celebrated genius that his arrogance undid everything he tried to achieve.

After his long midnight regime has completed its foul internally driven destruction, he has achieved the destruction of our allies, the complete disorganization and chaos in the Middle East that that region has not seen for centuries, and he has made the USA and our Western allies the laughing stock of the world socially, economically and militarily.

Barrak Hussein Obama will go down in history as most certainly our President who had the lest to show for his eight full years of office, the biggest fool and loser, and the worst walking calamity to have ever crossed the White House threshold with his shadow.

Thank God that George Washington had the foresight to leave the tradition of a US President only serving two terms that was later codified into the Constitution by amendment.

Only 25 days of this odious regime remaining.
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president

Obama killed Bin Laden? I thought we had photographic evidence of a faked photo of Obama in the "ready room" of the white house watching as seal team 6 got Bin Laden.

If Obama got Bin Laden, Bush got Saddam.
He ordered it.....Same thing as pulling the trigger

Yes...Bush got Saddam
Cost 6000 American lives to do it
LIes, all.
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president

Obama killed Bin Laden? I thought we had photographic evidence of a faked photo of Obama in the "ready room" of the white house watching as seal team 6 got Bin Laden.

If Obama got Bin Laden, Bush got Saddam.
He ordered it.....Same thing as pulling the trigger

Yes...Bush got Saddam
Cost 6000 American lives to do it
It took Intel received through water boarding to get bin Laden. Thanks president Bush.
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president

Obama killed Bin Laden? I thought we had photographic evidence of a faked photo of Obama in the "ready room" of the white house watching as seal team 6 got Bin Laden.

If Obama got Bin Laden, Bush got Saddam.
He ordered it.....Same thing as pulling the trigger

Yes...Bush got Saddam
Cost 6000 American lives to do it
LIes, all.

Obama did not get bin Laden? It was in all the papers
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president

Obama killed Bin Laden? I thought we had photographic evidence of a faked photo of Obama in the "ready room" of the white house watching as seal team 6 got Bin Laden.

If Obama got Bin Laden, Bush got Saddam.
He ordered it.....Same thing as pulling the trigger

Yes...Bush got Saddam
Cost 6000 American lives to do it
It took Intel received through water boarding to get bin Laden. Thanks president Bush.
Disproven as soon as Republicans started saying it

If Bush waterboarding was so effective....why didn't Bush kill him?
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president

Obama killed Bin Laden? I thought we had photographic evidence of a faked photo of Obama in the "ready room" of the white house watching as seal team 6 got Bin Laden.

If Obama got Bin Laden, Bush got Saddam.
He ordered it.....Same thing as pulling the trigger

Yes...Bush got Saddam
Cost 6000 American lives to do it
It took Intel received through water boarding to get bin Laden. Thanks president Bush.
Disproven as soon as Republicans started saying it

If Bush waterboarding was so effective....why didn't Bush kill him?
Panetta thinks differently.
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president
Stopped a Depression
More than doubled the stock market
Cut unemployment by over 5 %
Added $55 trillion to our nations wealth
Passed Obamacare
Killed bin Laden
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

Top TEN president

Obama killed Bin Laden? I thought we had photographic evidence of a faked photo of Obama in the "ready room" of the white house watching as seal team 6 got Bin Laden.

If Obama got Bin Laden, Bush got Saddam.
He ordered it.....Same thing as pulling the trigger

Yes...Bush got Saddam
Cost 6000 American lives to do it
LIes, all.

Obama did not get bin Laden? It was in all the papers
Ofagbo got no one.

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