Let's take off our Partisan Shades about the IRS scandal.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
1) The IRS is a private corporation, with a mere facade of government oversight. All revenues collected by the IRS go directly to the Federal Reserve (another private corporation) to pay the interest on the US debt. For more information of the practices of private centralized banking, read Andrew Jackon's veto message that denied the renewal of the 2nd Bank of the United States charter.

2) Government is absolutely massive, it is a Levithan. It does not work the people of the United States at all, it works for the private centralized banks and mega-multi-national corporations.

3) It is most likely that OBAMA DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THESE ACTIVITIES. Obama is a figurehead of a 2-Party illusion. This was evidenced during Rand Paul's filibuster. Every Statist from John Mccain to Dick Durbin united against him. Democratic Senator Wyden (from Oregon) and Republcian Senator Rand Paul (and other Libertarians) came together and united against the Statists.

4) Repeat: Obama most likely did NOT know anything about these scandals.

5) So who did know about them, who authorized them? Probably the same people who have labeled the End the Fed movement (aka Occupy Wall Street), Libertarians, Gun Enthusiants, Constitutionalists and Sovereign Citizens to be terrorists. In other words anyone who threatens the corporate oligarchy and banking cabals.

6) This scandals is just the tip of the iceberg of an overwhelming international police and survellaince state. Do some of your own research, get out of the corporate media bubble, turn to alternative sources of news, you'll realize just how bad it is.

Obama is innocent in the IRS scandal.

Obama is also a weak and powerless figurehead who has no true authority, neither has any US President since 1913 (creation of the Federal Reserve, income tax and the destruction of State Sovereingty (17th Amendment)).

The Presidency is a figurehead of an illusion; a dream within a nightmare.
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