Let's Take A Poll Of Minimum Wage Workers In Here

Do You Currently Work For

  • Minimum Wage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less Than Minimum Wage

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Barely More Than Minimum Wage

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • What's Minimum Wage?

    Votes: 10 83.3%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Be honest

BTW, I'm not interested in those who make substantially more than minimum wage for the purposes of this poll and discussion (if any)
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I made minimum wage when I was a kid. Then I went to work every day on time, did my job, didn't complain or start drama and got some valuable references to my work ethic. In addition to working many hours to pay my bills, I went to school to learn a trade.

That was several years ago. Now, I made substantially more than minimum wage and enjoy a middle class existence in the greatest country in the world.

That's how it is supposed to be done. Anyone older than 25 and still making minimum wage has made some terrible personal decisions. You aren't supposed to be making minimum wage at 32 with four kids in diapers running around bitching about no child support from their baby daddies and how the government NEEDS to do this and this and this for me and how you are entitled to this and...
OH, and I shouldn't have to pay for YOUR terrible decisions.

That's all.
Be honest

BTW, I'm not interested in those who make substantially more than minimum wage for the purposes of this poll and discussion (if any)

You forgot an option, which I suspect probably fits most people who post on these type boards

D) what is working for a living?
I want to know what's driving this minimum wage debate.

Does anybody in here honestly work for Minimum Wage?

Be honest..... Anybody?

That's what I thought. dimocraps are just getting their marching orders from OFA and polluting this Board with their bullshit propaganda messages.
I want to know what's driving this minimum wage debate.

Does anybody in here honestly work for Minimum Wage?

Be honest..... Anybody?

That's what I thought. dimocraps are just getting their marching orders from OFA and polluting this Board with their bullshit propaganda messages.

I'm a conservative who believes that raising the minimum wage would allow us to cut welfare benefits without seeing people who are trying to work suffer.

Those who just don't want to work, I say we just take their benefits right now
I used to make minimum wage ($2.10 an hour)

I was able to pay my way through college just working summers. Why can't kids do that today?

1. Should have studied harder in high school and gotten a scholarship
2. The school you are attending costs too much, you should have chosen a more affordable school.
3. You are terrible with money.
4. You didn't work enough in the summer. Should have gotten two jobs.
5. Are you sure college is right for you?
6. Did you look into all the grants available?
7. Do you really need that xbox and car payment?
8. You could live at home for free, but chose to share a house with your buddies.
9. More Ramen Noodles and less bar tabs.
10. Work-study
11. You didn't wrap it up, now you have a kid.

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I used to make minimum wage ($2.10 an hour)

I was able to pay my way through college just working summers. Why can't kids do that today?

Because the government via grants has driven up tuition.
Most students today are getting financial assistance. Most.
And many of these also get free room and board. and even living expenses.
And then they quit.
And then they bitch about minimum wage.
I want to know what's driving this minimum wage debate.

Does anybody in here honestly work for Minimum Wage?

Be honest..... Anybody?

That's what I thought. dimocraps are just getting their marching orders from OFA and polluting this Board with their bullshit propaganda messages.

Then if no one works for minimum wage, there is no harm in raising it. Right? It won't change a thing. Right?

Do you think through the shit you say before you type it out?
I used to make minimum wage ($2.10 an hour)

I was able to pay my way through college just working summers. Why can't kids do that today?

Because the government via grants has driven up tuition.
Most students today are getting financial assistance. Most.
And many of these also get free room and board. and even living expenses.
And then they quit.
And then they bitch about minimum wage.

I used to make minimum wage ($2.10 an hour)

If I worked all year, I could afford a brand new car at the end of the year

Why can't a minimum wage do that any more?
I used to make minimum wage ($2.10 an hour)

I was able to pay my way through college just working summers. Why can't kids do that today?

I went to the U of OK, 1982. It was 21 dollars a credit hour with the health care fee. Today it ten times more.
The most expensive college was the U of Ark. It was 68 dollars a credit hour in 1988. Now it's over 200 dollars a credit hour, but now that I am close to 65 I am getting excited. You can attend the U of Ark for free.
You all got the wrong terminology going on.

Talking minimum wage implies that an inexperienced worker could be hired at a certain dollar amount with the expectation that over time and with experience, wages would rise with in the same job to a level that a living could be made.

In other words, that was the minimum wage you would earn with this employer for that work.

What we are really talking about is subsistence wages.

When a person works years as a good employee and still can't earn enough to pay their own way in the world.

In other words, they barely subsist.

Big difference, though most all of you right wingers won't see it.

Walmart pays subsistence wages for most employees.. GM has a minimum wage start for a job with the ability to earn a living wage over time.

Entirely different.

Most of you want the low wage employers to be able to pay subsistence wages. And most do.
That's why full time employees still qualify for food, housing and heat assistance from the government.
I used to make minimum wage ($2.10 an hour)

I could have afforded an apartment for half of what I made on minimum wage each month (my first apartment was $165 a month)

Why can't you do that today?
Wife makes little more than Min Wage. If you want to break down what I get you can. 720$ a month. Its disability so whatever I don't really consider it a wage...Fortunately wife is in a job I know for a fact she can advance in because my SIL used to do it and was making 3$ more with a little experience in it.

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