Let's talk about all the people the Clintons have murdered

All those the Clintons have murdered are rising up against them.

From the beyond they will get their revenge.

Have no doubt.
What I know for sure about the Clintons is that they will definitely go to hell. There, they will meet all the Democrats who voted for them.
AsTrump has proven he is an evil man with permitting pollution, pardoning racist criminals and now wants to expel the the children of illegal immigrants BORN IN THIS COUNTRY.
Condemnation has been coming in from both sides hot and heavy.
DT is without a doubt the worst human being ever elected president.
Hands down.
You're an idiot. The Dreamers were not born in this country, they were brought in as children.

A person born in the United States is a citizen and can't be deported.

That's in the Constitution, dumbass.
Yet your idiot inchief has stated he wants to expel the dreamers.
You don't know that either do you. There is SO much you don't know.
What I know for sure about the Clintons is that they will definitely go to hell. There, they will meet all the Democrats who voted for them.
AsTrump has proven he is an evil man with permitting pollution, pardoning racist criminals and now wants to expel the the children of illegal immigrants BORN IN THIS COUNTRY.
Condemnation has been coming in from both sides hot and heavy.
DT is without a doubt the worst human being ever elected president.
Hands down.
You're an idiot. The Dreamers were not born in this country, they were brought in as children.

A person born in the United States is a citizen and can't be deported.

That's in the Constitution, dumbass.
Yet your idiot inchief has stated he wants to expel the dreamers.
You don't know that either do you. There is SO much you don't know.
He is thinking about it, but hasn't made a decision.
What I know for sure about the Clintons is that they will definitely go to hell. There, they will meet all the Democrats who voted for them.
AsTrump has proven he is an evil man with permitting pollution, pardoning racist criminals and now wants to expel the the children of illegal immigrants BORN IN THIS COUNTRY.
Condemnation has been coming in from both sides hot and heavy.
DT is without a doubt the worst human being ever elected president.
Hands down.
You're an idiot. The Dreamers were not born in this country, they were brought in as children.

A person born in the United States is a citizen and can't be deported.

That's in the Constitution, dumbass.
Yet your idiot inchief has stated he wants to expel the dreamers.
You don't know that either do you. There is SO much you don't know.
He is thinking about it, but hasn't made a decision.
Even thinking about it shows what kind of human being he is.
He's scum of the highest order.
Thus the 56% number that think he's ruining the country.
I've seen many interviews with trump supporters saying they've had enough. Incompetence, meanness and actually defiant in learning the job.
I've also seen some say there isn't ANYTHING he could do where he would lose their support.
That number is dwindling eroding badly thankGod.
I heard on the radio that people who know the Clintons have an average life expectancy that is well below the life expectancy of people who don't know the Clintons.

I heard that the life expectancy in countries which aren't friendly with the US is much lower than that of other countries, Iraq, Venezuela, Iran etc.
That is probably true, which is probably a good reason for people not to mess with us.

But then, you see it from the bully boy point of view. But then you attack people, people attack back. Then you cry that they're attacking you, and how bad they are.

Are Muslims bad for fighting BACK? They didn't start it, the US is nowhere near the Middle East, and yet the US has troops stationed all over, bombed all over, invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, done all this stuff. The US has caused far more problems than Muslims, and yet people like you will come out and say how bad the Muslims are.
I heard on the radio that people who know the Clintons have an average life expectancy that is well below the life expectancy of people who don't know the Clintons.

I heard that the life expectancy in countries which aren't friendly with the US is much lower than that of other countries, Iraq, Venezuela, Iran etc.
That is probably true, which is probably a good reason for people not to mess with us.

But then, you see it from the bully boy point of view. But then you attack people, people attack back. Then you cry that they're attacking you, and how bad they are.

Are Muslims bad for fighting BACK? They didn't start it, the US is nowhere near the Middle East, and yet the US has troops stationed all over, bombed all over, invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, done all this stuff. The US has caused far more problems than Muslims, and yet people like you will come out and say how bad the Muslims are.
The Muslims are BAD. It's because of their backwards religion, which actually discourages them from getting an education or thinking for themselves. My useless ex-brother-in-law is a Muslim, he used to beat up my sister and finally she left him after he threw a vase at her head. According to the Muslim religion, he was entitled to beat and hurt her. My sister's Muslim neighbors wouldn't let them use their phones to call the police.
I heard on the radio that people who know the Clintons have an average life expectancy that is well below the life expectancy of people who don't know the Clintons.

I heard that the life expectancy in countries which aren't friendly with the US is much lower than that of other countries, Iraq, Venezuela, Iran etc.
That is probably true, which is probably a good reason for people not to mess with us.

But then, you see it from the bully boy point of view. But then you attack people, people attack back. Then you cry that they're attacking you, and how bad they are.

Are Muslims bad for fighting BACK? They didn't start it, the US is nowhere near the Middle East, and yet the US has troops stationed all over, bombed all over, invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, done all this stuff. The US has caused far more problems than Muslims, and yet people like you will come out and say how bad the Muslims are.
The Muslims are BAD. It's because of their backwards religion, which actually discourages them from getting an education or thinking for themselves. My useless ex-brother-in-law is a Muslim, he used to beat up my sister and finally she left him after he threw a vase at her head. According to the Muslim religion, he was entitled to beat and hurt her. My sister's Muslim neighbors wouldn't let them use their phones to call the police.

Are Muslims WORSE than Americans?

Americans don't need a backwards Americans, as you basically pointed to that America is a bully boy. Oil is the US's religion.

In the last 20 years Muslim countries have invaded about 0 countries. The US has invaded 2. The US has bombed plenty of countries and Muslims have also bombed, usually in a different manner though.

What I usually see on forums like this is that Muslims are a group. If one Muslim kills, ALL Muslims are responsible, ALL Muslims are bad. If one American kills, that American is an individual who in no way represents the rest of America.

Do you see the hypocrisy here?

Okay, your ex-brother in law is a Muslim and used to beat his wife. I have friends who are Muslims who would never do that. My other half's brother in law is NOT Muslim, not even religious, and has beaten his wife.

So what? Your little anecdotes don't add to this debate at all. There are bad people in all areas, that doesn't mean all are.

According to Muslim law.... but then again in many Muslim countries beating someone up will land you in prison. I am not a fan of Islam, I actually disdain most religions, and Islam is one of the worst, but that doesn't mean Muslims are bad people. Often their countries are backwards because they lack a lot of stuff. If you go to CHRISTIAN countries in a similar situation, say Latin America or Africa, you can find the same shit.
You're ready to believe anything about Trump, but even as the bodies pile up around the Clintons, you refuse to believe they had anything to do with it.
After 25 years with no real proof, you're just being "the boy who cried 'wolf'". That's why.

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